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CAF Generation
H: [87] Lanner, Artemis, Mark, William, Omar, Gryffon, Michael, Colin (LN: Sherman, Denny, Tulloch)
W: [85] Cosima, Tawny, Celandine, Savannah, Maggie, Silvia, Elizabeth, Victoria (LN: Hill, Anderson, Gilmour)S1: [57] Father's name
S2: [53] Maurice, Rhys, Braydon, Edward, Merlin, Lysander, Billie, Alfonso (twin)
D1: [53] Ophelia, Wilhelmina, Matilda, Aurelia, Wren, Alexandra, Marilyn, Georgina (twin)
S3: [51] Kingston, Thorin, Anthony, Aldo, Kitt, Florian, Rupert, Melchoir******
S1: [57]
W: [52] Petra, Desire, Bristol, Delilah, Tabitha, Jessamine, Jocelyn, Madalene, Arabella (LN: Doty, Campbell, Kennedy)D: [29] Raven, Sybil, Miranda, Eleanora, Sophia, Perenelle, Prairie, Jocasta
-exBF: [30] Thane, Brutus, Clement, Silas, Quillon, Thomas, Julian, Jonathan (LN: Ford, Molloy, Kidston)
-S: [7] Peter, Terrin, Jasper, Linn, Draegan, Maxentius, Rufus, Puck
-D: [5] Lady, Augustina, Rin, Aubrey, Theresa, Eveline, Paisley, Faith
-H: [34] Aras, Calen, Cyrus, Francis, Tolliver, Oril, Alaric, Jules (LN: Ring, Gumprecht, Menteith)
-D: [2] Dove, Adeline, Evangeline, Pandora, Irmina, Melodia, Robin, Miri
-D: [nb] Emma, Sabrina, Violet, Mildred, Vespera, Belle, Lavinia, CamillaS: [25] Father's name
-W: [27] Misty, Asteria, Ainsley, Fiona, Kitty, Marcheline, Ianthe, Tillie (LN: White, Kenrick, Lousada)D: [23] Patience, Clemency, Lynn, Wynne, Amy, Griselda, Eclipse, Vivian
-H: [25] Oscar, Cassian, Cyprian, Atlas, Aves, March, Alistair, Shamus (LN: Wormall, Greaves, Spencer)
-D: [2] Evelynne, Lenore, Anya, Amber, Mehitable, Xandria, Winifred, Amethyst
-S: [nb] Phinneas, Charles, Quinton, Castor, Headley, Primus, Percival, PipD: [19] Lennie, Odette, Freya, Rose, Blue, Carlotta, Esther, Edith
S: [17] Quirin, Wren, Balthasar, Algernon, Griffin, Laurence, Hector, Damon******
S2: [53]
exW: [47] Mary, Kaila, Quinn, Terrin, Leonette, Susan, Kiara, Katherine (LN: Doggett, Auger, Babington)D: [23] Gisella, Esmeralda, Philippa, Brigitta, Laurentia / MN is Grandmother's FND: [21] Anne, Eva, Lucretia, Devora, Seraphina / MN is Mother's FN
-H: [21] Samuel, Oberon, Percy, Lucas, Pandion, Benjamin, Bartholomew, Blaize (LN: Foster, Critchley, Constable-Maxwell)
-D: [1] Amaryllis, Linnea, Anja, Cassiopeia, Mamie, Marah, Alannah, Asteria
-D: [exp] Lilac, Rosemary, Violetta, Adairia, Camellia, Lily, Kaia, LunaD: [19] Bryony, Hyacinth, Helene, Genevieve, Evanthey, Christabella, Rhea, DarbyW: [39] Lavender, Davida, Carissa, Hester, Sara, Adah, Lennox, Mariana (LN: Crosbie, Glendinning, Grierson)D: [9] Azalea, Lilianna, Savannah, Villette, Gardenia, Heather, Celandine, Shiloh
S: [8] Aloysius, Fennec, Henry, Emrys, Emmett, Copper, Silvanus, Quentin
D: [6] Marigold, Ezra, Prudence, Loelia, Khali, Orla, Maelie
S: [4] Victor, Hildebrand, Ren, Montgomery, Rook, Leon, Clinton, Hezekiah
D: [2] Gaia, Seraphina, Freya, Viola, Cora, Hilary, Xia, Echo******
D1: [53]
H: [52] Willoughby, Arthur, Ferdinand, Marius, Aurelian, Lucian, Boniface, Maurice (LN: Stephens, Kirkpatrick, Jardine)S: [31] Father's name
-W: [29] Annabella, Delaney, Josianne, Oleander, Kitty, Calinda, Rosie, Verbena (LN: Tilden, Blackett, Delahey)
-D: [5] Grandmother's name
-S: [3] Father's name
-D: [nb] America, Montana, Aster, Adalia, Holland, Antonia, Octavia, WillowD: [24] Tessa, Poppy, Jersey, Imogene, Tallulah, Kynlee, Gwendolyn, Iris
S: [21] Grandfather's name
D: [17] Laura, Tristin, Avelyn, Julianne, Rainie, Pansy, Naomi, Amara******
S3: [51]
W: [42] Natalie, Tannen, Nicole, Bonnie, Isla, Ivy, Josephine, Miranda (LN: Hatch, Morgan, Oliphant)D/D: [19] Elodie, Beth, Nora, Juno, Oaklyn, Addy, Avery, Elenore // Alicia, Lea, Alyssa, Kaylah, Solene, Maxime, Sophie, Laurel
S: [15] Father's name
D/S: [12] Ruby, Chloe, Lily, Astrid, Leah, Myra, Mallory, Jude // Fawkes, Chevalier, Benedict, Orlando, Oriole, Talon, Frederick, Oceanus
D: [9] Emmie, Barbara, Celeste, Bianca, Melissa, Dee, Livia, Hailey
D: [7] Cecelia, Eliza, Lynette, Ruth, Jayne, Catherine, Beatrice, Bernadette
S: [5] Blue, Lancaster, Felix, Kestrel, Spike, Fox, Nico, Quincy
D: [2] Hadley, Frances, Courtney, Rosalie, Josephine, Juliette, Veronica, Olivia******
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H: [87] Gryffon Omar Denny, Sr.
W: [85] Silvia Elizabeth Gilmour DennyS1: [57] Gryffon Omar Denny, Jr.
S2: [53] Merlin Maurice Denny (twin)
D1: [53] Aurelia Wilhelmina Denny Stephens (twin)
S3: [51] Florian Rupert Denny, Sr.******
S1: [57] Gryffon Omar Denny, Jr.
W: [52] Jessamine Tabitha Kennedy DennyD: [29] Jocasta Prairie Denny Ring
-exBF: [30] Silas Jonathan Kidston
-S: [7] Jasper Maxentius Kidston
-D: [5] Paisley Augustina Kidston
-H: [34] Jules Calen Ring
-D: [2] Evangeline Melodia Ring
-D: [nb] Lavinia Mildred RingS: [25] Gryffon Omar Denny, III
-W: [27] Misty Ianthe Lousada DennyD: [23] Patience Vivian Denny Spencer
-H: [25] Aves Cyprian Spencer
-D: [2] Lenore Anya Spencer
-S: [nb] Phinneas Quinton SpencerD: [19] Odette Freya DennyS: [17] Algernon Griffin Denny******
S2: [53] Merlin Maurice Denny
exW: [47] Leonette Kaila BabingtonD: [23] Gisella Silvia DennyD: [21] Seraphina Leonette Denny Constable-Maxwell
-H: [21] Oberon Percy Constable-Maxwell
-D: [1] Cassiopeia Alannah Constable-Maxwell
-D: [exp] Adairia Rosemary Constable-MaxwellD: [19] Evanthey Genevieve Denny
W: [39] Lavender Sara Grierson DennyD: [9] Azalea Villette Denny
S: [8] Aloysius Quentin Denny
D: [6] Loelia Prudence Denny
S: [4] Leon Hezekiah Denny
D: [2] Gaia Hilary Denny******
D1: [53] Aurelia Wilhelmina Denny Stephens
H: [52] Aurelian Maurice Stephens, Sr.S: [31] Aurelian Maurice Stephens, Jr.
-W: [29] Annabella Rosie Delahey Stephens
-D: [5] Aurelia Wilhelmina Stephens
-S: [3] Aurelian Maurice Stephens, III
-D: [nb] Antonia Aster StephensD: [24] Imogene Poppy Stephens
S: [21] Gryffon Omar Stephens
D: [17] Amara Rainie Stephens******
S3: [51] Florian Rupert Denny, Sr.
W: [42] Bonnie Isla Morgan DennyD/D: [19] Elodie Avery Denny & Sophie Alyssa Denny
S: [15] Florian Rupert Denny, Jr.
