Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
BaothmIrish Perhaps related to Beathan. It coincides with a Gaelic word meaning "vain, reckless, wanton, foolish". Other forms are Baothan, Baoithin/Beheen and Baolach... [more]
BaothghalachmIrish Means "foolishly valorous", from the roots baoth "foolish, vain" and galach "valorous".
CihuanenfNahuatl Meaning uncertain. The first element is cihuatl, "woman", and the second may be derived from either nen, meaning "in vain, for nothing, useless", or nenqui, which can mean either "a resident of someplace; to have lived" or "to go from here to there; wasting time".
CoanenfNahuatl Meaning uncertain. Derived from Nahuatl cōātl "snake, serpent", possibly combined with nenetl "doll, idol", nen "in vain, useless, idle", or nemi "to live".
EitelmGerman (Archaic) 1. From a short form of a Germanic personal name formed with agi "point (of a sword)", "corner" (Old High German ecka).... [more]
NencahuitlmNahuatl Possibly means "one who is in vain", derived from Nahuatl nencahui "to be in vain".
NentlamatimNahuatl Means "he is unhappy, he’s pining away", from Nahuatl nen- "in vain" and tlatami "to know something".