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Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Many people would associate this name with the Mariana trench, but I don't think that's much of a problem.
So so beautiful. Definitely one of my favorites. Names that end with ana are always so pretty!
Sounds like Marijuana.
Possibly an extended version of Maria.
My name is Mariana but I don't like my name.
Omg this is beautiful! ❤️.
So stylish and lovely.
Very dated!
The Spanish pronunciation is soo beautiful!
Nice, but I prefer Anamaria or just Maria or Ana.
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! I love this name! If I ever have a daughter her name will either be Mariana or Aviana :)
I love this name. It's sweet and elegant. Very feminine. I don't like Maria or Ana but Mariana is perfect! It's one of my favorite names.
Mariana is such a beautiful name.
My best friends name is Mariana. It's actually a Spanish name. I think it's an okay name, but she really suits the name. Everyone one says her name as Maryanna, when it's really said as Mari- on- a.
It's my name and I don´t like it. It was one of the most common names in Brazil in the 1980´s. If you´re walking along the streets and someone shouts "Mariana" 6 or more girls turn around thinking they are being called. In my first year at university there were 3 Marianas in my class. We were called by our surnames to avoid confusion.
My mother named me Mariana because she thinks it´s a sweet name. She wanted to name me Rebecca but my father doesn´t like it, so they agreed on Mariana.Commom nicknames: Mari, Naná.
My name is Mariana. Honestly I have never liked it because growing up and living in Illinois people who are not of Latino origin have had a hard time with spelling and pronunciation. However everyone around me seems to really like it... I always get compliments. In Spanish, I see why my parents liked it and I like it much better pronounced correctly (Mah-Ri-Ahna) and I also like the nickname Mari my grandmother gave me. If you encourage your child to be proud of her name and its pronunciation, I see no reason as to why it would be a problem.
I love this name, I think it's so graceful. Both of my closest friends are named Mariana, and I love saying this name. It's also a baroque city in Brazil.
I think it's beautiful.
I really like this name, it sounds very sweet and innocent. I have a best friend named Mariana, and she is sweet and innocent as her name sounds.
Don't like it. Too common and trashy.
Makes me think of marijuana.

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