Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Celtic Mythology.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abnoba f Celtic Mythology
The name of an obscure Gaulish goddess, thought to be connected to Celtic abona "river" (source of Avon). The second element may be derived from either Proto-Indo-European nogʷo-, meaning "naked, nude" or "tree", or the verbal root *nebh- "burst out, be damp".
Achall f Irish Mythology
Achall, daughter of Cairbre Nia Fer, king of Tara, and his wife Fedelm Noíchrothach, is a minor character from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. After her brother Erc was killed by Conall Cernach, she died of grief on a hill near Tara, which was named Achall after her.
Achtan f Irish Mythology, Celtic Mythology
The Irish heroine who bore Cormac, the king.
Adsullata f Celtic Mythology
Meaning unknown, possibly British adsiltia "she who is gazed at". This was the name of a river goddess worshipped by the Continental Celts. It may be an older form of Esyllt.
Aedumanda f Celtic Mythology (Hypothetical)
Reconstructed old Celtic form of Aimend.
Aeracura f Celtic Mythology
Of unclear origin. It has been connected with Latin aes, aeris "copper, bronze, money, wealth" as well as era "mistress" and the name of the Greek goddess Hera.... [more]
Aerfen f Welsh Mythology
Welsh form of Aerten, the name of a Brythonic goddess of fate. Aerten is derived from Proto-Celtic *agro- "carnage, slaughter" (cf. Agrona) and *tan-nu "to broaden, to spread" or *ten-n-d-o- "to break, to cut"... [more]
Aericura f Celtic Mythology (Latinized)
The origins of this name are uncertain; probably a Latinized form of a Celtic name, although some Latin roots have been suggested (including aes, genitive aeris, "brass, copper, bronze, money, wealth"; and era, genitive erae, "mistress of a house")... [more]
Aeval f Irish Mythology
Anglicized form of Aíbell.
Ahez f Breton Legend
Of unknown origin and meaning, albeit a connection to Welsh aches, a word denoting the sound of the water clashing on the shore, has been suggested. In Breton legend, Ahez is always described as the daughter of King Gralon, sometimes described as a sorceress, enchantress, fairy or giantess, and often, though not always, considered identical with Dahud... [more]
Aimend f Irish Mythology
Irish sun godess. This name appears to be derived from Proto-Celtic aidu-mandā. The name literally means "burning stain," which may have been a byword for the notion of ‘sunburn.’ The Romano-British form of this Proto-Celtic name is likely to have been Aedumanda.
Ancamna f Celtic Mythology (Latinized)
A water goddess from Continental Celtic mythology known from inscriptions in the area of modern-day France and Germany.... [more]
Ancasta f Celtic Mythology
Ancasta is the name of a little known goddess of Roman Britian.
Andarta f Celtic Mythology
Andarta was a goddess worshiped in southern Gaul (in present-day southern France and in Bern, Switzerland). Her name has traditionally been translated as "Great Bear" (from Gaulish artos "bear"), more recent analyses of the name, however, offer the translation "Well-fixed, Staying firm".
Annea f Celtic Mythology
Annea was a goddess worshipped in the province of Cuneo in the southwest of the Piedmont region of Italy. The origin and meaning of her name are uncertain, it has, however, been suggested that it might be related to Celtic ann- "mother" (compare the name of the Irish goddess Anu).
Anu f Celtic Mythology
Proto-Celtic theonym *Φanon- "mother", Anu is an Irish goddess with uncertain functions and often conflated with other figures of Irish mythology and folklore, like Danu... [more]
Aoibheall f Irish Mythology, Folklore
Probably from Old Irish óibell "spark, fire". In Irish legend this is the name of a banshee or goddess who appeared to the Irish king Brian Boru on the eve of the Battle of Clontarf (1014). She is still said to dwell in the fairy mound of Craig Liath in County Clare.
Aoibhgréine f Irish Mythology
Derived from Irish aoibh "smile, pleasant expression" and grian "sun". This name belonged to the daughter of Deirdre and Naoise in Longas Mac nUislenn (The Exile of the Sons of Uisnech), a story of the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology... [more]
Arduinna f Celtic Mythology
From the Gaulish arduo- meaning "height". Arduinna was a Celtic goddess of the Ardennes Forest and region, represented as a huntress riding a boar. The name Arduenna silva for "wooded heights" was applied to several forested mountains, not just the modern Ardennes.
