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Theme CAF Competition
Okay, so I have one gender per theme. Have fun and thanks for playing. I will get winners up tomorrow afternoon.DS: Biblical: Enoch Asher Israel Jesus Moses Isaac Reuben Joseph Abraham GabrielDD: Color: Violet Crimson Peach Scarlet Mauve Turquoise Burgundy Cyan Magenta GrayDS: Surname: Croatti Scott Braun Arens Bales Julius Marco Herman Presley GermottiDD: Flowers/Plants: Gaillardia Echinacea Achillea Agastache Lilium Hesperaloe Lantana Celosia Clematus SalviaDS: Music Terms: Lyric Staff Clef Alto Chord Note Composer Score Symphony TrebleDD: Gemstones/Stones: Topaz Opal Sapphire Ruby Emerald Diamond Garnet Amethyst Crystal AgateDS: Element Meanings: Ignatius Brenton Conway Lincoln Pontius Rylan Lachlan George Neil ZephyrDD: Intelligent Meanings: Akemi Belinda Calanthe Ingrid Kalliope Mabelle Naomi Nefertiti Orabela SigridDS: Authors and Poets: Alexis Dashiell Francis Hermes Jude Lucius Miguel Nathaniel Ogden StephenDD: Avian Meanings: Aderyn Anne Aquila Avis Branwen Circe Faigel Sacagawea Vega ZipporahDS: Presidents: Benito Clinton Delano Eamon Franklin Grover Harding Kennedy Lyndon RooseveltDD: Ocean Names: Amelia Aphrodite Doris Ianthe Klytie Magdalene Nereida Oceane Odessa Vellamo
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DS: Biblical: Enoch Isaac DD: Color: Violet Crimson DS: Surname: Julius Croatti DD: Flowers/Plants: Gaillardia ClematusDS: Music Terms: Lyric Alto DD: Gemstones/Stones: Ruby CrystalDS: Element Meanings: Ignatius Neil DD: Intelligent Meanings: Belinda Ingrid DS: Authors and Poets: Alexis Nathaniel DD: Avian Meanings: Anne AvisDS: Presidents: Eamon Grover DD: Ocean Names: Amelia Doris
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DS: Isaac GabrielDD: Violet GrayDS: Julius PresleyDD: Lilium SalviaDS: Clef AltoDD: Crystal AgateDS: Zephyr LincolnDD: Ingrid MabelleDS: Stephen JudeDD: Zipporah Anne DS: Lyndon HardingDD: Odessa Vellamo
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DS : Reuben Asher
DD : Violet Scarlet
DS : Marco Scott
DD : Lilium Celosia
DS : Chord Alto
DD : Ruby Opal
DS : George Rylan
DD : Mabelle Naomi
DS : Jude Francis
DD : Anne Vega
DS : Franklin Eamon
DD : Amelia Oceane
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DS: Isaac GabrielDD: Violet GrayDS: Scott MarcoDD: Lilium Achillea DS: Alto Symphony DD: Ruby Crystal DS: Lachlan Neil DD: Ingrid Kalliope DS: Jude Nathaniel DD: Anne ZipporahDS: Delano Franklin DD: Aphrodite Magdalene
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DS: Reuben Gabriel
DD: Cyan Scarlet
DS: Scott Julius
DD: Celosia Echinacea
DS: Symphony Lyric
DD: Sapphire Amethyst
DS: Ignatius Zephyr
DD: Calanthe Belinda
DS: Lucius Nathaniel
DD: Aderyn Avis
DS: Roosevelt Grover
DD: Magdalene Amelia
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DS: Joseph Enoch
DD: Violet Gray
DS: Julius Braun
DD: Lantana Hesperaloe
DS: Staff Note
DD: Agate Diamond
DS: George Ignatius
DD: Ingrid Nefertiti
DS: Francis Ogden
DD: Avis Branwen
DS: Lyndon Benito
DD: Klytie Nereida
