Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword harvest; and the description contains the keywords autumn or harvest or fall.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Agani m Ilocano, Filipino, Maranao
From Ilocano and Maranao agani meaning "harvest".
Annonaria f Roman Mythology
Means "she who supplies corn" in Latin, derived from annona "yearly produce", "crop, harvest" or "corn, grain" (also the name of a Roman goddess who personified the year), which was ultimately from annus "year"... [more]
Asif f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Means "collecting" or "harvest" in Hebrew.
Azmera f Amharic
Means "harvest, crop" in Amharic.
Cheol m Korean
Possible meanings (from Sino-Korean):... [more]
Cheolmin m Korean
From Sino-Korean 鐵 "iron", 哲 "bright", "keen", 澈 "pure", 撤 "to harvest", "to achieve", 轍 "wheel track", 綴 "to weave", 凸 "convex", "to protrude", 輟 "to stop", 悊 "wise", or 瞮 "sharp eyesight" and From 民 (min) meaning "people," 玟 (min) meaning "streaks in jade; gem" or 旻 (min) meaning "(autumn) sky,".
Elihoreph m Biblical Hebrew
Elihoreph was a scribe in King Solomon's court. He was a son of Shisha and brother of Ahiah... [more]
Elul m Jewish, Hebrew
Elul is the twelfth month of the Jewish civil year and the sixth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar, usually coinciding with parts of August and September.... [more]
Gethera f Swahili
Means "harvest" in Swahili.
Hariph m Biblical, English (Puritan)
Derived from the Hebrew verb חרף (harap) which means "to gather, pluck, harvest", "to spend the harvest season" or "to reproach, taunt, scorn". In the Old Testament this name belongs to two male characters.
Hosiloy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek hosil meaning "harvest" and oy meaning "moon".
Maşaq m Karachay-Balkar
Means "ears of corn left in the field after the harvest" in Karachay-Balkar.
Mavuno m Swahili
Swahili masculine name meaning "harvest time".
Meleah f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Melia, possibly influenced by the Hebrew word מְלֵאָה (mele'ah) meaning "fullness, full produce, harvest".
Messus m Late Roman
Derived from the Latin verb meto "to reap, to harvest, to cut, to sever", or from the latinized form of Greek mesos or messos "(the) middle, (the) middle one". A third possibility is that it is a variant form of Maesus.
Namino f Japanese
From Japanese 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 波 (nami) meaning "wave", 方 (nami) meaning "direction, way, side" or 凡 (nami) meaning "ordinary, common, mediocre", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 稔 (mino) meaning "ripe grain, harvest", 乃 (no), a possessive particle, 望 (no) meaning "hope" or 野 (no) meaning "area, field"... [more]
Nanāya-kānat f Babylonian
Possibly means "Nanaya has gathered", deriving from the Akkadian element kanāšu ("to gather in (harvest, people)").
Naruki m & f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (naru) meaning "love, affection", 成 (naru) meaning "turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach", 稔 (naru) meaning "harvest, ripen" or 鳴 (naru) meaning "chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk" combined with 己 (ki) meaning "self", 生 (ki) meaning "life, genuine, birth", 姫 (ki) meaning "princess", 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice", 基 (ki) meaning "fundamentals", 希 (ki) meaning "hope, beg, request, pray", 紀 (ki) meaning "chronicle, history, annals", 規 (ki) meaning "standard, measure", 記 (ki) meaning "scribe, account, narrative", 貴 (ki) meaning "precious, value, prize, esteem, honor", 輝 (ki) meaning "radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle", 樹 (ki) meaning "tree" or 木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood"... [more]
Nigesa f Swahili
Means "born during the harvest season" in Swahili.
Nuya f Mordvin
Derived from Erzya нуема (nuema) meaning "harvest".
Nuyat m Mordvin
Means "harvest" in Mordvin.
O'roq m Uzbek
Means "sickle" or "harvest" in Uzbek.
Rushou m Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From a combination of the characters 蓐 (ru, meaning “straw mat”) and 收 (shou, meaning “to gather” or “harvest”). Rushou is the Chinese god of metal who oversees the season of autumn and the west... [more]
Saidhosil m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek said meaning "fortunate" and hosil meaning "harvest".
