7% rating? How sad... I don't know who came up with this variant of Jackson either. The double X looks like parents made a typo.
I much prefer Jackson. The two x's throw the whole name off.
7% name rating is crazy. Funny how it even ended up in the top 1000 with such vitriol.
This name is absolutely vile, naming your child this should be considered universally illegal.
I think this name is cool. It's not my style, I'm not usually a fan of modern names, but I must admit, the two Xs make it look cool. It reminds me of the future. I don't dislike it. I do respect your opinion.
Devil’s Advocate:The two xxs add a cool factor and it is rare. I don’t like it, I just feel like kids with this name need something nice to see.
A notable bearer of this name is Jaxxon D Silva, a British hip-hop/pop-punk artist.
Do any of you read the rules above before you post a comment?
“5. Be as kind as possible. Consider that children may be reading the comments about their own names.”
I’ve heard way worse names than Jaxxon anyway, the pronunciation is clear and understandable, the spelling is easy (and easy to correct “that’s Jaxxon with two Xes”), and visually it’s better weighted than Jaxon imo.
It’s not my taste but I definitely know people it would suit!
I think it's super cool that this name uses two Xs in a row.
How is it that awful names like Jaxxon are within the top 1000 names, but so many beautiful classics have been forgotten about?"two Xs, so edgy 🤪🤪🤪 now they'll know we're cool, guys!" -🤓.
Just use Jackson 💀💀.
Just use Jackson please!
Okay, what? Compared to this, Oaklynn is amazing. Trendiegh spellings have gone too far. Also, this is for recordkeeping purposes, but this is the worst rated name on behindthename, with a rating of 4% as for late August 2023.
This is, by far, the worst spelling of Jackson in my opinion.
I understand why this name has a 2%, seriously the name Jackson is FINE on its own. Just use Jackson, stop coming up with these tryndeigh spellings your kids will have to spell to people forever.
I’m horrified to find this name is making a steady march to the top 500. Heaven help us and those poor babies.
I like Jaxxon, honestly. Looks futurey, like the name of some sort of hyperintelligent AI. Wouldn't name a kid this, but I'm not appalled by it like most of you seem to be. A name's a name.
2% lmao, that's the lowest rating I've seen on this site.
Look, I don't think it's a good name, either, but a lot of you seem to have disregarded the comment rule saying to be kind in case children are reading comments about their own names. You don't have to like it. I don't like it. (Why two 'x's?) But y'all have to calm down and consider who is likely to read these comments.
Huh?! 1%, y'all?! That is lower than for the name Jaxtyn! XD!
Jaxon, Jaxxon, Jaxson, Jaksen, or Jaxsyn. All these trendy spellings are not my style. Jackson is the only spelling I would consider using for a child.
This name has gotten too far, I extremely dislike it, it's way worse than Jackson.
This spelling is AWFUL. Please go with Jackson! Or at least Jaxon… why the double X? The worst spelling I’ve seen, though, is Jaxstcyn. Not joking.
2%?! Okay, I’m not the type to usually say this about names, but this one is kinda not good. People must really hate this name, if it’s 2%!
In terms of the most ugly spellings of certain names, it's a tie between this and "Jaxtyn". I would avoid this at all costs.
That name is ridden with utter disgrace and permanent cowardice! It ought to be condemned forever!

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