Meaning & History
From an English surname that was derived from Middle English frankelin "freeman". A famous bearer of the surname was Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), an American statesman, inventor, scientist and philosopher. The name has commonly been given in his honour in the United States. It also received a boost during the term of American president Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945).
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Algonquin Round Table members, American presidents, Animal Crossing characters, Annie characters, astronauts, Charlie Brown characters, children of Thomas Arthur Green, colleges or universities, derived from a surname, Dishonored characters, Frasier characters, freedom, Grand Theft Auto V characters, Gundam characters, inventors, lightkeepers, Marvel characters, Murder She Wrote characters, Netherlands in the Eurovision Song Contest, never out of the US top 1000, Peanuts characters, pet names, Philip K. Dick characters, Robert A. Heinlein characters, scientists, Seinfeld characters, Spy x Family characters, surnames, television, The Man Who Came to Dinner characters, The West Wing characters, True Blood characters, William Faulkner characters