Arcadia'a Congrats Round 4
For this round, only the fn needs to come from the list, though, if you'd like to pick your fn and mn(s) from the list, feel free!
Round Four Names
Basil, Hyacinth, Sage, Spruce, Rowan, Briar, Birch, Aster, Moon, Jasper, Coyote, Phoenix, Glen, Dale, Day, Sky, Rain, River, Starling,
Juniper, Lavender, Coriander, Amaryllis, Blossom, Posy, Primrose, Dahlia, Fern, Daisy, Myrtle, Iris, Sequoia, Ivy, Marguerite, Violet, Hazel, Rose, Tansy, Magnolia, Clover, Poppy, Sorrel
Round Three Names
Jack, Milo, Miles, Mitchell, Marshall, Easton, Evan, Heath, Ian, Kieran, Nathan, Anders, Andreas, Anton, Anderson, Dannon, Ariel, Lemuel, Kristof, Curtis, Alistair
Gemma, Ellery, Amity, Elodie, Semele, Marian, Octavia, Vivian, Sylvia, Alana, Anya, Arabella, Adrienne, Eliabel, Gavriella, Dulcibel, Ismé, Isadora, Ashby, Samira, Amarantha
Round Two Names
Ditto round four rules for round two
Abiah, Bala, Csaba, Dana, Dakota, Elijah, Ezra, Gianluca, Ikaia, Iliya, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Luca, Micah, Misha, Nehemiah, Obadiah, Tobiah, Sasha, Zachariah
Akiko, Alecto, Consuelo, Dido, Echo, Erato, Etsuko, Indigo, Io, Juno, Kallisto, Kalypso, Kirabo, Leto, Lilo, Loreto, Margot, Marlow, Pirjo, Sisko, Socorro, Vellamo, Willow, Yoko
Round One Names
Aloysius, Anselm, Benedict, Bruno, Casimir, Cyril, Declan, Donato, Edmund, Erasmus, Flavian, Francis, Gavino, Gregory, Hilarion, Hugh, Isadora, Ignatius, Jerome, Junipero, Kentigern, Kevin, Laszlo, Luke, Marmaduke, Michael
Adela, Apollonia, Beatrix, Brigid, Candida, Cecilia, Daria, Dymphna, Elodia, Euphemia, Fabiola, Frances, Guadalupe, Gwenfrewi, Helen, Hildegard, Ide, Iona, Joan, Jovita, Katherine, Kunegunda, Leocadia, Lucilla, Matrona, Monica
DH: Gertrude Skyler Hawley-Smoot
DW: Frank Tyler Hawley-Smoot
DD: Daria Frances Hawley-Smoot
DD: Echo Calypso Hawley-Smoot
DS: Anton Allistair Hawley-Smoot
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Auria Smith
DH: Ferdinand Smith
DD: Frances Adela Smith “Fanny”
DD: Akiko Erato
DS: _ Namesless Wonder _ Smith
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
DW: Reagan Elizabeth Britton
DH: Shawn Robert Britton
DS/DD: Luke Michael Declan Britton / Katherine Cecilia Brigid Britton “Luke & Kate”
DD: Margot Eliza Juliet Britton “Meg”
DD: Anya Adrienne Isadora Britton
DW: Rebecca Simone Horvath
DH: Pierre Jacques Horvath
DS: Aloysius Bruno Ignatius "Allie" Horvath
DS: Misha Emeric Tobiah Horvath
DD: Arabella Elodie Horvath
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
DW: Caroline Porter
DH: Christian Porter
DS: Edmund Gregory Porter
DS: Elijah Jonah Porter “Eli”
DD: Sylvia Vivien Arabella Porter “Sylvie”
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/girl twins!
DW: Casey Chase
DH: Alex Chase
DS: Laszlo Benedict Chase
DD: Echo Juniper Chase
DS: _Namesless Wonder_ Chase
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
Family One – Complete!