D/S: [12] Mallory Jude Denny & Fawkes Oriole Denny
D: [9] Bianca Celeste Denny
D: [7] Lynette Catherine Denny
S: [5] Felix Spike Denny
D: [2] Hadley Josephine Denny******
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H: [87] William Gryffon Tulloch I
W: [85] Silvia Tawny Hill TullochS1: [57] William Gryffon Tulloch II
S2: [53] Lysander Edward Tulloch (twin)
D1: [53] Alexandra Marilyn Tulloch Stephens (twin)
S3: [51] Florian Melchior Tulloch I******
S1: [57] William Gryffon Tulloch II
W: [52] Desire Tabitha Kennedy TullochD: [29] Sophia Raven Tulloch Ring
-exBF: [30] Jonathan Silas Kidston
-S: [7] Jasper Draegan Tulloch Ring
-D: [5] Lady Faith Tulloch Ring
-H: [34] Alaric Jules Ring
-D: [2] Robin Adeline Ring
-D: [nb] Belle Violet RingS: [25] William Gryffon Tulloch III
-W: [27] Ianthe Asteria White TullochD: [23] Lynn Eclipse Tulloch Spencer
-H: [25] Atlas March Spencer
-D: [2] Amethyst Xandria Spencer
-S: [nb] Quinton Castor SpencerD: [19] Carlotta Esther Tulloch
S: [17] Hector Damon Tulloch******
S2: [53] Lysander Edward Tulloch (twin)
exW: [47] Mary Quinn DoggettD: [23] Philippa Silvia TullochD: [21] Lucretia Mary Tulloch Foster
-H: [21] Samuel Pandion Foster
-D: [1] Anja Asteria Foster
-D: [exp] Adairia Lilac FosterD: [19] Hyacinth Helene TullochW: [39] Hester Lavender Crosbie TullochD: [9] Heather Shiloh Tulloch
S: [8] Emrys Copper Tulloch
D: [6] Loelia Khali Tulloch
S: [4] Clinton Victor Tulloch
D: [2] Freya Hilary Tulloch******
D1: [53] Alexandra Marilyn Tulloch Stephens (twin)
H: [52] Maurice Arthur Stephens IS: [31] Maurice Arthur Stephens II
-W: [29] Josianne Calinda Delahey Stephens
-D: [5] Alexandra Marilyn Stephens
-S: [3] Maurice Arthur Stephens III
-D: [nb] Aster Octavia StephensD: [24] Imogene Kynlee Stephens
S: [21] William Gryffon Stephens
D: [17] Naomi Laura Stephens******
S3: [51] Florian Melchior Tulloch I
W: [42] Isla Miranda Hatch TullochD/D: [19] Elodie Elenore Tulloch & Lea Laurel Tulloch
S: [15] Florian Melchior Tulloch II
D/S: [12] Ruby Astrid Tulloch & Orlando Oceanus Tulloch
D: [9] Emmie Celeste Tulloch
D: [7] Lynette Jayne Tulloch
S: [5] Nico Quincy Tulloch
D: [2] Hadley Rosalie Tulloch******
vote up1
LN: Tulloch Mark William (87)
Savannah Elizabeth (85) (MN: Hill) Mark William II (57)
-Arabella Bristol (52) (MN: Campbell)
--Miranda Raven (29)
---Julian Thomas (30) (LN: Ford) (ex-boyfriend)
----Jasper Peter (7)
----Aubrey Eveline (5)
---Calen Tolliver (34) (LN: Menteith) (husband)
----Evangeline Dove (2)
----Sabrina Violet (nb)
--Mark William III (25)
---Fiona Ianthe (27) (MN: Kenrick)
--Griselda Lynn (23)
---Alistair March (25) (LN: Greaves)
----Anya Evelynne (2)
----Quinton Charles (nb)
--Freya Blue (19)
--Griffin Damon (17)
Rhys Lysander (53)
-Quinn Leonette (47) (LN: Doggett) (ex-wife)
--Esmeralda Savannah (23)
--Seraphina Quinn (21)
---Lucas Blaize (21) (LN: Foster)
----Cassiopeia Linnea (1)

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H: [87] William "Will" Mark Sherman
W: [85] Silvia Elizabeth (Hill) ShermanS1: [57] William "Bill" Mark Sherman, Jr
S2: [53] Edward "Eddie" Lysander Sherman
D1: [53] Matilda "Tillie" Marilyn Sherman
S3: [51] Anthony "Tony" Rupert ShermanWill & Silvia Sherman: Bill, Eddie, Tillie and Tony******
S1: [57] William "Bill" Mark Sherman, Jr
W: [52] Tabitha "Tabby" Delilah (Campbell) ShermanD: [29] Miranda Sophia (Sherman) Menteith
-exBF: [30] Jonathan "Jon" Silas Ford
-S: [7] Puck Jasper Ford
-D: [5] Paisley Faith Ford
-H: [34] Cyrus "Cy" Calen Menteith
-D: [2] Adeline Robin Menteith
-D: [nb] Violet Belle MenteithS: [25] William "Will" Mark Sherman, III
-W: [27] Ainsley Fiona (White) ShermanD: [23] Vivian Lynn (Sherman) Spencer
-H: [25] Alistair Oscar Spencer
-D: [2] Winifred "Winnie" Amber Spencer
-S: [nb] Charles "Charlie" Quinton SpencerD: [19] Edith Rose Sherman
S: [17] Griffin "Griff" Damon ShermanBill & Tabby Sherman: Miranda, Will, Vivian, Edith and Griff
--Miranda Menteith and Jon Ford: Puck and Paisley
---Miranda & Cy Menteith: Adeline and Violet
--Will & Ainsley Sherman: (no children)
--Vivian & Alistair Spencer: Winnie and Charlie******
S2: [53] Edward "Eddie" Lysander Sherman
exW: [47] Katherine "Kate" Susan AugerD: [23] Gisella "Gia" Silvia ShermanD: [21] Seraphina "Sera" Katherine (Sherman) Foster
-H: [21] Benjamin "Ben" Lucas Foster
-D: [1] Marah Alannah Foster
-D: [exp] Lily Rosemary FosterD: [19] Genevieve "Genna" Rhea ShermanW: [39] Carissa Mariana (Grierson) ShermanD: [9] Savannah Azalea Sherman
S: [8] Emmett Henry Sherman
D: [6] Maelie Prudence Sherman
S: [4] Leon Montgomery Sherman
D: [2] Cora Hilary ShermanEddie Sherman and Kate Auger: Gia, Sera and Genna
--Sera & Ben Foster: Marah and LilyEddie & Carissa Sherman: Savannah, Emmett, Maelie, Leon and Cora******
D1: [53] Matilda "Tillie" Marilyn (Sherman) Stephens
H: [52] Arthur "Art" Lucian StephensS: [31] Arthur Lucian Stephens, Jr
-W: [29] Delaney Calinda (Tilden) Stephens

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H: [87] Artemis William (LN: Tulloch)
W: [85] Cosima Elizabeth (LN: Gilmour)S1: [57] Artemis William ‘Ari’
S2: [53] Merlin Rhys (twin)
D1: [53] Ophelia Matilda (twin)
S3: [51] Thorin Rupert******
S1: [57] Artemis William ‘Ari’
W: [52] Arabella Jessamine (LN: Campbell)D: [29] Eleanora Sybil
-exBF: [30] Silas Thomas ‘Si’ (LN: Ford)
-S: [7] Jasper Rufus
-D: [5] Augustina Faith
-H: [34] Alaric Jules (LN: Menteith)
-D: [2] Pandora Evangeline
-D: [nb] Lavinia Violet S: [25] Artemis William
-W: [27] Fiona Ianthe (LN: Kenrick)D: [23] Vivian Patience
-H: [25] Atlas Cassian (LN: Spencer)
-D: [2] Lenore Winifred
-S: [nb] Percival Quinton ‘Percy’D: [19] Freya Edith
S: [17] Wren Griffin ******
S2: [53] Merlin Rhys (twin)exW: [47] Mary Katherine ‘Mary-Kate’ (LN: Babington)D: [23] Esmeralda Cosima ‘Esme’D: [21] Seraphina Mary
-H: [21] Samuel Benjamin ‘Sam’ (LN: Constable-Maxwell)
-D: [1] Linnea Asteria
-D: [exp] Kaia Lilac D: [19] Bryony Genevieve W: [39] Adah Lavender (LN: Grierson)D: [9] Shiloh Azalea
S: [8] Henry Aloysius
D: [6] Orla Marigold
S: [4] Montgomery Ren ‘Monty’
D: [2] Freya Viola ******
D1: [53] Ophelia Matilda (twin)
H: [52] Marius Ferdinand (LN: Jardine)S: [31] Marius Ferdinand ‘Rio’
-W: [29] Rosie Annabella (LN: Tilden)
-D: [5] Ophelia Matilda ‘Fia’
-S: [3] Marius Ferdinand
-D: [nb] Octavia WillowD: [24] Imogene Poppy
S: [21] Artemis William ‘Art’
D: [17] Amara Julianne ******
S3: [51] Thorin Rupert
W: [42] Isla Nicole (LN: Morgan)D/D: [19] Juno Elodie and Lea Maxime
S: [15] Thorin Rupert ‘Thor’
D/S: [12] Ruby Astrid and Talon Frederick ‘Tal’
D: [9] Bianca Celeste ‘Bee’
D: [7] Eliza Beatrice
S: [5] Quincy Blue
D: [2] Josephine Frances ‘Posey’
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H: William Lanner Tulloch [87]
W: Silvia Elizabeth Anderson Tulloch [85])S1: William Lanner Tulloch II [57]
S2: Edward Maurice Tulloch [53] (twin)
D1: Matilda Georgina Tulloch [53] (twin)
S3: Anthony Kingston Tulloch [51] William (Billy) & Silvia; William, Edward, Matilda, and Anthony.******S1: William Lanner Tulloch II [57]
W: Petra Jessamine Doty [52] William (Will) & Petra; Miranda, Griffin, Vivian, and Esther (Tessie).D: Miranda Sophia Doty-Tulloch Menteith [29]
-exBF: Julian Thomas Kidston [30]
-S: Jasper Puck Kidston [7]
-D: Aubrey Faith Kidston [5]
-H: Alaric Cyrus Menteith [34]
-D: Violet Emma Menteith [2]
-D: Camilla Sabrina [nb] Miranda & Julian; Jasper and Aubrey.
