Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Okechukwu m Igbo
Means "portion of God" in Igbo.
Okeke m Igbo
Means "boy (born on) Eke" in Igbo, Eke being one of the four days of the Igbo week.
Okonkwo m Igbo
Means "boy (born on) Nkwo" in Igbo, Nkwo being one of the four days of the Igbo week.
Okorie m Igbo
Means "boy (born on) Orie" in Igbo, Orie being one of the four days of the Igbo week.
Okropir m Georgian
Means "golden mouth" in Georgian, a translation of Greek Chrysostomos.
Oksana f Ukrainian, Russian
Ukrainian form of Xenia.
Oktawia f Polish
Polish form of Octavia.
Oktawian m Polish
Polish form of Octavianus (see Octavian).
Oktawiusz m Polish
Polish form of Octavius.
Oktyabrina f Russian (Rare)
Derived from Russian октябрь (oktyabr) meaning "October". This name was created by communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names and commemorate the October Revolution of 1917.
Ōkuninushi m Japanese Mythology
Means "master of the great country", from Japanese (ō) meaning "big, great", (kuni) meaning "country, land" and (nushi) meaning "master". In Japanese myth he was the divine ruler of the lands, until the gods of the heavens seized control and he retreated to the unseen world.
Ola 1 m Norwegian, Swedish
Norwegian and Swedish short form of Olaf.
Ola 2 f Polish
Polish short form of Aleksandra.
Ola 3 m & f Yoruba
From Yoruba ọlà meaning "wealth" or the related ọlá meaning "honour, respect". It is also a short form of names containing those elements.
Olaf m Norwegian, Danish, German, Dutch, Polish
From the Old Norse name Áleifr meaning "ancestor's descendant", derived from the elements anu "ancestor" and leif "inheritance, legacy". This was the name of five kings of Norway, including Saint Olaf (Olaf II).
Ólafur m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Olaf.
Olalla f Galician, Spanish
Galician variant of Eulalia.
Ólaug f Old Norse
Old Norse form of Olaug.
Olav m Norwegian, Danish
Variant of Olaf.
Olavi m Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Olaf.
Olavo m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Olaf.
Ólavur m Faroese
Faroese form of Olaf.
Olaya f Asturian, Spanish
Asturian form of Eulalia.
Oldřich m Czech
Czech form of Ulrich.
Oldrich m Slovak
Slovak form of Ulrich.
Oldřiška f Czech
Czech feminine form of Ulrich.
Ole m Danish, Norwegian
Danish and Norwegian form of Olaf.
Oleg m Russian, Georgian
Russian form of the Old Norse name Helgi (see Helge). The Varangians brought this name from Scandinavia to Eastern Europe: it was borne by a 9th-century Varangian ruler who conquered Kyiv and made it the capital of the state of Kievan Rus.
Olegário m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Olegario.
Olegario m Spanish
From Olegarius, the Latinized form of a Germanic name, possibly Aldegar or a metathesized form of Odalgar. This was the name of a 12th-century saint, a bishop of Barcelona.
Oļegs m Latvian
Latvian form of Oleg.
Oleguer m Catalan
Catalan form of Olegario.
Oleh m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Oleg.
Olek m Polish
Short form of Aleksander.
Oleksander m Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Ukrainian Олександр (see Oleksandr).
Oleksandr m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Alexander.
Oleksandra f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Alexandra.
Oleksiy m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Alexius.
Olena f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Helen.
Oles m Ukrainian
Short form of Oleksandr or Oleksiy.
Olesya f Ukrainian, Russian
Ukrainian diminutive of Oleksandra. This was the name of an 1898 novel by the Russian author Aleksandr Kuprin.
Olev m Estonian
Estonian form of Olaf.
Olexiy m Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Ukrainian Олексій (see Oleksiy).
Oľga f Slovak
Slovak form of Olga.
Olga f Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Czech, Slovene, Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Russian form of the Old Norse name Helga. The 10th-century Saint Olga was the wife of Igor I, the ruler of Kievan Rus (a state based around the city of Kyiv). Like her husband she was probably a Varangian, who were Norse people who settled in Eastern Europe beginning in the 9th century. Following Igor's death she ruled as regent for her son Svyatoslav for 18 years. After she was baptized in Constantinople she attempted to convert her subjects to Christianity, though this goal was only achieved by her grandson Vladimir.
