Names Categorized "ends in -ie"

This is a list of names in which the categories include ends in -ie.
Abbie f English
Diminutive of Abigail.
Addie f English
Diminutive of Adelaide, Adeline, Addison and other names containing the same sound.
Adélie f French
Elaborated form of Adèle. Adélie Land in Antarctica was named in 1840 by the French explorer Jules Dumont d'Urville in honour of his wife Adèle (who was sometimes called Adélie).
Aggie f English
Diminutive of Agnes or Agatha.
Albie m English
Diminutive of Albert.
Alexandrie f French (Rare)
French variant of Alexandra.
Alfie m English
Diminutive of Alfred.
Allie f English
Diminutive of Alison 1, Alexandra and other names beginning with the same sound. After a 34-year absence from the American top 1000 chart this name began growing in popularity after the premiere of the sitcom Kate and Allie in 1984.
Amálie f Czech
Czech form of Amalia.
Amalie f Norwegian, Danish, German (Rare)
Norwegian, Danish and German form of Amalia.
Amélie f French
French form of Amelia.
Amelie f German
German variant of Amelia.
Amie f English
Variant of Amy.
Anastasie f & m French, Romanian (Rare)
French form of Anastasia (feminine) and Romanian form of Anastasius (masculine).
Anastázie f Czech
Czech form of Anastasia.
Anastazie f Czech
Czech form of Anastasia.
Andie m & f English
Diminutive of Andrew or Andrea 2.
Angie f English
Diminutive of Angela and other names beginning with Ang. The 1973 Rolling Stones song Angie caused this name to jump in popularity.
Anne-Marie f French
Combination of Anne 1 and Marie.
Annemarie f Dutch, German, Danish
Combination of Anna and Marie.
Anne-Sophie f French
Combination of Anne 1 and Sophie.
Annie f English, French, Dutch
Diminutive of Anne 1.
Antonie 1 f Czech
Czech form of Antonia.
Antonie 2 m Dutch
Dutch form of Antonius (see Anthony).
Archie m Scottish, English
Diminutive of Archibald. This name is borne by Archie Andrews, an American comic-book character created in 1941. It was also used by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for the name of their son born 2019.
Arie 1 m Dutch
Diminutive of Adriaan.
Arie 2 m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אַרְיֵה (see Arye).
Arlie f & m English
Diminutive of Arline and other names beginning with Arl.
Arnie m English
Diminutive of Arnold.
Artie m & f English
Diminutive and feminine form of Arthur.
Ashlie f English (Modern)
Feminine variant of Ashley.
Audie m & f English
In the case of the famed American soldier Audie Murphy (1925-1971), it is of uncertain meaning. As a feminine name, it can be a diminutive of Audrey.
Aurélie f French
French feminine form of Aurelius.
Azélie f French (Rare)
Perhaps a form of Azalaïs. It was borne by Saint Marie-Azélie Guérin (1831-1877), also called Zélie, the mother of Thérèse of Lisieux.
Barbie f English
Diminutive of Barbara. This is the name of a doll produced by the Mattel toy company since 1959. It was named after the original designer's daughter.
Barrie m English
Variant of Barry.
Bennie m English
Diminutive of Benjamin or Benedict.
Bernie m & f English
Diminutive of Bernard, Bernadette, Bernice and other names beginning with Bern.
Bertie m & f English
Diminutive of Albert, Herbert and other names containing bert (often derived from the Old German element beraht meaning "bright").
Bessie f English
Diminutive of Elizabeth.
Bethanie f English
Variant of Bethany.
Bettie f English
Diminutive of Elizabeth.
Billie m & f English
Diminutive of Bill. It is also used as a feminine form of William.
Birdie f English
Diminutive of Bertha, Bernice and other names with a similar sound, or sometimes simply from the English word bird.
Blondie f English (Rare)
From a nickname for a person with blond hair. This is the name of the title character in a comic strip by Chic Young.
Bobbie f & m English
Variant of Bobby. As a feminine name it can be a diminutive of Roberta or Barbara.
Bonnie f English
Means "pretty" from the Scottish word bonnie, which was itself derived from Middle French bon "good". It has been in use as an American given name since the 19th century, and it became especially popular after the movie Gone with the Wind (1939), in which it was the nickname of Scarlett's daughter.
