Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Pedrinho m Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of Pedro.
Pedro m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Peter. This was the name of the only two emperors of Brazil, reigning between 1822 and 1889.
Pedru m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Peter.
Peer m Danish, Norwegian
Variant of Per. The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen used this name for the main character in his play Peer Gynt (1867).
Peeter m Estonian
Estonian form of Peter.
Peetu m Finnish
Finnish diminutive of Pietari.
Peg f English
Short form of Peggy.
Pegasus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Πήγασος (Pegasos), possibly either from πηγός (pegos) meaning "strong" or πηγαῖος (pegaios) meaning "from a water spring". In Greek mythology Pegasus was the winged horse that sprang from the blood of Medusa after she was killed by Perseus. There is a constellation in the northern sky named after the horse.
Peggie f English
Variant of Peggy.
Peggy f English
Medieval variant of Meggy, a diminutive of Margaret. The reason for the change in the initial consonant is unknown.
Pehr m Swedish
Swedish variant of Per.
Peigi f Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Peggy.
Peio m Basque
Basque form of Peter.
Pèire m Occitan
Occitan form of Peter.
Pejo m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian diminutive of Petar.
Pekka m Finnish
Finnish form of Peter.
Pekko m Finnish Mythology
Meaning unknown. This is the name of the Finnish god of fields and crops.
Pelageya f Russian
Russian form of Pelagia.
Pelagia f Ancient Greek, Greek, Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Pelagius. This was the name of a few early saints, including a young 4th-century martyr who threw herself from a rooftop in Antioch rather than lose her virginity.
Pelagius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Πελάγιος (Pelagios), which was derived from πέλαγος (pelagos) meaning "the sea". This was the name of several saints and two popes.
Pelagiya f Russian
Russian form of Pelagia.
Pelayo m Spanish
Spanish form of Pelagius. This was the name of the founder of the kingdom of Asturias in the 8th century.
Pele f Polynesian Mythology
Meaning unknown. This was the name of the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire who is said to live in Kilauea. She is considered the creator of the Hawaiian Islands.
Peleg m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "division, channel" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament he is the son of Eber.
Peleus m Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Greek πηλός (pelos) meaning "clay". In Greek mythology Peleus was a king of Phthia. With his wife the sea nymph Thetis he was the father of the hero Achilles.
Pelias m Greek Mythology
Perhaps derived from Greek πέλεια (peleia) meaning "rock pigeon". In Greek mythology, Pelias was the king of Iolcus who sent Jason on the quest for the Golden Fleece.
Pellam m Arthurian Cycle
Form of Pellehan used by Thomas Malory in his 15th-century compilation Le Morte d'Arthur.
Pelle m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Per.
Pelleas m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly from the Greek name Peleus. In Arthurian legend this is the name of a knight in love with Arcade or Ettarde. He first appears in the Old French Post-Vulgate Cycle in the 13th century, later in Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur (15th century) and Alfred Tennyson's Idylls of the King (1859).
Pellegrino m Italian
Italian form of Peregrinus (see Peregrine).
Pellehan m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly from Welsh Beli Hen meaning "Beli the Old". This was the name of a keeper of the Holy Grail in Arthurian legend, the father of Pelles and Pellinore.
Pelles m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly from the Welsh name Beli. In the 13th-century Lancelot-Grail Cycle of Arthurian romance this was the name of the Fisher King, the son of Pellehan. He was also the father of Elaine and grandfather of Galahad.
Pellinore m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly from Welsh Beli Mawr meaning "Beli the Great". In Arthurian romance this was the name of a king of Listenois, a son of Pellehan who pursued the elusive Questing Beast and later joined Arthur's court. He first appears in the 13th-century Lancelot-Grail Cycle.
Pema m & f Tibetan, Bhutanese
Tibetan form of Padma.
Pen f English
Short form of Penelope.
Pencho m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Petar or Petko.
Pendo f Swahili
Variant of Upendo.
Pene f English (Rare)
Short form of Penelope.
Pénélope f French
French form of Penelope.
Penélope f Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Penelope.
Penelope f Greek Mythology, English
Probably derived from Greek πηνέλοψ (penelops), a type of duck. Alternatively it could be from πήνη (pene) meaning "threads, weft" and ὄψ (ops) meaning "face, eye". In Homer's epic the Odyssey this is the name of the wife of Odysseus, forced to fend off suitors while her husband is away fighting at Troy.... [more]
Peni m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Ben 1.