Arnemetia f Celtic Mythology
Arnemetia's name contains Celtic elements are, meaning "against, beside," and nemeton, meaning "sacred grove." Her name is thus interpreted as "she who dwells in the sacred grove," suggesting Arnemetia may be a divine epithet rather than a name in its own right.
Artio f Celtic Mythology
Derived from the Gaulish word artos "bear".... [more]
Ataegina f Celtic Mythology, Old Celtic
The name of a goddess worshiped by the ancient Iberians, Lusitanians, and Celtiberians. Her name possibly comes from the proto-Celtic *atte- and *geno- which together mean "reborn", or else *ad-akwī- meaning "night".
Aventia f Celtic Mythology
Aventia was a minor Celtic goddess of waters and springs. Her name is derived from Proto-Germanic H2euentiH2 "spring".
Aveta f Celtic Mythology
A Gaulish goddess of birth and midwifery known from figurines and inscriptions found in the area of modern-day France, Germany and Switzerland.... [more]
Aynia f Irish Mythology
Allegedly an Irish fairy queen from Ulster. Her name might be a corruption of Irish Áine with whom she might be identical.
Azenor f Breton, Breton Legend, Theatre
Breton name of uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Badb f Irish Mythology, Irish
Means "crow, demon" in early Irish (and may have originally denoted "battle" or "strife"). In Irish myth the Badb was a war goddess who took the form of a crow. She and her sisters, the Morrígan and Macha, were a trinity of war goddesses known collectively as the Morrígna.
Báine f & m Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Irish Mythology
An Irish name meaning "whiteness, pallor". In Irish Mythology, Báine was a princess, daughter of Tuathal Techtmar, ancestor of the kings of Ireland. "Cailín na Gruaige Báine" and "Bruach na Carraige Báine" are the names of two traditional Irish songs.... [more]
Banba f Irish Mythology
One of a trinity of Irish goddesses, with Ériu and Fódla.
Bec f Irish Mythology (?)
Allegedly an older form of Irish beag "small".... [more]
Bécuma f Irish Mythology
Means "troubled lady", from Old Irish "woman" and a second element, perhaps chuma, meaning "grief, sorrow, wound". In Irish legend she was a woman who 'dwelt in the Land of Promise and had an affair with Gaiar, a son of Manannán mac Lir, the sea-god... [more]
Beira f Literature, Celtic Mythology
Anglicized form of Bheur or Bhuer perhaps meaning "cutting, sharp, shrill" in Scottish Gaelic, from Cailleach Bheur "sharp old wife", the name of the Scottish personification of winter, a reference to wintry winds... [more]
Belena f Old Celtic, German, Danish, Celtic Mythology
Latinized feminine form of Belenus. Belena was the wife of the Gaulish solar god Belenus and the goddess of the sun and the beginning summer.
Belisama f Celtic Mythology
Belisama was a goddess worshipped in ancient Gaul and Britain, associated with lakes and rivers, fire, crafts and light, who was identified with Minerva in the interpretatio romana... [more]
Bétéide f Irish Mythology
Means "wanton lady" in Irish Gaelic, from "woman" and téide "wantonness" (see Téide). In Irish legend she is a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, daughter of the goddess Flidais and sister of the witch-like Bé Chuille.
Bricta f Celtic Mythology
Bricta or Brixta was a Gaulish goddess who was a consort of Luxovius. It has, however, been suggested that if "Bricta is a title incorporating Bríg, it may actually be a title assigned to Sirona rather than a separate goddess"... [more]
Brigantia f Celtic Mythology
Derived from Celtic *brigant- "high" or *briga- "might, power". This was the name of an important Brythonic goddess. She is almost certainly the same deity as Bridget, the Irish goddess.
Brighit f Celtic Mythology
A unique form of spelling for the Celtic goddess, Brigid. She was the goddess of many things.
Brixia f Celtic Mythology
Contracted form of Brigantia.
Cainnear f Old Irish, Irish Mythology
From Irish caoin meaning "gentle", and der meaning "daughter". This was the name of Queen Medb's daughter in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. Some saints have borne this name as well.
Cairenn f Irish Mythology
In medieval Irish legends, this name was borne by the mother of Niall of the Nine Hostages, a concubine of King Eochu (or Eochaid). She was treated harshly by his jealous wife Queen Mongfind, but later rescued by her son.
Caiva f Celtic Mythology, Germanic Mythology
Caiva was a goddess who was worshipped in Gerolstein in present-day Germany. It has been speculated that she might have been a mother goddess.
