Elements Starting with S

sa 1 Japanese
Means "blossom", a Japanese nanori reading of xiào.
sa 2 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of zǔo.
sa 3 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of xiǎo.
sa 4 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of shā.
sa 5 Japanese
Japanese on reading of shā.
sa 6 Japanese
Means "already, now", a Japanese kun reading of zǎo.
sa 7 Nguni
Nguni word meaning "still, continuing to be".
Yoruba word meaning "dry".
1 飒, 颯 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "sudden, sound of the wind".
2 Igbo
Igbo word meaning "answer, reply".
saari Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "island".
ṣabāḥ صباح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "morning".
ṣabara صبر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to bind, to be patient".
sabt سبت Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Saturday", usually written with the definite article: السبت (al-sabt).
sabu Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of sān.
sachi Japanese
Means "happiness, good luck", a Japanese kun reading of xìng.
ṣadaqa صدق Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to tell the truth".
sādhanā साधना Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "accomplishment, completion".
Old English word meaning "sea".
sær Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "sea".
ṣafā صفا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be clear, to be pure".
saga Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "tale, story".
sagu Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "saw".
sahsą Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "knife".
sahsaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "a Saxon", referring to a member of the Germanic tribe (derived from sahsą).
sahso Old High German
Old High German word meaning "a Saxon", referring to a member of the Germanic tribe.
sai 斎, 齋 Japanese
Means "purification, worship, vegetarian food", a Japanese on reading of zhāi.
saʿida سعد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be happy, to be lucky".
śaila शैल Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "mountain".
saiwiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "sea".
sajada سجد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to bow down, to prostrate".
sak ศักดิ์ Thai
Thai word meaning "power", of Sanskrit origin.
saka 坂, 阪 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of bǎn.
saki 1 Japanese
Means "blossom", a Japanese kun reading of xiào.
saki 2 Japanese
Means "cape, peninsula", from a Japanese kun reading of .
sākṣin साक्षिन् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "witness".
śakti शक्ति Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "power".
saku Japanese
Means "blossom", a Japanese kun reading of xiào.
sakura 桜, 櫻 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of yīng.
sal 1 Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "salt".
sal 2 Old High German
Old High German word meaning "house, hall".
ṣalāḥ صلاح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "righteousness".
ṣalaḥa صلح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be good, to be proper".
salām سلام Arabic
Arabic word meaning "peace".
salba 𐍃𐌰𐌻𐌱𐌰 Old High German, Gothic
Old High German and Gothic word meaning "salve, ointment".
salbō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "salve, ointment".
sali Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "house, hall".
sālim سالم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "safe".
salīm سليم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "safe".
salima سلم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be safe".
salix Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "willow".
saliz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "house, hall".
salo 1 Old High German
Old High German word meaning "dark, black".
salo 2 Medieval Finnic
Finnic word meaning "forest".
salr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "room, hall".
sals 𐍃𐌰𐌻𐍃 Gothic (Hypothetical)
Gothic word meaning "house, hall".
saltus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "grove of trees, glade".
salus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "health".
salvus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "safe, healthy".
salwaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "dusky, sallow".
śam शम् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "auspicious, lucky".
sama सम Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "level, even, same".
samā سما Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be high".
samāʾ سماء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sky, heaven".
samara 1 Ancient Roman
Latin word for the winged seeds that grow on trees such as maples and elms.
samara 2 سمر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to talk in the evening".
samdaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "sand".
sāmiḥ سامح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "forgiving, kind".
samīḥ سميح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "forgiving, kind".
samīra समीर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "wind, air".
saṃjita संजित Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "complete victory".
saṃjīva संजीव Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "living, reviving".
sampatti सम्पत्ति Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "success, prosperity, wealth".
samuḥa سمح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be kind, to be magnanimous".
sàn Chinese
Chinese character meaning "scatter".
sān Chinese
Chinese character meaning "three".
sana 1 Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "healthy".
sana 2 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of zhēn.
sanā سنا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to gleam, to shine".
sanctorum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "of the saints" (occurs in Omnium Sanctorum referring to All Saints' Day).
sanctus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "holy, saintly".
sand Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "sand".
sandīp सन्दीप् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "to blaze, to burn".
sandr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "sand".
sang 1 常, 상 Korean
Korean reading of cháng.
sang 2 尚, 상 Korean
Korean reading of shàng.
sañjana सञजन Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "uniting, joining".
sanjati сањати South Slavic
South Slavic word meaning "to dream".
sant Old High German
Old High German word meaning "sand".