Olgica f Macedonian, Serbian
Macedonian and Serbian diminutive of Olga.
Olgierd m Polish
Polish form of Algirdas.
Olha f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Olga.
Oli m English
Short form of Oliver.
Olĭga f Medieval Slavic
Old East Slavic form of Olga.
Olĭgŭ m Medieval Slavic
Old East Slavic form of Oleg.
Olim m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Alim.
Olimpiada f Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Russian and Ukrainian form of Olympias.
Olinda f Literature, Portuguese, Spanish (Latin American)
The name of a princess of Norway in the medieval Spanish tale of the knight Amadis of Gaul. It is perhaps related to Greek ὀλύνθη (olynthe) meaning "wild fig tree" (similar to Olindo). Olinda is also the name of a Brazilian city.
Olindo m Literature, Italian
Used by the Italian poet Torquato Tasso for the lover of Sophronia in his epic poem Jerusalem Delivered (1580). It might be a variant of Olinto, the Italian form of the ancient Greek city Ὄλυνθος (Olynthos) meaning "wild fig".
Oline f Norwegian, Danish
Feminine form of Ole.
Oliva f Late Roman, Spanish, Italian
Late Latin name meaning "olive". This was the name of a 2nd-century saint from Brescia.
Olive f English, French
From the English and French word for the type of tree, ultimately derived from Latin oliva.
Olivér m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Oliver.
Oliver m English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Catalan, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Czech, Slovak, Carolingian Cycle
From Old French Olivier, which was possibly derived from Latin oliva "olive tree". Alternatively there could be an underlying Germanic name, such as Old Norse Áleifr (see Olaf) or Frankish Alawar (see Álvaro), with the spelling altered by association with the Latin word. In the Middle Ages the name became well-known in Western Europe because of the French epic La Chanson de Roland, in which Olivier is a friend and advisor to the hero Roland.... [more]
Olivers m Latvian
Latvian form of Oliver.
Olivette f Literature
Feminine form of Oliver. This was the name of the title character in the French opera Les noces d'Olivette (1879) by Edmond Audran.
Olívia f Portuguese, Slovak, Hungarian
Portuguese, Slovak and Hungarian form of Olivia.
Olivia f English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch
This name was used in this spelling by William Shakespeare for a character in his comedy Twelfth Night (1602). This was a rare name in Shakespeare's time that may have been based on Oliva or Oliver, or directly from the Latin word oliva meaning "olive". In the play Olivia is a noblewoman who is wooed by Duke Orsino but instead falls in love with his messenger Cesario, who is actually Viola in disguise.... [more]
Olívie f Czech
Czech form of Olivia.
Olivie f Czech
Czech variant form of Olivia.
Olivier m French, Dutch, Carolingian Cycle
French and Dutch form of Oliver. This is also a French word meaning "olive tree".
Oliviero m Italian
Italian form of Oliver.
Olīvija f Latvian
Latvian form of Olivia.
Olivija f Lithuanian, Slovene, Croatian
Lithuanian, Slovene and Croatian form of Olivia.
Oliwer m Polish
Polish form of Oliver.
Oliwia f Polish
Polish form of Olivia.
Oliwier m Polish
Polish form of Oliver.
Olja f Serbian
Serbian diminutive of Olga.
Olle m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Olaf or Oliver.
Olli m Finnish
Finnish variant of Olavi, based on Swedish Olle.
Ollie m & f English
Diminutive of Oliver, Olivia or Olive.
Olly m English
Diminutive of Oliver.
Ólöf f Icelandic
Icelandic feminine form of Olaf.
Olof m Swedish
Swedish form of Olaf.
Ọlọrun m Yoruba Mythology
Means "ruler of heaven, owner of heaven" in Yoruba, derived from either olú "chief, ruler" or the prefix ọní "owner" combined with ọ̀run "heaven, sky". Ọlọrun is a manifestation of the supreme god in traditional Yoruba religion. In some modern contexts this name is used to refer to the Christian or Islamic god.
Olov m Swedish
Swedish form of Olaf.
Olu m Yoruba
Short form of Yoruba names beginning with olú or olúwa meaning "lord, God".
Oluchi f Igbo
Means "work of God" in Igbo.