Cathubodua f Gaulish Mythology
The name of Gaulish war goddess meaning "battle crow".
Celemon f Welsh Mythology
Meaning unknown. It occurs briefly in 'Culhwch and Olwen' belonging to a lady at King Arthur's court, the daughter of Sir Kay.
Cessair f Irish, Irish Mythology
Allegedly means "affliction, sorrow". According to Irish legend Cessair was a granddaughter of Noah who died in the great flood. The name also belonged to a Gaulish princess who married the Irish high king Úgaine Mór in the 5th or 6th century BC.
Cethlenn f Irish Mythology
Possibly means "crooked tooth". In Irish myth she was the wife of Balor of the Evil Eye, king of the Fomorians and by him the mother of Ethniu (or Eithne, Ethlenn).... [more]
Ciarnait f Irish Mythology
Feminine form of Ciarán.
Cigfa f Celtic Mythology, Welsh Mythology
Cigfa is a minor character in Welsh mythology. Her full name was Cigfa ferch Gwyn Glohoyw.
Clota f Celtic Mythology
The Celtic goddess of the river Clyde.... [more]
Cochrann f Irish Mythology
Perhaps from Cróchnait, which was derived from Irish cróch "saffron, red" (from Latin crocus) combined with a diminutive suffix. In the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology Cochrann is a daughter of Cathair Mór, king of Leinster, and the mother of Diarmaid and Oscar; in ballads the character is known as Cróchnat.
Coventina f Celtic Mythology
Coventina was a Romano-British goddess of wells and springs. She is known from multiple inscriptions at one site in Northumberland county of England, an area surrounding a wellspring near Carrawburgh on Hadrian's Wall... [more]
Creirdyddlydd f Welsh Mythology
Variant of Creurdilad (see Creiddylad).
Creirwy f Welsh, Welsh Mythology
Means "token of the egg", and in effect "mundane egg", from Welsh creir "a token, jewel, sacred object" and wy "egg". In the Mabinogion, a collection of tales from Welsh myth, she was a daughter of Ceridwen and one of the three most beautiful maids of the Isle of Britain... [more]
Dahud f Breton Legend
Possibly derived from Breton da meaning "good" and hud "magic". In Breton legend this was the name of a princess, the daughter of the king of the mythical sunken city of Ys. She was portrayed as a wicked sorceress in some versions of the legends.
Damara f Celtic Mythology
In Celtic mythology, Damara was a fertility goddess worshipped in Britain. She was associated with the month of May (Beltaine).
Damona f Celtic Mythology
In Gallo-Roman religion, Damona was a goddess worshipped in Gaul as the consort of Apollo Borvo and of Apollo Moritasgus. Her name is likely derived from Old Irish dam "cow, ox".
Dealgnait f Celtic Mythology
Dealgnait was the name of a minor goddess worshipped in Deal, Kent in present-day England. Her functions are not entirely clear: it has been specualted that she was either a fertility goddess or a goddess of death.
Deichtine f Irish Mythology
Possibly from Old Irish deich, meaning "ten", and tine meaning "fire" or tíre, "land, country". This was the name of the mother of Cuchulainn, whom she conceived with Lugh.
Derbforgaill f Old Irish, Irish Mythology
From Gaelic Der bForgaill, which apparently meant "daughter of Forgall". It may be an earlier form of Dearbháil or Deirbhile... [more]
Dérgréine f Irish Mythology
Means "tear of the sun", composed of Old Irish dér "tear" and grían "the sun" (genitive gréine; compare Aoibhgréine). In Irish legend Dér Gréine was the daughter of Fiachna Mac Retach, who married Laoghaire Mac Crimthann of Connacht.
Deuona f Gaulish Mythology
Derived from Gaulish deuos "god", this was the name of a Gallo-Roman goddess of springs and rivers.
Dioneta f Arthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology
The name of two persons mentioned in the fourteenth-century fragmentary Welsh text known as The Birth of Arthur.... [more]
Druantia f Popular Culture, Celtic Mythology
Hypothetic old Celtic form of the name of a river in the south of France commonly known as the Durance, which is of unknown meaning. An Indo-European root meaning "to flow" has been suggested. According to Robert Graves in 'The White Goddess' (1948), it is derived from the Indo-European root *deru meaning "oak" (as are the words druid and dryad) and probably also belonged to a Gallic tree goddess, which he identifies as "Queen of the Druids" and "Mother of the Tree Calendar"... [more]
Duibhne m & f Irish, Irish Mythology
Possibly means "ill-tempered, surly", derived from dub "black".