Miranda & Alaric (Alic); Violet and Camilla.S: Griffin Laurence Tulloch [25]D: Vivian Lynn Tulloch Wormall [23]
-H: Atlas Spencer Wormall [25]
-D: Anya Fiona Wormall [2]
-S: Charles Percival Wormall [nb] Vivian & Atlas; Anya and Charles (Charlie).D: Esther Rose Tulloch [19]******S2: Edward Maurice Tulloch [53]
exW: Mary Katherine Doggett Tulloch [47] Edward (Ned) & Mary; Rosemary, Eva, and Lily.
Ned & Sara; Emmett, Henry, and Cora.D: Rosemary Susan Tulloch [23] D: Eva Anne Tulloch Critchley [21]
-H: Lucas Benjamin Critchley [21]
-D: Philippa Adah Critchley [1]
-D: Luna Anne Critchley [exp] Eva & Lucas; Philippa (Pippa) and Luna.D: Lily Rhea Tulloch [19] W: Sara Genevieve Grierson Tulloch [39]S: Emmett Quentin Tulloch [8]
S: Henry Montgomery Tulloch [4]
D: Cora Seraphina Tulloch [2] ******D1: Matilda Georgina Tulloch Stephens [53]
H: Arthur Lucian Stephens [52] Matilda & Arthur; Kestrel, Tessa, and Naomi.S: Kestrel Tulloch Stephens [31]
-W: Delaney Annabella Tilden Stephens [29]
-D: Matilda Delaney Stephens [3]
-D: Willow Octavia Stephens [nb] Kestrel (Kez) & Delaney; Matilda (Mattie) and Willow.D: Tessa Iris Stephens [24]
D: Naomi Laura Stephens [21] ******S3: Anthony Kingston Tulloch [51]
W: Bonnie Nicole Oliphant Tulloch [42] D/D: Isla Josephine Tulloch & Sophie Alyssa Tulloch [19]
S: Anthony Kingston Tulloch Jr. [15]
D/S: Ruby Astrid Tulloch & Benedict Fox Tulloch [12]
D: Eliza Livia Tulloch [7]
D: Catherine Jayne Tulloch [6]
D: Juliette Olivia Tulloch [5]
D: Rosalie Frances Kingston [2] Anthony & Bonnie; Isla, Sophie, Kingston, Ruby, Benedict (Ben), Eliza, Catherine (Katie), Juliette (Jules), and Rosalie (Rose).
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H: [87] William Colin Sherman 'Will'
W: [85] Maggie Elizabeth (Gilmour) Sherman S1: [57] William Colin Sherman, Jr. 'Colin'
S2: [53] Braydon Edward Sherman (twin)
D1: [53] Alexandra Marilyn Sherman 'Alex' (twin)
S3: [51] Kingston Anthony Sherman ******
S1: [57] William Colin Sherman, Jr. 'Colin'
W: [52] Jessamine Bristol (Doty) Sherman 'Jessa' D: [29] Sophia Miranda (Sherman) Ring 'Sophie'
-exBF: [30] Silas Julian Molloy
-S: [7] Jasper Rufus Molloy
-D: [5] Paisley Eveline Molloy
-H: [34] Calen Francis Ring
-D: [2] Miri Dove Ring
-D: [nb] Violet Belle Ring S: [25] William Colin Sherman, III 'Trey'
-W: [27] Ainsley Fiona (Kenrick) Sherman D: [23] Amy Vivian (Sherman) Greaves
-H: [25] Alistair Cassian Greaves
-D: [2] Lenore Anya Greaves 'Nora'
-S: [nb] Quinton Charles Greaves D: [19] Rose Odette Sherman 'Rosie'
S: [17] Griffin Laurence Sherman 'Finn' ******
S2: [53] Braydon Edward Sherman exW: [47] Kiara Susan Babington D: [23] Gisella Maggie Sherman 'Ella' D: [21] Seraphina Kiara (Sherman) Foster 'Sera'
-H: [21] Lucas Samuel Foster
-D: [1] Linnea Alannah Foster
-D: [exp] Lily Camellia Foster D: [19] Bryony Helene Sherman 'Bry' W: [39] Adah Hester (Crosbie) Sherman D: [9] Savannah Heather Sherman
S: [8] Emrys Henry Sherman 'Rys'
D: [6] Maelie Orla Sherman 'Mae'
S: [4] Ren Victor Sherman
D: [2] Gaia Hilary Sherman ******
D1: [53] Alexandra Marilyn (Sherman) Stephens 'Alex'
H: [52] Arthur Maurice Stephens 'Artie' S: [31] Arthur Maurice Stephens, Jr. 'A.J.'
-W: [29] Delaney Annabella (Tilden) Stephens 'Laney'
-D: [5] Alexandra Marilyn Stephens 'Lexie'
-S: [3] Arthur Maurice Stephens, III 'Trip'
-D: [nb] Willow Octavia Stephens D: [24] Tessa Gwendolyn Stephens 'Tess'
S: [21] William Colin Stephens 'Liam'
D: [17] Julianne Laura Stephens 'Jules' ******
S3: [51] Kingston Anthony Sherman
W: [42] Isla Josephine (Hatch) Sherman D/D: [19] Juno Beth Sherman/Laurel Alicia Sherman
S: [15] Kingston Anthony Sherman, Jr. 'Stony'
D/S: [12] Chloe Myra Sherman/Talon Frederick Sherman
D: [9] Livia Celeste Sherman 'Liv'
D: [7] Eliza Beatrice Sherman
S: [5] Nico Felix Sherman
D: [2] Hadley Josephine Sherman
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DH 87 : Michael William Sherman
DW 85 : Elizabeth Silvia (Anderson) Sherman DS1 57 : Michael William Sherman
DS2 53 : Maurice Edward Sherman
DD1 53 : Wren Alexandra (Sherman)
DS3 51 : Kitt Kingston Sherman Michael & Betty || Mikey | Maurice | Wren | Kitt **
DS1 57 : Michael William Sherman
DW 52 : Arabella Petra (Campbell) Sherman DD 29 : Sophia Sybil (Sherman) Menteith
- ExBf 30 : Thomas Jonathan Ford
- DS 7 : Jasper Peter Ford
- DD 5 : Aubrey Faith Ford
Sophia & Tommy || Jasper | Aubrey
- DH 34 : Francis Jules Menteith
- DD 2 : Adeline Dove Menteith
- DD nb : Violet Belle Menteith

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H: [87] Lanner Mark Sherman Sr.
W: [85] Tawny Savannah HillS1: [57] Lanner Mark Sherman Jr.
S2: [53] Alfonso Maurice Sherman
D1: [53] Aurelia Ophelia Sherman
S3: [51] Anthony Kingston Sherman***
S1: [57] Lanner Mark Sherman Jr.
W: [52] Desire Petra CampbellD: [29] Raven Miranda Campbell
-exBF: [30] Thane Thomas Ford
-S: [7] Draegan Peter Ford
-D: [5] Rin Lady Ford
-H: [34] Tolliver Aras Gumprecht
-D: [2] Dove Pandora Campbell
-D: [nb] Lavinia Emma CampbellS: [25] Lanner Mark Campbell
-W: [27] Kitty Marcheline KendrickD: [23] Amy Griselda Campbell
-H: [25] Shamus Oscar Greaves
-D: [2] Amethyst Amber Greaves
-S: [nb] Phinneas Castor GreavesD: [19] Lennie Freya Campbell
S: [17] Algernon Quirin Campbell***
S2: [53] Alfonso Maurice Sherman
exW: [47] Terrin Leonette DoggettD: [23] Laurentia Tawny ShermanD: [21] Anne Terrin Sherman
-H: [21] Samuel Pandion Foster
-D: [1] Cassiopeia Mamie Foster
-D: [exp] Adairia Lilac FosterD: [19] Hyacinth Bryony ShermanW: [39] Davida Lavender CrosbieD: [9] Gardenia Savannah Sherman
S: [8] Aloysius Fennec Sherman
D: [6] Loelia Marigold Sherman
S: [4] Leon Hildebrand Sherman
D: [2] Echo Gaia Sherman***
D1: [53] Aurelia Ophelia Sherman
H: [52] Marius Maurice Stephens Sr.S: [31] Marius Maurice Stephens Jr.