Peninnah f Biblical
Means "precious stone, pearl" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of one of the wives of Elkanah, the other being Hannah.
Penka f Bulgarian
Bulgarian feminine diminutive of Petar.
Penko m Bulgarian
Bulgarian diminutive of Petar.
Penny f English
Diminutive of Penelope. It can also be given in reference to the copper coin (a British pound or an American dollar are worth 100 of them), derived from Old English penning.
Pentti m Finnish
Finnish form of Benedict.
Penuel m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "facing God" in Hebrew. This is the name of two minor characters in the Old Testament.
Peony f English (Rare)
From the English word for the type of flower. It was originally believed to have healing qualities, so it was named after the Greek medical god Pæon.
Pepca f Slovene
Slovene diminutive of Jožefa.
Pepe m Spanish
Spanish diminutive of José.
Pepijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Pepin.
Pépin m French
French form of Pepin.
Pepin m Germanic
Frankish name of unknown meaning. It possibly means "awe-inspiring" from the Germanic word *bibēną "to tremble". This was the name of three majordomos of Austrasia including Pepin III the Short, who became the first Carolingian king of the Franks. He was the father of Charlemagne.
Pepita f Spanish
Spanish feminine diminutive of Joseph.
Pepito m Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Joseph.
Peppe m Italian
Diminutive of Giuseppe.
Pepper f & m English (Modern)
From the English word for the spice, which is prepared from the dried berries of the pepper plant. The word is derived from Latin piper, ultimately from an Indo-Aryan source. In popular culture, Pepper is the nickname of Virginia Potts from the Iron Man series of comic books and movies, created 1963.
Peppi 2 f Finnish
Usual Finnish form of Pippi Longstocking's name (see Pippi).
Peppino m Italian
Diminutive of Giuseppe.
Per m Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Breton
Scandinavian and Breton form of Peter.
Perce m English
Short form of Percy.
Perceval m Arthurian Cycle
Old French form of Percival used by Chrétien de Troyes.
Percival m Arthurian Cycle, English
Created by the 12th-century French poet Chrétien de Troyes for his poem Perceval, the Story of the Grail. Chrétien may have derived the name from Old French perce val "pierce the valley", or he may have based it loosely on the Welsh name Peredur. In the poem Perceval is a boy from Wales who hopes to become a knight under King Arthur. Setting out to prove himself, he eventually comes to the castle of the Fisher King and is given a glimpse of the Grail.
Percy m English
From an English surname that was derived from the name of a Norman town Perci, which was itself perhaps derived from a Gaulish given name that was Latinized as Persius. The surname was borne by a noble English family, and it first used as a given name in their honour. A famous bearer was Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), an English romantic poet whose works include Adonais and Ozymandias. This name can also be used as a short form of Percival.
Perdita f Literature
Derived from Latin perditus meaning "lost". Shakespeare created this name for the daughter of Hermione and Leontes in his play The Winter's Tale (1610). Abandoned as an infant by her father the king, she grows up to be a shepherdess and falls in love with with Florizel.
Pere m Catalan
Catalan form of Peter.
Peredur m Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle
Meaning uncertain. It possibly means "hard spears" from Welsh peri "spears" and dur "hard, steel". In early Welsh poetry and histories, the brothers Peredur and Gwrgi were chieftains in Cumbria who defeated Gwenddoleu at the Battle of Arfderydd. This name was later used by the 12th-century chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth in the Latin form Peredurus for an early (fictitious) king of Britain. Entering into Arthurian romance, Peredur is an aspiring knight in the 14th-century Welsh tale Peredur son of Efrawg (an adaptation or parallel of Chrétien de Troyes' hero Percival).
Peregrine m English (Rare)
From the Late Latin name Peregrinus, which meant "traveller". This was the name of several early saints.
Perez m Biblical
Means "breach, burst forth" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of the twin brother of Zerah.
Peri f Turkish
Turkish form of Pari.
Periboia f Greek Mythology
From Greek περί (peri) meaning "around, exceedingly" and βοῦς (bous) meaning "ox, cow". This is the name of several minor characters in Greek mythology, including the mother of Ajax Telamonian.
Perica m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian diminutive of Petar.
