names are used in the country of Nigeria in western Africa.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Utibe m EfikMeans "marvelous: wonderful" in Efik.
Uwaila f & m Edo, Western AfricanMeans "prosperity is never late" in Edo/Bini, from
uwa (wealth/prosperity) and
ila (has no delay)
Uzondu m IgboMeans "way of life; road of life" in Igbo.
Wali m Arabic, Urdu, Pashto, NigerianMeans "helper, protector, friend" in Arabic. The term is also used to refer to saints in Islamic tradition.
Walshak m NgasWAL means "cry", shak means "one another". Which Literally means Feel for one another
Wandoo m & f TivMeans "a child is good" in Tiv.
Wariboko f IjawDerived from the Ijaw word
wari meaning "house" and
boko meaning "harbinger of riches".
Wole m Yoruba“God has come home, God has entered, wealth has come home”.
Wuraola f YorubaMeans "gold of wealth" or "shining treasure of wealth" in Yoruba.
Yaƙutu f HausaRefers to a sapphire, ruby, jacinth, corundum, or similar stone.
Yemi m & f YorubaMeans "I am honourable" in Yoruba.
Yinlayefa f IjawMeans "nothing can be compared to a mother" in Ijaw.
Yohance m African American (Rare), Hausa (?)Used by American comedian, writer and civil rights activist Dick Gregory for his son born 1973. According to a 1973 issue of
Jet magazine, Gregory and his wife Lillian found the name in a book called
Names from Africa, and Yohance 'means "God's gift" in the Hausa language of Nigeria.'
Ziola m & f IjawMeans "the last born" in Ijaw.
Zuo m & f IjawMeans "protection" in Ijaw.