Okay, so I have one gender per theme. Have fun and thanks for playing. I will get winners up tomorrow afternoon.
DS: Biblical: Enoch Asher Israel Jesus Moses Isaac Reuben Joseph Abraham Gabriel
DD: Color: Violet Crimson Peach Scarlet Mauve Turquoise Burgundy Cyan Magenta Gray
DS: Surname: Croatti Scott Braun Arens Bales Julius Marco Herman Presley Germotti
DD: Flowers/Plants: Gaillardia Echinacea Achillea Agastache Lilium Hesperaloe Lantana Celosia Clematus Salvia
DS: Music Terms: Lyric Staff Clef Alto Chord Note Composer Score Symphony Treble
DD: Gemstones/Stones: Topaz Opal Sapphire Ruby Emerald Diamond Garnet Amethyst Crystal Agate
DS: Element Meanings: Ignatius Brenton Conway Lincoln Pontius Rylan Lachlan George Neil Zephyr
DD: Intelligent Meanings: Akemi Belinda Calanthe Ingrid Kalliope Mabelle Naomi Nefertiti Orabela Sigrid
DS: Authors and Poets: Alexis Dashiell Francis Hermes Jude Lucius Miguel Nathaniel Ogden Stephen
DD: Avian Meanings: Aderyn Anne Aquila Avis Branwen Circe Faigel Sacagawea Vega Zipporah
DS: Presidents: Benito Clinton Delano Eamon Franklin Grover Harding Kennedy Lyndon Roosevelt
DD: Ocean Names: Amelia Aphrodite Doris Ianthe Klytie Magdalene Nereida Oceane Odessa Vellamo