Pericles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From the Greek name Περικλῆς (Perikles), which was derived from Greek περί (peri) meaning "around, exceedingly" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". This was the name of a 5th-century BC Athenian statesman and general. It is also the name of the central character in the play Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1608) written (or co-written) by William Shakespeare.
Perig m Breton
Breton diminutive of Per.
Perikles m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek form of Pericles.
Periklis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Pericles.
Perla f Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish cognate of Pearl.
Perle f French, Yiddish
French and Yiddish cognate of Pearl. It is also used as a Yiddish vernacular form of Margalit.
Perlie f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Pearl.
Perlita f Spanish
Diminutive of Perla.
Permelia f English (Archaic)
Meaning unknown, possibly an early American alteration of Pamela.
Pernilla f Swedish
Swedish short form of Petronilla.
Pernille f Danish, Norwegian
Danish and Norwegian short form of Petronilla.
Peronel f English (Archaic)
Contracted form of Petronel.
Perpétua f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Perpetua.
Perpetua f Spanish, Late Roman
Derived from Latin perpetuus meaning "continuous". This was the name of a 3rd-century saint martyred with another woman named Felicity.
Perrine f French
French feminine form of Perrin, a diminutive of Pierre.
Perry m English
From a surname that is either English or Welsh in origin. It can be derived from Middle English perrie meaning "pear tree", or else from Welsh ap Herry, meaning "son of Herry". A famous bearer of the surname was Matthew Perry (1794-1858), the American naval officer who opened Japan to the West.
Persefoni f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Persephone.
Persephone f Greek Mythology
Meaning unknown, probably of Pre-Greek origin, but perhaps related to Greek πέρθω (pertho) meaning "to destroy" and φόνος (phonos) meaning "murder". In Greek myth she was the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. She was abducted to the underworld by Hades, but was eventually allowed to return to the surface for part of the year. The result of her comings and goings is the changing of the seasons. With her mother she was worshipped in the Eleusinian Mysteries, which were secret rites practiced at the city of Eleusis near Athens.
Perseus m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek πέρθω (pertho) meaning "to destroy". In Greek mythology Perseus was a hero who was said to have founded the ancient city of Mycenae. He was the son of Zeus and Danaë. Mother and child were exiled by Danaë's father Acrisius, and Perseus was raised on the island of Seriphos. The king of the island compelled Perseus to kill the Gorgon Medusa, who was so ugly that anyone who gazed upon her was turned to stone. After obtaining winged sandals and other tools from the gods, he succeeded in his task by looking at Medusa in the reflection of his shield and slaying her in her sleep. On his return he defeated a sea monster in order to save Andromeda, who became his wife.
Persis f Biblical, Biblical Greek
Greek name meaning "Persian woman". This was the name of a woman mentioned in Paul's epistle to the Romans in the New Testament.
Pertti m Finnish
Short form of Roopertti or Alpertti.
Perttu m Finnish
Finnish form of Bartholomew.
Peru m Basque
Basque form of Peter.
Perun m Slavic Mythology
From Old Slavic perunŭ meaning "thunder". In Slavic mythology Perun was the god of lightning and the sky, sometimes considered to be the supreme god. Oak trees were sacred to him.
Pervin f Turkish
Turkish form of Parvin.
Perwîn f Kurdish
Kurdish form of Parvin.
Péťa m & f Czech
Diminutive of Petr or Petra.
Peťa m & f Czech
Diminutive of Petr or Petra.
Peta f English (Australian)
Chiefly Australian feminine form of Peter.
Petar m Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Macedonian
Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian and Macedonian form of Peter.
Pete m English
Short form of Peter.
Péter m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Peter.
Peter m English, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Slovene, Slovak, Biblical
Derived from Greek Πέτρος (Petros) meaning "stone". This is a translation used in most versions of the New Testament of the name Cephas, meaning "stone" in Aramaic, which was given to the apostle Simon by Jesus (compare Matthew 16:18 and John 1:42). Simon Peter was the most prominent of the apostles during Jesus' ministry and is often considered the first pope.... [more]
Petera m Maori
Maori form of Peter.
Pēteris m Latvian
Latvian form of Peter.
Peti m Hungarian
Hungarian diminutive of Peter.
Petia m & f Russian, Bulgarian
Alternate transcription of Russian/Bulgarian Петя (see Petya).
Petko m Bulgarian, Macedonian
Derived from Bulgarian Петък (Petak) or Macedonian Петок (Petok) meaning "Friday". This is a vernacular form of Paraskeve.