Bowie m & f English (Modern), Dutch (Modern)
From a Scottish surname, derived from Gaelic buidhe meaning "yellow". It has been used as a given name in honour of the British musician David Bowie (1947-2016), born David Robert Jones, who took his stage name from the American pioneer James Bowie (1796-1836), though with a different pronunciation.
Brandie f English
Variant of Brandy.
Bridie f Irish
Anglicized diminutive of Bríd.
Brie f English
Short form of Brianna, Gabriella and other names containing bri.
Callie f English
Diminutive of Caroline, or sometimes of names beginning with Cal.
Cammie f English
Diminutive of Camilla.
Carlie f English
Variant of Carly.
Carrie f English
Diminutive of Caroline. This name declined in use shortly after the 1976 release of the horror movie Carrie, which was based on a 1974 novel by Stephen King.
Cassie f English
Diminutive of Cassandra and other names beginning with Cass.
Cathie f English
Diminutive of Catherine.
Charlie m & f English
Diminutive or feminine form of Charles. A famous bearer was the British comic actor Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977). It is also borne by Charlie Brown, the main character in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles Schulz.
Cherie f English
Derived from French chérie meaning "darling". In America, Cherie came into use shortly after the variant Sherry, and has not been as common.
Chimezie m & f Igbo
Means "God rectify" in Igbo.
Chrissie f English
Diminutive of Christine or Christina.
Christie f & m English
Diminutive of Christine, Christina, Christopher and other names beginning with Christ.
Claudie f French
French feminine variant of Claude.
Codie m & f English (Modern)
Variant or feminine form of Cody.
Connie f & m English
Diminutive of Constance and other names beginning with Con. It is occasionally a masculine name, a diminutive of Cornelius or Conrad.
Coralie f French
Either a French form of Koralia, or a derivative of Latin corallium "coral" (see Coral).
Corie f English
Variant of Corrie.
Corrie f English, Dutch
Diminutive of Corinna, Cora, Cornelia, and other names starting with Cor. Since the 1970s it has also been used as a feminine form of Corey.
Dannie m & f English
Diminutive of Daniel or Danielle.
Darcie f English
Feminine variant of Darcy.
Davie m English, Scottish
Diminutive of David.
Debbie f English
Diminutive of Deborah.
Dixie f English
From the term that refers to the southern United States, used by Daniel D. Emmett in his song Dixie in 1859. The term may be derived from French dix "ten", which was printed on ten-dollar bills issued from a New Orleans bank. Alternatively it may come from the term Mason-Dixon Line, the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Dodie f English
Diminutive of Dorothy.
Dollie f English
Variant of Dolly.
Donnie m English
Diminutive of Donald.
Dottie f English
Diminutive of Dorothy.
Dulcie f English
From Latin dulcis meaning "sweet". It was used in the Middle Ages in the spellings Dowse and Duce, and was recoined in the 19th century.
Eddie m & f English
Diminutive of Edward, Edmund and other names beginning with Ed.
Edie f English
Diminutive of Edith.
Effie f English, Scottish
Diminutive of Euphemia. In Scotland it has been used as an Anglicized form of Oighrig.
Ellie f English
Diminutive of Eleanor, Ellen 1 and other names beginning with El. This name became popular in the United Kingdom in the 1990s, being ranked second for girls in 2003.
Elodie f English
English form of Élodie.
Elsie f English, Swedish
Diminutive of Elizabeth.
Emelie f Swedish
Swedish feminine form of Aemilius (see Emily).
Emmie f English
Diminutive of Emma or Emily.
Ernie m English
Diminutive of Ernest.
Essie f English
Diminutive of Estelle or Esther.
Ettie f English
Diminutive of Henrietta and other names ending with etta or ette.
Eugénie f French
French form of Eugenia. This was the name of the wife of Napoleon III.
Eugenie f German, English
German and English form of Eugénie, the French form of Eugenia.
Evie f English
Diminutive of Eve or Evelyn.
Evvie f English
Diminutive of Eve or Evelyn.
Fannie f English
Variant of Fanny.
Félicie f French
French form of Felicia.
