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Gender Masculine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 健也, 健哉, 健弥, 建也, 建哉, 建弥, 憲也, 憲哉, 憲弥, 研也, 研哉, 研弥, 謙也, 謙哉, 謙弥, 賢也, 賢哉, 賢弥(Japanese Kanji) けんや(Japanese Hiragana) ケンヤ(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. KEN-YAH  [key]
Other Forms FormsKen'ya

Meaning & History

Combination of Japanese 健 (ken) meaning "healthy, sound, strength", 建 (ken, kon, ta.tsu, ta.te, ta.teru, -da.te) meaning "build, construct", 憲 (ken) meaning "rule, law", 研 (ken) meaning "polish, sharpen, study", 謙 (ken) meaning "modest, humble" or 賢 (ken) meaning "clever, intelligent, wise" with 也 (ya) meaning "to be (archaic form)", 哉 (ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what" or 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, meaning "all the more, increasingly".
Added 2/5/2015 by m4yb3_daijirou
Edited 12/24/2023 by SeaHorse15, Mike C and m4yb3_daijirou

Gender Masculine & Feminine
Scripts 健雅, etc.(Chinese)
Pronounced Pron. KEN-YAH  [key]

Meaning & History

Combination of Ken 2 and Ya.
Added 2/19/2017 by anonymous
Edited 5/15/2018 by Evil

See Also
