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[June 9] ~ Name the family!
(Inspired by the Lennox sisters)DGF: William, George, Henry, Albert, James // Theodore, Alexander, Arthur, Calvin, Nathaniel [Wallis, Taggart, Woods]
DGM: Leah, Julia, Susannah, Sophia, Rebecca // Victoria, Mary, Katherine, Natalie, Elizabeth [nee Penrose, Moss, Conway] -- DD: Lavinia, Augusta, Isadora, Marigold, Minerva // Coralie, Delphine, Beatrice, Charlotte, Claire "Middle name"
-- DD: Amelia, Eleanor, Isabella, Helena, Cecilia // Margaret, Rosemary, Catherine, Caroline, Frances "Shortened version of first name"
-- DD: Florence, Cordelia, Theodora, Imogen, Felicity // Eloise, Imogen, Eve, Daphne, Violet
-- DD: Mother's first name // Madeline, Isabel, Jane, Grace, Rose------------------------DD:
DH: Felix, Edward, Oscar, Thomas, Alexander // James, Miles, Benjamin, George, Elliot [Hart, Hawk, Lowell] -- DS: Robert, Joseph, Adam, Aaron, Paul // Jeremy, William, Douglas, Timothy, Anthony
-- DS: DGF's first name // Nicholas, Nathaniel, Luke, Jacob, Daniel
-- DS: Father's first name // Simon, Peter, John, Francis, Patrick
exH: John, Henry, Reuben, Patrick, Finnegan // Matthias, Barnabas, Isaac, Zachary, Wilson [Boyle, Kelly, McIver]-- DS: Thomas, Dean, Simon, Charles, Emmett // Nicholas, Forrest, Ambrose, Vaughn, Cornelius
-- DS: Marshall, Russell, Spencer, Vincent, Duncan // Bennett, Harrison, Anthony, Lionel, Louis
-- DD: Mother's FN // Mother's MN
-- DS: DGF's first name // Father's first name
-- DD: Ida, Lucy, Winifred, Olivia, Alice // Mother's middle name // Lisette, Mathilde, Margot, Giselle, Audrey
-- DS: Jack, Leo, Oscar, August, James, Riley // William, Benjamin, Bartholomew, Sebastian, Thaddeus
-- DD: Georgia, Phoebe, Lena, Hannah, Stella // DGM's first name // Mother's middle name
-- DS: Calvin, Dexter, Nelson, Stuart, Owen // Gilbert, Theodore, Joshua, Louis, Oswald
-- DS: Byron, Rudy, Charles, Alan, Samuel // Arthur, Thomas, Leopold, Elijah, Archibald
DH: Wesley, Clayton, Graham, Warren, Quentin // Robert, Alan, Roderick, Preston, Kenneth [Abernathy, Morrow, Paxton]
-- DS: Michael, Julian, Joel, Maximilian, Moses // Victor, Nolan, Ambrose, Abraham, Rupert
-- DD: Camilla, Claudia, Elsa, Victoria, Diana // Emily, Penelope, Katherine, Mercy, Jacqueline
-- DD: Mother's first name // Juliet, Caroline, Aurora, Evelyn, Lily
DH: Joseph, Simon, Noah, Arthur, Connor // Seamus, Rafferty, Christopher, Padraig, Quinlan [Collins, Cooney, Callahan]------------------------DD:exH: Ethan, Peter, Philip, Lucas, Jacob // Edward, Henry, Charles, George, James [Barden, Barclay, Baxter]DH: Stanley, Howard, Miles, Leonard, Walter // William, Alexander, Benjamin, Benedict, Oliver [Bowie, Gillespie, Knox]-- DS: DGF's first name // Augustus, Timothy, Abraham, Randolph, Elliot
-- DD: Emma, Willa, Petra, Flora, Esther // Lavinia, Louisa, Geneva, Leona, Cecily // Adelaide, Agnes, Charlotte, Rose, Claire
-- DS: Father's first name // Theophilus, Timothy, Nicholas, Maxwell, Charles
-- DS: Lucas, Magnus, Arthur, Franklin, Eli // Julius, Augustus, Jerome, Gabriel, Frederick // Redmond, Angus, Devin, Quinn, Garrett
-- DS: Hugh, James, Jasper, Hugo, Percy // Malcolm, Erasmus, Ernest, Ulysses, Gideon
-- DS: Alexander, Nathaniel, William, Everett, Dominic // Winston, Silas, Alfred, Owen, Cedric
-- DD: Joanna, Elisabeth, Elvira, Katherine, Marina // Josephine, Harriet, Imogen, Lucille, Jane
-- DD: Antonia, Lucia, Frederica, Arabella, Augusta // Bridget, Susan, Daphne, Beatrice, Clementine------------------------
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[June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  lepetitviolet  ·  6/9/2018, 2:09 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  Ire  ·  8/5/2018, 10:21 AM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  libbydecember  ·  6/12/2018, 3:20 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  Jessamine  ·  6/12/2018, 1:33 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  miakendall1075  ·  6/10/2018, 11:27 AM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  Julia  ·  6/10/2018, 9:45 AM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  Remora L.  ·  6/10/2018, 12:09 AM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  molly  ·  6/9/2018, 9:12 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  Dracotorix  ·  6/9/2018, 8:42 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  Crista  ·  6/9/2018, 5:30 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  ValerieK  ·  6/9/2018, 5:28 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  Bella  ·  6/9/2018, 4:48 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  Bella  ·  6/9/2018, 4:20 PM
Re: [June 9] ~ Name the family!  ·  lepetitviolet  ·  6/9/2018, 2:17 PM