Eachna f Irish Mythology, Old Irish
Probably derived from Old Irish ech "horse" combined with a diminutive suffix. In Irish mythology, Eachna was a daughter of a king of Connacht, famed for her skill at chess.
Eigr f Welsh Mythology
Welsh form of Igraine.
Éile f Irish Mythology
Name of the sister of queen Méadbh(from irish mythology)
Elan f Welsh, Welsh Mythology
One of the daughters of Dôn, a type of mother goddess and the Welsh equivalent of Irish Danu, in Welsh mythology. ... [more]
Esuvia f Old Celtic, Celtic Mythology
Gaulish name, the feminine form of Esvios via its Latinized form Esuvius. It is presumably related to Esuvii, the name of a Gaulish tribe, and the Gaulish theonym Esus.
Eurgain f Welsh, Welsh Mythology
Derived from Welsh aur "gold" (penult form eur) and cain "fair; fine; elegant". In Welsh mythology, Eurgain is noted as the first female saint and daughter of Caratacus (see Caradog) in the History of Dunraven Manuscript, a manuscript giving the genealogy of Taliesin.
Fainche f Irish (Rare), Irish Mythology
Derived from Irish fuinche meaning "scald-crow" or "black fox". It occurs in Irish myth as the name of the daughter of Dáire Derg and mother of the three Fothads by a warrior called Mac Nia... [more]
Féthnaid f Irish, Irish Mythology
Of uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Fial f Irish Mythology
Means "generous, modest, honorable" in Irish. In Irish myth this was the name of Emer's elder sister, "also a goddess", whom Cúchulainn supposedly rejected because of her relations with Cairbre Nia Fer... [more]
Findabhair f Irish, Irish Mythology
Popularly claimed to be an Irish cognate of Gwenhwyfar (see Guinevere), it may actually mean "fair-browed" from Old Irish find "white, fair" and abair "a brow" (or "eyelash")... [more]
Fionnabhair f Irish Mythology
From the Old Irish finn "bright, fair" and siabhre "phantom, fairy", making it a cognate of Guinevere. Alternatively, it could derive from find "white, fair" and abair "brow; eyelash".... [more]
Fionnula f Irish, Irish Mythology
Variant of Fionnghuala (see Fionnuala). A known bearer of this name is the Irish actress Fionnula Flanagan (b. 1941).
Flidais f Irish Mythology
Meaning uncertain, allegedly "doe". Flidais was an Irish goddess of forests, hunting and wild animals, especially stags and deer - by which her chariot was drawn. She is the chief figure in the 'Táin Bó Flidhais', one of the lesser known cattle raid tales which makes her the wife of Ailill Finn and lover, later wife, of the hero Fergus mac Róich.
Fódla f Irish Mythology
One of a trinity of Irish goddesses, with Banba and Ériu.
Garwen f Arthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology
Means "fair leg" from Welsh gar "leg" and gwen "white, fair, blessed". According to the Welsh Triads (Triad 57), this name belonged to one of Arthur's three mistresses... [more]
Goewin f Welsh Mythology
Meaning unknown. This was the name of a character in one of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, Math fab Mathonwy.
Goleuddydd f Welsh Mythology
From Welsh golau "light" and dydd "day". In the tale of Culhwch and Olwen, this is the name of the mother of Culhwch.
Gontia f Celtic Mythology
The name of an obscure Celtic goddess, the tutelary deity of the river Günz, possibly derived from Proto-Celtic *kom-dati "confluence, river mouth", or related to Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰew- "to pour".
Grian f Irish Mythology
Grian (literally, "Sun") is the name of an Irish figure, presumed to be a pre-Christian goddess, associated with County Limerick and Cnoc Greine ("Hill of Grian, Hill of the sun").
Guanhumara f Welsh Mythology
Latin form of Guinevere found in some manuscripts of Geoffrey of Monmouth's 'Historia Regum Britanniae'.
