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Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓
OK – In order for me to be able to track a story across so many different setups, I will be referring to each child in numerical order (so Prince/ss1 would be your first child and Prince/ss2 would be your second child, etc. – I will be referring to all children as “he” unless everybody has a girl). I will also be providing two different storylines. If you have a Kingdom/Queendom, you will have one story line; and if you have an Empire, you will have a different story line (see below for descriptions of what the different social structures mean).
      List of Social Systems:

      Kingdom: Patriarchy, the father or eldest male is head of the household, has a system of government by males, titles are traced through the male line
      Queendom: Matriarchy, the mother or eldest female is head of the household, has a system of government by females, titles are traced through the female line
      Empire: Primogeniture, the eldest child of the sovereign succeeds to the throne, regardless of gender, and females enjoy the same right of succession/titles as malesKingdom/Queendom: Much to everybody’s delight, the Queen became pregnant almost immediately after the wedding. Shortly after the first anniversary of the Royal couple, a crowned Prince/ss was born! Everybody is thrilled; a feeling of stability is starting to develop again. How have the King and Queen adjusted to their new role as Royals and as parents? Does the Kingdom/Queendom approve of their new Royal family?Empire: The Empress became sick just a month after the wedding, and everybody was worried that there would be another Royal death. However, after a few weeks of great weakness and bed rest, the Empress was up and around again. Then, two months later, she was throwing up her every meal. At first, the doctors were worried that, whatever her original sickness was, it was coming back. They quickly found out that she wasn’t sick, she was pregnant. The pregnancy was hard on the Empress. While she delivered a healthy heir, she was confined to bed during the last of her pregnancy and after her delivery. How did the Emperor react to the Empress’ sickness? How does the Empire react to the Empress’ sickness? How does the Empire react to the birth of a healthy heir?Rules: Please check that all information is correct. If any changes are needed, please remember to bold changes so that I will notice and change in my information. Please make sure that the royal address (ie, King Adam or Empress Anne the IV) is attached to each King/Queen. Also, please provide 5-10 male and 5-10 female names that are NOT in the namebank that you would like to see added. I will be using this name bank often throughout the game.
Prince/ss1: He must have at least 2 MNs. You must choose at least 2 names from the name bank. You can use variations in origins (such as Guillermo instead of William), or respellings (such as Elisabeth instead of Elizabeth). Also, if you find a nickname in the name banks, you can chose to use this with a FN that is not in the namebanks (such as Euphemia “Effie” – The FN doesn’t necessarily have to be the original name that goes with the nickname though).Round 1:

Feel free to change your Royal titles (King/Queen). Chose either the Kingdom/Queendom, or Empire and follow the rules to play along. I will post each round so that you can find your previous round quickly and easily :-)
KUY Kingdom/Queendom

King: (24)
Queen: (18)
Crowned Prince/ss1: (NB) choose the appropriate gender to be crowned for Kingdom/Queendom
From the Royal House of (_____)
In the Kingdom/Queendom of (_____)
KUY Empire

King: (24)
Queen: (18)
Crowned Prince/ss1: (NB) Go to and generate 1 number between 1 and 2. If you get a 1, it’s a boy, if you get a 2, it’s a girl (or you can use a coin – heads=boy, tails=boy)
From the Royal House of (_____)
In the Empire of (_____)

Emperor: Theobald Gaynor Dedalus Yvain, Emperor Theobald (24)
Empress: Fidelia Judith Elladora Liesel, Empress Fidelia (18)
Crowned Princess1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Valdimere
In the Empire of Prylyn------------------------------ Anthony

HRH The Kaiser: Heinrich Ferdinand Leopold Alexander Magnus, HRH the Kaiser Heinrich (24)
HRH Kaiserin: Irene Sophia Alexandra Victoria of Dorest, HRH the Kaiserin Irene (18)
Crowned Prince1: (nb)
From the Royal House of von Salzwald
In the Kingdom of Kemberg------------------------------ AshleyMichelle

Emperor: Finnian Abbott Christian Prescott, Emperor Finnian (24)
Empress: Matilda "Mattie" Susannah Constantina, Empress Mattie (18)
Crowned Princess1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Mallowgold
In the Empire of Labyrinth------------------------------ Cassandra Grace Logan

