This is my little sister's name. I always envied it and thought it was so pretty. She also gets many compliments. She has light hair, but for some reason the name sounds like a girl with black hair to me.
― Anonymous User 2/23/2025
Unique cute name meaning moon but very overused for cats & dogs Lol.
I’m half and half with this name. Some days I actually really love it. Just the sound of Luna sounds so pretty, and “the moon” meaning just adds to the beauty. The nickname Lulu is also adorable.On the other hand, I can’t help but to think of the word lunatic. Like, if the kid ends up being crazy she’d be nicknamed Lunatic. So idk.
Luna, officially Aleksandra Katarzyna Wielgomas, is the singer-songwriter who represented Poland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. She observed the influence of the Moon on her life, and also tends to sleepwalk, hence the pseudonym Luna. Additionally, she confirmed that she is going to legally change her name to Luna.
There's a newish character called Luna in the American soap "The Bold and the Beautiful". What amuses me is that although the character is probably of the right age group for it, other characters, some new, in the soap have names that rose to prominence long after the middle-aged soap characters in question were "born" - Brooke, Poppy, Taylor, etc.
― Anonymous User 3/9/2024
Why are people hating on the name Luna? It's a gorgeous name! I adore the nickname Lou or Lu-Lu. I love that it means moon.
I know two French bulldogs a pug and a Staffordshire bull terrier and a minpin named Luna. I find it hilarious people are deciding to use it as a human name.😆.
― Anonymous User 12/15/2023, edited 12/15/2023
If this is your name (and you're Gen Z), then there is a 90% chance that you had a gacha life phase 2 to 5 years ago.
It's a great name. I have a friend named Luna and she says that everyone she meets say they like the name and she was named Luna right at the beginning of its popularity.
It’s cool, but I wish it wasn’t popular. I think of Luna Lovegood. Also Luna bars and Roman mythology. In my opinion, it should have just stayed on those things mostly. But now that it is popular, it’s less distinctive but still a good name.
Great for a cat or a human, it just makes me think of the word Lunatic 😆😆😆.
― Anonymous User 6/26/2023
To those of y'all hating on popular names, I just want to say that I personally am not a huge fan of "popular" names (as in, top 100) but all names are beautiful. They shape you as a person. Growing up, I had a cat named Luna, who was not always friendly but was one of my closest friends. I love the "moon" meaning and various European origins.
The name Luna is so precious. There's a TV show named Soy Luna and it's amazing. Anyway, I just really like that name and it is so sexy. I just love it and it's my favorite name🤩.
Shimmery and distinctive. I'd like to see a brother and sister named Luna and Helios, or Luna and Sol :) it is very common on pets, though. I predict similar sounding Oona and Una might rise as well.
Luna is a character from the Wings Of Fire series. She is featured in books 10-15 and is the protagonist of 15.
― Anonymous User 8/29/2022
I love the name Luna. I wish it didn't get so popular and overused! It's super cute and beautiful and modern. Harry Potter fans obviously love it. One of the best names from those books/movies. I love the nickname Lu.
According to Bark, a pet toy company, this is one of the most popular dog names in the US. I personally have never met a dog called Luna, but based on some of the previous comments here I'm led to believe this is probable. Maybe keep that in mind before giving it to your child.
I have loved Luna for a long time now. It’s magical, ethereal, and sweet without being too frilly or anything. It can fit any kind of girl and the moon is a beautiful piece of nature. Luna is a lovely name I would love to use someday. I can’t use it as a middle name because it’s a bit too popular, but Beatrix Luna sounds nice to me.
One of my favorite names. It’s very elegant and attractive! It’s also the name of my dog.
― Anonymous User 5/1/2022
Objectively beautiful, but growing up in the 2000s everybody thought it was a dark mysterious name so there were a lot of cringey emo characters named Luna on DeviantArt, AO3, and the like. So I associate it with a brooding 13 year old who wishes she were in a fantasy YA book. I didn't know it was in Harry Potter but that just makes it cringier for me. Makes it feel even less like a "real" name.
