French (Quebec) Submitted Names

These names are a subset of French names used more often in the province of Quebec in Canada. See also about French names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Neige f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Quebec)
Derived from French neige "snow". The name is ultimately derived from the title of the Virgin Mary Notre-Dame des Neiges "Our Lady of the Snows" (compare Nieves).
Obéline f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), English (Canadian, Rare, Archaic)
Means "spit, nail, rod, pointed pillar, horizontal line". From the Greek obelos (ὀβελός) with the French diminutive ending of -ine, -ie, or -ia.
Odélie f French (Quebec, Rare), French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Odelia 1, which is a variant of Odilia. Also compare Odalie and Odilie.
Odia f American (South), French (Acadian, Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic), Louisiana Creole
Variant of Odéa and cognate of Odea. This name was borne by singer Odia Coates (1941–1991).
Osilda f French (Quebec, Archaic), English (American, Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic Germanic name formed from the name elments os "god" and hild "battle".
Ovila m English, Spanish, French (Quebec)
Meaning unknown, possibly from Latin ovile, meaning "sheepfold."
Parfaite f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), French (African)
French form of Perfecta. Also compare Parfait, which is the masculine equivalent of this name.
Philanise f French (Quebec)
Possible vairant of Philonice
Philias m French (Quebec)
Possible variant of Phileas
Phrosine f French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic), Theatre
Truncated form of Euphrosine. Mélidore et Phrosine (1794) is an opera by the French composer Étienne Méhul. It is considered an important example of early Romantic opera.
Protais m French (Archaic), French (African), French (Quebec, Archaic)
French form of Protasius. This given name is no longer in use in France today, but it still survives in francophone countries in Africa, such as Rwanda.... [more]
Quentine f French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic)
French form of Quintina. Also compare the masculine counterpart Quentin.
Quintilien m French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare)
French form of Quintilianus (see Quintilian).
Quintine f French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare), French (Belgian, Archaic)
French variant form of Quentine, of which the use has not solely been limited to France: it has been used in other francophone regions in the world (such as Québec in Canada and Wallonia in Belgium) and even in non-francophone countries, such as the Netherlands.... [more]
Renaude f French (Quebec)
Feminine form of Renaud.
Rhéal m French (Quebec), French (Acadian)
Possibly a variant of Réal.
Robertine f Medieval French, French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), English (Rare)
Medieval French diminutive of Roberte and feminine form of Robertin. This name was borne by Robertine Barry (1863-1910), a French Canadian journalist and publisher.
Rosée f French (Quebec, Rare)
From French rosée meaning "dew".
Roselaine f French (Quebec), French (Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Roselène, a variant of Roseline and a contraction of Rose and Madelaine.
Sérafine f French (Quebec)
Québécois form of Séraphine.
Souline f French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic)
Originally a local form of Soline found in the Poitou-Charentes region of France.
Staren f French (Quebec)
Of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Styve m French (Quebec)
Québécois form of Stephen.
Symphore m & f French (Archaic), French (African, Rare), French (Quebec, Archaic)
French form of Symphorus (masculine) and Symphora (feminine). This name has always been predominantly used on men, and today there are no known living female bearers.... [more]
Symphorien m French (Rare), French (African), French (Quebec, Archaic), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Symphorianus. Known bearers of this name include the French physician and humanist Symphorien Champier (1471-1539) and the French police chief and senator Symphorien Boittelle (1813-1897).
Symphorin m French (Archaic), French (African, Rare), French (Quebec, Archaic), German (Archaic)
French and German form of Symphorinus. There have probably also been cases where this name is a corruption or a rare variant of Symphorien (French) and Symphorian (German).
Symphorine f French (Rare), French (African, Rare), French (Quebec, Archaic), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Symphorina. There have probably also been cases where this name is a corruption or a rare variant of Symphorienne.
Tesseract m & f Literature (Rare), French (Quebec)
The name of the four-dimensional analogue of the cube.... [more]
Theriault m French (Quebec)
A bearer of the surname from the Angoumois region of France was documented as Thériault or Terriot in Sainte-Famille, Quebec, in 1713, with the secondary surname Granmaison.
Trefflé m French (Quebec)
The name may stem from the word "tréflé," meaning "in the form of a clover," from "trèfle," meaning clover.... [more]
Vaudrée f French, French (Quebec)
A French form of Waldrada. It was borne by a 7th-century saint, the first abbess of Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnais in Metz, France.
Vénéra f French (Quebec, Rare)
Québécois form of Venera.
Vespérine f French (Quebec)
Presumably a feminized form of Vesper. It was used in 'Le Désespoir du singe' (2006-), a series of French-language graphic novels.
Victorique f & m French (Quebec, Rare, Archaic)
When borne by a female, this name is the French form of Victorica, which is the original feminine form of Victoricus. When borne by a male, this name is a variant spelling of Victoric.
Xainte f French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Rare, Archaic)
Variant of Sainte. A notable bearer was Xainte Dupont (1595-1680), an early settler of New France, the wife of settler Zacharie Cloutier (1590-1677), and an ancestress to the Cloutier family of Quebec.
Xydias m French (Quebec, Rare, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname Xydias.
Yacinthe f French (Quebec)
Québécois form of Hyacinthe.
Youville m & f French (Quebec, Rare, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname Youville. This name was given in honor of Saint Marie-Marguerite d'Youville (1701-1771), the first Canadian-born person to be canonized.
Ysaea f French (Quebec), English (Canadian)
Comes from the name Ysé, initially taken in Quebec then spread to Canada.
Zédélia f French (Quebec, Archaic)
Meaning unknown, possibly a form of Sedelia or Cedalie used in Québéc.
Zélatrice f French (Quebec, Archaic)
Possibly a combination of Zéla and Béatrice.
Zérildor m French (Quebec, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a masculine form of Zerilda.
Zilda f French (Quebec)
Short form of Exilda.
Zoel m French (Quebec, Rare)
French form of Zoellus. ... [more]