-W: [29] Rosie Josianne Delahey
-D: [5] Aurelia Ophelia Stephens
-S: [3] Marius Maurice Stephens III
-D: [nb] America Montana StephensD: [24] Tessa Imogene Stephens
S: [21] Lanner Mark Stephens
D: [17] Avelyn Julianne Stephens***
S3: [51] Anthony Kingston Sherman Sr.
W: [42] Tannen Natalie OliphantD/D: [19] Nora Beth Sherman & Maxime Kaylah Sherman
S: [15] Anthony Kingston Sherman Jr.
D/S: [12] Astrid Ruby Sherman & Orlando Oriole Sherman
D: [9] Barbara Emmie Sherman
D: [7] Ruth Jayne Sherman
S: [5] Spike Blue Sherman
D: [2] Rosalie Josephine Sherman
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H: William Colin Denny, Sr. [87]
W: Victoria Cosima Denny née Hill [85]S1: William (Colin) Colin Denny, Jr. [57]
S2: Rhys Edward Denny [53] (twin)
D1: Wren Aurelia Kirkpatrick née Denny [53] (twin)
S3: Kitt Anthony Denny, Sr. [51]******S1: William (Colin) Colin Denny, Jr. [57]
W: Jocelyn Arabella Campbell-Denny [52]D: Sophia Miranda Menteith née Denny [29]
-exBF: Silas Julian Molloy [30]
--S: Jasper Puck Molloy [7]
--D: Eveline Rin Molloy [5]
-H: Cyrus Tolliver Menteith [34]
--D: Miri Dove Menteith [2]
--D: Violet Belle Menteith [nb]S: William (Will) Colin Denny III [25]
-W: Marcheline Asteria Denny née White [27]D: Vivian Wynne Denny-Greaves [23]
-H: Alistair Oscar Greaves [25]
--D: Evelynne Anya Greaves [2]
--S: Phinneas Quinton Greaves [nb]D: Freya Odette Denny [19]
S: Laurence Griffin Denny [17]******S2: Rhys Edward Denny [53] (twin)exW: Kaila Kiara Auger [47]D: Philippa Victoria Denny [23]D: Seraphina Kaila Foster née Denny [21]
-H: Bartholomew Lucas Foster [21]
--D: Linnea Cassiopeia Foster [1]
--D: Luna Adairia Foster [exp]D: Christabella Genevieve Denny [19]W: Mariana Lennox Grierson-Denny [39]D: Lilianna Azalea Denny [9]
S: Emrys Quentin Denny [8]
D: Orla Maelie Denny [6]
S: Leon Montgomery Denny [4]
D: Freya Viola Denny [2]******D1: Wren Aurelia Kirkpatrick née Denny [53]
H: Willoughby Arthur Kirkpatrick, Sr. [52]S: Willoughby (Arthur) Arthur Kirkpatrick, Jr. [31]
-W: Annabella Josianne Tilden-Kirkpatrick [29]
--D: Wren (Aurelia) Aurelia Kirkpatrick [5]
--S: Willoughby (Tripp) Arthur Kirkpatrick III [3]
--D: Octavia Willow Kirkpatrick [nb]D: Gwendolyn Tessa Kirkpatrick [24]
S: William (Liam) Colin Kirkpatrick [21]
D: Naomi Avelyn Kirkpatrick [17]******S3: Kitt Anthony Denny, Sr. [51]
W: Isla Josephine Denny née Oliphant [42]D/D: Elodie Nora Denny & Laurel Sophie Denny [19]
S: Kitt (Anthony) Anthony Denny, Jr. [15]
D/S: Ruby Astrid Denny & Benedict Orlando Denny [12]
D: Emmie Livia Denny [9]
D: Jayne Cecelia Denny [7]
S: Felix Quincy Denny [5]
D: Rosalie Frances Denny [2]******
vote up1
H: [87] Michael William Sherman
W: [85] Elizabeth Victoria [Anderson] Sherman S1: [57] Michael William ShermanLiam
S2: [53] Rhys Edward Sherman
D1: [53] Matilda Alexandra Sherman
S3: [51] Anthony Melchior ShermanMichael & Elizabeth; Liam, Rhys, Matilda, and Anthony ******
S1: [57] Michael William ShermanLiam
W: [52] Jessamine Petra DotyLiam & Jessamine; Sophia, Michael, Vivian, Freya, and Laurence D: [29] Sophia Miranda Sherman
-exBF: [30] Julian Thomas Molloy
-S: [7] Peter Sherman Molloy
-D: [5] Eveline Faith Molloy “Eva
-H: [34] Cyrus Jules Menteith
-D: [2] Adeline Robin ShermanAddie

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This message was edited 11/16/2022, 1:45 PM

vote up1
H: [87] Nicholas William 'Colin' Tulloch, Sr.
W: [85] Silvia Cosima (Anderson) TullochS1: [57] Nicholas William 'Nick' Tulloch, Jr.
S2: [53] Maurice Alfonso Tulloch (twin)
D1: [53] Matilda Aurelia Tulloch (twin)
S3: [51] Rupert Florian Tulloch******S1: [57] Nicholas William 'Nick' Tulloch, Jr.
W: [52] Petra Delilah (Campbell) TullochD: [29] Sybil Jocasta (Tulloch) Gumprecht
-exBF: [30] Jonathan Silas Ford
-S: [7] Rufus Peter Tulloch-Ford
-D: [5] Augustina Theresa 'Aggie' Tulloch-Ford
-H: [34] Francis Jules Gumprecht
-D: [2] Pandora Evangeline 'Dora' Gumprecht
-D: [nb] Lavinia Mildred 'Vinny' GumprechtS: [25] Nicholas William 'Nico' Tulloch, III
-W: [27] Katherina Ianthe 'Kitty' (Lousada) TullochD: [23] Griselda Clemency (Tulloch) Greaves
-H: [25] Cyprian Alistair Greaves
-D: [2] Winifred Lenore Greaves
-S: [nb] Percival Charles GreavesD: [19] Odette Carlotta Tulloch
S: [17] Laurence Balthasar 'Laurie' Tulloch******S2: [53] Maurice Alfonso Tulloch
exW: [47] Katherine Susan Babington-TullochD: [23] Philippa Silvia TullochD: [21] Lucretia Katherine Tulloch
-H: [21] Bartholomew Oberon 'Bart' Critchley
-D: [1] Margaret Amaryllis 'Mamie' Critchley
-D: [exp] Violetta Lilac 'Lettie' CritchleyD: [19] Helene Hyacinth TullochW: [39] Davida Lavender (Crosbie) TullochD: [9] Gardenia Heather 'Gertie' Tulloch
S: [8] Emrys Quentin Tulloch
D: [6] Prudence Marigold 'Pru' Tulloch
S: [4] Leon Montgomery Tulloch
D: [2] Coraline Viola 'Cora' Tulloch******D1: [53] Matilda Aurelia (Tulloch) Kirkpatrick
H: [52] Willoughby Ferdinand 'Bill' Kirkpatrick, Sr.S: [31] Willoughby Ferdinand 'Will' Kirkpatrick, Jr.
-W: [29] Josianne Verbena (Blackett) Kirkpatrick
-D: [5] Matilda Aurelia 'Tilda' Kirkpatrick, II
-S: [3] Willoughby Ferdinand 'Billy' Kirkpatrick, III
-D: [nb] Octavia Holland KirkpatrickD: [24] Iris Tallulah Kirkpatrick
S: [21] Nicholas William 'Cole' Kirkpatrick
D: [17] Naomi Julianne 'Mimi' Kirkpatrick******S3: [51] Rupert Florian Tulloch, Sr.
W: [42] Bonnie Josephine (Hatch) TullochD/D: [19] Eleanor Juno 'Nora' Tulloch // Sophie Laurel Tulloch
S: [15] Rupert Florian 'Ripp' Tulloch, Jr.
