Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like this spelling much more. I feel like Alison just looks incomplete. I love the name Allison! :)
This is my daughter’s name. It’s beautiful and classic. We call her Allie but as she has grown she prefers Allison. Can’t go wrong with this baby name.
Allison/Allyson/Alison and all variations of the name are French feminine names derived from the name "Alice" from back in the doomsdays era. This is a classic beauty of a name and has many cute options for nicknames including: Allie, Ally, Ali, Aly, Allybear, Lissy, Lisa, Lis, Allisa, Allysa, etc...
This and Jason are the only son names I like.
If you are going to make fun of the spelling or genders of this name, please leave. All names are beautiful. And some kids will see these nasty comments under their name and start hating their own name. All names are beautiful.
Prefer it used as a girl's name and great nicknames for it would be Ally or Alice for a girl. Love this because of the nickname options.
For some reason, when I first saw this name, I thought it meant "son of Alice".
I think Allison is a nice name. It's very sweet and classy. I think Allison Angelica Rose sounds really pretty.
I love the name Allison. It's also my name! My middle name was Claire but last minute, my dad changed it to Faith. It has served me well for 40+ yrs now. It's easy to say, there's plenty of nicknames, I've been called "A", Allie, AlleyCat, Aliboo, AlliFaith. There was a time in the 1990s when everyone would call me Alice in Chains, which I hated. Or Alice in Wonderland which I hated too.
I's soooo cute! Allie would be such an adorable nickname!
I like the spelling of this name. Also, the pronunciation sounds nice.
Allison is the best spelling!
Cute! I actually like it!
Don't like it. Alison is better.
Simple, sweet, elegant name, feels a lot better than boring looking Alison with one L. I like this name. Not so common in these days. Good name.
Beautiful name whether spelled Allison or Alison. Has always been feminine nothing about this name is for a male.
Good name. Love the nickname Ali or Allie as well❤️.
Also works for a boy. Alison. ♥.
I love this name, but I already have an Allison in my family.
Beautiful. Classic. Easy to pronounce and sounds feminine.
I much prefer Alice.
I love the name Allison! It's very classy, respectable, elegant, sophisticated, vintage and beautiful. Xoxo :) And I think the nicknames Allie and Allybear are cute.
My daughter’s name is Allison Samantha Frankel and I love her name! Her little sister calls her “Allie” sometimes but about 90% of the time she goes by Allison. She’s a tomboy and she loves her name. She says she is glad that I didn’t name her something girly like Lily or Lucy. I love Allison’s name and this spelling is wonderful in my opinion!
Beautiful. I prefer this spelling.
Also, Allison has a different origin from Madison and Addison. Allison was always a feminine name and was never a surname! The -son does not mean "son of ___" for Allison as it is of French origin.
Had to put that there because some people on this site like to use the "Allison card" with -son names that were originally male.
Sounds nice, but seems dated.
I would love to name my baby girl this. I completely disagree with anyone who says it is awful, it's actually completely awesome and sweet and gentle and that’s what people want the qualities in their children to be like!
So overall, the name Allison is wonderful.
Anyone who has this name or a version of it have a beautiful name and should be immensely proud and grateful for it.
Alison is a better spelling in my opinion.
My daughter's name is Allison and I wouldn't have named her any differently.
She's a beautiful, bright, smart girl, a total sunshine.
That's what Allison means.
I love the name Allison! It's very classy, respectable, elegant, sophisticated, vintage and beautiful. Xoxo :) And I think the nicknames Allie and Allybear are cute. :)
Gorgeous gorgeous name and it can go with about any middle name...My best friend is Allison Kay and I also have a cousin named Allison Nicole. Both very lovely.
I love this name. It’s my best friend’s name and I just think it’s beautiful with cute nicknames, like I call her Allybear sometimes and it can also sound professional and lovely anyways. Yes I love this name as it’s classic and trendy.
Allison is the most beautiful name in the world. Allison is the perfect girl's name because it's so pretty and it sounds so feminine and melodic and rhythmic. I personally love this name so much that I think "Allison" is the most beautiful sound ever created by humans. I love literally everything about this name, it has such an elegant, graceful, feminine, melodic sound and is just so pretty, it's so much fun to say, "Allison" can only be said properly with a smile on your face, as the name itself forces your mouth into a smile. Allison is the most beautiful girl's name to ever exist and that has ever existed and will ever exist, whoever came up with this heavenly name is a genius. I'm so glad it's common, I just wish it was even more common. If you're a girl named Allison, you should eagerly flaunt your beautiful name. You're so lucky to have such a mindblowingly pretty name.
I have always loved this name and thought of it as classic beauty!
I prefer the spelling Alison. The double "l" makes it a little too heavy.
This is my sister's name: Allison Emily. It flows nicely, and I've always liked it more than my own name. Her nickname is Allie.
