Two Years Later... (sorry if this counts as copying .P.)
by Rachael (guest)
12/11/2011, 5:14 AM
Our family has been doing great since the adoption of our latest children; Jarek, Oceane, Gianni and Rodolfo.
Misaki, now 15, immediately fell in love with them, as she did with the others. She's always been great with kids. Her and David are now in a really nice public high school, and she's made lots of friends with her best friend from homeschoolling, Mia. Last year, she took over as Jarek and Maxim's private tutor. Both have really improved.
David, now 14, was a little less then excited about our newest additions, he was with Maxim, too. He's not very social. However, Oceane was reading out loud. David heard and was really impressed. He's lately been much more open, not just with her but with us. I now have a picture of him, the twins, and the girls at a tea party. At school, he's a bit more social and talks to kids in his freshman classes (most of his classes are junior classes). He's been enrolled at that school since mid 7th grade, since we needed him to make friends.
Dalia, now 13, turned into head designer on the bedrooms. She transformed Oceane's into a perfert princess palace and Jarek's is full of red, orange, yellow and blue. It's very bright. Her and Nicoletta designed the twins' rooms together, Gianni's in pale blue and yellow and Rodolpho's in teal and red.
Nicoletta, now 11, was, as I said, the assistant bedroom designer. She has also been Oceane's "dance instructor", and they have preformed for us at Christmas (we celebrate the non-religious way, hi Santa!), Hanukkah (for David), birthdays, and parties. They have a lot of fun together.
Luke, now 10, and Guido, now 9, have made Jarek their "project", meaning he is becoming mini-Lukeguido. Although they can be a bit annoying to him, he does play with them, they always invite him, even with the older kids, and he seems to like it. However, sometimes the two compete to be Jarek's "favorite". Luke is very competetive, and sometimes scares him. Guido is our funny guy, and Jarek likes to hang out with him.
Max, now 8, was very, very shy with the new kids. Later, we had some "kidnappings", when he couldn't sleep, and that's still quite often, where he would pick up a baby and walk around with him. They never woke up, and now we all just sleep through it. He was good, too, we let him put them to bed some nights. He's still extremeley quite. Max also got excited when Jarek spoke Russian, although now his English is very good. He likes to watch the littler ones play.
Jarek, now 6, has really come along with his English, and Russian, too. He took a while to warm up to us, especially the boys, but now he's great. He's extremely politte and doing very well in school. Our neighbor's dog gave birth to puppies, and he just had to have one. They're a labradoodle pup named Rycerz and Północ, which mean Knight and Midnight in Polish.
Oceane, now 5, is doing great, too. She's still a little princess and is now reading at a 3rd-4th grade level. She is doing simple multiplication and writing in cursive. She has become David's best friend, the two are great together. She is learning piano, and David is helping. She loves to learn, and she, Nicoletta, and David usually do it together. She likes to be a princess from a different country, and they all play together (everyone, all the kids). She also loves the travelling.
The twins are great, they're very playful and sweet 2 yr olds. Gianni likes trucks and cars, whereas Rodolpho favors dinosaurs and animals. They're very happy and healthy.
We've been on lots of trips. The summer we got them, we went to France and England, and last year was Poland, Germany, and Russia; along with our annual Italy trips. The kids were all great!
We've been very happy with our newest additions and have never been a happier family!