Monarch: Queen Eugenie Albertine Ingrid LOVISA of Sweden
Consort: King PETER Magnus Lennart of Sweden
Adopted son: Axel Vidar Johannes [Lund] Bernadotte
Daughter: Crown Princess Lovisa FREDRIKA Maria Theodora of Sweden
Of the illustrious Royal House of: Bernadotte
In the Kingdom of: Sweden
Once little Fredrika was born a year and half after her parents marriage despite the joy of a new heir being born, the whole country had to held their breath again. Not because the baby was a girl, Sweden has been practicing absolute cognatic primogeniture for centuries after all, it was the little girls health that was a concern here. Being born two months prematurely and after a rather complicated birth, Lovisa and Peter had spend many hours hovering above the incubator that held their little daughter praying that she'll get better soon.
Their prayers have been heard and little Fredrika had left the hospital a week ago doing a lot better. Now after all the initial worry is gone, Lovisa and Peter are enjoying their little daughter they wished for and her big brother thinks she is the best thing ever, already showing streaks of protectiveness towards the infant.
My name list Eve & Oliver,
flop Lujza