Femie f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Euphemia.
Ferdie m English
Diminutive of Ferdinand.
Fergie m Scottish
Diminutive form of Fergus.
Florrie f English
Diminutive of Florence or Flora.
Flossie f English
Diminutive of Florence.
Frankie m & f English
Diminutive of Frank or Frances.
Frannie f English
Diminutive of Frances.
Freddie m & f English
Diminutive of Frederick or Freda. A noteworthy bearer was the musician Freddie Mercury (1946-1991), born Farrokh Bulsara, the lead vocalist of the British rock band Queen.
Geordie m English
Diminutive of George.
Georgie f & m English
Diminutive of Georgia or George.
Gertie f English, Dutch
Diminutive of Gertrude.
Ginnie f English
Diminutive of Virginia.
Goldie 1 f English
From a nickname for a person with blond hair, from the English word gold.
Gordie m English
Diminutive of Gordon. A famous bearer was Canadian hockey star Gordie Howe (1928-2016).
Gracie f English
Diminutive of Grace.
Gussie f English
Diminutive of Augusta.
Hallie f English
Diminutive of Harriet.
Hannie f Dutch
Diminutive of Johanna.
Hattie f English
Diminutive of Harriet.
Hennie m & f Dutch
Dutch diminutive and feminine form of Hendrik.
Herbie m English
Diminutive of Herbert.
Hettie f English
Diminutive of Henrietta or Hester.
Hollie f English
Variant of Holly.
Howie m English
Diminutive of Howard.
Hughie m English
Diminutive of Hugh.
Ibbie f English
Diminutive of Isabel.
Ilie m Romanian
Romanian form of Elias.
Indie f English (Modern)
Possibly a diminutive of India or Indiana, but also likely inspired by the term indie, short for independent, which is typically used to refer to media produced outside of the mainstream.
Jackie m & f English
Diminutive of Jack or Jacqueline. A notable bearer was baseball player Jackie Robinson (1919-1972), the first African American to play in Major League Baseball.
Jaimie f English
Variant of Jamie.
Jamie m & f Scottish, English
Originally a Lowland Scots diminutive of James. Since the late 19th century it has also been used as a feminine form.
Janie f English
Diminutive of Jane.
Jaynie f English
Diminutive of Jayne.
Jeanie f English
Diminutive of Jean 2.
Jeannie f English
Diminutive of Jeanne.
Jennie f English, Swedish
Variant of Jenny. Before the 20th century this spelling was more common.
Jerrie f English
Variant of Jerry.
Jillie f English
Diminutive of Jill.
Jimmie m & f English
Diminutive or feminine form of James.
Joanie f English
Diminutive of Joan 1.
Jodie f English
Feminine variant of Jody.
Johnie m & f English
Diminutive of John, sometimes used as a feminine form.
Johnnie m & f English
Diminutive of John, sometimes used as a feminine form.
Jolie f English
Means "pretty" in French. This name was popularized by American actress Angelina Jolie (1975-), whose surname was originally her middle name. It is not used as a given name in France.
Jonie f English
Diminutive of Joan 1.
Jorie f English
Short form of Marjorie.
Josie f English
Diminutive of Josephine.
Judie f English
Diminutive of Judith.
Julie f French, Danish, Norwegian, Czech, English, German, Dutch
French, Danish, Norwegian and Czech form of Julia. It has spread to many other regions as well. It has been common in the English-speaking world since the early 20th century.
Karrie f English
Variant of Carrie.
Kathie f English
Diminutive of Katherine.
Katie f English
Diminutive of Kate.
Kellie f English
Variant of Kelly.
Kenzie m & f English
Short form of Mackenzie.
Kimmie f English
Diminutive of Kimberly or Kim 1.
Kirstie f Scottish
Diminutive of Kirsteen or Kirstin.
Kittie f English
Diminutive of Katherine.
Kizzie f English
Diminutive of Keziah.
Kristie f English
Diminutive of Christina or Christine.
Lallie f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Lalage.
Larrie m English
Diminutive of Laurence 1.
Lassie f Literature
From a diminutive of the northern English word lass meaning "young girl", a word probably of Norse origin. This name was used by the author Eric Knight for a collie dog in his novel Lassie Come-Home (1940), later adapted into a popular film and television series.
