hadā هدى ArabicArabic word meaning
"to lead the right way, to guide".
hær Anglo-SaxonOld English word (possibly) meaning
"rock, heap of stones".
ḥafiẓa حفظ ArabicArabic word meaning
"to preserve, to protect".
ḥaḡaḡ חָגַג Ancient HebrewHebrew word meaning
"to hold a festival, to hold a feast, to celebrate".
hǎi 海 ChineseChinese character meaning
"sea, ocean".
ḥajj حجّ ArabicArabic word meaning
"hajj, pilgrimage".
ḥakama حكم ArabicArabic word meaning
"to pass judgement, to decide".
hán 1 韩, 韓 ChineseChinese character referring to the former state of Han, which existed from the 5th to 3rd centuries BC in what is now Shanxi and Henan provinces.
hán 2 涵 ChineseChinese character meaning
"to contain, to include".
hàn 1 汉, 漢 ChineseChinese character meaning
"man", also referring to the Han Chinese people.
hàn 2 翰 ChineseChinese character meaning
"writing, painting".
han 1 韓, 한 KoreanKorean reading of
hán. It is also used to refer to the region of Korea.
hanaʾa هنأ ArabicArabic word meaning
"to be beneficial, to gladden, to enjoy".
háng 行 ChineseChinese character meaning
"business, line, row".
ḥanna حنّ ArabicArabic word meaning
"to sympathize, to pity, to yearn".
háo 豪 ChineseChinese character meaning
"brave, heroic, chivalrous".
hào 1 镐, 鎬 ChineseChinese character meaning
"stove, bright".
hào 2 晧 ChineseChinese character meaning
"daybreak, bright".
hào 3 浩 ChineseChinese character meaning
"great, numerous, vast".
hào 4 皓 ChineseChinese character meaning
"bright, luminous, clear, hoary".
hào 5 昊 ChineseChinese character meaning
"summer, sky, heaven".
hǎo 好 ChineseChinese character meaning
"good, excellent".
hari 1 हरि SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"yellow, tawny", and by extension
"monkey, horse, lion".
ḥasama حسم ArabicArabic word meaning
"to sever, to finish, to decide".
ḥasuna حسن ArabicArabic word meaning
"to be good, to be beautiful".
hé 1 河 ChineseChinese character meaning
"river, stream".
hé 2 荷 ChineseChinese character meaning
"lotus, water lily".
hé 3 和 ChineseChinese character meaning
"harmony, peace".
hé 4 何 ChineseChinese character meaning
"where, what, who" (an interrogative word).
hè 1 鹤, 鶴 ChineseChinese character meaning
"crane (bird)".
heit Old High GermanOld High German suffix meaning
"kind, sort, type". It converts an adjective into a noun.
héng 1 恒, 恆 ChineseChinese character meaning
"constant, persistent".
héng 3 横, 橫 ChineseChinese character meaning
"horizontal, across".
hēng 亨 ChineseChinese character meaning
"smoothly progressing".
hle NguniNguni word meaning
"beautiful, good".
hóng 1 弘 ChineseChinese character meaning
"enlarge, expand, great".
hóng 2 鸿, 鴻 ChineseChinese character meaning
"wild swan, great, vast".