Faroese Submitted Names

Faroese names are used on the Faroe Islands.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Róland m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Roland.
Rólant m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese variant of Róland.
Rómundur m Faroese
Faroese younger form of Rómundr.
Rósingur m Faroese (Rare, ?)
Combination of Rós and the Old Norse suffix ingr meaning "son of, belonging to".
Róða f Faroese
Faroese form of Hróða.
Róðbjartur m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Róðbjartr.
Róðolvur m Faroese
Faroese form of Rudolph.
Royða f Faroese
Directly taken from Faroese royða "tufa".
Rubekur m Faroese
Faroese masculine form of Rebekka.
Sæbjørg f Old Norse, Norwegian, Faroese
Ancient Scandinavian, Norwegian and Faroese combination of sær "sea" and bjǫrg "help, deliverance".
Sæbjørn m Norwegian, Faroese
Norwegian and Faroese younger form of Sǽbiǫrn.
Sædis f Faroese, Norwegian
Faroese and Norwegian form of Sædís.
Sæfinnur m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Sæfinnr.
Sæunn f Icelandic, Faroese
From Old Norse sær meaning "sea", and unnr meaning "wave".
Saldis f Faroese
Faroese form of Saldís.
Salgerð f Faroese
Faroese modern form of Salgerðr.
Sálomon m Faroese
Faroese form of Solomon.
Salvør f Faroese
Faroese form of Sǫlvǫr.
Sámal m Faroese
Faroese form of Samuel.
Samulina f Judeo-Anglo-Norman, Faroese
Judeo-Anglo-Norman feminine form of Samuel and Faroese form of Samuline.
Sámur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Sámr.
Sanný f Faroese
Faroese form of Sanny.
Sedea f Faroese (Archaic), East Frisian (Archaic)
East Frisian short form of names containing the element side "custom, habit; manner". This name also saw some usage on the Faroe Islands.
Sesilia f Faroese, Finnish (Rare), Georgian (Rare)
Faroese form of Cecilia as well as a Finnish variant of the name. In Georgia, it is a variant of Tsetsilia.... [more]
Setus m Faroese (Archaic)
Former Faroese short form of Anicetus.
Sevrin m Norwegian (Rare), Faroese, Walloon
Norwegian dialectal variant and Faroese and Walloon form of Severin.
Sigfríð f Faroese, Icelandic
Faroese younger form of Sigfríðr and Icelandic variant of Sigfríður.
Sigfríður f & m Icelandic, Faroese
Variant of Sigríður, as well as the Faroese form of Sigfrøðr.
Sigfús m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese younger form of Sigfúss.
Sigga f Danish (Rare), Faroese, Icelandic, Old Norwegian, Anglo-Norman
Short form of names beginning with the element Sig-, such as Sigrid or Signe.
Sighvatur m Icelandic, Faroese
Modern Icelandic and Faroese form of Sighvatr.
Signa f Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Icelandic (Rare), Faroese (Rare)
Latinate variant of Signy and Signý as well as a contracted form of Signilla... [more]
Sigrið f Faroese
Faroese form of Sigríðr.
Sigurbjørn m Faroese
Faroese variant of Sigbjørn.
Sigurgunn f Faroese
Faroese modern form of Siggunnr.
Sigursól f Faroese
Faroese combination of sigr "victory" and sól "sun".
Sigurð m Faroese
Variant of Sigurd.
Silvurlín f Faroese
Possibly an elaboration of Old Norse silfr "silver" using the name suffix -lín, which may be derived from Old Norse lín "flax, linen". Alternatively it could be a Faroese form of Silvelin, a German diminutive of Silvia.
Símeon m Faroese
Faroese form of Simeon.
Símin m Faroese
Faroese variant of Símun.
Símun m Faroese
Faroese form of Simon 1.
Sirið f Faroese
Variant of Sigrið.
Siriðann f Faroese
Faroese form of Sirianna.
Sissal f Faroese
Faroese form of Cecilia.
Sívar m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese variant of Sigvar.
Sjarlotta f Faroese
Faroese form of Charlotta.
Sjúrði m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Sigurði, the dative form of Sigurðr.
Sjúrður m Faroese
Faroese form of Sigurd.
Skarpheðinn m Old Norse, Faroese
Old Norse combination of skarpr "barren, skinny, sharp" and heðinn "jacket of fur or skin".
Smæra f Faroese
Directly taken from Faroese smæra "clover".
Snæbjørn m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Snøybiǫrn.