It's a really pretty name, and I can imagine it on anyone of any age without a problem, but sadly I would have to advise against using it for the same reasons I would advise against using names like Olivia or Sophia- as beautiful as these names are, they are very popular right now, and a girl named Luna will almost certainly be known as "Luna M." or "Luna B." or the like. However, if you have your heart absolutely set on using Luna for your daughter, I say go for it! I would consider using it as a middle name, personally.
Sorry, I know it's a very nice name, but in my country (Spain), Luna is an incredibly used name for a dog. In fact, my aunt had a dog named Luna and I have met several other dogs with that same name, so I don't see it as a name for person. Very sorry.
I really love the name Luna. It reminds me of the Harry Potter character Luna Lovegood. It has been getting more popular in the last few years. Some name combos for Luna: Luna grace Luna Jane Luna June Luna Belle.
― Anonymous User 7/11/2021
It's a very beautiful name, short and simple, but really elegant-sounding. Luna is a good name for both human and pet. I even named one of my characters like this. Personally, I adore names related to planets and stars.
Luna has long been my favorite girl’s name. It’s so pretty, the meaning is awesome, and it’s not too popular. I often hear that it sounds like a cat/dog name, which I think is fair, but we give pets and humans the same names all the time. One of my friends has a dog named Jasmine, which is a perfectly acceptable name on humans. I don’t see why the same isn’t true for Luna.
I really like this name. Here in Spain “Luna” means “moon” and I think that’s beautiful. I don’t know why but I’ve loved the name since I was little, it has something that makes it perfect. :)
I like it. I don't think it's THAT trendy, not as trendy as Ava and Sophia.As far as the person who said 'stop naming your children Lunatics', that is a leap that no one with common sense would make lol. So dramatic.
Luna is an amazing name, I can imagine a tomboy-ish girl (or girly girl) with this name with blondish brown hair and brown eyes.
― Anonymous User 1/13/2021
I love this name! People say that it rhymes with "Tuna", but I still like it!
― Anonymous User 1/4/2021
I don’t see the appeal. I think of tuna, sorry.
― Anonymous User 12/21/2020
I know this name is really popular lately, so there are a lot of Lunas out there, but feel sorry for anyone stuck with this name. I don’t think it will age well and it’s not appealing in any way. Just a personal opinion.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2020
My sister is named Luna, she is very kind and respectful. It is not disrespectful - you guys are being very disrespectful to the name Luna, so think about what you guys are saying!
I honestly really like the name "Luna", heck I might change my name to it! The meaning of it is "moon", and I really like it. When I think of this name, it sort of reminds me of a tall person (as this name could be masculine and feminine in my opinion) with dark hair. Hope this helped you! :D.
Luna is one of those names that sound cute for a pet, but tacky on an actual person. The fact that people are using this for their daughters baffles me. Also, no matter how hard I try, I just can’t imagine anyone over the age of 5 with this name.
This might be trendy for a few years, but I don’t see this aging well. I would absolutely hate to be stuck with this name for life! It also rhymes with tuna. Just no!
― Anonymous User 9/22/2020
If you like the name Luna, and are thinking of naming your daughter this, here are some middle names.Luna Arleen Luna Belle Luna Claire Luna Dawn Luna Emerald Luna Eclipse Luna Gray Luna Grace Luna June Luna Pearl Luna Rose Luna Rae/Ray Luna Simone Luna Sofia.
― Anonymous User 9/7/2020
To be honest, I like this name. Especially Luna Dawn. The fact that you could possibly be teased with this name (names like tuna, looney, lunatic) kinda ruined it for me. But other than that, it’s pretty.
― Anonymous User 8/31/2020
Thanks to Harry Potter, I now love this name. Luna Lovegood may be a bit odd, but she is one of the kindest, purest, most compassionate characters ever. Don't be scared to name your child this because of possible "Loony" nicknames. "Luna" isn't as widely associated with Harry Potter as "Hermione" or something is, so people probably won't even notice. And if they do, I for one would be proud to be named after such a loving, sweet person! If I have twins, I might name them Luna and Estella (the latter of which I think is prettier than just Stella.)
