This is a list of submitted names in which the language is Bantu.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ditiro m & f ShonaMeaning "acts" or "actions". Deriving from the verb
Dumisa m & f TumbukaMeans "praise, worship" or "thank you" in Tumbuka.
Dzikamai m ShonaDzikamai means "settle down".
The name is given to express the idea of settling down and not jumping from one relationship to another or one project to another. The former Zimbabwean Minister and MP, Dzikamai Mavhaire is one well known bearer of this name.
Dzinashe m ShonaDzinashe means "It's with the Lord". One well known bearer of this name is Dzinashe Machingura.
Endai m ShonaMeaning "go, depart" or "proceed, progress"; it is the plural of
Endlani m & f TsongaFrom the Xitsonga
endla meaning "make, create, do".
Enelo f TsongaPossibly from the Xitsonga
enela meaning "enough".
Faisa f SwahiliSwahili/Arabic, meaning successful/victorious
Fanyana m ZuluFrom Zulu
abafanyana meaning "little boy".
Fula-ngenge m Kongo1) "one who is chosen by GOD to control the destiny of those who are less fortunate" in Lingala... [
Fulata f & m TumbukaMeans "second", given to the second-born of twins.
Funye m & f ShonaDeriving from a bird with the same name, known in English as "the go-away bird".
Gamuchirai f ShonaMeans "accept or receive" in Shona. It is typically given to a child born out of wedlock.
Garikai m ShonaMeans "Live well, safe, healthy and prosperous".
Gavaza f TsongaMeans "one who dresses elegantly" in Xitsonga.
Gedleyihlekisa m Southern African, ZuluIn the case of former South African president Jacob Zuma (1942-), the name means "the one who smiles while causing you harm" in Zulu. His middle name was invented by his father, who based it on the phrase
ngeke ngithule umuntu engigedla engihlekisa meaning "I won't keep quiet when someone deceives me with a beautiful smile while he is doing damage to me".
Ghakarhi m ZuluThe meaning of this name is fierce warrior. A person not accepting defeat as an option.
Gitonga m Meru, Embu, GikuyuThis name is commonly used in Meru, Embu and Gikuyu regions in Kenya. The name means a rich man. The name has been passed from generation to generation since time in memorial. The cultures which usually name their male children after their grandparents-dead or alive intentionally do this to ensure the character or personality of the grandpa can be carried to the grandchildren.
Gondai m ShonaMeans "to trust or place hope in" in Shona.
Gugu f Zulu, XhosaFrom Zulu
igugu meaning "precious, valuable" or "treasure".
Gwinyai m ShonaGwinyai means "be strong". The Zimbabwean tennis player Gwinyai Tongoona is a famous bearer of this name.
Hakizimana m Rwandan, Rundi, African Mythology (Modern)A name which means "God saves everything,"
imana being the name of the original Rwandan/Burundian deity and now the modern word for God in all monotheistic usages within Rwanda and Burundi.
Hakunei m & f ShonaThis is a name that implies and asks, meaning "What is not there?". This is a name given by or to someone who is assumed to be falling short or without, so they name the child "What could be missing?" in a sense of affirmation, so to say there is perfection even if you (all) do not see it or doubt it... [
Hamandishe m ShonaMeaning “one’s relative or family is God”, this name may be given by and/or to someone who is devoted to God, who is an orphan, has no relatives or was abandoned.
Hamis m SwahiliFrom Swahili
Alhamisi meaning "Thursday" (ultimately of Arabic origin).
Hamunyari f ShonaHamunyari means "Have you no shame".
This name is given in a feuding situation.
Hanu m & f ShonaMeaning “mountain pass”, or “path in the valley”, synonymous with
Harambee m SwahiliMeans "all pull together" in Swahili. It is the official motto of Kenya.
Hazvinei f ShonaHazvinei means "Never mind, no worries".
This name may be given by a parent who was offended Hazviperi m & f Shona"It does not end". Situational name given in circumstances where family faced unending troubles or trials.
Hlayisani m & f TsongaFrom the Xitsonga
hlayisa meaning "preserve, protect".
Hlengani m & f TsongaFrom the Xitsonga
hlenga meaning "collect, gather".
Hlomla m & f XhosaMeans "to comment on something" in Xhosa.
Ijuba f ZuluCommonly it is meaning Dove or Peace. Less common in means storm or fighting. It also means freedom in some local tribes. It is said many years ago a great war loomed. Fighting had started but one warrior championed the cause of peace and unity... [
Imanzi m RwandanFrom the Kinyarwanda word "umumanzi", meaning "righteousness".
Inyoni f ZuluDerived from Zulu
inyoni meaning "bird".
Izaso m & f TumbukaMeans "come again, return" in Tumbuka, a plea for deceased relatives to come back.
Izwirashe m & f ShonaIt means "the voice of the Lord", one can also use
Izwi as the shorter form.
Jabu f ZuluThe name's origin meaning is "It is the shortened form of the name Jabulani which means joy or to rejoice"
Jairiro m & f ShonaIt means "to be used to; accustomation to".
Janha m & f ShonaMeaning "one's turn; chance; opportunity".
Jekesai f Shona"Make it clear". Meant to speak to neighbor or family to make clear their position or purpose.
Jilele m TumbukaMeans "rear yourself" or "be self reliant" in Tumbuka. Can be given to orphans, or to children expected to be independent early in life.
Joalane f SothoPossibly derived from Sotho
joala, meaning "alcohol, beer".
Kaari f Eastern African (Rare), MeruThe name kaari is a name popular used among the Ameru (Meru) community of Kenya. The name is given to a child named after a younger sister of one of the parents. It is especially given by the grandparents... [
Kabanga m LubaMeans "the second-born or youngest twin" in Luba.
Kabinda m & f LuhyaDerived from the Luhya word
binda meaning "to enclose doorway with posts". This name is traditionally given to the last child.
Kahandi m PareMeans "knife" in the Athu language of the Pare people.
Kamanyi m & f LundaMeans "prosperity from hard work" in Lunda.
Kambeu m ShonaKambeu means "little seed".
This name may be given to a child who was very small at birth Kamini m LingalaA famous bearer is French singer Kamini Zantoko (1979-) of Congolese ancestry.
Kamoyo m Tumbuka, ChewaMeans "life" in Tumbuka and Chewa, often given to babies born prematurely.
Kamwendo m ChewaMeans "walking from place to place; traveller" in Chewa language.
Karikoga m ShonaMeans "one who is alone". The name may be given to say that one who lives alone or was born alone without siblings.
Karúngi f KigaMeans "something good, beautiful" in Rukiga.
Karungi f HayaMeans "the one who is beautiful" in Haya.
Kasinda f KongoMeans “child who was born at dawn” in Kikongo.
Kaskazi f SwahiliSwahili feminine name meaning "north wind" or "hot season, summer".
Katavi m African Mythology, NyamweziA demonic being in the popular belief of the Nyamwezi people of Tanzania. He is reputed to be the chief of the water-spirits, but he also haunts the barren lands and deserts.
Katuma m LubaDerived from the Luba word
kàtùmà meaning "last-born of triplets", ultimately from the word
tùmà meaning "to send". Superstition suggests that third-born children with this name, because of their name, should not be sent on errands or deliveries.
Kazoka m PareMeans "axe" in the Athu language of the Pare people.