Submitted Names with "perceive" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword perceive.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aritomo m Japanese
From Japanese 有 (ari) meaning "have, possess" or 存 (ari) meaning "exist" combined with 朋 (tomo) meaning "friend" or 知 (tomo) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend"... [more]
Chenrezig m Buddhism
Means "one who looks down with an unwavering eye" in Tibetan, derived from སྤྱན་རས (spyan ras) meaning "penetrating vision, observation, eye" and གཟིགས (gzigs) meaning "see, look, perceive"... [more]
Choisi m Afro-American (Slavery-era)
Derived from French choisi, the past participle of choisir "to choose; (obsolete) to perceive, distinguish".
Demokoon m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun δῆμος (demos) meaning "people" as well as "country, land" combined with κοῶ (koo), which is a contracted form of the Greek verb κοέω (koeo) meaning "to know, to be aware" as well as "to mark, to perceive, to hear"... [more]
Donoma f Omaha-Ponca
Means "sight of the sun" in Omaha–Ponca, from Omaha dóⁿbe "to see, look at, perceive" and miⁿ "sun, moon".
Hippokoon m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse" combined with κοῶ (koo), which is a contracted form of the Greek verb κοέω (koeo) meaning "to know, to be aware" as well as "to mark, to perceive, to hear"... [more]
Hwa-ji f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 和 (hwa) meaning "harmony, peace, serene", 花 (hwa) meaning "flower, bloom, anger", or 華 (hwa) meaning "flower, petal, China" combined with 枝 (ji) meaning "branch, limb", 知 (ji) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" or 志 (ji) meaning "will, purpose, ambition"... [more]
Ichigo m & f Japanese (Modern), Popular Culture
As a masculine name, this name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu) meaning "one" with 吾 (go, a-, waga-, ware) meaning "I, my, one's own," 悟 (go, meaning "perceive, realise, understand," 護 (go, meaning "safeguard, protect," 期 (ki, go) meaning "date, period, term, time" or 五 (go, itsu, itsu.tsu) meaning "five."... [more]
Ji-Hyeon f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 智 (ji) meaning "wisdom, intellect", 志 (ji) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 知 (ji) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 賢 (hyeon) meaning "virtuous, worthy, wise" or 炫 (hyeon) meaning "shine, glitter"... [more]
Lãm m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 覽 (lãm) meaning "view, inspect, perceive".
Learn-wisdom f English (Puritan)
Referring to Proverbs 1:2, "To learn wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;"
Percipia f Medieval French, Medieval Latin
Derived from Latin percipere meaning "to obtain, to gain; to perceive, to learn, to feel".
Philonoe f Greek Mythology
The name of a number of characters in Greek mythology. Philonoe is derived from νοέω (noeō) meaning "to intend, to perceive, to see, to understand" and φίλος (philos) meaning "beloved".
Satsuo m Japanese
From 薩 (satsu, sachi, suku.u) meaning "Buddha, salvation" or 察 (satsu, sacchi, sasseru) meaning "to understand, observe, infer or perceive" combined with 生 (o, shi, iku) meaning "life, birth, genuine"... [more]
Sentia f Roman Mythology
In Roman mythology, Sentia is the goddess of child development and the bringer of awareness into young children. The English word "sentient" meaning "able to perceive or feel things", is derived from her name.
Sieciech m Polish
From siecie-"to understand, to perceive" combined with ciech- "enjoy". As well as this, its initial element can also be interpreted as wsze- "universe, all", so this name can mean "he who enjoys the universe".
Sieciesław m Polish
From the Slavic elements siecie- " to understand , remember , guess , feel, perceive " combined with sława - "glory". Therefore, this name means "to perceive/understand glory".
Si-Hyeon m & f Korean
From Sino-Korean 時 (si) meaning "time, era, season", 施 (si) meaning "grant, bestow, give", 始 (si) meaning "begin, start" or 是 (si) meaning "indeed, yes, right" combined with 賢 (hyeon) meaning "virtuous, worthy, able", 憲 (hyeon) meaning "law", 炫 (hyeon) meaning "shine, glitter" or 見 (hyeon) meaning "see, observe, perceive"... [more]
Ye-ji f Korean
From Sino-Korean 睿 "shrewd, astute, clever, keen" and 知 "know, perceive, comprehend".
Yeji f Korean
From Sino-Korean 睿 "shrewd, astute, clever, keen" and 知 "know, perceive, comprehend".
Yuo m Japanese
From Japanese 由 (yu) meaning "logic, cause, reason" and 悟 (o) meaning "enlightenment, perceive, discern". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Zhijie m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, 芝 (zhī) meaning "sesame", 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 杰 (jié) meaning "heroic, outstanding", 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, pure" or 節 (jié) meaning "section, period, verse, melody"... [more]
Zhijun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 芝 (zhī) meaning "sesame", 直 (zhí) meaning "straight, erect" or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 军 (jūn) meaning "army", 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler" or 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome"... [more]
Zhiwen m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 芝 (zhī) meaning "sesame", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing", 问 (wèn) meaning "ask, question, inquire" or 温 (wēn) meaning "warm"... [more]
Zhiyuan m & f Chinese
From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition", 致 (zhì) meaning "send, deliver, cause, result in", 至 (zhì) meaning "reach, arrive, extreme, utmost", 之 (zhī), a possessive marker, 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 知 (zhī) meaning "know, perceive, comprehend" combined with 远 (yuǎn) meaning "distant, remote, far", 元 (yuán) meaning "first, origin", 源 (yuán) meaning "source, origin" or 渊 (yuān) meaning "abyss, deep, profound"... [more]