Petr m Czech
Czech form of Peter.
Petra f German, Dutch, Spanish, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Croatian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Swedish, Finnish, English
Feminine form of Peter. This was also the name of an ancient city in the region that is now Jordan.
Petrana f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Petra.
Petrarch m History
Anglicized form of the surname of Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), an Italian Renaissance poet and scholar. His surname was a patronym, originally Petracco, from a diminutive of the name of his father Pietro.
Petras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Peter.
Petre m Romanian, Macedonian, Georgian
Romanian, Macedonian and Georgian form of Peter.
Petri m Finnish, Basque
Finnish and Basque form of Peter.
Petrică m Romanian
Romanian diminutive of Peter.
Petřík m Czech
Diminutive of Petr.
Petrina f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Petra.
Petro m Ukrainian, Esperanto
Ukrainian and Esperanto form of Peter.
Petrona f Spanish
Possibly a feminine form of Petronius.
Petronel f English (Archaic)
Medieval English form of Petronilla.
Petronela f Romanian, Slovak
Romanian and Slovak form of Petronilla.
Petronella f Dutch, Swedish, Hungarian
Dutch, Swedish and Hungarian form of Petronilla.
Petronia f Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Petronius.
Petronila f Spanish
Spanish form of Petronilla.
Petronilla f Italian, Late Roman
From a Latin name, a diminutive of Petronia, the feminine form of Petronius. This was the name of an obscure 1st-century Roman saint, later believed to be a daughter of Saint Peter.
Petros m Greek, Armenian, Biblical Greek
Greek and Armenian form of Peter.
Petroula f Greek
Greek feminine form of Peter.
Petru m Romanian, Corsican
Romanian and Corsican form of Peter.
Petrŭ m Old Church Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of Peter.
Petruccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval diminutive of Pietro.
Petruchio m Literature
Variant of Petruccio used by Shakespeare in his play The Taming of the Shrew (1593) for the suitor of Katherina.
Petrus m Dutch, Biblical Latin
Latin form of Peter. As a Dutch name, it is used on birth certificates though a vernacular form such as Pieter is typically used in daily life.
Petruška f Czech
Diminutive of Petra.
Petruț m Romanian
Diminutive of Petru.
Petter m Swedish, Norwegian
Swedish and Norwegian form of Peter.
Petteri m Finnish
Finnish form of Peter.
Petunia f English (Rare)
From the name of the flower, derived ultimately from a Tupi (South American) word.
Pétur m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Peter.
Petur m Faroese
Faroese form of Peter.
Petya m & f Russian, Bulgarian
Russian masculine diminutive of Pyotr or Bulgarian feminine diminutive of Petar.
Peyton f & m English
From an English surname, originally a place name meaning "Pæga's town". This was a rare masculine name until the 1990s. In 1992 it was used for a female character in the movie The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, and, despite the fact that it was borne by the villain, the name began to rise in popularity for girls as well as boys.... [more]
Phaedra f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Φαίδρα (Phaidra), derived from φαιδρός (phaidros) meaning "bright". Phaedra was the daughter of Minos and the wife of Theseus in Greek mythology. Aphrodite caused her to fall in love with her stepson Hippolytos, and after she was rejected by him she killed herself.
Phaedrus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Φαῖδρος (Phaidros), which meant "bright". This was the name of a 5th-century BC Greek philosopher, and also of a 1st-century Roman fabulist who was originally a slave from Thrace.
Phaenna f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek φαεινός (phaeinos) meaning "shining". According to some Greek myths this was the name of one of the three Graces or Χάριτες (Charites).
Phanuel m Biblical, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Form of Penuel used in the New Testament, where it is borne by the father of Anna the prophetess. It also appears in the apocryphal Book of Enoch belonging to an angel.
Phanuhel m Biblical Latin
Form of Penuel in the Latin New Testament.
Pharaildis f Germanic (Latinized)
Derived from the Old German elements fara "journey" and hilt "battle". This was the name of an 8th-century saint from Ghent, Belgium.
Pharamond m History
Variant of Faramund. This form was used by Shakespeare in his historical play Henry V (1599), referring to the Frankish king.
Phares m Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Form of Perez used in the Greek and Latin Bible.
Pharez m Biblical
Form of Perez used in some translations of the Bible.
Phebe f English, Biblical
Variant of Phoebe used in some translations of the New Testament.
