names were used in various ancient regions.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Tierulf m GermanicThe first element of this name is derived from Old High German
tiuri "expensive", or
tiur "animal." The second element is derived from Gothic
vulfs "wolf."
Tilak m Sanskrit, HinduismTilak (or Tilaka) is the Hindu ritual of marking someone's forehead with a fragrant paste, such as of sandalwood or vermilion, as a welcome and expression of honour when they arrive. ... [
Tilbeorht m Anglo-SaxonFrom the Old English elements
til "good" and
beorht "bright". This was the name of a medieval bishop of Hexham.
Tillius m Ancient RomanLucius Tillius Cimber (died 42 BC) was a Roman senator. He was one of the assassins of Julius Caesar, creating the diversion that enabled the conspirators to attack
Tilræd m Anglo-SaxonDerived from the Old English elements
til "good" and
ræd "advice, counsel, wisdom".
Tīlweald m Anglo-SaxonDerived from the Old English elements
tīl "good" and
weald "powerful, mighty" or "authority, ruler". This name gave rise to the place name Tyldesley in Greater Manchester.
Timagoras m Ancient GreekThe first element of this name is derived from the Greek verb τιμάω
(timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere". The second element is derived from either the Greek verb ἀγορεύω
(agoreuo) meaning "to orate, to speak publicly" or the Greek noun ἀγορά
(agora), which can mean "assembly" as well as "market, marketplace".
Timandros m Ancient GreekDerived from Greek τιμαω
(timao) "to honour, to respect" combined with Greek ανδρος
(andros) meaning "of a man".
Timarchos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek verb τιμάω
(timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with either the Greek noun ἀρχός
(archos) meaning "master, leader" or the Greek noun ἀρχή
(arche) meaning "origin, source".
Timasios m Ancient GreekDoric Greek form of
Timesios, because it contains τίμασις
(timasis), which is the Doric Greek form of the noun τίμησις
(timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation".
Timasitheos m Ancient GreekDoric Greek form of
Timesitheos, because it contains τίμασις
(timasis), which is the Doric Greek form of the noun τίμησις
(timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation".... [
Timesileos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek noun τίμησις
(timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation" combined with the Attic Greek noun λεώς
(leos) meaning "the people" (see
Leos).... [
Timesios m Ancient GreekDerived from Greek τιμήσιος
(timesios), which can be an adjective that means "honourable, valuable" as well as be the genitive of the Greek noun τίμησις
(timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation".
Timesitheos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek noun τίμησις
(timesis) meaning "esteeming, honouring" as well as "estimation, valuation" combined with the Greek noun θεός
(theos) meaning "god".
Timodemos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek elements τιμαω
(timao) "to honour" and δημος
(demos) "the people."
Timokleidas m Ancient GreekMeans "son of Timokles" in Greek, derived from the name
Timokles combined with ίδας
(idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης
(ides).... [
Timokles m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek elements τιμαω
(timao) "to honour" and κλεος
(kleos) "glory."
Timolaos m Ancient GreekAncient Greek name derived from Greek
timao "honor" and
laos "people" meaning "to honor the people".
Timomachos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek verb τιμάω
(timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with the Greek noun μάχη
(mache) meaning "battle".
Timosthenes m Ancient GreekDerived from Greek τιμαω
(timao) "to honour" combined with Greek σθενος
(sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength". This name was borne by an ancient Greek navigator and geographer from the 3rd century BC.
Timostratos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek verb τιμάω
(timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with the Greek noun στρατός
(stratos) meaning "army".
Timoxena f Ancient GreekFeminine form of
Timoxenos. This name was borne by the wife and daughter of the famous Greek historian and philosopher Plutarch (1st century BC).
Timoxenos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek verb τιμάω
(timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere" combined with Greek ξένος
(xenos) meaning "foreign, strange" as well as "foreigner, guest".... [
Tipp m GermanicAnglicized short form of the Germanic name 'Theobald' meaning "Courageous race"
Tirgatao f Scythian (Hellenized)Hellenized form of the Scythian name *
Tigratavā meaning "arrow power". This was the name of a Sindi-Maeotian queen and military leader, in about 430-390 BC.
Tiridata m Old PersianDerived from the name of the Persian god
Tiri combined with Old Persian
dāta, which can mean "law" but also "gave, given" (as past tenses of the verb
dadātuv "to give, to put" - also compare Middle Persian
dādan "to give")... [
Tirweald m Anglo-SaxonDerived from the Old English elements
tīr "fame, glory, honour" and
weald "powerful, mighty" or "authority, leader".