śāntī शान्ती Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "quiet, peace, tranquility".
sape Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "soap".
sappheiros σάπφειρος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "sapphire" or "lapis lazuli" (ultimately derived from the Hebrew word סַפִּיר (sappir)).
sar سر Persian
Persian word meaning "head".
sara 1 שָׂרָה Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to have power, to contend, to fight".
sara 2 שָׂרָה Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "lady, princess, noblewoman".
sarā سرى Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to travel by night".
śarad शरद् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "autumn".
sarala सरल Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "straight".
saran саран Mongolian
Mongolian word meaning "moon".
saras सरस् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "fluid, water, lake".
sārikā सारिका Sanskrit
Sanskrit word referring to a type of thrush (species Turdus salica) or myna bird (species Gracula religiosa).
sarita सरित Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "flowing".
śarman शर्मन् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "protection, comfort, joy".
sarnai сарнай Mongolian
Mongolian word meaning "rose".
šarru Akkadian
Akkadian word meaning "king".
sartor Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "tailor, patcher".
šarŭ шаръ Medieval Slavic
Old Church Slavic word meaning "colour" (probably of Turkic origin).
sarv سرو Persian
Persian word meaning "cypress" (of Sumerian origin).
sarva सर्व Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "all, whole".
sarveśa सरवेश Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "ruler of all".
sas Hungarian
Hungarian word meaning "eagle".
śaśa शश Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "hare", also a traditional name for the moon.
sat सत् Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "existing, true, virtuous" or "existence, essence".
sato 1 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
sato 2 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of cōng.
sato 3 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of zhì.
satoru 1 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
satoru 2 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of cōng.
satoshi 1 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of cōng.
satoshi 2 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of zhì.
satoshi 3 Japanese
Means "philosophy" in Japanese, a nanori reading of zhé.
satya सत्य Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "truth, reality".
savate French
French word meaning "shoe".
savitṛ सवितृ Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "rouser, the sun".
sawa 沢, 澤 Japanese
Japanese word meaning "marsh", a kun reading of .
sāyeh سایه Persian
Persian word meaning "shadow, shade, protection".
sayf سيف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sword".
sayl سيل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "flood, stream, torrent".
scalc Old High German
Old High German word meaning "servant".
sceaga Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "thicket, copse".
sceaphyrde Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "shepherd, sheep herder".
scearp Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "sharp".
scenken Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to pour out".
schola Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "school".
schroden Old Saxon
Old Saxon word meaning "to cut".
schröter German
German word meaning "beer-porter, wine-porter".
sciene Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "beautiful".
scieran Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "to cut, to shear".
scilt Old High German
Old High German word meaning "shield".
scir 1 Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "shire, district".
scir 2 Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "bright".
sconi Old High German
Old High German word meaning "beautiful, good, nice".
Scot English
English word for a Scotsman, from Latin Scotus, referring to the Gaelic speakers of northern Britain.
Scotus Ancient Roman
Latin word for a Scotsman, referring to the Gaelic speakers of northern Britain.
scrian Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to shout, to yell".
scriba Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "scribe, writer".
scrinium Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "box, chest".
sculdheizo Old High German
Old High German word meaning "arbiter, debt settler".
scuoh Old High German
Old High German word meaning "shoe".
ṣe Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "do, make".
涩, 澀, 澁 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "astringent, rough".
seaxa Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "a Saxon", referring to a member of the Germanic tribe.
sebě себѣ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to oneself" (dative case of *).
sebo σέβω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to worship, to honour".
sedom Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "peace" or "fairy mound, tumulus".
sedŭlo Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "saddle".
see English
Phonetic element /si/ in English names. It can be realized in spelling as sey, cy, cie, and so on.
segan סְגָן Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "assistant".
segiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "victory".