DW: Giovanna Elle Strohm
DH: Edmund Truett Strohm
DS: Hugh Edmund Strohm
DD: Margaux Wilhelmine Strohm
DD: Vivian Octavia Strohm
Family Two
DH: Heath Ander Reedholm
DW: Amalia Adelle Reedholm
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Karen Dennis
DH: William Dennis
DD Beatrix Helen Frances Dennis
DD: _Namesless Wonder_ Dennis
DS: _Namesless Wonder_ Dennis
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Chelsea Lauren Benning
DH: Jesse Ryan Benning
DS: Luke Francis Benning
DS: Elijah Tobiah Benning
DD: Ellery Sylvia Benning
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
DW: Juniper Farley
DH: Kiley Farley
DD/DD: Cecilia (Leah) Guadalupe Farley / Apollonia (Apple) Beatrix Farley
DD: Echo Consuelo Farley
DS: _Namesless Wonder_ Farley
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DH: Elizabeth Pascale Roddick
DW: Andrew Stephen Roddick
DS: Aloysius Michael Roddick
DS: Elijah Jeremiah Roddick
DD: Sylvia Adrienne Roddick
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Lissa Kristine
DM: Lissa Kristine Kimstine
DS: Luke Cyril Kimstine
DS: Ezra Dakota Kimstine
DD: Sylvia Elodie Kimstine
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Gwendolyn Love
DH: Conor Love
DD: Monica Cecilia Love
DD: Echo Willow Love
DS: Ian Heath Love
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/boy twins!
DW: Mel Carlisle
DH: Jared Carlisle
DS: Hugh Casimir Carlisle
DS: Jedidiah Misha Carlisle
DD: Isadora Gemma Carlisle
Congratulations on the birth of you boy/girl twins!
DW: Angela Brandt
DH: Leonard Brandt
DS/DD: Francis Hugh Brandt / Adela Matrona Brandt
DS: Jonah Jeremiah Brandt
DS: Heath Mitchell Brandt
Congratulations of the birth of your daughter!
Miss Lissa
DW: Melissa Renee Richter
DH: Drew Christopher Richter
DS: Luke Gregory Richter
DS: Elijah Thomas Richter “Eli”
DD: _Namesless Wonder_ Richter
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Miss Natla
DW: Faith Jolson
DH: Scott Jolson
DD: Beatrix Monica Jolson "Bea"
DS: Nehemiah Jonah Jolson “Nee”
DS: Mitchell Miles Jolson “Mitch”
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/boy twins!
DW: Rachel Colleen Avery
DH: Gideon Amadeus Avery
DS: Kentigern Hugh Avery “Kent”
DD: Kalypso Hannah Avery “Kallie”
DS: Kieran Heath Avery
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Claire Power
DH: Claus Power
DS: Michael Luke Casimir Power
DS: Tobiah Zachariah Power “Toby”
DD: _Nameless Wonder_ Power
Congratulations on the birth of your girl/girl twins!
Sara M.
DW: Danica Jeanne Wright
DH: Theodore Adrian Wright
DD: Apollonia Katherine Wright
DD: Echo Indigo Wright
DS: Dannon Heath Wright
Congratulations on the birth of your girl/girl!
DW: Jola Ayelet Sanbourne
DH: Sterling Kip Sanbourne
DD: Adela Jovita Sanbourne
DD: Indigo Dido Sanbourne
DS: Ariel Anders Sanbourne
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/girl twins!