Oluf m Danish
Danish variant of Olaf.
Oluwafemi m Yoruba
Variant of Olufemi.
Oluwatoyin f & m Yoruba
Means "God is worthy of praise" in Yoruba.
Olve m Norwegian
From the Old Norse name Ǫlvir, possibly derived from allr "all" or alh "temple, shelter" combined with vir "holy man" or "warrior".
Olvido f Spanish
Means "oblivion, forgetting" in Spanish, taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora del Olvido, Triunfo y Misericordias meaning "Our Lady of Oblivion, Triumph and Mercies". It commemorates an 1831 vision of Mary by the Spanish nun Sor Patrocinio.
Ölvir m Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic form of Olve.
Ǫlvir m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Olve.
Olwen f Welsh, Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle
Means "white footprint" from Welsh ol "footprint, track" and gwen "white, blessed". In the Welsh tale Culhwch and Olwen she was a beautiful maiden, the lover of Culhwch and the daughter of the giant Yspaddaden. Her father insisted that Culhwch complete several seemingly impossible tasks before he would allow them to marry.
Olwin f Welsh (Rare)
Variant of Olwen.
Olwyn f Welsh
Variant of Olwen.
Olya f Russian
Diminutive of Olga.
Olympas m Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, Ancient Greek
Probably a shortened form of a longer name such as Olympiodoros. It is mentioned briefly in the New Testament.
Olympe f French
French form of Olympias.
Olympia f Greek, Slovak
Feminine form of Olympos.
Olympias f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Olympos. This was the name of the mother of Alexander the Great. It was also borne by a 4th-century saint.
Olympiodoros m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek name meaning "gift of Olympus", derived from Olympos, the name of the mountain home of the Greek gods, combined with δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift".
Olympos m Ancient Greek
From a Greek personal name that was derived from the place name Olympos, the name of the mountain home of the Greek gods.
Om m Hindi, Marathi
From the Sanskrit ओम् (om), considered to be a sacred syllable because it represents the range of sounds that can be made by the human voice.
Ömər m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Umar.
Omar 1 m Arabic, Bosnian, Kazakh, Malay, English, Spanish, Italian
Alternate transcription of Arabic عمر (see Umar). This is the usual English spelling of the name of the 12th-century poet Umar Khayyam. In his honour it has sometimes been used in the English-speaking world, notably for the American general Omar Bradley (1893-1981).
Omar 2 m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Derived from Hebrew אָמַר ('amar) meaning "speak, say". This is the name of a son of Eliphaz in the Old Testament.
Omari m Swahili
Meaning uncertain, possibly a Swahili variant of Umar.
Ombeline f French
Feminine form of Humbelin, a medieval diminutive of Humbert. The Blessed Humbeline (known as Hombeline or Ombeline in French) was a 12th-century nun, the sister of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
Omega m & f Various
From the name of the last letter in the Greek alphabet, Ω. It is often seen as a symbol of completion.
Ömer m Turkish
Turkish form of Umar.
Omer m & f Hebrew
Means "sheaf of wheat" in Hebrew.
Ömer Asaf m Turkish
Combination of Ömer and Asaf 2.
Ömer Faruk m Turkish
Combination of Ömer and Faruk.
Omiros m Greek
Modern Greek form of Homer.
Omran m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic عمران (see Umran).
Omri m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Possibly means "life" or "servant" in Hebrew (or a related Semitic language). This was the name of a 9th-century BC military commander who became king of Israel. He appears in the Old Testament, where he is denounced as being wicked.
Ona 1 f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Anna.
Ona 2 f Catalan
Short form of Mariona. It also coincides with a Catalan word meaning "wave".
Onangwatgo m Oneida (Anglicized)
Means "big medicine" in Oneida, from onúhkwaht "medicine" and the suffix -koó "big, great". This was the name of a chief of the Oneida people, also named Cornelius Hill (1834-1907).
Ondina f Portuguese, Italian
Portuguese and Italian form of Undine.
Ondřej m Czech
Czech form of Andrew.
Ondrej m Slovak
Slovak form of Andrew.
Oneida f English
From the name of a Native American tribe, perhaps meaning "standing rock".
