Submitted Names with "chosen" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword chosen.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ajllita f Aymara
Means "selected, chosen" in Aymara.
Akllasisa f Quechua
Means "chosen flower" in Quechua, from akllakuy, "to choose" and sisa, "flower".
Akllasumaq f Quechua
Means "beautiful chosen one" in Quechua, from akllakuy, "to choose" and sumaq, "beautiful".
Arachie m & f Igbo
Possibly means "to have chosen a portion ahead of another; to supplant" in Igbo.
Bhira m Mandaean
Means "chosen" in Mandaic.
Electa f English
Taken from the word “elected” meaning "chosen". ... [more]
Eletta f Italian
Italian form of Electa, or directly from the Italian vocabulary word meaning "elected, chosen". It belonged to the mother of Petrarch.
Erotokritos m Greek, Literature
Means "the one who is tortured by love" or "chosen by love", from Greek ἔρως (erôs) "love" (genitive ἔρωτος (erôtos); see Eros) and κριτός (kritos) "separated, picked out, chosen"... [more]
Finidy m & f Malagasy
Means "chosen" in Malagasy.
Fravartiš m Old Persian
Means "protective spirit, guardian angel" in Old Persian, possibly derived from fravarti meaning "chosen", or from Avestan frauuar meaning "to protect".
Fula-ngenge m Kongo
1) "one who is chosen by GOD to control the destiny of those who are less fortunate" in Lingala... [more]
Hlawuleka m & f Tsonga
Means "unique" or "chooseable, chosen" in Xitsonga.
Khethiwe f African, Zulu
Means "chosen, the one who is chosen" in Zulu.
Lystra f English (Rare)
From the name of an ancient town of Asia Minor, the origins of which are uncertain. In Acts in the New Testament, Lystra (then a Roman colōnia) was "one chief scene of the preaching of Paul and Barnabas", as well as the likely hometown of Paul's "chosen companion and fellow missionary" Timothy... [more]
Mouktar m Arabic
Means "chosen" in Arabic.
Mujtaba m Arabic
Means "the chosen one, the selected one" in Arabic. This is one of the titles of Muhammad.
Mukhethwa m & f Venda
Means "the chosen one" in Tshivenda.
Ndakasharwa f Shona
Means "I have been chosen" in Shona.
Ninšatapada f Ancient Near Eastern, Sumerian
Means "Lady Chosen by (means of) the Heart (Omens)", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("queen, mistress") and saĝ ("to chose"). Name borne by a high-priestess of Meslamta-ea (fl... [more]
Onesikritos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ὄνησις (onesis) meaning "use, profit, advantage, good luck" and κριτός (kritos) meaning "picked out, chosen" or "choice, excellent".
Optatus m Late Roman, History
Roman cognomen which was derived from Latin optatus, which can mean "wished for, longed for, desired, pleasing" as well as "chosen, selected". It is ultimately derived from the Latin verb opto, which can mean "to wish for, to desire" as well as "to choose, to select"... [more]
Optimus m Ancient Roman, Ancient Greek (Latinized), Popular Culture
Means "excellent" in Ancient Latin. Its etymology is uncertain. It can derive from the Greek root opti- meaning 'light, sight'. Another possible etimology is from Ancient Latin optàre "to choose, to desire" with the meaning of "the chosen one, the superior one"... [more]
Osazee m Edo
This is a religious name. It deals with Osanobua, the creator god, intervention from Edo mythology. There are different meanings apparently. In the case of Osazee one is "God's chosen one." Another case for Osazee is "Osanobua has reconciled us." In the case of Osaze its "God delivered me." In the Osaze situation it deals with conflict and family stress... [more]
Saylan f Uzbek
Means "chosen" in Uzbek.
Seçil f Turkish
Means "chosen" in Turkish.
Seledebo m & f Ijaw
Means "the chosen one" in Ijaw.
Setepenre f Ancient Egyptian
Means "Chosen of Re" in Egyptian. This was the name of the sixth and youngest daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti.
Sikhethiwe f Ndebele
Means "we are chosen" in Ndebele.
Ufrin m Ancient Berber, Berber (Rare)
Means "chosen" in Amazigh.
Urzage m Sumerian
Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving from the Sumerian elements 𒌨 ur ("servant, warrior"), and zàg ("to choose, chosen").