Laurie f & m English, Dutch
Diminutive of Laura or Laurence 1.
Lennie m & f English
Diminutive of Leonard, sometimes a feminine form.
Leonie f German, Dutch
German and Dutch feminine form of Leonius.
Leslie f & m English
From a Scottish surname that was derived from a place in Aberdeenshire, probably from Gaelic leas celyn meaning "garden of holly". It has been used as a given name since the 19th century. In America it was more common as a feminine name after the 1940s.
Lessie f English
Diminutive of names containing the sound les, such as Leslie.
Lettie f English
Diminutive of Lettice.
Lexie f English
Diminutive of Alexandra or Alexis.
Libbie f English
Variant of Libby.
Lillie f English
Variant of Lily, or a diminutive of Lillian or Elizabeth.
Linnie f English
Diminutive of Linda and other names beginning with Lin.
Lizzie f English
Diminutive of Elizabeth.
Lockie m English
Diminutive of Lachlan.
Lonnie m English
Short form of Alonzo and other names containing the same sound.
Lorie f English
Variant of Lori.
Lorrie f English
Variant of Lori.
Louie m English
Diminutive of Louis.
Lucie f French, Czech
French and Czech form of Lucia.
Lydie f French, Czech
French and Czech form of Lydia.
Macie f English
Variant of Macy.
Mackenzie f & m English
From a Scottish surname, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Coinnich, itself derived from the given name Coinneach. As a feminine given name it was popularized by the American actress Mackenzie Phillips (1959-), especially after she began appearing on the television comedy One Day at a Time in 1975. In the United Kingdom it is more common as a masculine name.
Maggie f English
Diminutive of Margaret.
Maie f Estonian
Variant of Maia 3.
Maisie f Scottish, English
Scottish diminutive of Mairead. It was long used in the United Kingdom and Australia, becoming popular at the end of the 20th century. In the United States it was brought to public attention by the British actress Maisie Williams (1997-), who played Arya Stark on the television series Game of Thrones beginning 2011. Her birth name is Margaret.
Mamie f English
Diminutive of Mary or Margaret.
Marcie f English
Diminutive of Marcia.
Margie f English
Diminutive of Margaret.
Marie f & m French, Czech, German, English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Albanian
French and Czech form of Maria. It has been very common in France since the 13th century. At the opening of the 20th century it was given to approximately 20 percent of French girls. This percentage has declined steadily over the course of the century, and it dropped from the top rank in 1958.... [more]
Marjorie f English
Medieval variant of Margery, influenced by the name of the herb marjoram. After the Middle Ages this name was rare, but it was revived at the end of the 19th century.
Marnie f English
Possibly a diminutive of Marina. This name was brought to public attention by Alfred Hitchcock's movie Marnie (1964), itself based on a 1961 novel by Winston Graham.
Martie m & f English
Diminutive of Martin, Martina or Martha.
Mattie f & m English
Diminutive of Matilda or Matthew.
Maudie f English
Diminutive of Maud.
Maurie m & f English
Diminutive of Maurice or Maureen.
Maxie m & f English
Diminutive of Maximilian, Maxwell, Maxine and other names beginning with Max.
Melanie f English, German, Dutch
From Mélanie, the French form of the Latin name Melania, derived from Greek μέλαινα (melaina) meaning "black, dark". This was the name of a Roman saint who gave all her wealth to charity in the 5th century. Her grandmother was also a saint with the same name.... [more]
Millie f English
Diminutive of Mildred, Millicent and other names containing the same sound.
Minnie f English
Diminutive of Wilhelmina. This name was used by Walt Disney for the cartoon character Minnie Mouse, introduced 1928.
Missie f English
Diminutive of Melissa.
Mollie f English
Variant of Molly.
Myrtie f English
Diminutive of Myrtle.
Nannie f English
Diminutive of Anne 1.
Naomie f French (Modern)
Variant of Noémie, influenced by the English spelling Naomi.
Natálie f Czech
Czech form of Natalia (see Natalie).