Onesimus m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of the Greek name Ὀνήσιμος (Onesimos), which meant "beneficial, profitable". Saint Onesimus was an escaped slave of Philemon who met Saint Paul while in prison and was converted by him. Paul sent him back to Philemon carrying the epistle that appears in the New Testament.
Onesiphorus m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of the Greek name Ὀνησίφορος (Onesiphoros), which meant "bringing advantage, beneficial". This name is mentioned briefly in Paul's second epistle to Timothy in the New Testament. According to tradition he was martyred by being tied to horses and then torn apart.
Onfroi m Medieval French
Norman French form of Humphrey.
Onisim m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Onesimus.
Onisimŭ m Old Church Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of Onesimus.
Onofre m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Onuphrius.
Onofrio m Italian
Italian form of Onuphrius.
Onóra f Irish
Irish form of Honora.
Onufriy m Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Russian and Ukrainian form of Onuphrius.
Onuphrius m Egyptian Mythology (Latinized), Late Roman
Latinized form of Greek Ὀνούφριος (Onouphrios), derived from Egyptian wnn-nfr meaning "he who is good, he who is happy". This was an epithet of the god Osiris. It was later used by an Egyptian saint and hermit from the 4th or 5th century.
Onyeka m & f Igbo
Short form of Onyekachi.
Onyekachukwu m & f Igbo
Means "who is greater than God?" in Igbo (a variant of Onyekachi using Chukwu as the second element).
Onyx m & f English
From the English word for the gemstone (a variety of chalcedony), which can be black, red or other colours. It is derived from Greek ὄνυξ (onyx) meaning "claw, nail".
Oona f Irish, Finnish
Anglicized form of Úna, as well as a Finnish form.
Oonagh f Irish
Anglicized form of Úna.
Opal f English
From the English word opal for the iridescent gemstone, the birthstone of October. The word ultimately derives from Sanskrit उपल (upala) meaning "jewel".
Opaline f English (Rare)
Elaborated form of Opal. This is also an English word meaning "resembling an opal".
Ophelia f English, Literature, Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ὠφέλεια (opheleia) meaning "help, advantage". This was a rare ancient Greek name, which was either rediscovered or recreated by the poet Jacopo Sannazaro for a character in his poem Arcadia (1480). It was borrowed by Shakespeare for his play Hamlet (1600), in which it belongs to the daughter of Polonius and the potential love interest of Hamlet. She eventually goes insane and drowns herself after Hamlet kills her father. In spite of this negative association, the name has been in use since the 19th century.
Ophélie f French
French form of Ophelia.
Ophir m & f Biblical, Hebrew
From Hebrew אוֹפִיר ('Ofir), meaning unknown. This is the name of a son of Joktan in the Old Testament (where it is also used as a place name).
Ophira f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אוֹפִירָה (see Ofira).
Ophiuchus m Astronomy
Latinized form of Greek Ὀφιοῦχος (Ophiouchos) meaning "serpent bearer". This is the name of an equatorial constellation that depicts the god Asklepios holding a snake.
Ophrah m Biblical
Means "fawn" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of both a man mentioned in genealogies and a city in Manasseh.
Oprah f Various (Rare)
In the case of television personality Oprah Winfrey (1954-), it was a childhood mispronunciation of her real name Orpah that became permanent.
Ora 2 f Hebrew
Strictly feminine form of Or.
Orah f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אוֹרָה (see Ora 2).
Oralee f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Aurélie.
Oralie f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Aurélie.
Oran m Irish
Anglicized form of Odhrán.
Oraz m Turkmen, Kazakh
Means "fasting, Ramadan" in Turkmen and Kazakh (of Persian origin).
Orazio m Italian
Italian form of Horatius.
Orbán m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Urban.
Orel m Hebrew
Means "light of God" in Hebrew.
Oreste m Italian
Italian form of Orestes.
Orestes m Greek Mythology
Means "of the mountains", derived from Greek ὄρος (oros) meaning "mountain" and ἵστημι (histemi) meaning "to stand". In Greek myth he was the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. He killed his mother and her lover Aegisthus after they killed his father.
Orestis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Orestes.
Orfeas m Greek
Modern Greek form of Orpheus.
Orfeo m Italian, Spanish (Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Orpheus.