Phelan m Irish (Rare)
Anglicized form of Faolán.
Phelim m Irish
Anglicized form of Feidhlim.
Phelix m Biblical Greek
Form of Felix used in the Greek New Testament.
Pheme f Greek Mythology
Means "rumour, reputation" in Greek. In Greek mythology she was the personification of fame and rumours.
Pheobe f English
Variant of Phoebe.
Pherenike f Ancient Greek
Ancient Attic Greek form of Berenice.
Pherick m Manx
Manx form of Patrick.
Phestos m Biblical Greek
Form of Festus used in the Greek New Testament.
Phil m English
Short form of Philip and various other names beginning with Phil, often a Greek element meaning "friend, dear, beloved".
Philadelphia f English (Rare)
From the name of a city in Asia Minor mentioned in Revelation in the New Testament. The name of the city meant "brotherly love" from Greek φιλέω (phileo) meaning "to love" and ἀδελφός (adelphos) meaning "brother". It is also the name of a city in the United States.
Philander m English (Archaic), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek name Φίλανδρος (Philandros) meaning "friend of man" from Greek φίλος (philos) meaning "friend" and ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man" (genitive ἀνδρός). It was the name of a son of Apollo with the nymph Acalle. In the 18th century this was coined as a word meaning "to womanize", and the name subsequently dropped out of use.
Phile f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Philon (see Philo).
Philémon m French
French form of Philemon.
Philemon m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Ancient Greek
Means "affectionate" in Greek, a derivative of φίλημα (philema) meaning "kiss". Philemon was the recipient of one of Paul's epistles in the New Testament.
Philibert m French, Germanic
Early variant of Filibert altered by association with Greek φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover". A famous bearer was Philibert de l'Orme (1510-1570), a French Renaissance architect.
Philip m English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Biblical
From the Greek name Φίλιππος (Philippos) meaning "friend of horses", composed of the elements φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse". This was the name of five kings of Macedon, including Philip II the father of Alexander the Great. The name appears in the New Testament belonging to two people who are regarded as saints. First, one of the twelve apostles, and second, an early figure in the Christian church known as Philip the Deacon.... [more]
Philipa f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Philip.
Philipp m German
German form of Philip.
Philippa f English (British), German
Latinate feminine form of Philip. As an English name, it is chiefly British.
Philippe m French
French form of Philip.
Philippina f German (Rare)
Elaborated form of Philippa.
Philippine f French
Elaborated feminine form of Philippe.
Phillip m English
Variant of Philip, inspired by the usual spelling of the surname.
Phillipa f English (Rare)
Feminine variant of Philip.
Phillis f English
Variant of Phyllis.
Philo m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From the Greek name Φίλων (Philon), which was derived from φίλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend". This was the name of a 1st-century Hellenistic Jewish philosopher and theologian from Alexandria.
Philoctetes m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Derived from φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover" and‎ κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire". In Greek legend this was the name of a hero who was stranded on the island of Lemnos on his way to the Trojan War.
Philokrates m Ancient Greek
Means "friend of power" from Greek φίλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend" and κράτος (kratos) meaning "power".
Philomela f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From Greek Φιλομήλη (Philomele), derived from φίλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend" and μῆλον (melon) meaning "fruit". The second element has also been interpreted as Greek μέλος (melos) meaning "song". In Greek myth Philomela was the sister-in-law of Tereus, who raped her and cut out her tongue. Prokne avenged her sister by killing her son by Tereus, after which Tereus attempted to kill Philomela. However, the gods intervened and transformed her into a nightingale.
Philomena f English, German, Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From Greek Φιλουμένη (Philoumene) meaning "to be loved", an inflection of φιλέω (phileo) meaning "to love". This was the name of an obscure early saint and martyr. The name came to public attention in 1802 after a tomb seemingly marked with the name Filumena was found in Rome, supposedly belonging to another martyr named Philomena. This may have in fact been a representation of the Greek word φιλουμένη, not a name.
Philomène f French
French form of Philomena.
Philon m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek form of Philo.
Philophrosyne f Greek Mythology
Means "friendliness, kindliness" in Greek, a derivative of φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover" and φρήν (phren) meaning "mind, heart". In Greek mythology this was the name of the personification of welcome and friendliness.
