CAF w/ initials
This is my mom's side of the family. Enjoy!
DH: J A (deceased)
DW: S E (97)
DS: J A (77)
--DW: F E (76)
--DD: S J (49)
---DH: W R (50)
---DS: J T (22)
---DS: J M (16)
DD: M L (75)
--DH: N C (deceased)
--DD: P L (54)
---DH: M J (54)
---DD: M L (30)
-----DH: J D (30)
-----DD: M R (1)
----DS: M J (23)
--DD: D J (50)
---DH: D S (51)
---DD: K L (19)
---DS: K D (17)
--DS: N C (48)
---DD: B J (52)
---DS: C N (21)
--DD: L A (deceased)
--DD: D L (45)
---DH: T K (54)
---DD: A L (16)
---DS: T K (14)
---DD: M M (11)
---DS: S I (9)
---DS: P N (6)
DS: W E (68)
--DW: A M (58)
--DS: W E (38)
---DW: J A (35)
---DD: A M (9)
---DS: B E (7)
DH: J A (deceased)
DW: S E (97)
DS: J A (77)
--DW: F E (76)
--DD: S J (49)
---DH: W R (50)
---DS: J T (22)
---DS: J M (16)
DD: M L (75)
--DH: N C (deceased)
--DD: P L (54)
---DH: M J (54)
---DD: M L (30)
-----DH: J D (30)
-----DD: M R (1)
----DS: M J (23)
--DD: D J (50)
---DH: D S (51)
---DD: K L (19)
---DS: K D (17)
--DS: N C (48)
---DD: B J (52)
---DS: C N (21)
--DD: L A (deceased)
--DD: D L (45)
---DH: T K (54)
---DD: A L (16)
---DS: T K (14)
---DD: M M (11)
---DS: S I (9)
---DS: P N (6)
DS: W E (68)
--DW: A M (58)
--DS: W E (38)
---DW: J A (35)
---DD: A M (9)
---DS: B E (7)
DH: James Alan (deceased)
DW: Sarah Elizabeth (97)
DS: James Alan (77)
--DW: Faith Ellen (76)
--DD: Susan Janis (49)
---DH: Walter Raymond (50)
---DS: Justin Thomas (22)
---DS: Joshua Michael (16)
DD: Mary Louise (75)
--DH: Norman Charles (deceased)
--DD: Patricia Louise (54)
---DH: Mark Joseph (54)
---DD: Michelle Louise (30)
-----DH: Jason Daniel (30)
-----DD: Maya Rose (1)
---DS: Matthew Joseph (23)
--DD: Deborah Jane (50)
---DH: David Stephen (51)
---DD: Kayla Lauren (19)
---DS: Kyle David (17)
--DS: Norman Charles (48)
---DW: Barbara Jean (52)
---DS: Cody Norman (21)
--DD: Lillian Alice (deceased)
--DD: Deirdre Lynnette (45)
---DH: Thomas Kenneth (54)
DW: Sarah Elizabeth (97)
DS: James Alan (77)
--DW: Faith Ellen (76)
--DD: Susan Janis (49)
---DH: Walter Raymond (50)
---DS: Justin Thomas (22)
---DS: Joshua Michael (16)
DD: Mary Louise (75)
--DH: Norman Charles (deceased)
--DD: Patricia Louise (54)
---DH: Mark Joseph (54)
---DD: Michelle Louise (30)
-----DH: Jason Daniel (30)
-----DD: Maya Rose (1)
---DS: Matthew Joseph (23)
--DD: Deborah Jane (50)
---DH: David Stephen (51)
---DD: Kayla Lauren (19)
---DS: Kyle David (17)
--DS: Norman Charles (48)
---DW: Barbara Jean (52)
---DS: Cody Norman (21)
--DD: Lillian Alice (deceased)
--DD: Deirdre Lynnette (45)
---DH: Thomas Kenneth (54)
DH: John Arthur (deceased)
DW: Sarah Elizabeth (97)
DS: James Albert (77)
--DW: Frances Elizabeth (76)
--DD: Susan Janet (49)
---DH: William Robert (50)
---DS: Joshua Timothy (22)
---DS: Justin Mark (16)
DD: Mary Lois (75)
--DH: Norman Charles (deceased)
--DD: Patricia Linda (54)
---DH: Michael James (54)
---DD: Melissa Laura (30)
-----DH: Jason David (30)
-----DD: Madison Rachel (1)
----DS: Matthew Joseph (23)
--DD: Deborah Janice (50)
---DH: David Steven (51)
---DD: Kimberly Lauren (19)
