Profile for TwilighterRenthead

Member since July 23, 2008
As you can probably tell, I'm obbsessed with Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and RENT, Jonathan Larson's masterpiece rock opera (RIP, Jonathan). I'm a singer/songwriter, writer, dreamer, reader, and history junkie.
My Fav couples: Fav Couples: Roger/Mimi, Maureen/Joanne, Collins/Angel, Edward/Bella, Carlisle/Esme, Emmett/Rosalie, Jasper/Alice, Aragorn/Arwen, Jude/Lucy.
Fav Music/ Bands: Evanescence, Radiohead, The Fray, The Beatles, Hoobastank, Muse, Linkin Park, Daughtry.
Fav books: Twilight, Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, Chanters Of Tremaris Trilogy.
Fav Musicals: RENT!! Les Miserables, Wicked.
Fav Movies: RENT!!! LOTR, Across the Universe.
Fav Shows: Deadliest Catch, Good Eats, The Mole. Obbsessions/Addictions: FanFics, RENT, Twilight, LOTR, name definitions. I'm a 13 year old 5'3" blue-eyed brunette with (dammit!) pale skin. I am Edward's kindred spirit: Piano Players, Overractors, Music Freaks, Same Birthday, Ornery, Overthinkers, Reddihs Brown Hair.

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