Philotheos m Ancient Greek
Means "friend of god" from Greek φίλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend" and θεός (theos) meaning "god".
Philoumene f Ancient Greek
Original Greek form of Philomena.
Phineas m Biblical
Variant of Phinehas used in some English versions of the Old Testament.
Phinees m Biblical Greek
Form of Phinehas used in the Greek Old Testament.
Phinehas m Biblical
Probably means "Nubian" from the Egyptian name Panhsj, though some believe it means "serpent's mouth" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament Phinehas is a grandson of Aaron who kills an Israelite because he is intimate with a Midianite woman, thus stopping a plague sent by God. Also in the Bible this is the son of Eli, killed in battle with the Philistines.
Phineus m Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Greek φίνις (phinis), a variant of φήνη (phene) meaning "vulture". According to Greek mythology this was the name of a king of Thrace visited by Jason and the Argonauts.
Phirun m Khmer
Khmer form of Varuna.
Phobos m Greek Mythology
Means "fear, panic" in Greek. This was one of the sons of Ares in Greek mythology. Also, one of the moons of Mars bears this name.
Phocas m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Φωκᾶς (Phokas), which meant "seal (animal)" from Greek φώκη (phoke). This was the name of an early saint and martyr from Asia Minor. Sentenced to death for being a Christian, he is said to have given his killers lodging and then dug his own grave before he was executed.
Phoebe f English, Greek Mythology (Latinized), Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of the Greek name Φοίβη (Phoibe), which meant "bright, pure" from Greek φοῖβος (phoibos). In Greek mythology Phoibe was a Titan associated with the moon. This was also an epithet of her granddaughter, the moon goddess Artemis. The name appears in Paul's epistle to the Romans in the New Testament, where it belongs to a female minister in the church at Cenchreae.... [more]
Phoebus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Φοῖβος (Phoibos), which meant "bright, pure". This was an epithet of the Greek god Apollo.
Phoenix m & f English (Modern)
From the name of a beautiful immortal bird that appears in Egyptian and Greek mythology. After living for several centuries in the Arabian Desert, it would be consumed by fire and rise from its own ashes, with this cycle repeating every 500 years. The name of the bird was derived from Greek φοῖνιξ (phoinix) meaning "dark red".
Phokas m Ancient Greek
Greek form of Phocas.
Phraates m Parthian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Frahat (see Farhad).
Phrixus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Φρίξος (Phrixos) meaning "thrilling, causing shivers", derived from φρίξ (phrix) meaning "ripple, shiver". In Greek myth Phrixus was the son of Athamus and Nephele. He was to be sacrificed to Zeus, but he escaped with his sister Helle on the back of the ram with the Golden Fleece.
Phunihel m Biblical Latin
Form of Penuel used in the Latin Old Testament.
Phuntso m & f Bhutanese
Bhutanese form of Phuntsok.
Phuong f & m Khmer
Means "garland, bouquet (of flowers)" in Khmer.
Phyliss f English
Variant of Phyllis.
Phyllida f English (Rare)
From Φυλλίδος (Phyllidos), the genitive form of Phyllis. This form was used in 17th-century pastoral poetry.
Phyllis f Greek Mythology, English
Means "foliage" in Greek. In Greek mythology this was the name of a woman who killed herself out of love for Demophon and was subsequently transformed into an almond tree. It began to be used as a given name in England in the 16th century, though it was often confused with Felicia.
Pía f Spanish
Spanish feminine form of Pius.
Piaras m Irish
Irish form of Piers.
Pien f Dutch
Diminutive of Josephine.
Pier m Italian, Dutch
Italian and Dutch variant form of Peter. In Italian, this form is often used in combination with another name.
Piera f Italian
Italian feminine form of Peter.
Pierina f Italian
Feminine diminutive of Piero.
Pierino m Italian
Diminutive of Piero.
Pierluigi m Italian
Combination of Piero and Luigi.
Piero m Italian
Italian form of Peter. Piero della Francesca was an Italian Renaissance painter.
Pierpaolo m Italian
Combination of Piero and Paolo.
Pièrre m Norman
Norman form of Peter.
Pierre m French, Swedish
French form of Peter. This name has been consistently popular in France since the 13th century, but fell out of the top 100 names in 2017. It was borne by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919), a French impressionist painter, and Pierre Curie (1859-1906), a physicist who discovered radioactivity with his wife Marie.
Pierrette f French
Feminine diminutive of Pierre.