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DS: Asher IsaacDD: Violet GrayDS: Presley Bales DD: Lantana LiliumDS: Chord TrebleDD: Ruby TopazDS: Conway BrentonDD: Belinda MabelleDS: Jude FrancisDD: Aderyn ZipporahDS: Kennedy FranklinDD: Odessa Magdalene
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DS: Gabriel ReubenDD: Scarlet Magenta DS: Scott Julius DD: Lilium Celosia DS: Lyric SymphonyDD: Ruby EmeraldDS: Brenton Neil DD: Kalliope Mabelle DS: Nathaniel JudeDD: Aderyn ZipporahDS: Lyndon DelanoDD: Odessa Magdalene
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DS: Moses Gabriel
DD: Violet Gray
DS: Bales Presley
DD: Lilium Echinacea
DS: Treble Staff
DD: Ruby Emerald
DS: Neil Conway
DD: Ingrid Mabelle
DS: Francis Nathaniel
DD: Sacagawea Anne
DS: Clinton Delano
DD: Amelia Oceane
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DS: Biblical: Asher GabrielDD: Color: Violet GrayDS: Surname: Julius ScottDD: Flowers/Plants: Lilium Clematus DS: Music Terms: Lyric Alto DD: Gemstones/Stones: Topaz AmethystDS: Element Meanings: Conway LachlanDD: Intelligent Meanings: Naomi Mabelle DS: Authors and Poets: Nathaniel Jude DD: Avian Meanings: Aderyn Vega DS: Presidents: Franklin KennedyDD: Ocean Names: Nereida Magdalene
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DS: Asher IsaacDD: Violet MauveDS: Marco PresleyDD: Lilium CelosiaDS: Chord AltoDD: Ruby OpalDS: Rylan ZephyrDD: Kalliope IngridDS: Jude NathanielDD: Aderyn VegaDS: Eamon LyndonDD: Nereida Amelia
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DS: Reuben Israel
DD: Violet Cyan
DS: Julius Herman
DD: Lilium Celosia
DS: Alto Lyric
DD: Opal Ruby
DS: George Pontius
DD: Ingrid Mabelle
DS: Lucius Jude
DD: Aderyn Vega
DS: Eamon Franklin
DD: Odessa Ianthe

This message was edited 6/20/2012, 1:28 PM

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DS: Biblical: Abraham Isaac DD: Color: Violet Burgundy DS: Surname: Marco Bales DD: Flowers/Plants: Achillea LiliumDS: Music Terms: Lyric Alto DD: Gemstones/Stones: Ruby Sapphire DS: Element Meanings: Rylan ConwayDD: Intelligent Meanings: Kalliope Mabelle DS: Authors and Poets: Nathaniel JudeDD: Avian Meanings: Avis CirceDS: Presidents: Eamon Lyndon DD: Ocean Names: Nereida Ianthe
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DS: Isaac Joseph
DD: Violet Crimson
DS: Scott Bales
DD: Lilium Salvia
DS: Treble Chord
DD: Emerald Ruby
DS: Lincoln Conway
DD: Naomi Ingrid
DS: Dashiell Jude
DD: Branwen Avis
DS: Franklin Harding
DD: Amelia Doris
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DS: Reuben JosephDD: Violet MauveDS: Julius HermanDD: Lilium CelosiaDS: Lyric ClefDD: Opal GarnetDS: Ignatius GeorgeDD: Ingrid MabelleDS: Nathaniel Jude DD: Zipporah AnneDS: Eamon KennedyDD: Magdalene Ianthe
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Joseph Gabriel
Violet Scarlet
Scott Marco
Salvia Lilium
Chord Lyric
Ruby Garnet
Rylan Lachlan
Mabelle Naomi
Nathaniel Jude
Aderyn Anne
Kennedy Benito
Amelia Oceane
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DS: Isaac Gabriel
DD: Scarlet Mauve
DS: Julius Scott
DD: Lilium Achillea "Lilia"
DS: Symphony Chord "Symph"
DD: Opal Amethyst
DS: Ignatius Rylan