Gwenhwyfach f Welsh Mythology
Meaning uncertain, perhaps from the name Gwenhwyfar combined with Welsh ach, a suffix which "evokes unpleasantness" (according to Patrick Sims-Williams)... [more]
Gwenwledyr f Welsh Mythology
The first element is Welsh gwen "fair, white, blessed"; the second element, gwledyr, is uncertain. In the tale of Culhwch and Olwen (which appears in the Mabinogion, a collection of tales from Welsh myth), Gwenwledyr was a lady who lived at Arthur's court, the daughter of Gwawrddur the Hunchback and sister of three of Arthur's warriors: Duach, Brathach and Nerthach.
Icovellauna f Celtic Mythology
meaning is unknown, name of a Celtic water goddess
Inciona f Celtic Mythology
Inciona is a little-known Celtic goddess of the Treveran region.
Indeg f Welsh (Rare), Welsh Mythology
Possibly derived from Welsh un "one" and teg "beautiful; fair".
Iwerydd f Medieval Welsh, Welsh Mythology
Derived from Welsh Y Werydd meaning "the ocean". In Welsh mythology she was a wife of the sea-god Llyr and the mother of Brân the Blessed.
Kelpie f & m Celtic Mythology, English (Modern, Rare)
The name of a shape-shifting water spirit that takes the form of a greyish black horse. The Kelpie drowns then devours anyone who tries to ride it.... [more]
Latis f Celtic Mythology
The name of a minor goddess worshipped in Roman Britain. The etymology is uncertain but may come from Proto-Celtic *lati- meaning 'liquor', *lat- meaning 'day', or *lāto- meaning 'lust'.
Leabharcham f Irish Mythology
Means "crooked book" from Gaelic leabhar "book" and cham "crooked" (a byname probably referring to posture). In Irish legend this was the name of the wise old woman who raised Deirdre in seclusion, and who brought together Deirdre and Naoise.
Lendabair f Irish Mythology
Derived from Irish leannán meaning "lover, sweetheart". Perhaps the second element is siabhre "spirit, fairy" (compare Findabhair).
Liath Luachra f & m Irish Mythology
Means "gray of Luachair" in Irish. It was the name of two characters in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology, which both appear in The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn.
Lí Ban f Irish Mythology
From Old Irish meaning "beauty, brilliance" and ban "of women" (genitive plural of ben "woman, wife"). This was the name of multiple Irish mythological figures: an otherworldly woman in the Ulster Cycle; and a woman who supposedly transformed into a mermaid (also known as Muirgen).
Líobhan f Irish Mythology
Form of the Gaelic name Lí Ban, meaning "beauty of women". It belonged to two characters in Irish myth, one a mermaid captured in Lough Neagh in 558, according to the 'Annals of the Four Masters' (see also Muirgen).
Litavis f Celtic Mythology
Litavis is a Gallic deity whose cult is primarily attested in east-central Gaul during the Roman period. She was probably an earth-goddess. Her name is derived from Gaulish Litavi- "earth; the vast one" (ultimately from Proto-Celtic *flitawī- "broad").
Lonceta f Pictish, Old Celtic, Celtic Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a legendary ancestress of the Picts.
Macha f Irish, Irish Mythology
Possibly from Proto-Celtic *makajā "plain (level country)". In Irish legend this was the name of a war goddess, sister of the Morrígan and the Badb... [more]
Malgven f Breton Legend, Celtic Mythology
Meaning uncertain. This was the name of a sorceress or druidess in the Breton legend of Ys. Malgven was the mother of Ahès by King Gradlon (Gralon in Breton).
Mederei f Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle
Possibly means "the drunken one", derived from Welsh medd "mead" and the suffix -ai. Alternatively, medrus meaning "skilful, capable" has been suggested as a possible relation. Mederei Badellfawr was the name of one of a triad of Amazons of the Island of Britain in the Arthurian Cycle.
Meduna f Celtic Mythology
Meduna was a Celtic goddess known from an inscription in Bad Bertrich, Germany, where she was worshipped together with Vercana. The origin and meaning of her name are uncertain: theories include a derivation from Gaulish medu- "mead", which gave rise to the speculation that she may have been a goddes of honey-wine.
Merewenne f Medieval Cornish, Celtic Mythology
Merewenne is listed in the 12th-century Hartland list as one of the daughters of Brychan. While she is sometimes considered identical with Morwenna of Morwenstowe, another daughter of Brychan, Merewenne and the variants Marwyne and Merwenna appear in medieval records referring to the patron-saint of Marhamchurch near Bude (a church dating back to 1086 which is situated in north-east Cornwall).