Simbo m Chaga
Means "harvest, divine gift" in Chagga.
Sporos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun σπόρος (sporos) meaning "a sowing" as well as "seed, semen" and "harvest, crop".... [more]
Suna f Japanese
From Japanese 沙 (suna) or 砂 (suna) meaning "sand", 吹 (su) meaning "blow, breathe, puff, emit", 壽 (su) meaning "longevity, congratulations", 好 (su) meaning "fond, pleasing, like something", 子 (su) meaning "child", 守 (su) meaning "guard, protect, defend, obey", 寿 (su) meaning "longevity, congratulations, one's natural life", 崇 (su) meaning "adore, respect, revere, worship", 州 (su) meaning "state, province", 摩 (su) meaning "chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape", 数 (su) meaning "number, strength, fate, law, figures", 水 (su) meaning "water", 洲 (su) meaning "continent, sandbar, island, country", 清 (su) meaning "pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise", 澄 (su) meaning "lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave", 瑞 (su) meaning "congratulations", 翠 (su) meaning "green", 磨 (su) meaning "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", 穂 (su) meaning "ear of grain" or 総 (su) meaning "general, whole, all, full, total" combined with 南 (na) meaning "south", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 捺 (na) meaning "press, print, affix a seal, stamp", 成 (na) meaning "turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach", 梛 (na), type of tall evergreen tree, 為 (na) meaning "do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of", 鳴 (na) meaning "chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk", 七 (na) meaning "seven", 名 (na) meaning "name", 波 (na) meaning "waves, billows", 納 (na) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store", 莫 (na) meaning "must not, do not, be not", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 那 (na) meaning "what", 凪 (na) meaning "lull, calm", 楠 (na) meaning "camphor tree", 汀 (na) meaning "water's edge, shore, bank", 也 (na) meaning "also", 尚 (na) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet", 水 (na) meaning "water", 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 就 (na) meaning "concerning, settle, take position, depart, study", 懷 (na) meaning "pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom", 直 (na) meaning "straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair", 稔 (na) meaning "harvest, ripen" or 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Therikles m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is probably derived from Greek θήρα (thera) meaning "the hunting of wild beasts, the chase", which is ultimately derived from Greek θηράω (therao) "to hunt, to chase"... [more]
Toshiya m Japanese
From Japanese 寿 (toshi, shi) meaning "longevity, congratulations", 俊 (toshi) meaning "genius, excellence", 智 (toshi) meaning "wisdom, intellect", 敏 (toshi) meaning "cleverness, agile, alert", 利 (toshi) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 紀 (toshi) meaning "chronicle", 年 (toshi) meaning "year, counter for years", 稔 (toshi) meaning "harvest, ripen", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up" or 東 (to) meaning "east", 史 (shi) meaning "history", 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition" combined with 谷 (ya) meaning "valley", 哉 (ya), an exclamation, 也 (ya) meaning "also", 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 爾 (ya) meaning "you, thou, second person", 伸 (ya) meaning "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase", 家 (ya) meaning "house, home, family, professional, expert, performer", 八 (ya) meaning "eight", 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow" or 夜 (ya) meaning "night, evening"... [more]
Uroda f Slavic Mythology
Uroda was the Slovakian goddess of agriculture, the fields and the harvest. Her name is certainly linked to the Slovakian word úroda "harvest", however it doesn't seem to be quite so clear what came first, the goddess or the word.
Yapu f Aymara
Means "land which has been planted before harvest" in Aymara.
Yasutoshi m Japanese
From Japanese 康 or 泰 (yasu) meaning "peaceful" combined with 俊 (toshi) meaning "talented, handsome", 年 (toshi) meaning "year", 稔 (toshi) meaning "harvest, ripen", or 敏 (toshi) meaning "quick, clever, sharp"... [more]
Žemyna f Lithuanian (Modern), Baltic Mythology
Lithuanian goddess of the earth, her name deriving from Lithuanian žemė "earth".... [more]