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Gender Masculine
Scripts میں(Urdu) அயன்(Tamil) आहन्(Sanskrit) اعیان(Persian)

Meaning & History

Persian and Urdu meaning is prima-facie. Hindi and Tamil usage is from 'Ayan' the name of Brahma, the Creator. Ayan' in Turkish, means "obviously" or "clearly". Ayan in Sanskrit means 'Speed'.
Added 2/13/2016 by cutenose
Edited 3/3/2020 by Mike C, Sofia and cutenose

Gender Masculine
Usage Arabic
Scripts أيّان(Arabic)

Meaning & History

Means "time, era, epoch" in Arabic.
Added 9/16/2019 by Felie

Ayan 4
Gender Masculine
Usage Kazakh
Scripts Аян(Kazakh)

Meaning & History

Derived from Kazakh аян (ayan), meaning "known, teachable".
Added 7/9/2023 by guasguendi

See Also

Ayan 1, Ayan 2, Ayan 3, and user submission Ayán