ZuzanaRegarding the comments saying this looks like parents are trying too hard how to spell it, it's not considered one.... [
KathleenBeautiful name and way better than Katelyn.
JayceonVariant of Jason? No way... It looks like parents are trying hard to write...... [
ChetIt reminds me of the word "cheat".
EvaI've always loved the name Eva and preferred a name on its own. I even had a friend in elementary school with this name.... [
Nikola 2I think this is the only name that can be used on both genders in the Czech Republic.... [
EmersonEmerson also can be considered as the masculine form of Emily or Emma. I don't like this name personally, but it suits best on a boy.
JurajI heard Juraj is too common in Slovakia, possibly due to the association of highwayman Juraj Jánošík.... [
Jaxxon7% rating? How sad... I don't know who came up with this variant of Jackson either.... [