DW: Amanda Harper
DH: James Harper
DS: Declan Hugh Casimir Harper
DD: _Nameless Wonder_ Harper
DS: _Namesless Wonder_ Harper
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
DW: Hannah Blackwood
DH: Michael Blackwood
DD: Beatrix Daria Blackwood
DS/DS: Luca Misha Blackwood / Sasha Iliya Blackwood
DS: Miles Alistair Blackwood
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Liza Campbell
DH: John Campbell
DD: __Nameless Wonder__ Campbell
DD: _Namesless Wonder_ Campbell
DS: __Nameless Wonder__ Campbell
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
Skye Morgan
DW: Skye Morgan Danes
DH Logan Raymond Danes
DD: Monica Katherine Danes
DD: Willow Isabel Danes
DS: Jack Kieran Danes
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Sophie Scott
DH: Andrew Scott
DS: Benedict Gregory Scott
DS/DD: Tobiah Jonathan Scott “Toby” / Echo Nicola Scott
DD: Alana Gemma Scott
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Calaghan Vincent
DH: Austin Vincent
DS: Hugh Jerome Declan Vincent
DD: Willow Akiko Kalypso Vincent
DS/DS: Miles Alistair Curtis Vincent & Jack Kieran Heath Vincent
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Quinn Azalea Fluke-Whittner
DH: Alexis Evan Fluke-Whittner
DS: Luke Casimir Ignatius Fluke-Whittner
DS: Misha Bridger Sterling Fluke-Wittner
DD/DD: Semele Octavia Eliabel Fluke-Whittner & Amity Gemma Ellery Fluke-Whittner
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
!!!!!!!! Linus George Arthur Roscoe Howard Vaughn Victor Cecil
!!!!!!! Thelma Millie Edith Gertrude Janice Maude Lenore
??????? Eartha Nephele Fiammetta Aeronwy Leland Zephyr Ignatius Bolivar
``` Lily Nesrin Sakura
zz Zygmunt Zabel
3 Remy
Basil, Hyacinth, Sage, Spruce, Rowan, Briar, Birch, Aster, Moon, Jasper, Coyote, Phoenix, Glen, Dale, Day, Sky, Rain, River, Starling,
Juniper, Lavender, Coriander, Amaryllis, Blossom, Posy, Primrose, Dahlia, Fern, Daisy, Myrtle, Iris, Sequoia, Ivy, Marguerite, Violet, Hazel, Rose, Tansy, Magnolia, Clover, Poppy, Sorrel
Round Three Names
Jack, Milo, Miles, Mitchell, Marshall, Easton, Evan, Heath, Ian, Kieran, Nathan, Anders, Andreas, Anton, Anderson, Dannon, Ariel, Lemuel, Kristof, Curtis, Alistair
Gemma, Ellery, Amity, Elodie, Semele, Marian, Octavia, Vivian, Sylvia, Alana, Anya, Arabella, Adrienne, Eliabel, Gavriella, Dulcibel, Ismé, Isadora, Ashby, Samira, Amarantha
Round Two Names
Ditto round four rules for round two
Abiah, Bala, Csaba, Dana, Dakota, Elijah, Ezra, Gianluca, Ikaia, Iliya, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Luca, Micah, Misha, Nehemiah, Obadiah, Tobiah, Sasha, Zachariah
Akiko, Alecto, Consuelo, Dido, Echo, Erato, Etsuko, Indigo, Io, Juno, Kallisto, Kalypso, Kirabo, Leto, Lilo, Loreto, Margot, Marlow, Pirjo, Sisko, Socorro, Vellamo, Willow, Yoko
Round One Names
Aloysius, Anselm, Benedict, Bruno, Casimir, Cyril, Declan, Donato, Edmund, Erasmus, Flavian, Francis, Gavino, Gregory, Hilarion, Hugh, Isadora, Ignatius, Jerome, Junipero, Kentigern, Kevin, Laszlo, Luke, Marmaduke, Michael
Adela, Apollonia, Beatrix, Brigid, Candida, Cecilia, Daria, Dymphna, Elodia, Euphemia, Fabiola, Frances, Guadalupe, Gwenfrewi, Helen, Hildegard, Ide, Iona, Joan, Jovita, Katherine, Kunegunda, Leocadia, Lucilla, Matrona, Monica
DH: Gertrude Skyler Hawley-Smoot
DW: Frank Tyler Hawley-Smoot
DD: Daria Frances Hawley-Smoot
DD: Echo Calypso Hawley-Smoot
DS: Anton Allistair Hawley-Smoot
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Auria Smith
DH: Ferdinand Smith
DD: Frances Adela Smith “Fanny”
DD: Akiko Erato
DS: _ Namesless Wonder _ Smith
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
DW: Reagan Elizabeth Britton
DH: Shawn Robert Britton
DS/DD: Luke Michael Declan Britton / Katherine Cecilia Brigid Britton “Luke & Kate”
DD: Margot Eliza Juliet Britton “Meg”
DD: Anya Adrienne Isadora Britton
DW: Rebecca Simone Horvath
DH: Pierre Jacques Horvath
DS: Aloysius Bruno Ignatius "Allie" Horvath
DS: Misha Emeric Tobiah Horvath
DD: Arabella Elodie Horvath
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
DW: Caroline Porter
DH: Christian Porter
DS: Edmund Gregory Porter
DS: Elijah Jonah Porter “Eli”
DD: Sylvia Vivien Arabella Porter “Sylvie”
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/girl twins!
