qadara قدر ArabicArabic word meaning
"to have power, to be able".
qādir قادر ArabicArabic word meaning
"capable, powerful, mighty".
qadīr قدير ArabicArabic word meaning
"capable, powerful, mighty".
qaraʾa قرأ ArabicArabic word meaning
"to read, to recite, to confess".
qasama قسم ArabicArabic word meaning
"to divide, to distribute".
qí 1 崎 ChineseChinese character meaning
"rough, jagged, rugged".
qí 2 岐 ChineseChinese character meaning
"high, majestic".
qǐ 1 起 ChineseChinese character meaning
"rise, stand up, begin".
qǐ 2 启, 啟 ChineseChinese character meaning
"open, begin".
qī 七 ChineseChinese character meaning
qián 前 ChineseChinese character meaning
"front, forward".
qiān 2 茜 ChineseChinese character meaning
"rubia plant, madder plant".
qiáng 强, 強 ChineseChinese character meaning
"strong, powerful, energetic".
qíng 晴 ChineseChinese character meaning
"clear weather".
qìng 庆, 慶 ChineseChinese character meaning
"congratulate, celebrate, celebration".
qiū 3 萩 ChineseChinese character meaning
"wormwood, bush clover".
qua EnglishPhonetic element /kwɑ/ in English names (often in an unstressed final position or, in African-American names, an unstressed initial position, as /kwə/).
quán 1 权, 權 ChineseChinese character meaning
"power, right, authority".
quan EnglishPhonetic element /kwɑn/ in English names (typically African American).
quetzalli AztecNahuatl word meaning
"quetzal feather, precious thing".
qurbān قربان ArabicArabic word meaning
"sacrifice, sacrificial animal".