Welcome Helen, Walter, Clark, Enid, Doyle, Priscilla, and Junior.
Helen Olivia is 10 years old,
Walter Lamar is 7 years old,
Clark Homer is 5 years old,
Enid Cecelia is 3 years old, and
Doyle Abraham is 1 year old. They are all siblings. Their mother abandoned them only a few months after
Doyle was born. Because
Helen was taking care of all of them, we thought it was best if they all stay together.
Helen likes to read,
Walter likes basketball,
Clark likes dump trucks,
Enid likes dolls,
Doyle cries a lot, and all of them love coloring.
Priscilla Avery is 5 years old. Her parents were unable to provide the life they wanted her to have, and thusly gave her up, hoping she’d end up with someone who could. She is very shy and withdrawn. She likes to write stories and chase after butterflies.
Junior Jack Daniel is 5 months old.
He was born with fetal alcohol syndrome; however, he hasn’t seemed to show many problems yet, except that he cries a lot more than normal, and for no reason.
He was taken out of his mothers care at 2 months old.
Please update us on how these children are doing.