Submitted Names Matching Pattern mil*

This is a list of submitted names in which the pattern is mil*.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Milunia f Polish
Truncated form of Emilunia.
Miluša f Croatian (Rare), Serbian, Slovak, Slovene
Diminutive of Mila and any other Slavic feminine name that contains the element milu meaning "gracious" or "dear", such as Miloslava and Ludmila... [more]
Milush m Bulgarian
Diminutive of names starting in Mil-
Milusha f Russian, English (Rare)
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element milu meaning "gracious" or "dear", such as Lyudmila. Also compare Milushka and Milusya.
Milushka f Russian
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element milu meaning "gracious" or "dear", such as Lyudmila. Also compare Annushka, Milusha and Milusya.
Milusia f Polish
Truncated form of Emilusia.
Miluška f Croatian, Slovak
Diminutive of Mila and any other Slavic feminine name that contains the element milu meaning "gracious" or "dear", such as Miloslava and Ludmila... [more]
Milusya f Russian
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element milu meaning "gracious" or "dear", such as Lyudmila. Also compare Milusha and Milushka.
Milutin m Serbian, Croatian
Derived from the Slavic element mil "gracious, dear".
Milva f Italian
Feminine form of Milvio, although folk etymology likes to consider it a contraction of Maria and Ilva or Maria and Silvia and other names ending in -ilva/-ilvia.... [more]
Milya f Russian
Diminutive of Lyudmila.
Mi-lyeon f Korean
From Sino-Korean 美 (mi) meaning "beauty" combined with 蓮 (lyeon) meaning "lotus, waterlily". This name can be formed using other hanja combinations as well.
Milyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Feminine variant of Milan.
Milyushka f Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Milya, which itself is a diminutive of Emiliya and Lyudmila.... [more]
Milziade m Italian
Italian form of Miltiades.