DD: Naomi Ingrid
DS: Jude Miguel
DD: Aquila Circe
DS: Kennedy Grover "KG"
DD: Amelia Oceane Isaac, Scarlet, Julius, Lilia, Symph, Opan, Ignatius, Naomi, Jude, Aquila, KG, Amelia
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DS: Reuben GabrielDD: Magenta GrayDS: Scott ArensDD: Lantana GaillardiaDS: Chord NoteDD: Ruby AmethystDS: Neil ConwayDD: Ingrid AkemiDS: Nathaniel JudeDD: Avis FaigelDS: Eamon KennedyDD: Nereida Magdalene
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DS: Moses Abraham
DD: Scarlet Mauve
DS: Julius Marco
DD: Lilium Echinacea
DS: Lyric Alto
DD: Amethyst Opal
DS: Lincoln Ignatius
DD: Sigrid Naomi
DS: Jude Lucius
DD: Avis Zipporah
DS: Eamon Franklin
DD: Odessa Ianthe
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Gabriel Isaac
Violet Cyan
Scott Julius
Lilium Hesperaloe
Treble Lyric
Ruby Crystal
Lachlan Rylan
Nefertiti Kalliope
Nathaniel Jude
Branwen Vega
Kennedy Delano
Ianthe Odessa
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DS: Reuben Isaac
DD: Violet Peach
DS: Scott Presley
DD: Celosia Lilium
DS: Chord Lyric
DD: Opal Amethyst
DS: Ignatius Lachlan
DD: Ingrid Orabela
DS: Jude Nathaniel
DD: Aderyn Circe
DS: Franklin Grover
DD: Amelia Oceane
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DS - Gabriel Asher [Biblical]
DD - Violet Cyan [Colour]
DS - Julius Scott [Surname]
DD - Lilium Salvia [Flowers/Plants]
DS - Chord Symphony [Music Terms]
DD - Ruby Opal [Gemstones/Stones]
DS - George Lachlan [Element Meanings]
DD - Calanthe Naomi [Intelligent Meanings]
DS - Stephen Dashiell [Authors and Poets]
DD - Anne Zipporah [Avian Meanings]
DS - Franklin Eamon [Presidents]
DD - Ianthe Amelia [Ocean Names]
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DS: Gabriel Joseph
DD: Violet Gray
DS: Scott Presley
DD: Celosia Lilium
DS: Lyric Chord
DD: Ruby Emerald
DS: Lachlan Zephyr
DD: Kalliope Naomi
DS: Nathaniel Jude
DD: Aderyn Zipporah
DS: Lyndon Kennedy
DD: Amelia MagdaleneGabe, Via, Scott, Cela, Lyric, Ruby, Lach, Kalli, Nate, Ady, Lyndon, & Amy
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DS: Enoch Abraham
DD: Scarlet Magenta
DS: Julius Herman
DD: Achillea Lilium
DS: Symphony Treble
DD: Topaz Emerald
DS: Ignatius Zephyr
DD: Calanthe Sigrid
DS: Hermes Alexis
DD: Zipporah Circe
DS: Delano Grover
DD: Magdalene Ianthe
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DS: Gabriel AsherDD: Violet MagentaDS: Marco JuliusDD: Lilium HesperaloeDS: Alto ChordDD: Ruby DiamondDS: Neil ZephyrDD: Naomi IngridDS: Nathaniel JudeDD: Anne ZipporahDS: Eamon FranklinDD: Amelia MagdaleneGabriel, Violet, Mark, Lily, Al, Ruby, Neil, Naomi, Nathaniel, Anne, Eamon, and Amelia
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DS: Gabriel Joseph
DD: Violet Cyan
DS: Presley Scott
DD: Achillea Lilium
DS: Chord Lyric
DD: Opal Garnet
DS: Brenton Conway
DD: Calanthe Ingrid
DS: Lucius Nathaniel
DD: Aderyn Vega
DS: Franklin Eamon
DD: Amelia Oceane
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DS: Moses AbrahamDD: Violet MauveDS: Julius ScottDD: Lilium EchinaceaDS: Lyric SymphonyDD: Opal AmethystDS: Ignatius LincolnDD: Naomi IngridDS: Francis MiguelDD: Zipporah CirceDS: Delano FranklinDD: Odessa Ianthe