I think Luna is a very beautiful and attractive name. It's feminine and strong. It's also got a dreamy romantic ring to it, which is super sweet. I think this is a gorgeous name.
This is a really beautiful name. Unfortunately I kind of ruined it for myself by calling my dog Luna so now whenever I hear the name Luna I think of this tiny entirely black ball of fluff attacking my slippers and getting chewing gum stuck in her fur.
― Anonymous User 1/7/2020
Absolutely love this name! All of the associations are nice, too. I like Luna Emerald as a first and a middle name.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Luna who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 2, 790th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2018
I like this name, just not on a human. Luna is a pet name. Yes, I know there is a Luna in Harry Potter, but that is in a different world, and wizards all have weird names. Most names are regular names, but there is something about it that you know is different. Luna is one of those names.
Luna is a cool name to me. It’s modern, but doesn’t have a time stamp on it like other modern names. I also enjoy how rare it is, seeing as I have never met a Luna. I think the only thing that holds me back from using it on a child is the fact that I see it working for a cat. It’s not impossible for a child to bear, but most names involving the moon and sun are used on cats for the most part. I still like it though. Also, for any worrying about a child’s name being teased, I can’t see anything bad with Luna, I think most people just exaggerate some teases. Anyway, good name and a cool one though. Prefer it over Selena as Luna is more down-to-earth while Selena seems more royal.
I think that Luna is so much stronger and refined than “Selena.” “Selene” is a little bit better but it still seems to be missing something. Selena/Selene sounds more like a flouncy princess, while Luna reminds me more of a dancer. Luna is a beautiful, wild sort of name. I especially love the meaning of “moon.” And who cares that it is close to “lunatic?”.
I love the name Luna. It's so unique and not common in today's day and age. Also, it reminds me of Luna Lovegood who is my favorite character of the Harry Potter series. I love the mystical feeling of it and the connection it has to the beautiful moon.
Park Sun-young, better known by her stage name Luna, is a South Korean singer, actress and presenter. She is best known as the main vocalist and lead dancer of South Korean girl group f(x).
― Anonymous User 7/4/2017
Luna H. Mitani is a Japanese-American artist. He works in the fields of painting and pen & ink drawing. After traveling through more than 33 countries in Europe including England and Ireland, Mitani began his fine art training in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Afterward, he continued traveling around the world for sketching. After completing the training, he became interested in commercial art, and moved to the USA to study commercial art, while beginning his career as a professional artist for the publishers and entertainment industry. He was soon called upon to design and create LP-record, music tape and CD covers for artists such as George Benson, The Platters, Dizzy Gillespie, John Coltrane, Thad Jones, Yardbird, Chet Baker, Wayne Henderson, Dan Moretti, Coale Johnson, The Highland Project, Rue Davis, Bobby Warren, and more. His CD cover works led him to work on designing posters, magazine covers, and comprehensive packaging design.
I just wanted to add that I think Eclipse would be an awesome middle name for Luna, because it would be really close to Lunar or solar Eclipse, a truly extraordinary phenomenon to see, and so rare, so amazing, like any baby.I really do love this name and only associate it with the moon. I did also like Luna from Harry Potter, but my adoration for Luna, as a name, is independant of any character in any story.
My name is Luna. My dad named me after the Roman goddess of the moon. Also he named me Nina as a pet name. Nina means goddess of water. Both are related as tides come only when the sea is attracted by the gravitational pull of the moon.
Luna is my name, so I'm a little biased. As a Luna Carolina, I love this name. I prefer it paired with a two syllable middle name (though Luna Rose and Luna Dawn might be cute) Personally, I think my name sounds strange, but it sounds better when paired with my last name. I think my name is too long and sounds choppy, but I love Luna Tara, Luna Ava, and Luna Taylor.