Pierrick m Breton, French
Breton diminutive of Pierre.
Piers m English (British), Medieval French
Medieval form of Peter. This is the name of the main character in the 14th-century poem Piers Plowman by William Langland.
Piet m Dutch
Short form of Pieter. Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) was a Dutch abstract painter.
Pietari m Finnish
Finnish form of Peter used in the Bible.
Pieter m Dutch
Dutch form of Peter. This name was borne by the Flemish painter Pieter Brueghel the Elder (c. 1525-1569).
Pietra f Italian
Italian feminine form of Peter.
Pietrina f Italian
Feminine diminutive of Pietro.
Pietro m Italian
Italian form of Peter. Pietro was the given name of the Renaissance painter known as Perugino.
Piia f Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Pia.
Pijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Pius.
Pika 1 m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Peter.
Pikachu m Popular Culture
From Japanese ピカチュウ (Pikachuu), derived from the onomatopoeic words ピカピカ (pikapika), a sparkly sound, and チュウチュウ (chuuchuu), a mouse sound. This is the name of a Pokémon, a yellow rodent-like creature who can summon electricity, from a series of video games starting 1996. This is technically the name of the species, though it is used as a given name for the creature in some contexts.
Pilar f Spanish
Means "pillar" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, María del Pilar, meaning "Mary of the Pillar". According to legend, when Saint James the Greater was in Saragossa in Spain, the Virgin Mary appeared on a pillar.
Pili 1 f Spanish
Diminutive of Pilar.
Pilib m Irish
Irish form of Philip.
Pille f Estonian
Possibly an 18th-century Estonian derivative of the German name Sibylle.
Pilypas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Philip.
Pim m Dutch
Diminutive of Willem.
Pina f Italian
Short form of names ending in pina.
Pinelopi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Penelope.
Pinhas m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew פִּינְחָס (see Pinchas).
Pino m Italian
Short form of names ending in pino.
Pinocchio m Literature
Means "pine eye" from Italian pino and occhio. It was created by the Italian author Carlo Collodi for his novel The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883), about a boy made out of wood whose nose grows longer every time he lies. The story was later adapted into a 1940 Disney movie.
Pío m Spanish
Spanish form of Pius.
Pio m Italian, Portuguese (Rare)
Italian and Portuguese form of Pius.
Piotr m Polish, Belarusian
Polish and Belarusian form of Peter.
Pip m & f English
Diminutive of Philip or Philippa. This is the name of the main character in Great Expectations (1860) by Charles Dickens.
Pipin m Germanic
Old German (Frankish) form of Pepin.
Pippa f English
Diminutive of Philippa.
Pippi f Literature
Created by the daughter of Swedish author Astrid Lindgren for the main character in her mother's Pippi Longstocking series of stories, first published 1945. In the books Pippi (Swedish name Pippi Långstrump; full first name Pippilotta) is a brash and exceptionally strong young girl who lives in a house by herself.
Pippin 1 m Germanic
Old German form of Pepin. The 1972 musical Pippin is loosely based on the life of Charlemagne's eldest son Pepin the Hunchback.
Pippin 2 m Literature
The name of a hobbit in The Lord of the Rings (1954) by J. R. R. Tolkien. His full given name is Peregrin, a semi-translation into English of his true hobbit name Razanur meaning "traveller".
Pippo m Italian
Diminutive of Filippo or Giuseppe.
Piran m Cornish
Possibly derived from Ciarán. This was the name of a 5th-century Irish monk who founded a monastery in Cornwall. He is the patron saint of Cornwall.
Piret f Estonian
Estonian form of Birgitta.
Piri f Hungarian
Diminutive of Piroska.
Piripi m Maori
Maori form of Philip.
Piritta f Finnish
Finnish form of Birgitta.
Pirjo f Finnish
Finnish diminutive of Piritta.
Pirkko f Finnish
Finnish diminutive of Piritta.
Pirooz m Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian پیروز (see Pirouz).
Piroska f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Prisca, influenced by the Hungarian word piros meaning "red".
Pirouz m Persian
Variant of Firouz.
Piruz m Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian پیروز (see Pirouz).
Pista m Hungarian
Diminutive of István.
Pisti m Hungarian
Diminutive of István.
Pistis f Greek Mythology
Means "trust, faith" in Greek. In Greek mythology Pistis was the personification of trust.