Orhan m Turkish
Derived from Turkish or, of uncertain meaning, possibly from a Turkic root meaning "place", and han meaning "khan, ruler, leader". This was the name of a 14th-century sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
Oria f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Aurea.
Oriana f Italian, Spanish
Possibly derived from Latin aurum "gold" or from its derivatives, Spanish oro or French or. In medieval legend Oriana was the daughter of a king of England who married the knight Amadis.
Oriane f French
French form of Oriana.
Orianne f French
French form of Oriana.
Orietta f Italian
Diminutive of Oria.
Origen m History
From the Greek name Ὠριγένης (Origenes), which was possibly derived from the name of the Egyptian god Horus combined with γενής (genes) meaning "born". Origen was a 3rd-century theologian from Alexandria. Long after his death some of his writings were declared heretical, hence he is not regarded as a saint.
Origenes m Ancient Greek
Greek form of Origen.
Orinda f English (Rare)
Probably an elaboration of Spanish oro "gold". This was the pseudonym of the English poet Katherine Philips (1631-1664).
Oriol m Catalan
From a Catalan surname meaning "golden". It has been used in honour of Saint Joseph Oriol (1650-1702).
Orion m Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain, but possibly related to Greek ὅριον (horion) meaning "boundary, limit". Alternatively it may be derived from Akkadian Uru-anna meaning "light of the heavens". This is the name of a constellation, which gets its name from a legendary Greek hunter who was killed by a scorpion sent by the earth goddess Gaia.
Örjan m Swedish
Medieval Swedish form of Jurian.
Ørjan m Norwegian
Medieval Norwegian form of Jurian.
Orla 1 f Irish
Anglicized form of Órlaith.
Orlagh f Irish
Anglicized form of Órlaith.
Órlaith f Irish, Old Irish
Means "golden ruler", from Old Irish ór "gold" combined with flaith "ruler, sovereign, princess". This name was borne by several medieval Irish royals, including a sister of the king Brian Boru.
Orlanda f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Orlando.
Orlando m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Carolingian Cycle
Italian form of Roland, as used in the epic poems Orlando Innamorato (1483) by Matteo Maria Boiardo and the continuation Orlando Furioso (1532) by Ludovico Ariosto. In the poems, Orlando is a knight in Charlemagne's army who battles against the invading Saracens. A character in Shakespeare's play As You Like It (1599) also bears this name, as does a city in Florida.
Orly f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אוֹרְלִי (see Orli).
Ormazd m Persian Mythology
Modern Persian form of Ahura Mazda.
Ormond m English (Rare)
From an Irish surname, an Anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Ó Ruaidh, derived from the given name Ruadh.
Orna 1 f Irish
Anglicized form of Odharnait.
Orna 2 f Hebrew
Feminine form of Oren.
Ornat f Irish (Rare)
Anglicized form of Odharnait.
'Orpah f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Orpah.
Orpah f Biblical
Means "back of the neck" in Hebrew. Orpah is Naomi's second daughter-in-law in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament.
Orpha f Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, English
Form of Orpah used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Orpheus m Greek Mythology
Perhaps related to Greek ὄρφνη (orphne) meaning "the darkness of night". In Greek mythology Orpheus was a poet and musician who went to the underworld to retrieve his dead wife Eurydice. He succeeded in charming Hades with his lyre, and he was allowed to lead his wife out of the underworld on the condition that he not look back at her until they reached the surface. Unfortunately, just before they arrived his love for her overcame his will and he glanced back at her, causing her to be drawn back to Hades.
Orrin m Irish
Anglicized form of Odhrán.
Orsina f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Orsino.
Orsino m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of the Roman name Ursinus, itself derived from Ursus (see Urs). This is the name of a duke in Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night (1602).
Orso m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Ursus (see Urs).
Orsola f Italian
Italian form of Ursula.
Orsolya f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ursula.
Orson m English
From a Norman nickname derived from a diminutive of Norman French ors "bear", ultimately from Latin ursus. American actor and director Orson Welles (1915-1985) was a famous bearer of this name.
Orstislavŭ m Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Rostislav.
Ortimirŭ m Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Ratomir.
Ortrun f German (Rare), Germanic
Derived from the Old German elements ort "point" and runa "secret lore, rune". In the medieval German epic Kudrun this is the name of Hartmut's sister.
