Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.

Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. MAH-noo(Hawaiian)  [key]

Meaning & History

Hawaiian unisex name meaning "bird", from the word manu. Popular for singers.
(Often accompanied by other words such as Manu Mele meaning Songbird or Manu Aloha meaning Lovebird)
Manu means "bird" in Maori.
Added 6/22/2012 by the dying daylight
Edited 5/11/2016 by Sofia, Frollein Gladys and the dying daylight

Gender Feminine & Masculine
Scripts مانو(Persian)
Pronounced Pron. mah-nu  [key]
Other Forms Formsमनु

Meaning & History

Ancient Persian name that means “heaven”, can also mean “heart desiring”. It is a beautiful name that is also famous in the Latin as well as in the French. There is also a history of a God named Manu in the Sanskrit who is known to be the first man. Most Hindu descents respect and praise the name Manu to this day.
Added 11/25/2019 by anonymous
Edited 12/20/2022 by Mike C

Gender Masculine
Usage Samoan

Meaning & History

From a Samoan word meaning "bird".

'Manu Samoa' is also the name of the Samoan rugby team, derived from the name of a legendary Samoan warrior.
Added 1/30/2023 by elbowin
Edited 1/30/2023 by elbowin

Manu 5
Gender Masculine
Usage Mythology

Meaning & History

From Proto-Indo-European *Mónus, derived from Proto-Indo-European *mon- "man". This is a reconstructed name of one of the Proto-Indo-European creation duo, the other being Yemo.
Added 7/14/2024 by DoingNothing247

See Also

Manu 1, Manu 2, Manu 3, and user submission Mänu