D/S: [12] Lillian Myra 'Lily' Tulloch // Frederick Benedict 'Fritz' Tulloch
D: [9] Bianca Barbara 'Bibi' Tulloch
D: [7] Ruth Bernadette Tulloch
S: [5] Quincy Felix Tulloch
D: [2] Josephine Frances 'Posy' Tulloch
vote up1
H: [87] William MichaelBillDenny
W: [85] Elizabeth VictoriaLiz” Hill-Denny
Bill & Liz: William Jr, Edward, Matilda and Anthony
Grandkids: Sophia, Michael, Vivian, Rose, Lawrence, Philippa, Annie, Genevieve, Henry, Leon, Cora, AJ, Iris, Billy, Laura, Nora, Sophie, Anthony, Ruby, Freddie, Celeste, Eliza, Felix and Rosalie S1: [57] William Michael Denny Jr “Will
S2: [53] Edward LysanderEdDenny
D1: [53] Matilda OpheliaTildaDenny
S3: [51] Anthony FlorianTonyDenny
S1: [57] Will Denny
W: [52] Madeline Delilah Campbell-Denny

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vote up1
H: [87] -- Colin Gryffon Sherman
W: [85] -- Celandine Victoria AndersonS1: [57] -- Colin Gryffon Sherman "Gryffon"
S2: [53] -- Rhys Lysander Sherman (twin)
D1: [53] -- Marilyn Wilhelmina Sherman (twin)
S3: [51] -- Aldo Florian Sherman******S1: [57] Gryffon Sherman
W: [52] -- Jocelyn Petra KennedyD: [29] -- Sybil Eleanora Sherman
-exBF: [30] -- Julian Brutus Ford
-S: [7] -- Maxentius Terrin Ford
-D: [5] -- Augustina Rin Ford
-H: [34] -- Alaric Cyrus Gumprecht
-D: [2] -- Irmina Evangeline Gumprecht
-D: [nb] -- Vespera Violet GumprechtS: [25] -- Colin Gryffon Sherman "Cole"
-W: [27] -- Asteria Marcheline KenrickD: [23] -- Vivian Eclipse Sherman
-H: [25] -- Alistair Cassian Spencer
-D: [2] -- Evelynne Xandria Spencer

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vote up1
H: [87] William Colin Denny
W: [85] Cosima Silvia GilmourS1: [57] William Colin Denny
S2: [53] Rhys Edward Denny (twin)
D1: [53] Matilda Wren Denny (twin)
S3: [51] Rupert Thorin Denny******S1: [57] William Colin Denny
W: [52] Arabella Desire CampbellD: [29] Sophia Prairie Denny
-exBF: [30] Julian Thomas Kidston
-S: [7] Rufus Jasper Kidston
-D: [5] Aubrey Faith Kidston
-H: [34] Jules Tolliver Gumprecht
-D: [2] Dove Adeline Gumprecht
-D: [nb] Lavinia Emma GumprechtS: [25] William Colin Denny
-W: [27] Ianthe Fiona KenrickD: [23] Vivian Clemency Denny
-H: [25] Oscar Cassian Spencer
-D: [2] Lenore Winifred Spencer
-S: [nb] Phinneas Charles SpencerD: [19] Esther Odette Denny
S: [17] Balthasar Wren Denny******S2: [53] Rhys Edward Denny (twin)
exW: [47] Katherine Quinn BabingtonD: [23] Laurentia Cosima DennyD: [21] Eva Katherine Denny
-H: [21] Samuel Lucas Foster
-D: [1] Linnea Mamie Foster
-D: [exp] Lilac Camellia FosterD: [19] Helene Genevieve DennyW: [39] Lavender Mariana CrosbieD: [9] Savannah Azalea Denny
S: [8] Quentin Silvanus Denny
D: [6] Marigold Loelia Denny
S: [4] Victor Leon Denny
D: [2] Freya Seraphina Denny******D1: [53] Matilda Wren Denny (twin)
H: [52] Aurelian Willoughby JardineS: [31] Aurelian Willoughby Jardine
-W: [29] Kitty Verbena Blackett
-D: [5] Matilda Wren Jardine
-S: [3] Aurelian Willoughby Jardine
-D: [nb] Octavia Willow JardineD: [24] Tessa Imogene Jardine
S: [21] William Colin Jardine
D: [17] Naomi Julianne Jardine******S3: [51] Rupert Thorin Denny
W: [42] Natalie Ivy MorganD/D: [19] Elodie Juno Denny & Sophie Laurel Denny
S: [15] Rupert Thorin Denny
D/S: [12] Astrid Chloe Denny & Benedict Talon Denny
D: [9] Celeste Livia Denny
D: [7] Beatrice Cecelia Denny
S: [5] Felix Quincy Denny
D: [2] Veronica Rosalie Denny
vote up1
H: [87] Colin Michael (LN: Sherman)
W: [85] Maggie Elizabeth (LN: Hill)S1: [57] Colin Michael “Michael”
S2: [53] Rhys Edward (twin)
D1: [53] Wren Alexandra (twin)
S3: [51] Rupert Kingston ******S1: [57] Colin Michael “Michael”
W: [52] Petra Arabella (LN: Kennedy)D: [29] Sophia Prairie
-exBF: [30] Silas Julian (LN: Ford)
-S: [7] Jasper Rufus
-D: [5] Faith Paisley
-H: [34] Francis Alaric (LN: Menteith)
-D: [2] Evangeline Dove “Evie”
-D: [nb] Violet BelleS: [25] Colin Michael “Mickey”
-W: [27] Tillie Fiona (LN: Kenrick)D: [23] Amy Patience
-H: [25] Oscar Atlas (LN: Spencer)
-D: [2] Amber Lenore
-S: [nb] Quinton Percival “Quin”D: [19] Esther Rose
S: [17] Griffin Laurence******S2: [53] Rhys Edward
exW: [47] Mary Katherine (LN: Auger)D: [23] Esmeralda Maggie “Esme”
D: [21] Seraphina Mary “Sera”
-H: [21] Benjamin Samuel “Ben” (LN: Foster, Critchley)
-D: [1] Alannah Cassiopeia
-D: [exp] Lily KaiaD: [19] Genevieve Rhea “Eve”W: [39] Adah Lavender (LN: Grierson)
D: [9] Shiloh Azalea
S: [8] Henry Emmett
D: [6] Marigold Orla “Goldie”
S: [4] Leon Hezekiah
D: [2] Freya Hilary******D1: [53] Wren Alexandra
H: [52] Maurice Willoughby (LN: Stephens)S: [31] Maurice Willoughby “Will”
-W: [29] Rosie Annabella (LN: Tilden)
-D: [5] Wren Alexandra “Lexi”
-S: [3] Maurice Willoughby “Mauri”
-D: [nb] Willow Adalia D: [24] Poppy Tallulah
S: [21] Grandfather's name
D: [17] Amara Naomi******S3: [51] Rupert Kingston
W: [42] Ivy Miranda (LN: Hatch)D/D: [19] Elodie Beth // Laurel Alicia
S: [15] Rupert Kingston “Kingston”
D/S: [12] Ruby Astrid // Frederick Benedict “Freddie”
D: [9] Emmie Celeste
D: [7] Ruth Beatrice “Ruthie”
S: [5] Felix Quincy
D: [2] Juliette Olivia******
vote up1
H: [87] William Lanner "Bill" Tulloch
W: [85] Celandine Victoria Hill S1: [57] William Lanner "Lanny" Tulloch, Jr.
S2: [53-twin] Rhys Alfonso Tulloch
D1: [53-twin] Georgina Marilyn "Jo" Tulloch
S3: [51] Christopher Thorin Tulloch ***
S1: [57] William Lanner "Will" Tulloch, Jr.
W: [52] Jocelyn Arabella Campbell D: [29] Perenelle Sophia "Nellie" Tulloch
-exBF: [30] Silas Julian Molloy
-S: [7] Jasper Terrin "Puck" Molloy
-D: [5] Evelyn Faith "Lady" Molloy
-H: [34] Calen Tolliver Gumprecht
-D: [2] Melodia Dove Gumprecht
-D: [nb] Lavinia Belle Gumprecht S: [25] William Lanner "Liam" Tulloch, III
-W: [27] Marcheline Fiona Kenrick D: [23] Vivian Wynne Tulloch
-H: [25] Cassian Alistair Greaves
-D: [2] Lenore Winifred Greaves
-S: [nb] Quinton Philip Greaves D: [19] Rose Carlotta Tulloch
S: [17] Griffin Laurence Tulloch ***
S2: [53] Rhys Alfonso Tulloch
exW: [47] Mary Leonette "Milly" Babington D: [23] Laurentia Celandine Tulloch D: [21] Seraphina Mary Tulloch
-H: [21] Samuel Bartholomew Critchley
-D: [1] Mara Linnea "Mamie" Critchley
-D: [exp] Lily Violetta Critchley D: [19] Christabella Rhea Tulloch W: [39] Carissa Mariana Glendinning D: [9] Azalea Villette "Zalie" Tulloch
S: [8] Emrys Fennec Tulloch
D: [6] Prudence Mae Tulloch
S: [4] Berend Montgomery "Ren" Tulloch
D: [2] Gaia Corinne Tulloch ***
D1: [53] Georgina Marilyn "Jo" Tulloch
H: [52] Arthur Willoughby "Art" Jardine S: [31] Arthur Willoughby "Will" Jardine, Jr.