I used to hate having this name growing up, but over the years I've come to love it. I did gain a lot of nicknames though, 'Looney Toons', 'Loon' (like the bird, not a crazy person), 'Lunes' and now my friends call me 'Looney' after Luna Lovegood. So I love the name, but the nicknames can be a bit tiresome.
I named my daughter Luna. Luna is a Japanese name as well, although nothing related to the moon. (It is spelled Runa in Japanese but is pronounced as Luna so I use Luna.)From my background, Luna sounds beautiful and it doesn't have strong impression or meanings of the moon. I knew that Luna meant the moon in Spanish and I thought it lovely and beautiful.
Luna was the name of one of the characters in Harry Potter. Luna Lovegood, an offbeat Ravenclaw.
― Anonymous User 7/7/2013
It makes an unsual and nice middle name.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2013
Yeah.. I'm so happy, my name is Luna, I'm Italian, and I'm not the only person with this name! I've met no more than 4 people with the same name... very different people from me!However this name means "moon" in Latin, but it wasn't used as a name in Latin since the goddess of the moon had also a Greek name.Then it become Italian and Spanish, in Italy some people had this name thanks to a song of a famous Italian singer named Gianni Togni who wrote a song called "Luna" (a terrible song) and that's how I got this name. In French the name is Lune, but I don't know if it's used very much.However... I love my name and I think it reflects my personality... so much moody!
It may not be the most sophisticated name... even so, I find "Luna" to be very sweet-- but undeniably comedic, in the world today.Great care would need to be taken, otherwise it risks appearing pretentious, infantile, and potentially 'hippie-ish' or deeply pertaining witchcraft. Consider the possibility of your child struggling with unnecessary barriers due to a name you committed.
Princess Luna is a character in the hugely popular cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She is the co-ruler of the world of Equestria alongside her sister, Princess Celestia. Her duty is to raise the moon and stars every night.
I think it's a nice name, but I wouldn't use it on a child for a while. Right now people are going to strongly associate with Luna Lovegood, which at best is a difficult name to live up to and at worst out-right invites teasing.
I like(d) this name, especially because of its meaning (and very long time ago before Harry Potter). And, I don't want to insult someone or something, but in Croatia I know so many dogs called Luna that it makes me sick. It is a very popular name - indeed very popular; but for dogs.
I really like this name, you don't really hear it in Britain, but it's one of those names I can see getting popular in the future. And, like many others, I think it suits the character from the Harry Potter series of books. :)
I've met a few Luna's, and they both seem to have been born in the late 80's and were of northern Italian ancestry. Must have been popular at the time.I think it's kind of cute, but would probably use it on a pet instead of a human.
Who cares if it's a name for a cat, or even is the origin of lunatic, or loony? Somehow anything associated with the moon (apart from science and spaceships) fascinates me.
In Czech Luna is a word for moon used in poetry. As a name it's really rare, but I like it because I love the goddess of moon, more Greek Selene but Roman Luna is good too.
I rather like this name, as I had a friend throughout school (and to this day) named Luna. It's cute and spunky, if not a bit off-beat. However, I do think it's better used as a middle name, lest the bearer turn up a bit odd (or just annoy an ever-so-creative classmate) and be referred to as "Lunatic" forever-more.
I am reminded of those weird nutrician bar things, you know "Luna bars". I like Selena better. Luna does sound kind of new-agey to me. Oh well. To each his or her own.
― Anonymous User 7/22/2008
I like this name, it sounds sweet and lovely. It's hard to picture it on a little kid though.
The Smashing Pumpkins released a song called "Luna" on their 1993 album Siamese Dream.
― Anonymous User 7/7/2008
Luna is the female name of Liam in the book Luna. Liam is a crossgendered teen. His original female name was Lia Marie, but he changes it to Luna.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2008
Luna is the name of the main character's sweetheart in the video game Lunar: The Silver Star. Later on, she ends up playing a very large role in the game's story.
― Anonymous User 5/28/2008
Sharon den Adel and Robert Westerholt, the lead singer and guitarist of the Opera Rock band Within Temptation (respectively) have a daughter named Eva Luna (whom they call Luna). Within Temptation is one of my favorite bands, and Sharon den Adel is one of my favorite singers. Luna is one of my favorite names.