---DS: Kyle Daniel (17)
--DS: Norman Charles (48)
---DD: Barbara Janet (52)
---DS: Christopher Nicholas (21)
--DD: Lisa Angela (deceased)
--DD: Donna Lori (45)
DW: Sarah Elizabeth (97)
DS: James Albert (77)
--DW: Frances Elizabeth (76)
--DD: Susan Janet (49)
---DH: William Robert (50)
---DS: Joshua Timothy (22)
---DS: Justin Mark (16)
DD: Mary Lois (75)
--DH: Norman Charles (deceased)
--DD: Patricia Linda (54)
---DH: Michael James (54)
---DD: Melissa Laura (30)
-----DH: Jason David (30)
-----DD: Madison Rachel (1)
----DS: Matthew Joseph (23)
--DD: Deborah Janice (50)
---DH: David Steven (51)
---DD: Kimberly Lauren (19)
---DS: Kyle Daniel (17)
--DS: Norman Charles (48)
---DD: Barbara Janet (52)
---DS: Christopher Nicholas (21)
--DD: Lisa Angela (deceased)
--DD: Donna Lori (45)
DH: John Alexander (deceased)
DW: Sara Elisabeth (97)
DS: Jude Austin (77)
--DW: Faith Evangelia (76)
--DD: Samantha Jasmine (49)
---DH: Wyatt Roman (50)
---DS: Jacob Thomas (22)
---DS: James Michael (16)
DD: Maria Lynne (75)
--DH: Nicholas Caleb "Nick" (deceased)
--DD: Payton Leah (54)
---DH: Maxwell James "Max" (54)
---DD: Monica Lillian (30)
-----DH: Jacob Dylan (30)
-----DD: Madeleine Rose (1)
----DS: Michael Joseph (23)
--DD: Daniela Jaclyn (50)
---DH: Deacon Samuel (51)
---DD: Kathryn Lily "Kate" (19)
---DS: Kyle Dylan (17)
--DS: Nathan Conner (48)
---DD: Brooklyn Josette (52)
---DS: Cade Nicholas (21)
--DD: Lacie Alexandra (deceased)
--DD: Delaney Lauren "Laine" (45)
---DH: Travis Kyle "Trav" (54)
---DD: Allison Leila "Allie" (16)
---DS: Trevor Kyle "Trev" (14)
---DD: Michaela Marie (11)
---DS: Spencer Isaac "Spence" (9)
---DS: Preston Nicholas (6)
DS: William Edward "Will" (68)
--DW: Ava Michelle (58)
--DS: William Evan "Liam" (38)
---DW: Julie Alexandra (35)
---DD: Ariella Madelyn (9)
---DS: Benjamin Edward "Ben" (7)
DW: Sara Elisabeth (97)
DS: Jude Austin (77)
--DW: Faith Evangelia (76)
--DD: Samantha Jasmine (49)
---DH: Wyatt Roman (50)
---DS: Jacob Thomas (22)
---DS: James Michael (16)
DD: Maria Lynne (75)
--DH: Nicholas Caleb "Nick" (deceased)
--DD: Payton Leah (54)
---DH: Maxwell James "Max" (54)
---DD: Monica Lillian (30)
-----DH: Jacob Dylan (30)
-----DD: Madeleine Rose (1)
----DS: Michael Joseph (23)
--DD: Daniela Jaclyn (50)
---DH: Deacon Samuel (51)
---DD: Kathryn Lily "Kate" (19)
---DS: Kyle Dylan (17)
--DS: Nathan Conner (48)
---DD: Brooklyn Josette (52)
---DS: Cade Nicholas (21)
--DD: Lacie Alexandra (deceased)
--DD: Delaney Lauren "Laine" (45)
---DH: Travis Kyle "Trav" (54)
---DD: Allison Leila "Allie" (16)
---DS: Trevor Kyle "Trev" (14)
---DD: Michaela Marie (11)
---DS: Spencer Isaac "Spence" (9)
---DS: Preston Nicholas (6)
DS: William Edward "Will" (68)
--DW: Ava Michelle (58)
--DS: William Evan "Liam" (38)
---DW: Julie Alexandra (35)
---DD: Ariella Madelyn (9)
---DS: Benjamin Edward "Ben" (7)
DH: Jed Alexander (deceased)
DW: Stella Elizabeth (97)
DS: Joseph Alexander (77)
--DW: Felicity Emma (76)
--DD: Sarah Jane (49)
---DH: Wyatt Richard (50)
---DS: Jason Thomas (22)
