Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Chinese
Scripts 梦, 猛, 蒙, 濛, 孟, 萌, etc.(Chinese)
Pronounced Pron. /mɤŋ/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

From Chinese 梦 (mèng) meaning "dream, vision", 猛 (měng) meaning "fierce, ferocious", 蒙 (měng) meaning "cover, suffer, ignorance", 濛 (méng) meaning "drizzle, mist", 孟 (mèng) meaning "eldest brother, first month of a season, rude, rough" or 萌 (méng) meaning "bud, sprout". Other character combinations can form this name as well.
Added 4/5/2006 by anonymous
Edited 5/23/2022 by Felie, HL, Evil and more

Meng 2