The name seems like one of those names that slightly kooky parents would use. It sounds quite new-age-y or overly poetic and otherworldly to me, and it might just lead to epithets like Lunatic, Loon, or Loonie.
Luna is laos the Filipino's Goddess of the moon, who was in love with Kertes, a human, which she protected by a shield. Sometimes we cannot see her because she weeps for her lover, who got killed by the sun.
Luna is nice. I love the meaning, but I love Selena a lot better. They both have the same meaning. Luna reminds me of Luna Lovegood. I hate that character in Harry Potter. I am attached to Selena. Becides, it would be confusing for the people that speak Spanish if they named their kid Luna.
This name is derived from the word 'lunatic'. Hard to believe, but Lunatic is part of the reason the name 'Luna' came to be. It may be becasue I consider myself that way, but that doesn't frighten me in the least! I encourage people to call me Luna, though it's not my name.
Actually, it's the other way around. I read that people used to think that people turned crazy because of the influence of the moon. The Latin word for moon is Luna, so they used the word lunatic for a crazy person.I really like this name and when I hear or see it I absolutely don't think of a lunatic but of a bright full moon in a dark blue sky. One of my friends chose Luna for a middle name (she didn't have one) and I think it suits her brilliantly because she's a myserious but bright person.
This is one of my favorite names. I love it's mystic quality! Plus, there are so many people who bear this name, like the goddess of the moon, it's the word for moon in some languages, not to mention many literary characters! I just love it! And, in my opinion, I don't think a kid with this name would be teased, I think she would have the other kids complimenting it!
Luna was a character in Piers Anthony's fantasy novel series Incarnations of Immortality. She was the daughter of a great magician, and fell in love with the Incarnation of Death, Thanatos.
The history of the name is from a count of origins for Luna. The meaning is also "a goddess who rules the moon." What it came from the most would have to be Italy. Also, Spanish use it frequently.
I really like this name, it's kind of mystic and somehow gypsy. Also, Colombian singer Juanes has a daughter named Luna. I think it would be a great name if I have a daughter, love the Luna Skye idea!
A Spanish group called Mecano has a famous song called "Hijo de La Luna" which is sang in Spanish but later on, sang also in English. Very good song by the way. It's the story of the moon who wanted a child.
I think it's a beautiful name, especially when pronounced the Spanish way (it sounds more like LO-na). And I like the character Luna Lovegood from "Harry Potter". But I don't think I would use the name if I lived in an English-speaking country. It's too close to "loner" and "lunatic".
In a Brazilian soap opera called "Alma Gémea" (Soul Mate), Luna was the soul mate of Rafael and died to protect him, reincarnating later as an Indian girl called Serena.
This is the Russian word for 'moon' as well. There is a song by Alsou called Solntse e Luna (The Sun and the Moon). Very lovevly song & I think both make lovely names.
One famous bearer of the name is Luna Schlosser, Diane Keaton's character in the classic Woody Allen film Sleeper. Another is one of the great naturalist Aldo Leopold's sons. Luna Leopold is a geologist whose work has dealt extensively with rivers, water, and urban planning.
As mentioned before, Luna Lovegood of Ravenclaw bears this enchanting name. Since "Luna" originated from "lune," the moon, it has been derived as a spacey, yet intelligent name. Jo Rowling has incorporated a spacy character into her novels known as Luna, who I think is a perfect fit for the name. JK has done this etymology-lesson with other names, such as Hermione, Draco, Dumbledore, and the Black family. BTW, I am a complete looney-for-Luna fan (as true HP fans can tell by my screenname) and think the actress playing her in OotP is perfect. =)
Luna is a counterpart of the Greek goddess Selene. I think Luna is a very sweet and enchanting name. It is also the name of the character in JK Rowling's famous books: Luna Lovegood.
It is not only a Latin word, but even Italian and Spanish, and probably in other languages too. It is getting more popular in Italy in the last years, but it is still rare.