---DS: Joshua Matthew (16)
DD: Mary Lucille (75)
--DH: Noah Charlie (deceased)
--DD: Phoebe Lillian (54)
---DH: Michael Jude (54)
---DD: Martha Lillian (30)
-----DH: Jack David (30)
-----DD: Mia Rose (1)
----DS: Mason Jude (23)
--DD: Daisy Joanna (50)
---DH: Dexter Simon (51)
---DD: Kimberley Laura (19)
---DS: Kyle Dylan (17)
--DS: Nathaniel Caleb (48)
---DD: Bonnie Jean (52)
---DS: Christian Noah (21)
--DD: Lucy Annabelle (deceased)
--DD: Demelza Lois (45)
---DH: Terence Kent (54)
DW: Stella Elizabeth (97)
DS: Joseph Alexander (77)
--DW: Felicity Emma (76)
--DD: Sarah Jane (49)
---DH: Wyatt Richard (50)
---DS: Jason Thomas (22)
---DS: Joshua Matthew (16)
DD: Mary Lucille (75)
--DH: Noah Charlie (deceased)
--DD: Phoebe Lillian (54)
---DH: Michael Jude (54)
---DD: Martha Lillian (30)
-----DH: Jack David (30)
-----DD: Mia Rose (1)
----DS: Mason Jude (23)
--DD: Daisy Joanna (50)
---DH: Dexter Simon (51)
---DD: Kimberley Laura (19)
---DS: Kyle Dylan (17)
--DS: Nathaniel Caleb (48)
---DD: Bonnie Jean (52)
---DS: Christian Noah (21)
--DD: Lucy Annabelle (deceased)
--DD: Demelza Lois (45)
---DH: Terence Kent (54)
DH: James Andrew 'James' (deceased)
DW: Susannah Elizabeth 'Susie' (97)
DS: James Andrew 'Jim' (77)
--DW: Faith Eleanor 'Faith' (76)
--DD: Susannah Jamie 'Annie' (49)
---DH: Weston Reece 'West' (50)
---DS: James Thomas (22)
---DS: John Matthew (16)
DD: Mary Lucinda 'Mary' (75)
--DH: Nicholas Calvin 'Nic' (deceased)
--DD: Phillipa Lucinda 'Pip' (54)
---DH: Moses Joshua 'Moses' (54)
---DD: Maryanne Lucinda 'Maryanne' (30)
-----DH: Jaden Daniel 'Jade' (30)
-----DD: May Rhiannon 'May' (1)
----DS: Moses Joshua 'Josh' (23)
--DD: Daniella Jane 'Ella' (50)
---DH: Dylan Samuel 'Dylan' (51)
---DD: Kassidy Lucia 'Kassi'(19)
---DS: Kennedy Dylan 'Neddy'(17)
--DS: Nicolas Calvin 'Cai' (48)
---DW: Bonnie Jessica 'Bonnie' (52)
---DS: Calvin Nicolas 'Cal' (21)
--DD: Larissa Amy 'Lissa' (deceased)
--DD: Davina Lois 'Dee' (45)
---DH: Tyler Kevin 'Ty' (54)
---DD: Andrea Lois 'Andy' (16)
---DS: Tyler Kristian 'TK' (14)
---DD: Megan Molly 'Meg' (11)
---DS: Steven Isaac 'Steve' (9)
---DS: Peter Nathanial 'Pete' (6)
DS: William Earnest 'Billy' (68)
--DW: Adeline Milla 'Adi' (58)
--DS: William Earnest 'Will' (38)
---DW: Jody Alexandra 'Jody' (35)
---DD: Adeline Milla 'Ada' (9)
---DS: Benjamin Earnest 'Ben'(7)
DW: Susannah Elizabeth 'Susie' (97)
DS: James Andrew 'Jim' (77)
--DW: Faith Eleanor 'Faith' (76)
--DD: Susannah Jamie 'Annie' (49)
---DH: Weston Reece 'West' (50)
---DS: James Thomas (22)
---DS: John Matthew (16)
DD: Mary Lucinda 'Mary' (75)
--DH: Nicholas Calvin 'Nic' (deceased)
--DD: Phillipa Lucinda 'Pip' (54)
---DH: Moses Joshua 'Moses' (54)
---DD: Maryanne Lucinda 'Maryanne' (30)
-----DH: Jaden Daniel 'Jade' (30)
-----DD: May Rhiannon 'May' (1)
----DS: Moses Joshua 'Josh' (23)
--DD: Daniella Jane 'Ella' (50)
---DH: Dylan Samuel 'Dylan' (51)
---DD: Kassidy Lucia 'Kassi'(19)
---DS: Kennedy Dylan 'Neddy'(17)
--DS: Nicolas Calvin 'Cai' (48)
---DW: Bonnie Jessica 'Bonnie' (52)