Tisamenos m Ancient Greek, Greek MythologyCan mean "avenging" or "paying honour", a participle form of either τίσις
(tisis) meaning "vengeance, retribution, reprisal" or the related τίω
(tio) meaning "to pay honour (to a person)" (compare
Tisikrates m Ancient GreekMeans "power of vengeance" or "vengeance of power" in Greek. It is derived from the Greek noun τίσις
(tisis) meaning "vengeance, retribution" as well as "payment" combined with the Greek noun κράτος
(kratos) meaning "power".
Tíðfríðr f Old NorseDerived from Old Norse
tíð "time" and
fríðr "beautiful", originally "beloved".
Tíðkumi m Old NorseDerived from Old Norse
tíð "time" and
koma "to come, arrive".
Tiye f Ancient EgyptianTiye was the name of several royal Egyptian women. One of them was Tiye the Great Royal Wife of the Pharaoh
Amenhotep III of Egypt (of the Eighteenth Dynasty 1550-1292 BC)... [
Tlepolemos m Ancient Greek, Greek MythologyDerived from the Greek verb τλάω
(tlao) meaning "to suffer, to endure, to undergo" combined with the Greek noun πόλεμος
(polemos) meaning "war, battle".
Tnúthgal m Old IrishComposed of the Gaelic elements
tnúth "desire, envy" and
gal "valor".
Toa f SanskritThe female first name "Toa" means 'river' or water in the ancient language of Sanskrit.
Tocca f GaulishDerived from Gaulish
tocca, itself of uncertain origin and meaning. The meaning "hat" has been suggested.
Tóla f Old NorseOld Norse short form of names beginning with
Þórl- such as
Þórlaug or
Þórlǫf (i.e., names in which the first element is derived from
Þórr (see
Thor) and the second element begins with
L)... [
Tóli m Old NorseOld Norse pet form of combinations of the first name element
ÞOR and a last name element beginning with
Tolmaios m Ancient GreekDerived from either the Greek noun τόλμα
(tolma) meaning "courage" or the Greek verb τολμάω
(tolmao) meaning "to dare".
Tómi m Old NorseOld Norse short form of names containing the name element
ÞOR and a last element beginning with
Torhthelm m Anglo-SaxonDerived from the Old English elements
torht "bright, shiny" and
helm "helmet".
Torhthere m Anglo-SaxonDerived from the Old English elements
torht "bright, shiny" and
here "army". This was the name of an 8th century Bishop of Hereford.
Torhtræd m Anglo-SaxonDerived from the Old English elements
torht "bright, shiny" and
ræd "advice, counsel, wisdom". This was the name of Torthred of Thorney, a saint and hermit of the 9th century.
Torhtweald m Anglo-SaxonDerived from the Old English elements
torht "bright, shiny" and
weald "powerful, mighty" or "authority, leader".
Totila m GothicTotila was the penultimate King of the Ostrogoths, reigning from 541 to 552 AD. A skilled military and political leader, Totila reversed the tide of the Gothic War, recovering by 543 almost all the territories in Italy that the Eastern Roman Empire had captured from his Kingdom in 540.
Trebopala f Old Celtic, Celtic MythologyLusitanian name believed to be the name of a goddess, which appears in a single inscription: the Cabeço das Fraguas inscription from present-day Portugal. It is likely derived from Celtic *
trebo- meaning "house, dwelling place" and an uncertain second element, potentially the Lepontic and Ligurian word
pala probably meaning "sacred stone", or the second element might mean "flat land" or "protector"... [
Triarius m GothicTriarius was a Gothic nobleman and soldier. He was a member of the Amali dynasty. At least by the Battle of Nedao, Triarius had withdrawn his support from Valamir, who was his relative and the king of the Ostrogoths... [
Tripat m Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Indian, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Nepali, Assamese, Indian (Sikh)MEANING : with pleasure, to one's satisfaction, Moon, a parasol... [
Triptimat m SanskritMEANING : Satisfied, having contentment or satiation. Here तृप्ति means satisfaction + मत् means one having ... [
Trishnakshay m SanskritMEANING : cessation of desire , tranquility of mind. It is joining of तृष्णा + अक्षय. Here तृष्णा means desire + अक्षय means cessation... [
Trismegistos m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek adjective τρισμέγιστος
(trismegistos) meaning "thrice-greatest", which consists of the Greek adverb τρίς
(tris) meaning "thrice, three times" combined with the Greek adjective μέγιστος
(megistos) meaning "biggest, largest, greatest" (see
Megistos).... [
Triúnn m Old NorseFrom Old Norse
trjónn (compare with Faroese
trónur meaning "nose, snout") or formed from Old Norse
trjóna meaning "nose, snout".
