Editors for the Submitted Name Database

The following users haved helped to administer the submitted names by editing submissions.

Username Edits
Ailis 187
Amara L. 101
AndrewJKD 10
Antique_Cherub 10
Anyechka 3
Aqua 3
ari. 173
arrowhead909 14
astronomicon 3
AustraLiana 47
AutumnSunset 8
babycrookston 179
bananarama 946
bathos 27
Beautiful Victory 6,599
bedamijo 10
better_nit_bitter 903
bibi66 53
blaaarg 188
Buneary 480
cait 1
Callirrhoe 391
Caprice 20
Celadon 6
Charlie1977 21
Chrisell 3
Chwala 31
clevelandkentevans 21
clouds 4
Constant 2
cutenose 4,039
deerskulls 34
Destry 606
diplomaticplatypus 8
Domhnall 2
doomburger 72
Dragon_Clarinet 288
earthnut 476
elbowin 8,985
eleanor.09 153
Eleuteria 433
enchy 2,165
erb816 542
erem 4
ericita 4
Evil 43,169
faelivrin 4
Fanny 14
Felie 8,380
FMRadio 5
Frollein Gladys 85,164
Frozten 9
gaelruadh19 11
glaucous 26
GoodNightingale 23
goricar 218
guasguendi 1,786
Hannah Ruth 6
Ivayla 1
JDill 639
Jenkowelten 1,062
jfifles 1,123
JHK 108
jocatchi 3,474
jurure 490
Just Jonquil 19
justsomegirl 108
Kate 1,031
Khoa Nguyen 56
Koenigin der Nacht 11
Kosta 32
La Reina 2
lady murasaki 1
lala 1
lcgirl20 9
leananshae 103
liyahaa 63
LMS 20,946
Louska 160
Lucille 12,242
m4yb3_daijirou 7,888
MarcoJackson 8
MariaNikolaievnaRoma 11
Marusero 395
memomo 2
Mike C 23,352
MikeTest 52
mirfak 87
Miss Claire 13
nafer1 11
Nanaea 128
navarretedf 6,693
New_Chloe 23
Nienna9 1,608
OddlyInteresting 10
Onerace 30
Ora 2,886
overtheclouds 793
Pie 77
Polly Names 41
Ranchie 34
Randee15 1,072
Reade 100
Rejtblat 537
samarinezz 26
SeaHorse15 18,260
Sehentsin 71
sekejap 5,649
ShioTanbo1 3,963
silverbiscuit 45
Sofia 18,231
Spirited Sarah 47
StingyKingPro 197
SugarPlumFairy 27
Tara C 150
telfalathiel 103
thegriffon 10
Tovaryshka_Anya 927
Tsminda2004 401
Uilos 306
vomiting 8
walesgal92 9
white_phantom 1
X-Mar 262
xPrincess27x 19
Yippal 427
Ylva 1