Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Vasha वशा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Nepali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, AssameseMEANING - willing, obedient, submissive, free, daughter , woman, female elephant ... [
Vasvi वस्वी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, PunjabiMEANING - night; excellent, beneficent , sweet
Vega वेगा f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Indian, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, BengaliMEANING - speed, quickness, velocity, current ( of water ), momentum
Vijendra विजेंद्र m Indian, HindiFrom Sanskrit विजय
(vijaya) meaning "victory" combined with the name of the Hindu god
Vikasini f HindiMeans: Radiant, cheerful. hearty or ungrudging, promoting or inducing cheer , pleasant, bright, bright with joy, hope, etc emitting rays of light, shining, bright, Physics emitted or propagated by radiation, a point or object from which rays proceed, full of cheer , in good spirits, characterized by or expressive of good spirits or cheerfulness
Vinayika विनायिका f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Indian, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, NepaliMEANING - remover of obstacles, female leader, female preceptor, a term for wife of lord Ganesha
Vinit विनीत m Indian, Hindi, MarathiFrom Sanskrit विनीत
(vinita) meaning "well-led, trained, disciplined" or "humble, courteous".
Viplav विप्लव m HindiFrom Sanskrit विप्लव
(viplava) meaning "tumult, revolution".
Viraaj विराज, विराज् m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, BengaliMEANING : Shining, Brilliant. Splendid, ruling far & wide, Sovereign, King
Viran m & f HindiMeans "heroic" and "brave" in Sanskrit.
Visha विषा f Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Sinhalese, Kannada, MalayalamMEANING - Atis tree, Aconite tree(its bark is used as dye), feces, wisdom, intellect
Vishada विशदा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, Indian (Sikh), AssameseMEANING - spotless, brilliant, bright, calm, evident, intelligible, clear, cheerful
Vishadi विशदी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Indian (Sikh), Assamese, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, NepaliFeminine form of
Vishva विश्व m Hinduism, HindiMeans "all, whole, world, universe" in Sanskrit. This is another name for the Hindu god
Vishvas विश्वास m HindiFrom Sanskrit विश्वास
(viśvāsa) meaning "confidence, trust".
Vishwajit विश्वजीत m Indian, Marathi, HindiMeans "conqueror of the universe" from Sanskrit विश्व
(víśva) meaning "world, universe" and जीत
(jīt) meaning "victory".
Vishwanath विश्वनाथ m Indian, Marathi, HindiFrom Sanskrit विश्वनाथ
(vishvanatha) meaning "lord of the universe", derived from विश्व
(vishva) meaning "world, universe" and नाथ
(natha) meaning "master, lord"... [
Vivaan विवान m Indian, HindiMeans "full of life" in Hindi. Alternatively, it may be derived from Sanskrit विवान
(vivāna) meaning "plaiting, twisting". This is a title of the Hindu god Krishna.
Vrinda वृंदा f Hinduism, Hindi, MarathiThis name comes from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit. It is one of the names given to the Hindu goddess Radha, one of the god Vishnu's many lovers. The name is also used for the
Tulsi plant, a sacred plant in Hinduism, because it is said Radha's hair was wavy and luxurious, like the leaves on the plant.
Wikash m HindiWikash (derived from the Hindi name Vikas) means expanding, progress or development in Sanskrit. It is often used as a male name in (Greater) India.
Yatin यतिन, यतीन m Hindi, MarathiFrom Sanskrit यतिन्
(yatin) meaning "ascetic, sage".
Yogendra योगेन्द्र m Indian, HindiFrom Sanskrit योग
(yóga) meaning "joining, attaching" combined with the name of the Hindu god
Yogesh योगेश m Indian, Hindi, Marathi, PunjabiFrom Sanskrit योगेश
(yogesha) meaning "master of yoga", from योग
(yoga) meaning "yoga (a group of spiritual, mental and physical disciplines in Hinduism)" combined with ईश
(īśa) meaning "lord"... [
Yogi योगी m Indian, Hindi, IndonesianFrom a word denoting a practitioner of yoga, a set of Hindu and Buddhist disciplines centred around spiritual insight and tranquility. The word itself is ultimately from Sanskrit योग
(yoga) meaning "yoking, joining, attaching".
Yuvraj युवराज m Indian, Marathi, Hindi, PunjabiDerived from Sanskrit युवराज
(yuvaraja) meaning "heir apparent, crown prince" (literally "young king"), from युवन्
(yuvan) meaning "young" and राज
(raja) meaning "king".
Zimbo जिम्बो m Popular Culture, HindiZimbo is the name of a Tarzan influenced titular character in the eponymous Zimbo Trilogy (1958-66) of Bollywood films by
John Cawas and the Wadia Brothers, although the character first appeared 2 decades earlier, in Toofani
Tarzan (1937).