-W: [29] Calinda Josiane Tilden
-D: [5] Marilyn Joanna Jardine
-S: [3] Arthur Willoughby "Arthur" Jardine, III
-D: [nb] Octavia Willow Jardine D: [24] Iris Gwendolen Jardine
S: [21] Lanner Tulloch "Tully" Jardine
D: [17] Raine Amara Jardine ***
S3: [51] Christopher Thorin Tulloch
W: [42] Bonnie Josephine Morgan D/D: [19] Sophie Eleanor & Laurel Alicia Tulloch
S: [15] Thorin Christopher Tulloch
D/S: [12] Ruby Astrid & Frederick Orlando Tulloch
D: [9] Celeste Bianca Tulloch
D: [7] Jayne Beatrice Tulloch
S: [5] Nicolas Morgan Tulloch
D: [2] Frances Josephine Tulloch *****
vote up1
H: [87] Omar Artemis Denny
W: [85] Silvia Cosima [Gilmour] DennyS1: [57] Omar Artemis "Artemis" Denny Jr.
S2: [53] Rhys Lysander Denny (twin)
D1: [53] Wren Ophelia Denny (twin)
S3: [51] Kitt Melchior DennyOmar and Silvia with Artemis, Rhys, Wren, and Kitt******S1: [57] Omar Artemis "Artemis" Denny Jr.
W: [52] Jessamine Delilah [Doty] DennyD: [29] Sybil Perenelle [Denny] Menteith
-exBF: [30] Silas Thane Kidston
-S: [7] Jasper Puck Kidston
-D: [5] Eveline Augustine Kidston
-H: [34] Francis Alaric Menteith
-D: [2] Melodia Dove Menteith
-D: [nb] Lavinia Violet MenteithS: [25] Omar Artemis Denny III
-W: [27] Kitty Asteria [White] DennyD: [23] Vivian Clemency [Denny] Greaves
-H: [25] Oscar Shamus "Shamus" Greaves
-D: [2] Mehitable Lenore Greaves
-S: [nb] Percival Charles GreavesD: [19] Esther Rose Denny
S: [17] Balthasar Laurence DennyArtemis and Jessamine with Sybil, Omar III, Vivian, Esther, and Balthasar
- Sybil and Silas with Jasper and Eveline
- Sybil and Francis with Melodia and Lavinia
- Omar III and Kitty
- Vivian and Shamus with Mehitable and Percival
******S2: [53] Rhys Lysander Denny
exW: [47] Kaila Leonette AugerD: [23] Laurentia Silvia DennyD: [21] Eva Kaila [Denny] Critchley
-H: [21] Percy Oberon Critchley
-D: [1] Mamie Amaryllis Critchley
-D: [exp] Kaia Lilac CritchleyD: [19] Rhea Evanthey DennyW: [39] Adah Davida [Glendinning] DennyD: [9] Heather Azalea Denny
S: [8] Henry Aloysius Denny
D: [6] Ezra Marigold Denny
S: [4] Victor Montgomery Denny
D: [2] Cora Hilary DennyRhys and Kaila with Laurentia, Eva, and Rhea
- Eva and Percy with Mamie and Kaia
Rhys and Adah with Heather, Henry, Ezra, Victor, and Cora
******D1: [53] Wren Ophelia [Denny] Stephens
H: [52] Willoughby Aurelian Stephens IS: [31] Willoughby Aurelian Stephens II
-W: [29] Annabella Josianne [Tilden] Stephens
-D: [5] Wren Ophelia Stephens
-S: [3] Willoughby Aurelian Stephens III
-D: [nb] Antonia Holland StephensD: [24] Iris Imogene Stephens

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vote up1
DH [87] Michael Gryffon Tulloch, Sr.
DW [85] Silvia Elizabeth {Anderson} TullochDS1 [57] Michael Gryffon Tulloch, Jr.
DS2 [53] Rhys Edward Tulloch
DD1 [53] Georgina Wren {Tulloch} Kirkpatrick
DS3 [51] Kitt Florian Tulloch, Sr.*DS1 [57] Michael Gryffon Tulloch, Jr.
DW [52] Jessamine Petra {Campbell} TullochDD [29] Sybil Eleanora {Tulloch} Menteith
- exbf [30] Julian Thomas Kidston
- DS [7] Jasper Terrin Kidston
- DD [5] Rin Augustina Kidston
- DH [34] Calen Tolliver Menteith
- DD [2] Dove Melodia Menteith
- DD [nb] Violet Lavinia MenteithDS [25] Michael Gryffon Tulloch, III
- DW [27] Fiona Ainsley {Kenrick} TullochDD [23] Vivian Clemency {Tulloch} Spencer
- DH [25] Cassian Aves Spencer
- DD [2] Anya Winifred Spencer
- DS [nb] Phinneas Percival SpencerDD [19] Freya Odette Tulloch
DS [17] Damon Balthasar Tulloch*DS2 [53] Rhys Edward Tulloch
exW [47] Kaila Mary AugerDD [23] Philippa Silvia TullochDD [21] Seraphina Kaila {Tulloch} Foster
- DH [21] Samuel Oberon Foster
- DD [1] Asteria Linnea Foster
- DD [exp] Kaia Lilac FosterDD [19] Helene Evanthey TullochDW [39] Adah Carissa {Glendinning} TullochDD [9] Lilianna Shiloh Tulloch
DS [8] Henry Quentin Tulloch
DD [6] Maelie Prudence Tulloch
DS [4] Montgomery Victor Tulloch
DD [2] Cora Hilary Tulloch*DD1 [53] Georgina Wren {Tulloch} Kirkpatrick
DH [52] Aurelian Marius Kirkpatrick, Sr.DS [31] Aurelian Marius Kirkpatrick, Jr.
- DW [29] Rosie Verbena {Blackett} Kirkpatrick
- DD [5] Georgina Wren Kirkpatrick
- DS [3] Aurelian Marius Kirkpatrick, III
- DD [nb] Holland Octavia KirkpatrickDD [24] Tallulah Poppy Kirkpatrick
DS [21] Michael Gryffon Kirkpatrick
DD [17] Amara Pansy Kirkpatrick*DS3 [51] Kitt Florian Tulloch, Sr.
DW [42] Isla Tannen {Oliphant} TullochDD [19] Juno Oaklyn Tulloch
DD [19] Solene Laurel Tulloch
DS [15] Kitt Florian Tulloch, Jr.
DD [12] Jude Astrid Tulloch
DS [12] Talon Frederick Tulloch
DD [9] Livia Emmie Tulloch
DD [7] Cecelia Jayne Tulloch
DS [5] Nico Felix Tulloch
DD [2] Juliette Hadley Tulloch
vote up1
DH [87] William Michael Sherman, Sr.
DW [85] Elizabeth Celandine {Anderson} ShermanDS [57] William Michael Sherman, Jr.
DS [53] Edward Maurice Sherman
DD [53] Matilda Wren {Sherman} Kirkpatrick
DS [51] Anthony Rupert Sherman, Sr.*DS [57] William Michael Sherman, Jr.
DW [52] Petra Jocelyn {Campbell} ShermanDD [29] Eleanora Sophia {Sherman} Menteith
— exDbf [30] Silas Julian Molloy
— DH [34] Calen Francis Menteith
— DS [7] Jasper Rufus Molloy
— DD [5] Paisley Theresa Molloy
— DD [2] Dove Evangeline Menteith
— DD [nb] Violet Sabrina MenteithDS [25] William Michael Sherman, III
— DW [27] Fiona Ainsley {White} ShermanDD [23] Vivian Clemency {Sherman} Spencer
— DH [25] Cassian March Spencer
— DD [2] Anya Winifred Spencer
— DS [nb] Charles Quinton SpencerDD [19] Freya Esther Sherman
DS [17] Griffin Laurence Sherman*DS [53] Edward Maurice Sherman
exDW [47] Mary Katherine {Auger} Sherman
DW [39] Sara Hester {Crosbie} ShermanDD [23] Philippa Elizabeth ShermanDD [21] Seraphina Mary {Sherman} Foster
— DH [21] Lucas Benjamin Foster
— DD [1] Linnea Amaryllis Foster
— DD [exp] Kaia Rosemary FosterDD [19] Genevieve Rhea Sherman
DD [9] Lilianna Shiloh Sherman
DS [8] Quentin Henry Sherman
DD [6] Maelie Prudence Sherman
DS [4] Leon Montgomery Sherman
DD [2] Freya Hilary Sherman*DD [53] Matilda Wren {Sherman} Kirkpatrick
DH [52] Lucian Arthur Kirkpatrick, Sr.DS [31] Lucian Arthur Kirkpatrick, Jr.
— DW [29] Delaney Annabella {Tilden} Kirkpatrick
— DD [5] Matilda Wren Kirkpatrick
— DS [3] Lucian Arthur Kirkpatrick, III
— DD [nb] Montana Willow KirkpatrickDD [24] Tallulah Iris Kirkpatrick
DS [21] William Michael Kirkpatrick
DD [17] Julianne Naomi Kirkpatrick*DS [51] Anthony Rupert Sherman, Sr.
