There is no need to be so fighsty (spl?) about others telling you that your assumptions are wrong and make no sense. People have been trying to tell you (for a while now) that this is a FACTS message board. People in here try to be as accurate as possible with their information and replies, as BtN is a very reliable source and we would like to keep it that way. We don't do wild guesses or relay on our faulting memories, we have the luxury of professional linguists and etymologists, specialised in specific areas, that are very careful with their sources and knowledge in order to help out inquirers. That doesn't mean that the less prepared in such as areas (like myself) are not allowed to post requested information, but when we are wrong, we get corrected and everyone is happy. So, if you are wrong, expect the pros' to tell you so. It doesn't mean that they don't like you... Also, expect "hot debates" and to be sometimes, laughed at, when you make a human mistake, such as misspellings, grammar issues or mess-ups. This is a serious but very relaxed board. We all like to tease each other and the humour level is not for wimps... This is quite a fun and funny place to post on, once you get the hang of it, so try to keep up ;op