---DS: Calvin Nicolas 'Cal' (21)
--DD: Larissa Amy 'Lissa' (deceased)
--DD: Davina Lois 'Dee' (45)
---DH: Tyler Kevin 'Ty' (54)
---DD: Andrea Lois 'Andy' (16)
---DS: Tyler Kristian 'TK' (14)
---DD: Megan Molly 'Meg' (11)
---DS: Steven Isaac 'Steve' (9)
---DS: Peter Nathanial 'Pete' (6)
DS: William Earnest 'Billy' (68)
--DW: Adeline Milla 'Adi' (58)
--DS: William Earnest 'Will' (38)
---DW: Jody Alexandra 'Jody' (35)
---DD: Adeline Milla 'Ada' (9)
---DS: Benjamin Earnest 'Ben'(7)
DH: John Albert (deceased)
DW: Sara Emily (97)
DS: James Albert (77)
--DW: Francis Edna (76)
--DD: Sandra Jean (49)
---DH: William Roger (50)
---DS: Jack Thomas (22)
---DS: Joseph Michael (16)
DD: Mary Louise (75)
--DH: Nicholas Curtis (deceased)
--DD: Patricia Lorraine (54)
---DH: Michael John (54)
---DD: Maria Lauren (30)
-----DH: Jarred Daniel (30)
-----DD: Mackenzie Rachel (1)
----DS: Mitchell Jackson (23)
--DD: Donna Joelle (50)
---DH: Daniel Steven (51)
---DD: Katherine Leigh "Katy" (19)
---DS: Keegan Davis (17)
--DS: Noah Christopher (48)
---DD: Barbara Jean (52)
---DS: Cole Nathan (21)
--DD: Lee Anne (deceased)
--DD: Denise Lora (45)
DW: Sara Emily (97)
DS: James Albert (77)
--DW: Francis Edna (76)
--DD: Sandra Jean (49)
---DH: William Roger (50)
---DS: Jack Thomas (22)
---DS: Joseph Michael (16)
DD: Mary Louise (75)
--DH: Nicholas Curtis (deceased)
--DD: Patricia Lorraine (54)
---DH: Michael John (54)
---DD: Maria Lauren (30)
-----DH: Jarred Daniel (30)
-----DD: Mackenzie Rachel (1)
----DS: Mitchell Jackson (23)
--DD: Donna Joelle (50)
---DH: Daniel Steven (51)
---DD: Katherine Leigh "Katy" (19)
---DS: Keegan Davis (17)
--DS: Noah Christopher (48)
---DD: Barbara Jean (52)
---DS: Cole Nathan (21)
--DD: Lee Anne (deceased)
--DD: Denise Lora (45)
DH: Judah Abraham (deceased)
DW: Sarai Elisheba (97)
DS: Josiah Aaron "Joe" (77)
--DW: Frances Eleanor "Francie" (76)
--DD: Sally Judith (49)
---DH: William Reuben "Bill" (50)
---DS: Jared Timothy (22)
---DS: Julian Matthew (16)
DD: Miriam Lydia "Mimi" (75)
--DH: Noel Curtis (deceased)
--DD: Patricia Louise "Pat" (54)
---DH: Mark Jeffrey (54)
---DD: Melissa Loretta (30)
-----DH: Jeremy Dominic (30)
-----DD: Monica Renae (1)
----DS: Mason Jesse (23)
--DD: Diana Jeanette (50)
---DH: Dean Stephen (51)
---DD: Keavy Lynn (19)
---DS: Kieran Dane (17)
--DS: Neil Craig (48)
---DD: Becky Janice (52)
---DS: Cody Nicholas (21)
--DD: Lori Anne (deceased)
DW: Sarai Elisheba (97)
DS: Josiah Aaron "Joe" (77)
--DW: Frances Eleanor "Francie" (76)
--DD: Sally Judith (49)
---DH: William Reuben "Bill" (50)
---DS: Jared Timothy (22)
---DS: Julian Matthew (16)
DD: Miriam Lydia "Mimi" (75)
--DH: Noel Curtis (deceased)
--DD: Patricia Louise "Pat" (54)
---DH: Mark Jeffrey (54)
---DD: Melissa Loretta (30)
-----DH: Jeremy Dominic (30)
-----DD: Monica Renae (1)
----DS: Mason Jesse (23)
--DD: Diana Jeanette (50)
---DH: Dean Stephen (51)
---DD: Keavy Lynn (19)
---DS: Kieran Dane (17)
--DS: Neil Craig (48)
---DD: Becky Janice (52)
---DS: Cody Nicholas (21)
--DD: Lori Anne (deceased)