DW [42] Isla Josephine {Morgan} ShermanDD [19] Elodie Beth Sherman
DD [19] Sophie Laurel Sherman
DS [15] Anthony Rupert Sherman, III
DD [12] Mallory Jude Sherman
DS [12] Talon Frederick Sherman
DD [9] Livia Celeste Sherman
DD [7] Cecelia Jayne Sherman
DS [5] Felix Quincy Sherman
DD [2] Hadley Olivia Sherman
vote up1
H: Lanner Michael Sherman
W: Savannah Celandine HillS1: Lanner Michael Sherman
S2: Alfonso Merlin Sherman
D1: Wren Marilyn Sherman
S3: Anthony Thorin Sherman
S1: Lanner Michael Sherman
W: Delilah Jessamine KennedyD: Raven Perenelle Sherman
-exBF: Julian Silas Ford
-S: Terrin Jasper Sherman (Ford? Not clear on this…)
-D: Rin Eveline Sherman
-H: Alaric Cyrus Menteith
-D: Evangeline Miri Menteith
-D: Violet Emma Menteith S: Lanner Michael Sherman
-W: Misty Asteria WhiteD: Vivian Eclipse Sherman
-H: Shamus Cassian Greaves
-D: Amethyst Lenore Greaves
-S: Charles Castor GreavesD: Esther Blue Sherman
S: Griffin Wren Sherman
S2: Alfonso Merlin Sherman
exW: Kaila Leonette AugerD: Esmeralda Savannah Sherman
D: Devora Kaila Sherman
-H: Lucas Blaize Foster
-D: Amaryllis Linnea Foster
-D: Lilac Kaia Foster D: Evanthey Rhea Sherman W: Sara Lavender CrosbieD: Azalea Shiloh Sherman
S: Emrys Copper Sherman
D: Maelie Ezra Sherman
S: Ren Leon Sherman
D: Echo Hilary Sherman
D1: Wren Marilyn Sherman
H: Lucian Arthur StephensS: Lucian Arthur Stephens
-W: Delaney Verbena Tilden
-D: Savannah Celandine Stephens
-S: Lucian Arthur Stephens
-D: Aster Willow Stephens D: Tessa Iris Stephens
S: Lanner Michael Stephens
D: Naomi Avelyn Stephens
S3: Anthony Thorin Sherman
W: Natalie Isla HatchD/D: Elodie Juno Sherman/Lea Solene Sherman
D/S: Astrid Mallory Sherman/Talon Oriole Sherman
D: Celeste Livia Sherman
S: Nico Kestrel Sherman
D: Juliette Rosalie Sherman
vote up1
H: [87] Lanner Artemis Denny
W: [85] Tawny Celandine [Hill] DennyS1: [57] Lanner ArtemisArtemisDenny Jr.
S2: [53] Maurice Merlin Denny
D1: [53] WilhelminaMinaAurelia Denny
S3: [51] Rupert Florian Denny******
S1: [57] Artemis Denny
W: [52] Arabella Delilah [Doty] DennyD: [29] Sybil Miranda [Denny] Ring
-exBF: [30] Silas Julian Ford
-S: [7] Jasper Linn Ford
-D: [5] Aubrey Paisley Ford
-H: [34] Alaric Calen Ring
-D: [2] Pandora Adeline Ring
-D: [nb] Lavinia Belle RingS: [25] Lanner Artemis “Artey” Denny III
-W: [27] Fiona Marcheline [White] DennyD: [23] Griselda Lynn [Denny] Spencer
-H: [25] Alistair Cyprian Spencer

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This message was edited 11/14/2022, 1:36 PM

vote up1
H: [87] Artemis William Tulloch
W: [85] Victoria Elizabeth HillArtemis & Victoria || Artemis Jr, Merlin, Ophelia, and AnthonyS1: [57] Artemis William Tulloch Jr
S2: [53] Merlin Lysander Tulloch
D1: [53] Ophelia Matilda Tulloch
S3: [51] Anthony Florian Tulloch******S1: [57] Artemis William Tulloch Jr
W: [52] Arabella Delilah KennedyArtemis Jr & Arabella || Jocasta, Artemis III, Griselda, Odette, and BalthasarD: [29] Jocasta Sybil Tulloch
-exBF: [30] Clement Silas Molloy
-S: [7] Rufus Jasper Molloy
-D: [5] Theresa Eveline MolloyJocasta & Clement || Rufus and Theresa-H: [34] Jules Alaric Menteith
-D: [2] Adeline Pandora Molloy
-D: [nb] Camilla Violet Molloy

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This message was edited 11/14/2022, 12:49 PM

vote up1
H: [87] William Michael
W: [85] Maggie ElizabethS1: [57] William Michael "Will"
S2: [53] Rhys Edward
D1: [53] Alexandra Wren
S3: [51] Florian Anthony******
S1: [57]
W: [52] Jocelyn Arabella D: [29] Eleanora Sophia "Elle"
-exBF: [30] Jonathan Thomas
-S: [7] Jasper Rufus
-D: [5] Eveline Theresa "Evie"
-H: [34] Calen Francis
-D: [2] Adeline Dove
-D: [nb] Violet CamillaS: [25] William Michael "Liam"
-W: [27] Fiona MarchelineD: [23] Vivian Lynn
-H: [25] Alistair March
-D: [2] Anya Winifred
-S: [nb] Charles Quinton "Charlie"D: [19] Rose FreyaS: [17] Griffin Laurence******
S2: [53]
exW: [47] Katherine Quinn "Kate"D: [23] Brigitta MaggieD: [21] Eva Katherine
-H: [21] Samuel Benjamin "Sam"
-D: [1] Linnea Marah
-D: [exp] Kaia RosemaryD: [19] Genevieve HeleneW: [39] Sara MarianaD: [9] Heather Savannah
S: [8] Emmett Henry
D: [6] Maelie Prudence
S: [4] Clinton Leon
D: [2] Seraphina Cora******
D1: [53]
H: [52] Marius LucianS: [31] Marius Lucian
-W: [29] Delaney Annabella
-D: [5] Alexandra Wren "Allie"
-S: [3] Marius Lucian
-D: [nb] Willow AntoniaD: [24] Tessa IrisS: [21] William Michael "Will"D: [17] Naomi Laura******
S3: [51]
W: [42] Isla JosephineD/D: [19] Avery Nora // Sophie Laurel
S: [15] Florian Anthony
D/S: [12] Leah Mallory // Frederick Talon "Freddie"
D: [9] Hailey Celeste
D: [7] Cecelia Catherine
S: [5] Nico Felix
D: [2] Juliette Rosalie
vote up1
H: [87] William Artemis Lanner Tulloch "Bill"
W: [85] Cosima Celandine [Anderson] Tulloch "Cee Cee"S1: [57] William Artemis Lanner Tulloch III "Will"
S2: [53] Merlin Lysander Rhys Tulloch "Rhys" (twin)
D1: [53] Ophelia Alexandra Wren Tulloch Kirkpatrick "Wren" (twin)
S3: [51] Thorin Anthony Melchior Tulloch******
S1: [57] William Artemis Lanner Tulloch III
W: [52] Petra Arabella [Campbell] Tulloch D: [29] Miranda Sybil Perenelle Tulloch-Menteith
-exBF: [30] Thomas Clement Molloy
-S: [7] Jasper Maxentius Tulloch
-D: [5] Eveline Theresa Augustina Tulloch
-H: [34] Alaric Francis Menteith
-D: [2] Pandora Robin Adeline Menteith "Dora"
-D: [nb] Camilla Violet Vespera MenteithS: [25] William Artemis Lanner Tulloch IV "Tem"
-W: [27] Fiona Asteria Kenrick Tulloch D: [23] Vivian Patience [Tulloch] Spencer
-H: [25] Atlas Cyprian Spencer
-D: [2] Lenore Mehitable Spencer
-S: [nb] Percival Castor SpencerD: [19] Freya Odette Rose Tulloch
S: [17] Hector Laurence Tulloch******
S2: [53] Merlin Lysander Rhys Tulloch "Rhys"
exW: [47] Mary Katherine Auger [Tulloch] "Katie"D: [23] Philippa Cosima Tulloch "Pippa"D: [21] Seraphina Mary Tulloch "Sera"
-H: [21] Benjamin Lucas Oberon Constable-Maxwell "Ben"
-D: [1] Cassiopeia Mara Tulloch-Maxwell
-D: [exp] Camellia Luna Tulloch-MaxwellD: [19] Bryony Genevieve TullochW: [39] Mariana Lennox Grierson-Tulloch D: [9] Celandine Azalea Tulloch
S: [8] Emrys Fennec Tulloch
D: [6] Marigold Maëlie Tulloch
S: [4] Rook Montgomery Tulloch
D: [2] Cora Echo Tulloch******