DW: Casey Chase
DH: Alex Chase
DS: Laszlo Benedict Chase
DD: Echo Juniper Chase
DS: _Namesless Wonder_ Chase
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
Family One – Complete!
DW: Giovanna Elle Strohm
DH: Edmund Truett Strohm
DS: Hugh Edmund Strohm
DD: Margaux Wilhelmine Strohm
DD: Vivian Octavia Strohm
Family Two
DH: Heath Ander Reedholm
DW: Amalia Adelle Reedholm
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Karen Dennis
DH: William Dennis
DD Beatrix Helen Frances Dennis
DD: _Namesless Wonder_ Dennis
DS: _Namesless Wonder_ Dennis
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Chelsea Lauren Benning
DH: Jesse Ryan Benning
DS: Luke Francis Benning
DS: Elijah Tobiah Benning
DD: Ellery Sylvia Benning
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
DW: Juniper Farley
DH: Kiley Farley
DD/DD: Cecilia (Leah) Guadalupe Farley / Apollonia (Apple) Beatrix Farley
DD: Echo Consuelo Farley
DS: _Namesless Wonder_ Farley
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DH: Elizabeth Pascale Roddick
DW: Andrew Stephen Roddick
DS: Aloysius Michael Roddick
DS: Elijah Jeremiah Roddick
DD: Sylvia Adrienne Roddick
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Lissa Kristine
DM: Lissa Kristine Kimstine
DS: Luke Cyril Kimstine
DS: Ezra Dakota Kimstine
DD: Sylvia Elodie Kimstine
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Gwendolyn Love
DH: Conor Love
DD: Monica Cecilia Love
DD: Echo Willow Love
DS: Ian Heath Love
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/boy twins!
DW: Mel Carlisle
DH: Jared Carlisle
DS: Hugh Casimir Carlisle
DS: Jedidiah Misha Carlisle
DD: Isadora Gemma Carlisle
Congratulations on the birth of you boy/girl twins!
DW: Angela Brandt
DH: Leonard Brandt
DS/DD: Francis Hugh Brandt / Adela Matrona Brandt
DS: Jonah Jeremiah Brandt
DS: Heath Mitchell Brandt
Congratulations of the birth of your daughter!
Miss Lissa
DW: Melissa Renee Richter
DH: Drew Christopher Richter
DS: Luke Gregory Richter
DS: Elijah Thomas Richter “Eli”
DD: _Namesless Wonder_ Richter
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Miss Natla
DW: Faith Jolson
DH: Scott Jolson
DD: Beatrix Monica Jolson "Bea"
DS: Nehemiah Jonah Jolson “Nee”
DS: Mitchell Miles Jolson “Mitch”
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/boy twins!