Natalie f English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian
From the Late Latin name Natalia, which meant "Christmas Day" from Latin natale domini. This was the name of the wife of the 4th-century martyr Saint Adrian of Nicomedia. She is venerated as a saint in the Orthodox Church, and the name has traditionally been more common among Eastern Christians than those in the West. It was popularized in America by actress Natalie Wood (1938-1981), who was born to Russian immigrants.
Nathalie f French, Dutch, German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian
French form of Natalie, as well as a Dutch, German and Scandinavian variant.
Nellie f English, Swedish
Diminutive of Nell and other names containing nel.
Nettie f English
Diminutive of names ending in nette, such as Annette or Jeanette.
Noémie f French
French form of Naomi 1.
Nonie f English
Diminutive of Ione or Nora 1.
Octavie f French
French form of Octavia.
Õie f Estonian
Derived from Estonian õis meaning "flower".
Okorie m Igbo
Means "boy (born on) Orie" in Igbo, Orie being one of the four days of the Igbo week.
Olívie f Czech
Czech form of Olivia.
Olivie f Czech
Czech variant form of Olivia.
Ollie m & f English
Diminutive of Oliver, Olivia or Olive.
Ophélie f French
French form of Ophelia.
Oralie f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Aurélie.
Ossie m English
Short form of Oscar, Oswald and other names beginning with Os.
Ottilie f German
German form of Odilia.
Ozzie m English
Diminutive of Oswald, Osborn and other names beginning with a similar sound.
Paaie f Manx
Manx form of Peggy.
Patricie f Czech
Czech feminine form of Patricius (see Patrick).
Pattie f English
Variant of Patty.
Paulie m English
Diminutive of Paul.
Pearlie f English
Diminutive of Pearl.
Peggie f English
Variant of Peggy.
Perlie f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Pearl.
Pollie f English
Variant of Polly.
Posie f English
Variant of Posy.
Queenie f English
Diminutive of Queen.
Rabbie m Scots
Scots diminutive of Robert. This is the familiar name of the Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796).
Reenie f English (Rare)
Either a variant of Renée or a diminutive of names ending in reen.
Reggie m English
Diminutive of Reginald.
Renie f English (Rare)
Possibly a diminutive of Renee.
Richie m English
Diminutive of Richard.
Rickie m English
Diminutive of Richard.
Ritchie m English
Variant of Richie.
Robbie m & f English
Diminutive of Robert or Roberta.
Rollie m English
Diminutive of Roland.
Ronnie m & f English
Diminutive of Ronald or Veronica.
Rorie f & m English
Variant of Rory.
Rosalie f French, German, Dutch, English
French, German and Dutch form of Rosalia. In the English-speaking this name received a boost after the release of the movie Rosalie (1938), which was based on an earlier musical.
Rosie f English
Diminutive of Rose.
Roxie f English
Diminutive of Roxana.
Ruthie f English
Diminutive of Ruth 1.
Rylie f & m English (Modern)
Variant of Riley.
Sadie f English
Diminutive of Sarah.
Sallie f English
Variant of Sally.
Sammie f & m English
Diminutive of Samuel, Samson or Samantha.
Sandie f English
Variant of Sandy.
Scottie m & f English
Diminutive of Scott, also used as a feminine form.
Sherie f English
Variant of Sherry or Cherie.
Sherrie f English
Variant of Sherry.
Sidonie f French
French feminine form of Sidonius.
Sissie f English
Variant of Sissy.
Sofie f German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Czech
Form of Sophie in several languages.
Sookie f English
Diminutive of Susanna or Susan.
Sophie f French, English, German, Dutch
French form of Sophia.
Steenie m Scots
Scots diminutive of Stephen.
Stéphanie f French
French feminine form of Stephen.
Stephanie f English, German
Feminine form of Stephen.
Stevie m & f English
Diminutive of Stephen or Stephanie. A famous bearer is the American musician Stevie Wonder (1950-).
Sukie f English
Diminutive of Susanna or Susan.
Susie f English
Diminutive of Susan.
Suzie f English
Diminutive of Susan.
Sylvie f French, Czech
French and Czech form of Silvia.
Tammie f English
Variant of Tammy.
Teddie m & f English
Diminutive of Edward or Theodore, sometimes a feminine form.