Name List: Gals

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Aaren m / f English
Adelaide f English 'a noble sort', nickname: ADDY
Ælfwine m / f Old English 'elf friend'
Aglaea f Greek 'splendor, beauty'
Anke f German 'little one of grace'
Arwen f Sindarin Elvish 'noble maiden'
Aviâja f Greenlandic 'cousin'
Aylen f Native American (Mapuche) 'happiness', 'clear'
Bellatrix f Latin 'female warrior', nicknames: BELLA, TRIXIE
Braelyn f English
Calliope f Greek 'beautiful voice'
Charis f Greek 'grace, kindness', pron. CARE-iss
Charley f / m English 'little warrior'
Clara f English 'clear, bright, famous'
Coriander f English, from the name of the spice, also called cilantro; nicknames: CORI, ANDY
Darby f English 'deer town' in Old Norse
Delaney f English; middle name HOPE
Drahomíra f Czech 'precious and peaceful', nickname: DRA (prn. DRAY), MIRA
Elfreda f Old English 'elf strength'
Ella 1 f English
Elowen f Cornish 'elm tree'
Elysia f Greek/Roman 'blissful'
Eoforhild f Old English 'boar battle' (alt. EVERILD)
Éowyn f Rohirric/Old English 'horse joy'
Fawn f English
Finlay m / f Scots Gaelic 'white warrior' (alt. FINLEY, FIONNLAGH)
Flick f English 'little happy one'
Florin f Romanian, nickname: FLOR
Frideswide f Old English 'strong peace'
Galadriel f Sindarin Elvish 'maiden crowned with a radiant garland' (alt. Alatáriel in Quenya Elvish)
Harmony f English
Hattie f English
Haven f Old English 'safe place'; middle name: GREY
Hayden m / f Old English 'hay valley'
Hildred f Old English 'battle counsel'; nickname: HIL, DRE (prn. DRAY)
Hourig f Armenian 'small fire'
Imke f German
Indiana f Native American 'land of the Indians'; nickname: INDY, ANA
Indigo f English 'purplish-blue dye', nickname INDY
Io f Greek
Jael f Biblical 'mountain goat'
Jescha f Biblical 'to behold'
Jordan f Biblical Hebrew 'flow down'
Kalliope f Greek 'beautiful voice' (alt. CALLIOPE)
Kallistrate f Ancient Greek 'beautiful army', nickname: KALLIE
Kerstin f German 'Christian'
Kiri f Maori 'skin of a tree or fruit'
Liberty f English 'free', nickname: LIB
Lyric f English 'lyric, songlike'
Mara 2 f Hungarian 'beloved'
McKenna f English 'descendant of fire'
Meadow f English
Meg f Medieval English 'little pearl'
Meike f German 'beloved little one'
Mélisande f Mom from Igraine the Brave; nickname: MEL
Merryn f Cornish
Millaray f Native American (Mapuche) 'golden flower'
Molly f English 'beloved'
Nausicaa f Greek 'burner of ships', nickname: CAY
Paisley f English; Peyton's twin sister?
Patton m / f Middle English 'skull'
Pen f English, short form of PENELOPE
Peyton f / m English; Paisley's twin?
Phaedra f Greek 'bright'
Piper f English
Praxis f Greek 'practical'
Rae f English
Reagan f Irish
Roni 1 f Hebrew 'my joy, my song'
Rue f English
Sieglinde f German 'gentle victory'
Tacey f Archaic English 'be silent'
Tamsin f English 'twin'
Tatum f Old English
Thais f Ancient Greek 'bandage'
Tinúviel f Sindarin Elvish 'nightingale'; nickname: ELLE