King: Kieran "Kerry" Columba Rhys Ewan Oisin, King Kerry (24)
Queen: Bryony "Bonnie” Aurora Eilis Linnea Isla, Queen Bonnie (18)
Crowned Princess1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Conrí
In the Empire of Blackwood
Please remember to include at least a brief story outline with each round------------------------------ Catalina

King: Adrian Raphael Matteo Alessandro Roman, King Adrian (24)
Queen: Sofia Natalia Maria Magdalena Elisabeth Leonor, Queen Sofia (18)
Crowned Prince1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Medinan-Halcyon
In the Empire of Halesta------------------------------CN

King: Edmund Isidore Jacques Valentine, King Edmund (24)
Queen: Wilhelmina Theodora Severina Blanche, Queen Wilhelmina (18)
Crowned Prince: (nb)
From the Royal House of Northcliff
In the Kingdom of Yarrow------------------------------Davidica

Emperor: Avocet Hugo Obadiah Solomon, Emperor Avocet (24)
Empress: Faustina Adelaide Phillida Ruth, Empress Faustina (18)
Crowned Princess1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Cerise
In the Empire of Yarrow------------------------------entrophy

Emperor: Jin Heathcliffe Hart, Emperor Jin (24)
Empress: Natalie Gabriella Adelaide, Empress Natalie (18)
Crowned Prince1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Ishikawa
In the Empire of Nara------------------------------Gabriella Grace

Melech: David ben Aaron, Malech David (24)
Malka: Avigal Elisheva, Malka Avigal (18)
Crowned Princess1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Aejue
In the Empire of Irsale
Please provide at least 2 MNs per King/Queen------------------------------Janan

Emperor: Frederick Ossian Cuthbert, Emperor Frederick (24)
Empress: Margaret Marciana Emma Victoria, Empress Margaret (18)
Crowned Princess1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Delsain
In the Kingdom of Caraneth------------------------------JN316

King: William Charles Geoffrey Albert, King William (24)
Queen: Elisabeth Helena Ingrid Philippa, Queen Elisabeth (18)
Crowned Prince1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Savoy
In the Kingdom of Caladan------------------------------La Reina

High Priestess: Asenath Tanaquil Ianthe Nicasia, High Priestess Asenath (18)
Consort: Valentino Aretas Tahmel Jamari, Consort Valen (24)
Crowned Princess1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Cra'don
In the Queendom of Thaeris
Because of the way that I am tracking and making changes, I am not allowing for changes in ages/etc except in the KUY. If you would like to switch to the KUY, just let me know :)------------------------------Ninor

King: Magnus Carlisle Valentin Wystan Prescott, King Magnus (24)
Queen: Jane Cecilia Aeliana Liesel Clementine, Queen Jane (18)
Crowned Prince1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Soleil
In the Kingdom of Legato------------------------------Nyx

Amir: Bram Qismat Cyrprian Pascal, Amir Bram (24)
Amirah: Zahara Engracia Imogen Suzanna, Amirah Zahara (18)
Crowned Prince1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Alfynwold
In the Empire of Melqior------------------------------Rachel Shaina

King: Griffin Esme Jacob Alexis Micajah Silver, King Griffin (24)
Queen: Eve Persephone Maude Celia Helena, Queen Eve (18)
Crowned Prince1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Caprizant
In the Kingdom of Phantasma------------------------------RowenaRavenclaw

Prince Consort: Christopher Dudley Septimus, Duke of Thornhall (24)
Queen: Dominica Phoebe Katherine Octavia, Queen Catherine I (18)
Crowned Prince1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Newbourne
In the Kingdom of Dunlin------------------------------ Wandering Moon

