KatarinaQuite a solid name. I think this name (and Katerina) roll off the tongue better than Katherine (Catherine) or Katrina
ElektraThere are multiple works named after the mythological character of Elektra, like a play by Sophocles and an opera by Strauss (based off the aforementioned play).
JosebaJoseba Tapia Usabiaga (better known as Joseba Tapia) is a Basque trikitila (accordion) player who mainly focuses on traditional Basque music.
AppleSounds cute as a nickname, but I'm not sure what it would be a nickname for.
JamesOk but are people actually naming their daughters James? According to this site, the last time it was even in the top 1000 for girls was in 1989.
MarianaMany people would associate this name with the Mariana trench, but I don't think that's much of a problem.
MaryIt's a good name, but I see it as a bit limiting as a full name due to how short it is.... [
ArnavThis is an alternate form of Aarnav, both coming from अर्नव.
AarnavThis is an alternate form of Arnav, both coming from अर्नव.
AarnavIt's a rather common name, though I might be confusing it with its homophone, Arnav.