Trojanus m Ancient RomanEither from the old city of Troy or the tribe. Used by saint trojanus of france a sixth century saint.
Tryggúlfr m Old NorseDerived from Old Norse
tryggr "trustworthy" combined with Old Norse
úlfr "wolf."
Tryphiodoros m Ancient GreekMeans "delicate gift", derived from the Greek elements τρυφη
(tryphe) "softness, delicacy" and δωρον
(doron) "gift."
Tudhaliya m HittiteOf uncertain etymology, although possibly of Anatolian origin. This name was borne by several Hittite kings, and was possibly given in honour of a deified mountain of the same name.
Tudrus m GermanicTudrus was a ruler of the Quadi, a Germanic tribe, in the 1st century AD. He was a contemporary of Maroboduus of the Marcomanni. Like Maroboduus, Tudrus established a dynasty which ruled his people for many years after his death.
Tunnawiya f HittiteOf uncertain etymology, but possibly using the Luwian suffix
wiya ("woman"). Name borne by a ritual practitioner known from several compositions bearing her name.
Tuqniya f BabylonianPossibly deriving from the Akkadian element
tuqūnu ("good order , security , safety").
Turgunu-Sanga m SumerianTurgunu-Sanga (3100 BC) seems to have been a Sumerian accountant for the Turgunu family. His names is one of the earliest names recorded.
Turpilius m Ancient RomanProbably derived from the Latin adjective
turpis meaning "ugly, filthy, disgraceful", which itself derives from the Latin verb
turpo "to make ugly, to defile, to disgrace". This name was borne by a Roman comic poet from the 2nd century BC.
Tuya-Nebettawy f Ancient EgyptianCombination of
Tuya and
Nebettawy. This was the name given to one of the several daughters of pharaoh Ramesses II (ca 1303-1213 BC), third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt (from 1292 to 1189 BC ca).
Twosret f Ancient EgyptianFrom Egyptian
tꜣ-wsr.t meaning "mighty lady", derived from
tꜣ "the; she of" combined with
wsr "mighty, powerful" and the feminine suffix
-t. This was the name of the last known ruler and the final pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty (c.1191 BCE – c.1189 BCE), who inherited the position after the death of her husband
Seti II... [
Tychamenes m Ancient GreekMeaning uncertain; the first element is almost certainly derived from Greek τύχη
(tyche) meaning "fortune, chance, fate".
Tychandros m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek noun τύχη
(tyche) meaning "fortune, chance" (see
Tyche) combined with Greek ἀνδρός
(andros) meaning "of a man".... [
Tychanor m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek noun τύχη
(tyche) meaning "fortune, chance" (see
Tyche) combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ
(aner) meaning "man".... [
Tycharete f Ancient GreekProbably derived from Greek τύχη
(tyche) meaning "fortune, chance, fate" and ἀρετή
(arete) meaning "goodness, excellence" as well as "virtue, skill".
Tyesi f MeroiticFrom the Egyptian Demotic
tꜥ-ꜣs.t meaning "She of Isis".
Tyndarion m Ancient GreekMost likely a diminutive form of
Tyndareos (see
Tyndareus), since this name contains the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων
(-ion). Tyndarion was the name of a tyrant of Tauromenion (which is nowadays Taormina in Sicily), who lived in the 3rd century BC.
Tyrannion m Ancient GreekDerived from the Greek noun τύραννος
(turannos) or
(tyrannos) meaning "absolute ruler" combined with the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων
(-ion). A known bearer of this name was Tyrannion of Amisus, a Greek grammarian from the 1st century BC.
Tyrvi m Old NorseEither derived from the name of the Norse god
Týr (see
Tyr) or from Old Norse
tyrfi meaning "resinous fir-tree, fatwood".
Tz'akbu f Classic MayanEtymology uncertain. A possible meaning is "the successor, the counted one", deriving from the Classic Maya element
tz’akbuj (counted, successor). Name borne by Lady Tz'akbu Ajaw, who was the mother of
K'inich K'an Joy Chitam II of Palenque.
