Hi, I'm Avia. :) I just like to hang out here because it's a comfy place to me, and it's very amusing exploring all kinds of names on here! :D ...Oh yeah! My favorite part: seeing people rage over names they hate as I sit comfortably with popcorn in hand looking at all the chaos, heheh.Oh yeah, don't mind the meaning of "turp" in my username. After I had made my account some time ago, it was just then when I found out what it meant, and... now I don't know how to change it...
Elvis I personally don't like it. It sounds weird and reminds me of the word "elf".
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Angel I honestly really like this name. It sounds so nice and flowy. :)
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Avia My name is Ava, but I honestly prefer this way more. Avia just has such elegant and mystical charm to it, and it's very rarely used.... [more]
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Mildred I don't know... it kinda just makes me think of a sad and depressed woman from the 1940s.
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Adelaide I like this name, but I feel like it sounds too much like it would be a juice or an energy drink brand.
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Rachel I swear, I hear Rachel EEEEVERYWHERE where I live. There's a Rachel here, there's a Rachel there, there's a Rachel everywhere! There's a club at my school called "Friends of Rachel", there's a sandwich at a restaurant called Rachel, My Mom has a friend named Rachel.... [more]