Snæfríð f Faroese, Icelandic
Faroese younger form of Snæfríðr.
Snæleyg f Faroese
Faroese form of Snælaug.
Snæúlvur m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Snæúlfr.
Sniolvur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Snæúlfr.
Snjófríð f Faroese
Faroese form of Snjófríðr.
Sól f Norse Mythology, Icelandic, Faroese
Means "sun" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology, Sól was the goddess of the sun and the sister of Máni, the moon god.... [more]
Sólbjørt f Faroese
Faroese form of Sólbjǫrt.
Sólborg f Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Solborg.
Sólbrún f Icelandic (Rare), Faroese (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse sól "sun" and brún "eyebrow" or brúnn "brown", perhaps inspired by Sólrún and Kolbrún.
Sóleyð f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements sól "sun" and auðr "prosperity, fortune, riches; fate, destiny".
Sólmai f Faroese
Faroese form of Solmaj.
Sólrun f Faroese
Faroese form of Solrun.
Sólvá f Faroese
Faroese variant of Solveig.
Sørin m Faroese
Faroese form of Søren.
Sørli m Faroese
Faroese form of Sǫrli.
Sproti m Faroese
Based on Old Norse word sproti meaning 'sprout'.
Steinbjarta f Faroese
Faroese combination of steinn "stone" and bjartr "light, shining".
Steinbjørn m Danish (Rare), Faroese, Norwegian (Rare)
Faroese and Norwegian younger form of Stæinbiǫrn.
Steinfinnur m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese younger form of Steinfinnr.
Steintór m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Steinþórr.
Steintóra f Faroese
Faroese feminine form of Steintór.
Steinur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Steinn.
Suffía f Faroese
Faroese form of Sofia.
Súna f Faroese
Feminine form of Súni.
Súnbjørt f Faroese
Faroese combination of sunr "son" and bjartr "light, shining".
Súnfríð f Faroese
Faroese combination of sunr "son" and fríðr "beautiful", originally "beloved".
Súnfríður m Faroese
Faroese combination of sunr "son" and friðr "love, peace".
Súnhild f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements sunr "son" and hildr "battle, fight".
Súni m Faroese
Faroese variant of Suni.
Súnmundur m Faroese
Faroese combination of sunr "son" and mund "protection".
Sunnbjørg f Faroese
Faroese name with the combination of sunna "sun" and bjǫrg "help, deliverance".
Sunnfríð f Faroese
Faroese combination of sunna 'sun' and fríðr 'beautiful', originally 'beloved'.
Sunnhild f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements sunna "sun" or sunn- "southern, (from the) south" and hildr "battle, fight".
Sunnleyg f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements sunna "sun" or sunn- "southern, (from the) south" and laug, itself most likely derived from Proto-Germanic *-lauʒ- "to celebrate marriage, to swear a holy oath; to be dedicated, promised (in names)".
Sunnuva f Faroese
Faroese variant of Sunniva.
Sunnvá f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements sunna "sun" or sunn- "southern, (from the) south" and veig "power, strength".
Sunnvør f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements sunna "sun" or sunn- "southern, (from the) south" and vár "spring (the season); woman (in a poetic context); truth".
Sunrid f Faroese
Variant of Sunnrið.
Súsanna f Irish (Rare), Icelandic, Faroese
Irish, Icelandic and Faroese form of Susannah.
Svanleyg f Faroese
Faroese form of Svanlaug.
Svanna f Faroese, Danish (Rare)
Faroese form of Svana.
Svávar m Faroese
Faroese form of Svavar.
Sveinungur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Sveinungr.
Sveinur m Faroese
Faroese form of Sveinn.
Svenningur m Faroese
Faroese form of Svenning.
Sverri m Faroese, Danish, Swedish
Faroese modern form of Sværri.
Syftun m Faroese
Faroese form of Swithin.
Teitrun f Faroese
Faroese combination of teitr "glad, cheerful, merry" and rún "secret".
Teitur m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Teitr.
Teodosius m Faroese
Nordic form of Theodosius.
Terji m Faroese
Faroese form of Terje 1.
Thóra f Faroese
Variant of Tóra.
Thórleif m Faroese (Rare)
Faroese variant of Thorleif.
Tístram m Faroese
Faroese form of Tristan.
Tíðrikur m Faroese
Faroese form of Didrik.
Tjóðhild f Faroese
Faroese form of Þjóðhildr.
