I've decided to start another story congrats game and I thought it would be fun to do an international one!
In this game you choose a country for your congrats to take place in.
Both SO's can come from that country, or you can have one be from another country. If you choose SO's to be from different countries, you are allowed to switch from one place to the other. Also, feel free to have nontraditional families! In each round I will give you story options for your family (ex. have a baby, new job, etc.) and you can choose one or more of them.
-You must choose a country different from your own. (preferably one you haven't used before)
-You must write something for each round! (How much or little is up to you)
-Try to include interesting things about the culture from the country you choose.
-All names must come from the country you choose! (unless one of the SO's are from a different country. In that case you may choose one from theirs)
-You must keep up with ages! (I will not)
-Feel free to post pictures! :)
For the sign-up round, please tell us a bit about your people, how they met, where they work, and where they live! :)