Miniver f Cornish, Welsh, Welsh Mythology
Anglicized form of Menfre, which is of unknown meaning. Saint Menfre, born c.471, was one of the many holy daughters of King Brychan Brycheiniog. 'St. Menfre appears to have been active in Wales, around Minwear, near Haverfordwest, in Dyfed but, later, left her native land in order to evangelise the Cornish.' The early use of the name was in Cornwall where it appears to be a regional form of Guinevere... [more]
Mongfind f Irish Mythology
Older form of Mongfhionn, derived from Irish mong "hair" and fionn "white; bright". ... [more]
Morrígu f Irish Mythology
Meaning "great queen" or "phantom queen."
Nantosuelta f Celtic Mythology
In Celtic mythology, Nantosuelta is the goddess of nature, the earth, fire and fertility. Nantosuelta is often associated with water and depicted as being surrounded by water. The goddess's name literally translates as "of winding stream" or "sun-drenched valley", from the Proto-Indo-European root *swel- "swelter", found in Indo-European words denoting "sun".
Naria f Celtic Mythology
Naria was a Gallo-Roman goddess worshiped in western Switzerland. While her functions have been lost to time, it can be deduced from the sole image of her that she may have been a goddess of good luck and blessings, as her image was done in the generic style of Fortuna, the Roman goddess of luck... [more]
Nemain f Irish Mythology
In Irish Mythology, Nemain is the fairy spirit of the frenzied havoc of war, and possibly an aspect of Morrígan. Nemain can mean "venomous" relating it to the Proto-Celtic "nemi" meaning "dose of poison," or the Old Irish "nem" or "neimi" meaning "poison."
Nemetona f Celtic Mythology
Meaning "sacred area", from the Celtic 'nemeto', itself from 'nemeton', a term designating Gaulish religious spaces. ... [more]
Niab f Irish Mythology
An older form of Niamh.
Nicnevin f Celtic Mythology, Folklore
From the Scottish surname Neachneohain meaning "daughter(s) of the divine". ... [more]
Noreia f Celtic Mythology, German (Modern, Rare), Galician (Modern, Rare)
Noreia used to be considered the epithet of an unidentified pre-Roman mother goddess who left her name in inscriptions throughout the Roman province Noricum (present-day Austria and Slovenia). Current theories suggest, however, that she might have been a Roman "creation" to gain the loyalty of the Norici (ever since Vespasian's time, she was associated with the goddess Isis and referred to as Isisi-Noreia)... [more]
Oifa f Irish Mythology
Form of Aoife used in Joseph Jacobs's translation of the Irish legend the Children of Lir for the jealous third wife of Lir.
Orchil f Literature, Germanic Mythology, Celtic Mythology (?)
The name of an obscure earth goddess, mentioned in poems by William Sharp and W. B. Yeats.
Penarddun f Welsh Mythology
Means "chief beauty" or "most fair", derived from the Welsh elements pen "head, chief, foremost" and arddun "fair, beautiful". In Welsh mythology she was a wife of the sea-god Llyr.
Plúr na mBan f Irish Mythology
Means "the flower of women", deriving from the Anglo-Norman element flur ("flower, blossom"), and the Irish element na mban ("of the women"). Name borne by the daughter of Oisín and Niamh in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology.
Pooka f Anglo-Saxon Mythology, Celtic Mythology
Means "spirit" in Irish folklore. Pooka is another name for "Will-o the Wisp".... [more]
Rhagnell f Welsh Mythology (?), Theatre
Possibly a Welsh form of Ragnailt. This is the name of Blodeuwedd's maid in the play Blodeuwedd (The Woman Made of Flowers) (1923-25, revised 1948) by the Welsh dramatist Saunders Lewis.
Ritona f Celtic Mythology
Ritona is a Celtic goddess chiefly venerated in the land of the Treveri in what is now Germany. Her name is related to the same root as Welsh rhyd "ford", which suggests that she was a goddess of fords.
Rosmerta f Celtic Mythology
Probably means "great provider" from Gaulish ro, an intensive prefix (hence "very, most, great"), combined with smert "purveyor, carer" and the feminine name suffix a. This was the name of an obscure Gallo-Roman goddess of fertility, abundance and prosperity... [more]
Satiada f Celtic Mythology
The name of a Celtic goddess worshipped in Roman Britain. Etymology is uncertain, but may be related to the Proto-Celtic *sāti- meaning ‘saturation’ or *satjā- meaning ‘swarm’.
