Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is masculine; and the usage is English; and the description contains the keyword surname.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Truxtun m English (Rare)
Transferred use of a surname Truxton.
Trye m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Trye.
Tryson m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Tryson.
Tulliver m Literature, English
Transferred use of the surname Tulliver.... [more]
Tunstall m English
Transferred use of the surname Tunstall.
Tupper f & m English
Transferred use of the surname Tupper.
Twain m English
Transferred use of the surname and pseudonym, Twain. Twain is an archaic term for "two", as in "The veil of the temple was rent in twain."
Tweedy m English (Rare)
Transferred from the surname Tweedy. Some famous bearers of this name are American rapper Tweedy Bird Loc (1967-2020) and English doctor Tweedy John Todd (1789-1840).
Twyford m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Twyford.
Tynan m English (Australian, Rare), Irish
Variation of the transferred use of the surname Tuíneán.
Tyner m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Tyner.
Tyrus m English, African American, Popular Culture
Transferred use of the surname Tyrus, or modern blend of Tyrone and Cyrus... [more]
Ukiah f & m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Ukiah.
Upshur m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Upshur.
Usher m English (American)
From the English surname Usher.
Uvedale m English (British, Rare, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname.
Vaden m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Vaden.
Vanburen m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Vanburen. See also Van Buren.
Vanderley m Portuguese (Brazilian), English (American, Rare)
From a Brazilian surname, itself derived from the Dutch surname Van Der Leij. One bearer of this name is Brazilian professional footballer or soccer player Vanderley Dias Marinho (1987-), also known as Derley.... [more]
Vann m English (American)
Variant of Van, or transferred from the English surname Vann.
Varney m & f English (Rare), English (African), Western African
Transferred use of the surname Varney. It is mainly used in Liberia.
Verdi m & f English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Verdi. A famous person with the surname is Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi. A famous namesake is Australian Olympic weightlifter Verdi "Vern" Barberis, who is in the AWF Hall of Fame.
Verdon m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Verdon.
Vernal m English
Transferred use of the surname Vernal.
Verne m English (American, Rare)
Variant of Vern, or transferred use of the surname Verne.
Versace f & m Various, English (Rare)
Transferred use of the Italian surname Versace as a given name, possibly used in reference to the Italian luxury fashion company Versace.
Vestal m & f English (American, Rare), American (South)
Meaning unknown, possibly derived from the surname Vestal or an elaboration of Vesta. A notable (female) bearer of this name was Vestal Goodman (1929-2003), a Southern gospel singer.
Vinson m English
Transferred use of the surname Vinson.
Vinton m English
Transferred use of the surname Vinton.
Vollie m English
Either a diminutive of Valentine 1 or a variant of the surname Volley. ... [more]
Vouk m English
Transferred use of the surname Vouk.
Wadsworth m English
Transferred use of the surname Wadsworth.
Wake m English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wake.
Wakely m English (Rare)
Variant of the surname Wakeley.
Walsh m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Derived from the surname Walsh.
Wanton m English (American, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname Wanton. This was used by John Bunyan for a female character in his allegorical novel The Pilgrim's Progress (1678).
Warden m English (British, Rare, Archaic)
Could be from the English word 'warden', or a transferred use of the surname
Watts m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Watts.
Waveland m & f English (American)
Transferred usage of the surname Waveland.
Way m English
Transferred use of the surname Way.
Wayman m English
Transferred use of the surname Wayman. A famous bearer is the late NBA basketball player and smooth jazz bassist Wayman Tisdale.
Weatherford m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Weatherford.
Weatherly f & m English
Transferred use of the surname Weatherly.
Weathers m English
Transferred use of the surname Weathers.
Weaver m English
Transferred use of the surname Weaver 1 or Weaver 2.
Webb m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Webb.
Webber m English (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from the surname Webber.
Weedon m English
Transferred use of the surname Weedon. This was borne by the English actor and writer Weedon Grossmith (1854-1919), full name Walter Weedon Grossmith... [more]
Welby m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Welby.
Welles m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Welles.
Wellington m English, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Transferred use of the surname Wellington.
Welton m English, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Transferred use of the surname Welton.
Wentworth m English
Transferred use of the surname Wentworth. It is borne by American actor Wentworth Miller (1972-).
West m & f English
From the English word, ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European *wes-pero- "evening, night". It may also be considered transferred use of the surname West or a short form of Weston.
Wharton m English (Archaic)
From the surname Wharton.
Wheeler m English
Transferred use of the surname Wheeler.