ṣẹ́gun Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "conquer".
sei Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of shèng.
śekhara शेखर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "crest, crown, peak, top".
seki 関, 關 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of guān.
selene σελήνη Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "moon".
selja Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "willow, sallow".
sěmĭja сѣмьꙗ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "family".
şen Turkish
Turkish word meaning "happy".
sēn Chinese
Chinese character meaning "forest".
sen 1 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "old".
sen 2 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of xiān.
seng ແສງ Lao
Lao word meaning "light".
sěnĭ сѣни Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "shadow".
senos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "old".
senþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "path, journey, time, instance".
seo 1 瑞, 서 Korean
Korean reading of ruì.
seo 2 舒, 서 Korean
Korean reading of shū.
seo 3 徐, 서 Korean
Korean reading of .
seo 4 序, 서 Korean
Korean reading of .
seo 5 Old High German, Old Dutch
Old High German and Old Dutch word meaning "sea".
seok 1 石, 석 Korean
Korean reading of shí.
seok 2 錫, 석 Korean
Korean reading of .
seok 3 碩, 석 Korean
Korean reading of shuò.
seolfor Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "silver".
seon 1 善, 선 Korean
Korean reading of shàn.
seon 2 宣, 선 Korean
Korean reading of xuān.
seon 3 鮮, 선 Korean
Korean reading of xiān.
seong 1 成, 성 Korean
Korean reading of chéng.
seong 2 盛, 성 Korean
Korean reading of shèng.
seong 3 性, 성 Korean
Korean reading of xìng.
seong 4 星, 성 Korean
Korean reading of xīng.
seong 5 聖, 성 Korean
Korean reading of shèng.
seong 6 誠, 성 Korean
Korean reading of chéng.
seppä Finnish
Finnish word meaning "smith".
ser սէր Ancient Armenian
Old Armenian word meaning "love".
seri Japanese
Japanese kun reading of qín.
serra Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "saw (tool)".
servire Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "to serve".
setāreh ستاره Persian
Persian word meaning "star".
sethu Nguni
Nguni word meaning "our".
setio Old Saxon
Old Saxon suffix meaning "inhabitant".
setjaną Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "to sit".
setsu Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of jié.
ṣeun Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "thank".
seung 1 昇, 승 Korean
Korean reading of shēng.
seung 2 勝, 승 Korean
Korean reading of shèng.
seung 3 承, 승 Korean
Korean reading of chéng.
sev Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "love, like".
sevda Medieval Turkic
Turkish word meaning "love, infatuation" (of Arabic origin).
sevinc Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "joy".
sha English
Phonetic element /ʃɑ/ in English names (often in an unstressed final position or, in African-American names, an unstressed initial position, as /ʃə/). It can be realized in spelling as sha or she (when unstressed).
shā 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "sand, gravel".
shā 2 纱, 紗 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "thread, silk".
shaʾal שָׁאַל Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to ask".
shaʿbān شعبان Arabic
Arabic word referring to the eighth month of the Islamic calendar.
shabnam شبنم Persian
Persian word meaning "dew".
shād شاد Persian
Persian word meaning "happy, glad".
shafaqa شفق Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to pity, to sympathize".
shafaṭ שָׁפַט Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to judge".
shaḡa שָׁגָה Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to stray, to err".
shāh شاه Persian
Persian word meaning "king".
shāhīn شاهین Persian
Persian word meaning "falcon".
shai שַׁי Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "gift, present".
shair English
Phonetic element /ʃɛɹ/ or /ʃæɹ/ or in English names. It can be realized in spelling as sher, cher, shar, and so on.
shakara شكر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to thank".
shalam שָׁלַם Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to be complete, to be at peace".
shalem שָׁלֵם Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "complete, safe, peaceful".
shalom שָׁלוֹם Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "peace".
shamʿ شمْع Arabic
Arabic word meaning "candles, wax".
shamaʿ שָׁמַע Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to hear, to listen".