Scotia f English (American, Rare), English (Canadian, Rare), Celtic Mythology
Derived from Late Latin Scotia, ultimately derived from Scoti or Scotti, a Latin name for the Gaels, first attested in the late 3rd century. At first it referred to all Gaels, whether in Ireland or Great Britain, as did the term Scotia for the lands they inhabited... [more]
Selkie f Celtic Mythology
A creature from Norse or Celtic mythology that is able to shapeshift between human and seal form. Origin as a name is unknown.
Senuna f Celtic Mythology
A Celtic goddess worshipped in Roman Britain. Her name is possibly related to the Proto-Celtic 'seno' meaning "old". Some academics have associated the name to the ancient river Senua that was once located in southern Britain, which may have also been known as Alde, from the Anglo-Saxon 'ald' meaning old... [more]
Sequana f Old Celtic (Latinized), Celtic Mythology
Latinized form of the Gaulish (Celtic) name Sicauna, which is argued to mean "sacred river" or "the fast flowing one". This was the name of the Gallo-Roman goddess of the River Seine.
Sionna f Irish Mythology (?)
Allegedly an Anglicization of Sionainn.
Sirona f Celtic Mythology, Germanic Mythology
The name of a Celtic goddess mainly worshipped in middle Europe and the region of the Danube. She was associated with healing, wolves, and children.... [more]
Souconna f Celtic Mythology
Souconna is a Celtic goddess, the deity of the river Saône at Chalon-sur-Saône, to whom epigraphic invocation was made.
Sulis f Celtic Mythology (Anglicized, Archaic)
The name of a deity worshipped at the thermal spring in Bath as a part of localised Celtic polytheism. She was then worshipped by the Romano-British as Sulis Minerva.
Suria f English, Celtic Mythology
Suria, also Syria, is the female deification of supposedly good flowing water, conceived as a weaning Mother goddess, in ancient Celtic polytheism.
Tailtiu f Irish Mythology
Tailtiu is the name of a presumed goddess in Irish Mythology.
Tamara f Cornish, Celtic Mythology
In Cornish folklore, Tamara is a nymph who lived in the underworld and wanted to wander freely in the mortal world, against the advice of her parents. When she falls in love with the giant Tawradge, she refuses to return to the underworld with her father... [more]
Téide f Irish Mythology (?)
Allegedly a wife of Finn MacCúmhaill.... [more]
Trebaruna f Celtic Mythology
The name of a Lusitanian deity, most likely a goddess.
Trebopala f Old Celtic, Celtic Mythology
Lusitanian name believed to be the name of a goddess, which appears in a single inscription: the Cabeço das Fraguas inscription from present-day Portugal. It is likely derived from Celtic *trebo- meaning "house, dwelling place" and an uncertain second element, potentially the Lepontic and Ligurian word pala probably meaning "sacred stone", or the second element might mean "flat land" or "protector"... [more]
Uathach f Irish Mythology
From Irish úathach meaning "terrible, dreadful". In Irish legend she was the daughter of Scáthach and fellow teacher at her school for warriors.
Uirne f Irish Mythology
Means "sharp mouth". Name borne by the sister of Fionn Mac Cumhail in the Fenian Cycle.
Verbeia f Celtic Mythology
The Celtic goddess of the river Wharfe (North Yorkshire, England) known from a single inscription found in Ilkley, England and therefore interpreted as a local deity.... [more]
Vercana f Germanic Mythology, Celtic Mythology
Vercana was a goddess who was venerated by the Gauls in Roman times, it is, however, uncertain whether she was a Germanic or a Celtic goddess. Since inscriptions dedicated to her were found near healing springs, it has been proposed that she may have been a goddess of healing and waters and attempts have been made to link her name to Germanic *Werkanô "she who does deeds" and to *Berkanô "goddess of birch trees".
Vesunna f Gaulish Mythology
The name of a Gallo-Roman goddess considered a giver of prosperity, abundance and good fortune, likely from the Proto-Celtic *wesu, meaning ‘good’, 'worthy'.
Ywerit f & m Old Celtic, Welsh Mythology
Possibly means either "Ireland" or "the Atlantic Ocean" (which lies in the direction of Ireland from Wales), both meanings derived from Proto-Celtic *ɸīweriyū meaning "earth, soil". This was the name of a parent of Brân in Welsh mythology, either being a variant name of Llŷr (which means "the sea") or the name of his wife.