White m English (Rare, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname White.
Whitfield m English
Transferred use of the surname Whitfield. A known bearer of this surname as a first name is the American cryptographer Whitfield Diffie (b... [more]
Whitley f & m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Whitley.
Whittaker m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Whittaker, a variant of Whitaker.
Wilberforce m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wilberforce. British author P. G. Wodehouse used it for the middle name of his famous fictional character Bertie Wooster.
Wilbraham m English (British, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wilbraham.
Wilburton m English
Transferred use of the surname Wilburton.
Wild m English
Transferred use of the surname Wild.
Wilde m English
Transferred use of the surname Wilde.
Wilden m English
Transferred use of the surname Wilden.
Willbanks m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Willbanks. Commonly diminutized to Banks.
Williams m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Williams.
Williamson m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Williamson.
Willox m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Willox.
Wilmington m English
Transferred use of the surname Wilmington.
Winchester m English
Transferred use of the surname Winchester.
Windell m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Windell.... [more]
Windham m English
Transferred use of the surname Windham.
Wingfield m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wingfield.
Winkie m & f English (Rare)
Either a diminutive for names starting with W or ending with the -ine sound, or its transferred use of the surname Winkie.
Witten m English (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Witten.
Witter m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Witter. ... [more]
Wolcott m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wolcott.
Wolfer m English
Transferred use of the surname Wolfer.
Wolston m English
Transferred use of the surname Wolston.
Woodard m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Woodard.
Woodbury m English
Transferred use of the surname Woodbury.
Woodford m English (Rare)
Taken from the surname, Woodford.
Woodley m English
Transferred use of the surname Woodley.
Woodrove m English
Transferred use of the surname Woodrove.
Woodson m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Woodson.
Worley m English
Transferred use of the surname Worley.
Worrall m English
The surname/name (Worrall) is composed of the Old English elements wir, which means "myrtle" and halh, which means "nook or corner of land." The surname/name translates as "nook of land where bog-myrtle grows."
Worth m English (American)
Transferred from the surname Worth.
Worthington m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Worthington.
Worthy m & f English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Worthy.... [more]
Wray m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wray.
Wraye m English
Transferred use of the surname Wraye.
Wrigley f & m English (American, Rare)
Transferred from the surname Wrigley.
Wyclef m English (Modern), Haitian Creole (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wyclef. A known bearer of this name is the Haitian-American artist Wyclef Jean.
Wylder m & f English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wylder.
Wyler m & f English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wyler.
Wyman m English
Transferred use of the surname Wyman.
Wyndham m English
Transferred use of the surname Wyndham.
Wythe m English
Transferred use of the surname Wythe.
Yarde m English
Transferred use of the surname Yarde.
Yardley m & f English, Haitian Creole
Transferred use of the surname Yardley.
Yarrow m English (Rare), Afro-American (Slavery-era)
Transferred use of the surname Yarrow, and/or from the word for the flowering plant (Achillea millefolium).
Yeager m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Yeager.
Yorke m Scottish, English
Variant of York and transferred usage of the surname Yorke.
Young m English
Transferred use of the surname Young.
Yule m English
Transferred use of the surname Yule, given for someone who was born on Christmas Day or had some other connection with this time of year, from Middle English yule ‘Christmastide’ (Old English geol, reinforced by the cognate Old Norse term jól).
Zale m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Zale. In recent years it has seen a slight boost in popularity, possibly influenced by the phonetic element zay.
Zeal m & f English
Found in occasional use as a given name from 17th century onwards, Zeal is part virtue name and part a transfer of the English surname.... [more]
Zeppelin m English (Modern)
Transferred use of the name of the Zeppelin airships; from the surname of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin (1838-1917), a German aeronautical pioneer, designer and manufacturer of airships... [more]
Zeren m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Zeren.
Zig m English (Rare)
Short form of Ziggy. In the case of American motivational speaker and self-help author Hilary Hinton 'Zig' Ziglar (1926-2012), it was a short form of his surname (see Ziglar).
Zildjian m English (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Possibly from a surname of an anglicized form of Armenian Զիլճյան (Zilčyan) meaning "cymbal-maker". This was the name of Zaijian Godsick Lara Jaranilla and Zymic Demigod Lara Jaranilla's brother, Zildjian Godweevil Lara Jaranilla.
Zyx m & f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of the surname Zick, meaning "descendant of Sigo", or a diminutive of Isaac. It may also simply from the last three letters of the English alphabet (compare Abcde).