shamar שָׁמַר Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to guard, to watch".
shams شمس Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sun".
shàn Chinese
Chinese character meaning "good, virtuous".
shān 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "mountain, hill, peak".
shān 2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "pine, fir".
shàng 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "still, yet".
shàng 2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "above, top, upper".
sharaqa شرق Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to radiate, to shine, to rise".
sharufa شرف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be noble, to be illustrious".
shavaʿ שָׁבַע Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "oath".
shay English
Phonetic element /ʃeɪ/ in English names. It can be realized in spelling as shay, shae or shai.
shaykh شيخ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "elder, chief, sheikh".
shelaḥ שֶׁלַח Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "dart, weapon, plant shoot".
shem שֵׁם Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "name".
shemaʿ שֵׁמַע Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "report, news, fame".
shemesh שֶׁמֶשׁ Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "the sun".
shén Chinese
Chinese character meaning "god, deity, spirit".
shèn Chinese
Chinese character meaning "prudent, careful".
shēn 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "extend, stretch, open".
shēn 2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "extend, stretch, explain". It also refers to the ancient state of Shen, which existed during the Zhou dynasty in what is now Henan province.
shen շէն Ancient Armenian
Old Armenian word meaning "happy".
shèng 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "abundant, flourishing".
shèng 2 胜, 勝 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "victory, success".
shèng 3 圣, 聖 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "holy, sacred".
shēng 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "rise, ascend".
shēng 2 声, 聲 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "sound, voice, tone".
shēng 3 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "living, fresh".
shēng 4 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "rise, ascend".
shi 1 Japanese
Japanese on reading of .
shi 2 Japanese
Japanese nanori reading of qīng.
shi 3 Japanese
Japanese on reading of shī.
shi 4 Japanese
Japanese on reading of zhì.
shi 5 Japanese
Japanese on reading of shǐ.
shí 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "stone".
shí 2 时, 時 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "time, era, season".
shí 3 实, 實 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "real, truth, honest, fruit".
shí 4 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "ten".
shì 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "summer, name".
shì 2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "clan, family, maiden name".
shì 3 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "world, generation, era".
shǐ 1 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "begin, start".
shǐ 2 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "history".
shǐ 3 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "arrow".
shī 诗, 詩 Chinese
Chinese character meaning "poetry, poem, verse".
shibu 渋, 澁 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of .
shichi Japanese
Japanese goon reading of .
shige 1 Japanese
Means "lush, luxuriant", a Japanese kun reading of mào.
shige 2 Japanese
Japanese character meaning "layers, folds", a Japanese nanori reading of chóng.
shige 3 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of fán.
shige 4 Japanese
Means "become", a Japanese nanori reading of chéng.
shigeru Japanese
Means "lush, luxuriant", a Japanese kun reading of mào.
shima Japanese
Japanese kun reading of dǎo.
shin 1 Japanese
Japanese on reading of zhēn.
shin 2 Japanese
Japanese goon reading of xìn.
shin 3 Japanese
Japanese goon reading of xīn.
shin 4 晋, 晉 Japanese
Japanese on reading of jìn.
shin 5 Japanese
Japanese kan'on reading of shèn.
shin 6 Japanese
Japanese on reading of shēn.
shinju 真珠 Japanese
Japanese word meaning "pearl".
shino Japanese
Japanese kun reading of xiǎo.
shinobu Japanese
Japanese word meaning "endurance, patience", a nanori reading of rěn.
shion 紫苑 Japanese
Japanese word meaning "aster".
shiori 1 Japanese
Means "bookmark", from a Japanese kun reading of kān.
shiori 2 Japanese
Means "lithe, bending", a Japanese nanori reading of náo.
shīr شیر Persian
Persian word meaning "lion".
shir שִׁיר Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "song".
shira Japanese
Japanese kun reading of bái.
shiro Japanese
Japanese kun reading of chéng.
shita Japanese
Japanese kun reading of xià.
shizu 静, 靜 Japanese
Japanese kun reading of jìng.
shō 1 Japanese
Japanese on reading of xiáng.