Queen: Antonia Helena Theodosia Dorothea, Queen Antonia (18)
King: Tobias “Toby” George Malcolm, King Toby (24)
Crowned Princess1: (nb)
From the Royal House of Crescent
In the Queendom of Suleriun
Male Names: Aaron Abbas Abbott Abijah Abner Abraham Abraxas Adair Adolphe Adolphus Adrian Ahmet Aime Alben Albert Alberto Alcee Alcott Alessandro Alex Alexander Alexandre Alexei Alexis Alfie Alfred Alix Alonzo Alphonse Alun Alva Alwyn Amari Amias Amit Amory Amos Anders Andre Andres Andrew Andy Aneirin Anthony Antoine Archibald Archie Arden Aretas Armand Armando Arthur Arvel Ash Asher Atlanta Atticus Aubrey Augie August Auguste Augustin Augustus Austen Avery Avocet Axel Azariah Balsam Balthazar Banning Baptiste Barnabas Bartemius Bartholome Bartholomew Basil Bat Ben Benedict Benjamin Bernard Bevan Bevin Bige Birch Blake Boone Bowie Boyd Bram Brandon Brazil Breccan Brennan Brick Cadmus Cadwellen Cager Caleb Calixto Calloway Carlisle Carloman Carmine Cashel Casimir Caspian Cassiel Cedar Celio Cesar Chan Charaka Charles Charlie Charlot Chauncey Chazon Chester Christian Christophe Christopher Clancy Clement Clyde Col Columba Con Condor Connolly Connor Constant Copper Cornelius Cortez Cosmo Crispin Cruz Cuddy Cuthbert Cy Cyr Cyriack Cyrprian Cyrus Dafydd Damek Daniel Dante David Day Declan Dedalus Degore Denali Derrick Desmond Dewi Dexter Diggory Dirch Dmitry Dob Dobbin Domino Draco Drury Drystan Dudley Duff Dunbar Durand Dylan Eagle Eben Ebenezer Edgar Edmund Edouard Edred Edward Edwin Eli Elian Elias Elijah Elkanah Elko Ellerby Elliot Elliott Ellis Elmo Emerson Emery Emil Emile Enoch Enzo Ernest Esai Esme Ethan Ethelred Euan Eudo Eugene Evan Experience Ezekiel Ezra Fabian Fairfax Falco Falcon Fate Fayette Felix Ferdinand Fergus Finn Finney Finnian Flavian Flavius Florian Floyd Francesco Frank Frederick Gable Gabriel Gannon Gareth Garrett Gaynor Geoffrey George Gershom Gianni Gideon Giffard Giovanni Godwin Gower Griffin Griffith Grover Guildford Guillaume Gulliver Gustave Guthrie Gwilym Gwyn Hal Ham Hamilton Hamish Hank Harold Hart Haven Hawk Heath Heathcliff Henri Henry Hew Hezekiah Hezekiah Hiram Homer Horace Horatio Howard Hugh Hugo Humphrey Hurley Huw Hy Ian Iaon Icarus Ignace Ignatius Ike Inigo Iolo Iolo Ira Isaac Isaiah Isham Isidore Isidore Ivan Ivor Jabez Jack Jacob Jacoby Jacques Jadon Jaeger Jago Jamari James Jasper Javier Jean Jedediah Jeremiah Jet Jethro Jevan Jevon Jin Joaquin Johan John Jon Jonas Joseph Josiah Jotham Judah Jules Julien Junot Karl Kellen Kenelm Kermit Kestrel Kevin Kiah Kieran Killian Kit Klaus Kynan Lachlan Lafayette Laird Lander Lars Laurent Lazar Lazarus Lemuel Leopold Leslie Levi Liam Lig Lige Lije Linden Linus Lionel Lionel Lleu Llewellyn Lloyd Locke Loden Lorcan Louis Luca Lucius Luka Lysander Maddox Magnus Mal Malachi Malachy Malcolm Mallard Manasses Manuel Marcel March Marcos Margery Marius Martin Massai Mathieu Mathis Matteo Matthew Maxfield Maximus Mead Mekhi Merlin Micajah Michael Michel Mikhail Milan Miles Milo Morgan Moses Murdoch Nathaniel Ned Nehemiah Nereus Nicholas Nico Nikola Nikolaus North North Nuri Nye Obadiah Obed Obediah Oberon Octavius Odin Ogden Oisin Oliver Ollie Omar Onyx Original Oriole Orion Orlando Orsino Orson Osborne Ossian Oswald Oswin Otis Otto Owen Ozias Paddy Padgett Padrig Pagan Parry Pascal Pascoe Patrick Philip Phillipe Phineas Pierre Pike Piran Pollux Pom Prescott Prosper Qadar Qasim Qismat Quade Quentin Quetzal Quincy Rafael Raimond Raleigh Ralph Raoul Raphael Rasmus Raul Rayner Reason Redmond Reeve Remus Remy Ren Rene Rhys Riah Richard Robert Robin Rocco Roger Roman Romeo Romulus Roone Rufus Rune Rupert Ruskin Russet Rye Samir Sandy Santiago