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DS: Reuben Enoch
DD: Burgundy Peach
DS: Herman Braun
DD: Hesperaloe Celosia
DS: Treble Note
DD: Opal Agate
DS: Lincoln Ignatius
DD: Sigrid Belinda
DS: Ogden Alexis
DD: Anne Faigel
DS: Franklin Roosevelt
DD: Vellamo Ianthe
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DS: Reuben Moses
DD: Violet Mauve
DS: Marco Presley
DD: Lilium Salvia
DS: Lyric Symphony
DD: Ruby Diamond
DS: Lincoln George
DD: Naomi Sigrid
DS: Jude Nathaniel
DD: Zipporah Anne
DS: Franklin Kennedy
DD: Amelia Doris
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DS: Enoch GabrielDD: Violet GrayDS: Julius HermanDD: Hesperaloe LiliumDS: Symphony AltoDD: Agate TopazDS: Ignatius ConwayDD: Sigrid CalantheDS: Dashiell OgdenDD: Vega AderynDS: Grover EamonDD: Vellamo Nereida
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Abraham Joseph
Scarlet Gray
Marco Arens
Lilium Agastache
Chord Lyric
Ruby Sapphire
Lachlan Neil
Ingrid Naomi
Jude Stephen
Anne Branwen
Franklin Harding
Amelia Aphrodite
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DS: Biblical: Isaac GabrielDD: Color: Scarlet GrayDS: Surname: Presley ScottDD: Flowers/Plants:Lilium Lantana DS: Music Terms: Lyric Chord DD: Gemstones/Stones:Amethyst RubyDS: Element Meanings: Brenton Lachlan DD: Intelligent Meanings: Naomi Orabela DS: Authors and Poets: Dashiell JudeDD: Avian Meanings: Branwen AderynDS: Presidents: Kennedy Lyndon DD: Ocean Names: Amelia Odessa
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DS: Abraham Isaac "Bram"
DD: Violet Mauve
DS: Scott Marco
DD: Lilium Lantana "Lily"
DS: Lyric Clef
DD: Ruby Agate
DS: George Rylan
DD: Naomi Ingrid
DS: Jude Miguel
DD: Anne Zipporah
DS: Franklin Kennedy "Frank"
DD: Amelia Magdalene
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S: Asher Joseph
D: Violet Gray
S: Julius Scott
D: Lilium Celosia
S: Chord Lyric
D: Ruby Amethyst
S: George Ignatius
D: Naomi Ingrid
S: Francis Nathaniel
D: Aderyn Zipporah
S: Eamon Kennedy
D: Nereida Ianthe Ash, Violet, Jules, Lily, Chord, Ruby, George, Naomi Frank, Ada, Eamon and Nereida.
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Reuben Asher
Violet Gray
Marco Julius
Lilium Clematis
Alto Lyric
Opal Garnet
Lachlan Conway
Naomi Calanthe
Dashiell Alexis
Branwen Zipporah
Delano Kennedy
Magdalene Odessa
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DS: Biblical: Asher Isaac DD: Color: Violet GrayDS: Surname: Scott Presley DD: Flowers/Plants: Lantana Celosia DS: Music Terms: Chord TrebleDD: Gemstones/Stones: Ruby Crystal DS: Element Meanings: Rylan Conway DD: Intelligent Meanings: Naomi Mabelle DS: Authors and Poets: Jude NathanielDD: Avian Meanings: Aderyn Branwen DS: Presidents: Delano Lyndon DD: Ocean Names: Klytie Odessa
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DS: Gabriel Asher
DD: Scarlet Mauve
DS: Julius Braun
DD: Achillea Lilium
DS: Chord Alto
DD: Ruby Agate
DS: Lachlan Ignatius
DD: Ingrid Kalliope
DS: Alexis Stephen
DD: Zipporah Avis
DS: Franklin Harding
DD: Magdalene Ianthe
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