Todi m Faroese
The first name of Faroese soccer/football player Todi Jónsson (1972 - ), who is arguably regarded in the Faroe Islands as the most successful football player of all time.... [more]
Tollakur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þollak.
Tomasia f Faroese
Feminine form of Tomas.
Tóra f Old Norse, Faroese
Old Norse variant and Faroese form of Þóra.
Tórbjørt f Faroese
Faroese variant of Torbjørt.
Torbjørt f Faroese
Faroese combination of þórr "thunder" and bjartr "light", "shining".
Tórdis f Faroese
Faroese variant of Tordis.
Torfríð f Faroese
Faroese form of Þórfríðr.
Torfríður m Faroese
Faroese younger form of Þórfreðr.
Torgerð f Faroese
Faroese younger form of Þorgerðr.
Torgestur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórgestr.
Torgrímur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórgrímr.
Tórhallur m Faroese
Faroese form of Þórhallr.
Tóri m Faroese
Faroese form of Thori.
Tórir m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórir.
Torkil m Norwegian, Danish, Faroese
Modern form of the Old Norse name Þórketill meaning "Thor's cauldron".
Torleivur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórlæifr.
Tormóður m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Þórmóðr.
Tóroddur m Faroese
Faroese form of Þóroddr.
Tórður m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Þórðr.
Tórunn f Faroese
Faroese form of Þórunnr.
Tórur m Faroese
Faroese form of Þórr.
Tóta f Faroese, Icelandic (Rare)
Faroese and Icelandic diminutive of Tóra.
Tóva f Faroese
Faroese form of Tófa.
Treysti m Faroese
Faroese form of Trausti.
Treystir m Faroese
Variant of Treysti.
Trinemia f Faroese
Combination of Trine and Mia.
Tróndur m Faroese
Faroese form of Þróndr.
Trúgvi m Faroese
Faroese variant of Trygvi.
Trygvi m Faroese
Faroese form of Tryggvi.
Tummas m Faroese
Faroese form of Thomas.
Týra f Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Tyra.
Uggi m Old Norse, Faroese, Icelandic, Danish (Rare)
Variant and modern form of Uggr.
Úlvar m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Ulfarr.
Úlvheðin m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Ulfheðinn.
Úlvhild f Faroese
Faroese form of Ulvhild.
Úlvur m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Úlfr.
Unna f Old Norse, Danish (Rare), Faroese, Icelandic (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse unna "to love" or unnr "wave".
Urð f Faroese
Faroese form of Urðr.
Urða f Faroese
Faroese form of Urda.
Vagna f Faroese, Icelandic
Feminine form of Vagn.
Vagnur m Faroese
Faroese form of Vagn.
Valbjørn m Norwegian (Rare), Faroese
Norwegian and Faroese modern form of Valbjǫrn.
Valdimar m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Valdemar.
Valgerð f Faroese
Faroese modern form of Valgerðr.
Vár f Old Norse, Icelandic (Modern), Faroese, Norse Mythology
From the Old Norse word vár meaning "spring". Vár is the name of an Ásynja, who is responsible for contracts between men and women.
Várdis f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements vár "spring (the season); woman (in a poetic context); truth" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
Váreyð f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements vár "spring (the season); woman (in a poetic context); truth" and auðr "prosperity, fortune, riches; fate, destiny".
Veturliði m Faroese, Icelandic
Icelandic and Faroese modern form of Vetrliði.
Vigfús m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese younger form of Vígfúss.
Víggrímur m Faroese
Faroese combination of víg "fight", "battle" and grímr "person wearing a mask".
Vilbergur m Icelandic, Faroese
Masculine form of Vilborg.
Vilgerð f Faroese
Faroese form of Vilgerðr.
Vinný f Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese variant of Winnie.
Vinsi m Faroese
Faroese form of Vincentius.
Víóla f Icelandic (Modern), Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Viola.
Vívil m Faroese (Modern)
Faroese modern form of Vífill.
Vónbjartur m Faroese
Masculine form of Vónbjørt.
Vónbjørt f Faroese
Derived from Old-Norse vón meaning "hope; expectation" and bjartr meaning "light, shining".
Ýr f Icelandic, Faroese
Directly taken from Old Norse ýr "yew tree; bow".
Yrsa f Old Norse, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese
Of unknown meaning. Theories include a derivation from an Ancient Norse word for "she-bear" with the same roots as Latin ursa (compare Ursula, which used to be used as a Latinization of Yrsa), even though this seems rather unlikely... [more]