D1: [53] Ophelia Alexandra Wren Tulloch Kirkpatrick "Wren"
H: [52] Arthur Boniface Kirkpatrick "Art"S: [31] Arthur Boniface Kirkpatrick, Jr. "AJ"
-W: [29] Josianne Verbena Tilden "Josie"
-D: [5] Ophelia Alexandra Wren Kirkpatrick
-S: [3] Arthur Boniface Kirkpatrick III "Artie"
-D: [nb] Willow Antonia KirkpatrickD: [24] Iris Gwendolyn Kirkpatrick
S: [21] William Artemis Kirkpatrick "Liam"
D: [17] Julianne Naomi Kirkpatrick******
S3: [51] Thorin Anthony Melchior Tulloch
W: [42] Natalie Josephine Morgan Tulloch D/D: [19] Elodie Juno Tulloch // Laurel Solene Tulloch
S: [15] Anthony Thorin Melchior Tulloch
D/S: [12] Myra Ruby Tulloch // Oriole Benedict Tulloch
D: [9] Livia Bianca Celeste Tulloch "Liv"
D: [7] Cecelia Catherine Beatrice Tulloch
S: [5] Felix Kestrel Tulloch
D: [2] Rosalie Josephine Tulloch
vote up1
H: [87] William Gryffon Denny
W: [85] Silvia Cosima (nee. Anderson) Denny S1: [57] William Gryffon
S2: [53] Rhys Edward (twin)
D1: [53] Georgina Wren (twin)
S3: [51] Thorin Rupert ******
S1: [57] William Gryffon Denny
W: [52] Petra Tabitha (nee. Kennedy) Denny ~
D: [29] Sophia Eleanora (nee. Denny) Gumprecht
-exBF: [30] Julian Silas Kidston -S: [7] Rufus Jasper
-D: [5] Eveline Augustina -H: [34] Francis Alaric Gumprecht -D: [2] Melodia Dove
-D: [nb] Lavinia Violet ~
S: [25] William Gryffon Denny
-W: [27] Ainsley Marcheline Kenrick ~
D: [23] Vivian Clemency Denny
-H: [25] Alistair Oscar Greaves -D: [2] Xandria Evelynne
-S: [nb] Phinneas Castor ~
D: [19] Rose Edith Denny
S: [17] Damon Laurence Denny ******
S2: [53] Rhys Edward Denny
exW: [47] Katherine Mary Auger ~
D: [23] Philippa Silvia Denny ~
D: [21] Lucretia Katherine Denny
-H: [21] Benjamin Oberon Constable-Maxwell -D: [1] Linnea Asteria
-D: [exp] Rosemary Luna~
D: [19] Bryony Genevieve Denny *
W: [39] Adah Mariana (nee. Crosbie) Denny ~
D: [9] Gardenia Savannah Denny
S: [8] Emrys Quentin Denny
D: [6] Orla Marigold Denny
S: [4] Montgomery Leon Denny
D: [2] Viola Seraphina Denny ******
D1: [53] Georgina Wren (nee. Denny) Kirkpatrick
H: [52] Aurelian Arthur Kirkpatrick ~
S: [31] Aurelian Arthur Kirkpatrick
-W: [29] Verbena Josianne Blackett -D: [5] Georgina Wren
-S: [3] Aurelian Arthur
-D: [nb] Octavia Adalia ~
D: [24] Imogene Gwendolyn Kirkpatrick
S: [21] William Gryffon Kirkpatrick
D: [17] Julianne Naomi Kirkpatrick ******
S3: [51] Thorin Rupert Denny
W: [42] Josephine Miranda Oliphant *
D/D: [19] Elodie Juno Oliphant & Solene Laurel Oliphant
S: [15] Thorin Rupert Oliphant
D/S: [12] Astrid Lily Oliphant & Benedict Frederick Oliphant
D: [9] Livia Celeste Oliphant
D: [7] Beatrice Cecelia Oliphant
S: [5] Felix Kestrel Oliphant
D: [2] Rosalie Veronica Oliphant
vote up1
H: [87] William Omar Tulloch
W: [85] Cosima Victoria Anderson
S1: [57] William Omar "Bill" Tulloch II
S2: [53] Edward Lysander Tulloch
D1: [53] Aurelia Georgina Tulloch
S3: [51] Florian Rupert Tulloch
S1: [57] William Omar "Bill" Tulloch II
W: [52] Jessamine Arabella Doty
D: [29] Sybil Jocasta Tulloch
-exBF: [30] Clement Julian Kidston
-S: [7] Rufus Jasper Kidston
-D: [5] Eveline Theresa Kidston
-H: [34] Cyrus Tolliver Menteith
-D: [2] Pandora Adeline Menteith
-D: [nb] Lavinia Mildred Menteith
S: [25] William Omar "Omar" Tulloch III
-W: [27] Ianthe Fiona White
D: [23] Clemency Griselda Tulloch
-H: [25] Cyprian Oscar Wormall
-D: [2] Winifred Lenore Wormall
-S: [nb] Percival Charles "Percy" Wormall
D: [19] Odette Carlotta Tulloch
S: [17] Algernon Laurence Tulloch
S2: [53] Edward Lysander Tulloch
exW: [47] Susan Leonette Auger
D: [23] Gisella Cosima Tulloch
D: [21] Lucretia Susan Tulloch
-H: [21] Samuel Bartholomew Critchley
-D: [1] Amaryllis Linnea Critchley
-D: [exp] Violetta Rosemary Crictchley
D: [19] Bryony Helene Tulloch
W: [39] Hester Sara Glendinning
D: [9] Celandine Heather Tulloch
S: [8] Silvanus Quentin Tulloch
D: [6] Prudence Loelia Tulloch
S: [4] Montgomery Victor Tulloch
D: [2] Gaia Seraphina Tulloch
D1: [53] Aurelia Georgina Tulloch
H: [52] Ferdinand Lucian Jardine
S: [31] Ferdinand Lucian "Andy" Jardine II
-W: [29] Christina Oleander "Kitty" Blackett
-D: [5] Aurelia Georgina Jardine
-S: [3] Ferdinand Lucian "Nando" Jardine III
-D: [nb] Antonia Aster Jardine
D: [24] Tallulah Poppy Jardine
S: [21] Cosima Victoria Jardine
D: [17] Pansy Laura Jardine
S3: [51] Florian Rupert Tulloch
W: [42] Ivy Miranda Oliphant
D/D: [19] Elodie Juno Tulloch // Laurel Sophie Tulloch
S: [15] Florian Rupert Tulloch II
D/S: [12] Astrid Lily Tulloch // Orlando Benedict Tulloch
D: [9] Bianca Celeste Tulloch
D: [7] Beatrice Eliza Tulloch
S: [5] Quincy Felix Tulloch
D: [2] Juliette Frances Tulloch
vote up1
H: [87] Colin Omar Sherman
W: [85] Savannah Victoria (Gilmour) ShermanS1: [57] Colin Omar Sherman
S2: [53] Edward Rhys Sherman (twin)
D1: [53] Marilyn Alexandra Sherman (twin)
S3: [51] Anthony Rupert Sherman******S1: [57] Colin Omar Sherman
W: [52] Delilah Jessamine (Campbell) ShermanD: [29] Miranda Sophia (Sherman) Sherman-Gumprecht
-exBF: [30] Julian Thomas Ford
-S: [7] Jasper Peter Ford
-D: [5] Aubrey Faith Sherman
-H: [34] Jules Francis (Gumprecht) Sherman-Gumprecht
-D: [2] Evangeline Dove Sherman-Gumprecht
-D: [nb] Emma Camilla Sherman-GrumpechtS: [25] Colin Omar Sherman
-W: [27] Fiona Ainsley WhiteD: [23] Amy Vivian (Sherman) Greaves

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vote up1
H: [87] Michael Artemis Tulloch
W: [85] Victoria Celandine AndersonS1: [57] Michael Artemis Tulloch, Jr. "Art"
S2: [53] Rhys Lysander Tulloch (twin)
D1: [53] Wren Matilda Tulloch (twin)
S3: [51] Kitt Anthony Tulloch******
S1: [57] Michael Artemis Tulloch, Jr. "Art"
W: [52] Petra Jocelyn CampbellD: [29] Prairie Eleanora Tulloch
-exBF: [30] Thomas Clement Molloy
-S: [7] Jasper Maxentius Molloy
-D: [5] Paisley Augustina Molloy
-H: [34] Jules Tolliver Menteith
-D: [2] Dove Evangeline Menteith
-D: [nb] Belle Lavinia MenteithS: [25] Michael Artemis Tulloch, III "Trip"
-W: [27] Tillie Fiona KenrickD: [23] Patience Wynne Tulloch
-H: [25] Atlas Cassian Greaves
-D: [2] Winifred Xandria Greaves
-S: [nb] Phinneas Headley GreavesD: [19] Esther Carlotta Tulloch
S: [17] Griffin Algernon Tulloch

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vote up1