Tziquin f & m Classic MayanMeans "bird" in the Tzeltal and Quiche-Kaqchikel languages. Also the 15th day in the Tzental and Quiche-Cakchiquel calendars in ancient Maya.
Ualgharg m Old IrishDerived from Old Irish
úall "vanity, pride" and
garg "fierce, rough".
Uallachán m Old IrishDerived from Old Irish
úallach "proud, arrogant" combined with a diminutive suffix.
Ubartum f Ancient Near Eastern, SumerianOf uncertain etymology, possibly derived from the Sumerian element
tum, meaning "wind; cardinal point" or "to bring; to carry away; to obtain". Ubartum was a female physician of the Neo-Sumerian Empire, who lived in Garšana.
Uddulfr m Old NorseDerived from Old Norse
oddr "point of a weapon" and
ulfr "wolf".
Uddvarr m Old NorseDerived from the Germanic name elements
oddr "spear" and
varr "attentive".
Úfeigr m Old NorseOld Norse combination of
ú "un-" (negative prefix) and
feigr "fey", "doomed to die" or from Old Norse
úfeigr "not fey, not doomed to die, one who will live a long life".
Uggr m Old NorseFrom Old Norse
uggr meaning "fear, apprehension".
Uhinnatu f BabylonianMeans "date" (referring to the date fruit) deriving from the Akkadian element
uḫinnu ("dried date").
Ujjayan m Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, Marathi, Nepali, SinhaleseName: Ujjayan उज्जयन... [
Úlfarna f Old NorseDerived from the Germanic name elements
ulfr "wolf" and
ǫrn "eagle".
Úlfgeirr m Old NorseDerived from Old Norse
úlfr "wolf" combined with Old Norse
geirr "spear".
Ulfheðinn m Old NorseDerived from the Germanic name elements
ulfr "wolf" and
heðinn "jacket of fur or skin".
Úlfhildr f Old NorseDerived from the Old Norse elements
ulfr meaning "wolf" and
hildr meaning "battle". An 11th-century Norwegian princess bore this name.
Ulfkætill m Old NorseDerived from the Germanic name elements
ulfr "wolf" and
ketill "cauldron hat, helmet".
Úlfketill m Old NorseDerived from Old Norse
úlfr "wolf" combined with Old Norse
kettil "kettle, cauldron" (see also
Ulfliútr m Old NorseDerived from the Germanic name elements
ulfr "wolf" and
-ljótr "shining, bright".
Ulfríkr m Old NorseOld Norse combination of
ulfr "wolf" and
ríkr "mighty, distinguished, rich".
Úlfviðr m Old NorseDerived from Old Norse
úlfr "wolf" combined with Old Norse
viðr "tree".
Ulkos m Old CelticMeans "bad, evil", deriving from the Proto-Celtic element
*ulkos ("bad, evil). This is a Lepontic name known from a coin found on the Italian side of the Gran San Bernardo pass.
Ulpia f Ancient RomanFeminine form of the Roman
nomen gentilicium Ulpius, ultimately derived from either an Umbrian cognate of the Latin word
lupus meaning "wolf", or
vulpus meaning "fox".
Ultrogotha f FrankishQueen Ultrogotha (510 - after 566/67) was a Frankish Merovingian queen and the wife of Childebert I.
Unas m Ancient EgyptianFrom Egyptian
wnjs, possibly meaning "who exists indeed", derived from
wnn "to exist" and
js, an intensifying particle. This was the throne name of the last ruler of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt during the Old Kingdom.
Unulf m GermanicEither derived from Old High German
unnan "to grant, to allow, to yield" and combined with Gothic
vulfs "wolf", or variant of
Upal m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Nepali, Marathi, Assamese, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - opal; Jewel, precious stone, rock
Uparmiya f Old PersianPossibly from Old Persian
uparva meaning "pre-eminent" or
upara meaning "higher, superior", both derived from 𐎢𐎱𐎼𐎡𐎹
(upariy) meaning "over, above".
Upasa f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, PunjabiMEANING - Adoration, homage, worship ... [
Urgulania f Ancient RomanMeaning unknown, most likely of Etruscan origin. This name was borne by a noblewoman who was a close friend of the empress
Livia 1.
Uri f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Gujarati, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Nepali, SinhaleseName: Uri उरी... [
Urjini f SanskritMEANING : possessing strength, fertile, exuberant . It is feminine of Urjin / ऊर्जिन्... [
Urjit m SanskritMEANING : endowed with strength or energy, mighty, powerful, energetic , excellent ... [