Santino Sawyer Sayer Sayid Scorpius Sebastian Septimus Serge Serle Severus Shephard Shor Si Siam Siarl Silver Simon Sior Sirius Smyr Solomon Soren Sorrell Stefan Stellan Stephen Steven Stewart Stuart Sulien Tad Tahmel Tal Taliesin Talmage Tancredo Tarquin Teilo Temple Thaddeus Thane Theo Theobald Theodore Theophilus Thomas Thornton Thurstan Thyme Tiah Tiberius Tilden Titus Tobiah Tobias Tom Tomas Tristan Tudor Udo Uriah Vadim Valentin Valentine Valentino Vaughan Victor Vincent Virgil Walden Waldo Walt Walter Ward Webster Wheeler William Win Wystan Xanthus Xavier Yago Yan Yanick Yasir Yoni Yorick Yrian Yvain Zachariah ZachariasFemale Names: Abby Abelia Abiah Abigail Acacia Ada Adair Adela Adelaide Adelia Adeline Adriana Aeliana Agatha Ailsa Ainsley Albia Alcea Alexanderina Alexandra Alexandrina Alexis Alice Allegra Almena Aloisa Althea Alva Amabel Amalya Amanda Amara Amaranth Amaryllis Amaya Ambrosia Amelia Amelie Amica Amity Anais Anastasia Andromeda Angelica Angelina Anina Ann Anna Annabel Anne Annia Annika Antoinette Antonia Anwen Anya Aphra Apolline Aquilia Aquilina Ara Arabella Araminta Argentia Aria Ariana Arria Artemisia Arwen Asenath Ash Aspen Aster Astoria Atarah Athalia Aubrey Auden Audrey Augusta Augustina Aurelia Aurora Ava Avita Azubah Bab Babbie Barbara Basilia Beata Beatrice Beatrix Becca Bede Bellamy Bellatrix Bettina Biah Bindy Blanca Blanche Bluebell Branwen Briar Briney Bryony Caddie Caia Callie Calvina Campana Candida Caroline Cassia Cassiopeia Catherine Cecilia Cecily Celestia Celestina Celia Charis Charity Charlotte Chela Chiara Chloe Cicely Cindy Circe Claire Clarissa Cleda Clemencia Clementina Clementine Clemmie Cleophas Clio Clover Columba Constantina Constanza Content Cora Coralbell Cordelia Cornelia Crece Crecy Crese Cressida Crispina Cyra Daffodil Daisy Damaris Damiane Darcy Decima Delia Delicia Dephia Diana Dilys Dimmis Dolly Dominica Donia Dorothea Dorothy Dory Dosia Druella Drusilla Easlasaid Eden Edie Edith Effie Eilis Ela Eleanor Electa Electra Elena Eleonara Elfreda Eliana Elinor Eliora Eliphal Elisa Elisabet Eliza Eliza Elizabella Elizabeth Elizabetta Ella Elladora Elle Ellen Ellery Elodie Eloise Elsa Elsbeth Elsie Elspeth Elvira Emilia Emily Emma Emmeline Engracia Enid Esmee Essie Esther Etta Etty Eugenia Eugenie Eulalia Eva Evangeline Eve Experience Fabia Faith Fally Fannia Fanny Fausta Faustina Federica Felicia Fidelia Finola Finula Fiona Fionnuala Flavia Fleur Flora Florence Florentina Flossie Fortunata Frances Frankie Franny Frederika Fredonia Fronie Gabi Gabriella Gabrilla Gaia Galla Gardenia Gavi Gen Genevieve Georgiana Gertrude Gerty Ginevra Grace Grazia Grey Griselda Gussie Gwenore Gwynn Hailey Hannah Harriet Hatty Hazel Heather Hebsibah Helen Helena Henrietta Hepsy Herleva Hermie Hermione Hester Hetty Hilaria Honey Honeysuckle Honora Honoria Horatia Ianthe Ilana Imani Imara Imogen Imogene India Inez Ingrid Ione Irene Iris Isabeau Isabel Isabella Isabelle Isadora Isla Isle Isobel Isolde Ivy Izabel Jacaranda Jacinta Jade Jane Janna Jean Jemima Jennet Jezebel Jill Joan Johanna Jonet Judith Julia Junia Juno Justina Kate Katelyn Katherine Kerensa Kesiah Kiernan Kizzie Laelia Lake Laura Laurentia Lavender Lavinia Leafy Lecta Lena Leonie Leonora Letitia Letty Liesbeth Liese Liesel Ligeia Lilac Lillian Lilou Lily Linnea Lise Livia Livy Liza Lizette Lollie Loretta Lorraine Lottie Louetta Louisa Louise Lucia Lucienne Lucilla Lucinda Lucretia Lucy Luna Lydia Mabel Madeleine Madeline Mae Magdalen Magdalena Magenta Mahala Maida Maisie Mallie Malvina Mamie Manda Mandy Marciana Margaret Maria Marian Mariann Marietta Marigold Marilla Marina Martha Mary Matilda Mattie