Ortwin m German, Germanic
Derived from the Old German elements ort "point" and wini "friend". This is the name of Gudrun's brother in the medieval German epic Kudrun.
Orval m English
Variant of Orville.
Ǫrvar m Norse Mythology
Old Norse form of Orvar.
Orvar m Swedish (Rare), Norse Mythology
Means "arrow" in Old Norse. Orvar Odd is a legendary Norse hero who is the subject of a 13th-century Icelandic saga.
Orxan m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Orhan.
Osama m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic أسامة (see Usama).
Osane f Basque
Means "cure, remedy" in Basque. It is an equivalent of Remedios, proposed by Sabino Arana in his 1910 list of Basque saints names.
Osanna f Italian
Italian form of Hosanna. This was the name of a 15th-century Italian saint and mystic, as well as a 16th-century Montenegrin saint.
Osanne f French (Rare)
French form of Osanna.
Osbeorht m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Osbert.
Osbeorn m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Osborn.
Osborne m English
From a surname that was a variant of Osborn.
Osbourne m English (Rare)
From a surname that was a variant of Osborn.
Óscar m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Oscar.
Òscar m Catalan
Catalan form of Oscar.
Oscar m English, Irish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, French, Irish Mythology
Possibly means "deer friend", derived from Old Irish oss "deer" and carae "friend". Alternatively, it may derive from the Old English name Osgar or its Old Norse cognate Ásgeirr, which may have been brought to Ireland by Viking invaders and settlers. In Irish legend Oscar was the son of the poet Oisín and the grandson of the hero Fionn mac Cumhaill.... [more]
Osee m Biblical Latin
Form of Hoshea (and Hosea) used in the Latin Bible.
Osgar m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements os "god" and gar "spear". It is a cognate of Ansgar.
Oshea m Biblical
Variant of Hoshea used in some versions of the Bible.
Osheen m Irish (Rare)
Anglicized form of Oisín.
Oshrat f Hebrew
Feminine form of Osher.
Osip m Russian
Russian form of Joseph.
Osiris m Egyptian Mythology (Hellenized)
Greek form of the Egyptian wsjr (reconstructed as Asar, Usir and other forms), which is of unknown meaning, possibly related to wsr "mighty" or jrt "eye". In Egyptian mythology Osiris was the god of fertility, agriculture, and the dead and served as the judge of the underworld. In one tale he was slain by his brother Seth, but restored to life by his wife Isis in order to conceive their son Horus, who would go on to avenge his father.
Óskar m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Oscar.
Oskár m Slovak
Slovak form of Oscar.
Oskar m German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Polish, Czech, Slovene, Basque
Form of Oscar in several languages. A famous bearer was Oskar Schindler (1908-1974), who is credited for saved over 1,000 Polish Jews during World War II.
Oskari m Finnish
Finnish form of Oscar.
Oskars m Latvian
Latvian form of Oscar.
Osku m Finnish
Short form of Oskari.
Osman m Turkish, Kurdish, Albanian, Bosnian
Turkish, Kurdish, Albanian and Bosnian form of Uthman. This was the name of the founder of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th century. It was later borne by two more Ottoman sultans.
Osmon m Kyrgyz
Kyrgyz form of Uthman.
Osmund m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Osmond.
Ossian m Literature
Variant of Oisín used by James Macpherson in his 18th-century poems, which he claimed to have based on early Irish legends. In the poems Ossian is the son of Fingal, and serves as the narrator.
Ossie m English
Short form of Oscar, Oswald and other names beginning with Os.
Ostap m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Eustathius.
Östen m Swedish
Swedish form of Eysteinn.
Ọṣun f Yoruba Mythology
Possibly related to ṣán meaning "flow". In traditional Yoruba belief this is the name of the patron goddess of the Osun River, also associated with wealth, beauty and love.
Osvald m Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Scandinavian form of Oswald.
Osvaldo m Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese form of Oswald.
Oswald m English, German
Derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "powerful, mighty". Saint Oswald was a king of Northumbria who introduced Christianity to northeastern England in the 7th century before being killed in battle. There was also an Old Norse cognate Ásvaldr in use in England, being borne by the 10th-century Saint Oswald of Worcester, who was of Danish ancestry. Though the name had died out by the end of the Middle Ages, it was revived in the 19th century.