I don’t think it’s the only -son ending name that totally originated as feminine. Allison was originally a boy’s name, not for girls, though a very very long time ago. I don’t know how Allison became a girl’s name but I’m satisfied it did. It doesn’t really sound boyish to me at all. It’s definitely a girl’s name as of now. Naming a boy Allison would get him beaten up.
Better than Addison.
My father’s name was Allistair, and when my eldest daughter (the only grandchild he got to meet, because soon after he passed away) was born I wanted to pay tribute to him and gave my daughter the second name Allison.
Nice name male or female.
Allison is not a male name. It was a surname that used to be used for males, but people used to also name their son's Anna and Elizabeth, does that make them unisex to? It is a variant which is a Norman diminutive of Alice, so it's feminine.
Allison is a beautiful name with a great meaning of "Truth/Noble" and diminutive of "Alice", a classic, lovely name!
Initially I disliked this name, but now I’ve grown to like it. It contained a "son" in it but I won't mind. I prefer to spell the name with two “l”s, however, I feel the opposite about Philip. It was the name of a tropical storm that flooded Houston back in 2001, similar to Harvey.
Nice name. The best spelling is Allison.
This is the only -son ending name that I actually prefer and can see working well on females. I'm not sure how I feel about Allison on a male though. Since this page has it listed as solely feminine, that suggests to me that the name never started out as a male name; that Allison was feminine from the get go. Allison needs to replace Madison & Addison (I actually like Addison but hate that it's being used on females).
Allison is the worst girls name out there, to be honest.
It seems that most people are saying that Allison is not a good name for a guy. I think this is just because of our learned associations and what we're used to. I know a guy named Allison - goes by Al - and he definitely portrays the positive attributes of the name - noble and kind. These traits would be good for anyone to have - male or female. Shirley, Beverley, and even Vivian began as male names. People were probably shocked when those names began to be used for girls but now it would be the other way around. So it's just what people are used to.
Not saying that this name should be used for males at all, but considering that it ends in *son* does anyone know when this name used to belong to males?
Alison/AllisonALL names ending in *Son* are or were once originally male.
It's not my usual style, but I love this name. It's beautiful and feminine (despite ending in -son) and will suit an adult just fine. I wish people would stop using Addison on girls and just go with Allison. I'm glad to see this name is so popular still!
I love this name! If I have a daughter someday I want to name her Allison! I think it`s good for a little girl, but doesn`t sound too childish, so it also works for a grown up woman. Oh, and I love the nickname "Ally"!
I don't like it. It makes me think of a spoiled little girl. No offence to all the Allisons/Alisons/Alysens/Alysons out there, but that's just how I feel. I much prefer Alice or Alicia.
I never liked super frilly, cutesy feminine names for girls, and this and Addison are probably my favourite girls names. While I wouldn't name my daughter Addison, I would definitely go with Allison.
My best friend's name is Allison, and I think it's a very pretty name. It's very modern, but not too much, and it's very simple. I know like three "Allison"s and they all spell it with two "L"s so it just looks right to me. I also like the spelling "Alyson". All in all, a beautiful name!
My sister's name. It's gorgeous! I love it. I call her Lilli *pronounced LeeLee*.
This is my name, and I think it's OK. I prefer Allie. I'm named after my great grandma Alice, and my parents didn't like the name Alice. My one complaint is that no one seems to know how to spell it. I like it best my way.
I love this name. I'm 16 years old and when I'm older of course and if I ever have a girl I want to name my daughter this name. It sounds classy and beautiful for a girl, don't spell it Alyson, it looks better Allison, and it's more popular. ;)
Finally a name that ends in -son that isn't meant for a boy!
Not a fan of this spelling. I guess I've lived with an Alyson for so long, this spelling looks weird to me.
My name is Allison! I was named after my great-grandmother Alice. My mom wanted to "modernize" the name Alice. I tend to go by "Allie" though. Not that I have anything against the name Allison, I'm just used to being called "Allie." When I was in school, the name Allison was very rare. But in the 1990's, the name started to become popular. I've had many people tell me they love my name.
There is a bunch of people named Allison out there. I think this is a pretty name but it is time to give this name a rest.
I definitely do not think the name is outdated. And I think it's a very nice name!
I think Allison is outdated and not very nice sounding, though it looks better with 2 Ls. My best friend is called Allison but she hates it and we all call her Ally.
This is my first name and the only problem I have ever had with it is people constantly spelling it with one L despite my telling them it has two. I always liked it better with two L's.
I have always liked the name Allison. It is a pretty, not overly used name. The nickname Ally is cute too.
We named our daughter Allison on December 6, 1986. There were two main reasons-My mother did a word search puzzle of names and it was first in the A's. Her daddy liked Aly Sheedy's character in "St. Elmo's Fire". Also she had an Aunt Alice. The name just seemed right! She prefers to be called "Allie", now.

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