Maud Maude Maxima Mehetable Mehitabel Melanie Melinda Melisent Melissa Mellie Melvina Mena Meriall Mia Mila Millicent Mima Mimi Mina Mindwell Minerva Mirabel Mirabella Mitty Modesty Molly Mucia Nabby Nan Nancy Nannie Natalie Nell Nellie Nerilla Nettie Nia Niamh Nicasia Nina Nonie Nora Obedience Octavia Oleander Olga Olive Olivia Olympia Ondine Opal Ophelia Orla Orolia Paccia Palantina Pamela Pansy Patricia Patsy Patty Paz Pearl Peddy Penelope Permelia Perpetua Persephone Persis Petunia Pheney Philadelphia Philippa Phillida Phoebe Phoenie Phyllida Pippa Placidia Polly Prima Priscilla Promise Pru Prudence Quintia Rachel Rana Rebecca Relief Rena Retta Rilla Rose Ruby Rufina Ruth Sabina Sabra Sabrina Saffron Sally Samantha Sara Sarah Saskia Scarlet Scarlett Sene Septima Sergia Severina Silla Silvia Sinead Sissie Snow Sofia Solandra Sophia Sophie Sophronia Sukey Susan Susanna Susannah Suzanna Sybrina Tabitha Tallie Tamsin Tanaquil Tansy Tauria Tennessee Tennie Tenty Teodora Tertia Tess Thea Theodora Theodosia Theresa Thirza Titiana Torie Toril Trudy True Tulip Tullia Turia Typhena Urbana Ursula Valentina Valentine Valeria Varinia Verena Verina Victoire Victoria Vinnie Violante Violet Virginia Virginia Vita Viviana Wilhelmina Winifred Winnet Wisteria Ysabel Zahara Zanna Zara Zelina Zoe Zofia Zubia
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Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Nyx  ·  8/2/2010, 2:05 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Anemone  ·  8/4/2010, 1:43 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  itsjustme2407  ·  8/4/2010, 12:01 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  AshleyMichelle  ·  8/3/2010, 7:48 AM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  CN  ·  8/3/2010, 7:25 AM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Davidica  ·  8/3/2010, 6:00 AM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  La Reina  ·  8/3/2010, 1:26 AM
Mine + notes (long in-depth story ahead)  ·  Cassandra Grace Logan  ·  8/3/2010, 1:12 AM
Re: Mine + notes (long in-depth story ahead)  ·  Nyx  ·  8/3/2010, 5:33 PM
What about meee? Lol (nt)  ·  Sammi-boo  ·  8/2/2010, 9:43 PM
I used the number thing  ·  Sammi-boo  ·  8/2/2010, 10:44 PM
looks perfect to me :-) nt  ·  Nyx  ·  8/2/2010, 11:24 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Wandering Moon  ·  8/2/2010, 8:17 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  JN316  ·  8/2/2010, 5:00 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  RowenaRavenclaw  ·  8/2/2010, 4:28 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  britto08  ·  8/2/2010, 3:49 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Ninor  ·  8/2/2010, 3:35 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Nyx  ·  8/2/2010, 3:43 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Anthony  ·  8/2/2010, 3:31 PM
Do you want to add names to the name bank?  ·  Nyx  ·  8/2/2010, 3:35 PM
Added to previous because...  ·  Anthony  ·  8/2/2010, 3:42 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  entrophy  ·  8/2/2010, 3:07 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Nyx  ·  8/2/2010, 2:48 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Janan  ·  8/2/2010, 2:43 PM
Do you want to add names to the name bank?  ·  Nyx  ·  8/2/2010, 3:12 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Rachel Shaina  ·  8/2/2010, 2:31 PM
Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 2 ░▒▓  ·  Gabriella Grace  ·  8/2/2010, 2:30 PM
Do you want to add names to the name bank?  ·  Nyx  ·  8/2/2010, 3:11 PM
Re: Do you want to add names to the name bank?  ·  Gabriella Grace  ·  8/3/2010, 10:48 AM