Osweald m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Oswald.
Oswin m English (Rare)
From the Old English elements os "god" and wine "friend". Saint Oswin was a 7th-century king of Northumbria. After the Norman Conquest this name was used less, and it died out after the 14th century. It was briefly revived in the 19th century.
Oswine m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Oswin.
Oszkár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Oscar.
Ota m Czech, Sorbian
Czech and Sorbian form of Otto.
Otabek m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Atabek.
Otakar m Czech
Czech form of Odoacer. This was the name of two kings of Bohemia.
Otávia f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Octavia.
Otávio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Octavius.
Otello m Italian
Italian form of Othello. This was the name of an 1887 opera by Giuseppe Verdi, based on Shakespeare's play.
Otgar m Germanic
Variant of Audagar.
Othello m Literature
Perhaps a diminutive of Otho. William Shakespeare used this name in his tragedy Othello (1603), where it belongs to a Moor who is manipulated by Iago into killing his wife Desdemona.
Óðinn m Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Old Norse and Icelandic form of Odin.
Othman m Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic عثمان (see Uthman), as well as the usual Malay form.
Othmane m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عثمان (see Uthman) chiefly used in North Africa.
Othmar m German, Germanic
Variant of Otmar.
Othniel m Biblical
Meaning uncertain, possibly "lion of God" or "strength of God" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament he is a nephew or brother of Caleb who becomes the first of the ruling judges of the Israelites.
Otho m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen of unknown meaning. This was the name of a short-lived 1st-century Roman emperor (born as Marcus Salvius Otho).
Otília f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Odilia.
Otilia f Romanian, Spanish
Romanian and Spanish form of Odilia.
Otis m English
From an English surname that was derived from the medieval given name Ode, a cognate of Otto. In America it has been used in honour of the revolutionary James Otis (1725-1783).
Otmar m German, Czech, Germanic
From the Germanic name Audamar, which was derived from Old Frankish aud or Old High German ot meaning "wealth, fortune" combined with mari meaning "famous". This was the name of an 8th-century Swiss saint, an abbot of Saint Gall.
Oto m Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Otto.
Otokar m Czech
Czech variant form of Odoacer.
Ott m Estonian
Possibly an Estonian form of Otto. It may also be inspired by an archaic Estonian word meaning "bear".
Ottar m Norwegian
Norwegian form of Óttarr.
Ottavia f Italian
Italian form of Octavia.
Ottaviano m Italian
Italian form of Octavianus (see Octavian).
Ottavio m Italian
Italian form of Octavius.
Ottilia f Swedish
Swedish form of Odilia.
Ottilie f German
German form of Odilia.
Ottmar m German
Variant of Otmar.
Otto m German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, Germanic
Later German form of Audo, originally a short form of various names beginning with Old Frankish aud or Old High German ot meaning "wealth, fortune". This was the name of a 9th-century king of the West Franks (name usually spelled as Odo). This was also the name of four kings of Germany, starting in the 10th century with Otto I, the first Holy Roman Emperor, known as Otto the Great. Saint Otto of Bamberg was a 12th-century missionary to Pomerania. The name was also borne by a 19th-century king of Greece, originally from Bavaria. Another notable bearer was the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898).
Ottó m Hungarian, Icelandic
Hungarian and Icelandic form of Otto.
Ottokar m German (Rare)
German form of Odoacer.
Ottoline f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Ottilie. A famous bearer was the British socialite Lady Ottoline Morrell (1873-1938).
Ottone m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Otto.
Ottorino m Italian
Originally a variant of Ottolino, a diminutive of Ottone.
Otwin m German (Rare)
German form of Audowin.
Otylia f Polish
Polish form of Odilia.
Oualid m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Form of Walid chiefly used in North Africa (using French-influenced orthography).
Ougein m Old Welsh
Old Welsh form of Owain.
Ouida f History
Used by the English author Ouida (1839-1908), born Marie Louise Ramé to a French father. Ouida was a pseudonym that arose from her own childhood pronunciation of her middle name Louise.
Oum f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أمّ (see Umm) chiefly used in North Africa.
Oumar m Western African
Form of Umar used in parts of French-influenced West Africa.
Oumarou m Western African
Form of Umar used in parts of French-influenced West Africa.