DW: Rachel Colleen Avery
DH: Gideon Amadeus Avery
DS: Kentigern Hugh Avery “Kent”
DD: Kalypso Hannah Avery “Kallie”
DS: Kieran Heath Avery
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Claire Power
DH: Claus Power
DS: Michael Luke Casimir Power
DS: Tobiah Zachariah Power “Toby”
DD: _Nameless Wonder_ Power
Congratulations on the birth of your girl/girl twins!
Sara M.
DW: Danica Jeanne Wright
DH: Theodore Adrian Wright
DD: Apollonia Katherine Wright
DD: Echo Indigo Wright
DS: Dannon Heath Wright
Congratulations on the birth of your girl/girl!
DW: Jola Ayelet Sanbourne
DH: Sterling Kip Sanbourne
DD: Adela Jovita Sanbourne
DD: Indigo Dido Sanbourne
DS: Ariel Anders Sanbourne
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/girl twins!
DW: Amanda Harper
DH: James Harper
DS: Declan Hugh Casimir Harper
DD: _Nameless Wonder_ Harper
DS: _Namesless Wonder_ Harper
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
DW: Hannah Blackwood
DH: Michael Blackwood
DD: Beatrix Daria Blackwood
DS/DS: Luca Misha Blackwood / Sasha Iliya Blackwood
DS: Miles Alistair Blackwood
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Liza Campbell
DH: John Campbell
DD: __Nameless Wonder__ Campbell
DD: _Namesless Wonder_ Campbell
DS: __Nameless Wonder__ Campbell
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
Skye Morgan
DW: Skye Morgan Danes
DH Logan Raymond Danes
DD: Monica Katherine Danes
DD: Willow Isabel Danes
DS: Jack Kieran Danes
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Sophie Scott
DH: Andrew Scott
DS: Benedict Gregory Scott
DS/DD: Tobiah Jonathan Scott “Toby” / Echo Nicola Scott
DD: Alana Gemma Scott
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Calaghan Vincent
DH: Austin Vincent
DS: Hugh Jerome Declan Vincent
DD: Willow Akiko Kalypso Vincent
DS/DS: Miles Alistair Curtis Vincent & Jack Kieran Heath Vincent
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
DW: Quinn Azalea Fluke-Whittner
DH: Alexis Evan Fluke-Whittner
DS: Luke Casimir Ignatius Fluke-Whittner
DS: Misha Bridger Sterling Fluke-Wittner
DD/DD: Semele Octavia Eliabel Fluke-Whittner & Amity Gemma Ellery Fluke-Whittner
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
!!!!!!!! Linus George Arthur Roscoe Howard Vaughn Victor Cecil
!!!!!!! Thelma Millie Edith Gertrude Janice Maude Lenore
??????? Eartha Nephele Fiammetta Aeronwy Leland Zephyr Ignatius Bolivar
``` Lily Nesrin Sakura
zz Zygmunt Zabel
3 Remy
This message was edited 7/5/2005, 6:56 PM
This is what mine says...which one do you want me to go with?
DW: Jola Ayelet Sanbourne
DH: Sterling Kip Sanbourne
DD: Adela Jovita Sanbourne
DD: Indigo Dido Sanbourne
DS: Ariel Anders Sanbourne
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/girl twins!

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
This is what mine says...which one do you want me to go with?
DW: Jola Ayelet Sanbourne
DH: Sterling Kip Sanbourne
DD: Adela Jovita Sanbourne
DD: Indigo Dido Sanbourne
DS: Ariel Anders Sanbourne
Congratulations on the birth of your boy/girl twins!

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
LOL... another mistake on my part...
go with DS/DD. sorry about the confusion.
!!!!!!!! Linus George Arthur Roscoe Howard Vaughn Victor Cecil
!!!!!!! Thelma Millie Edith Gertrude Janice Maude Lenore
??????? Eartha Nephele Fiammetta Aeronwy Leland Zephyr Ignatius Bolivar
``` Lily Nesrin Sakura
zz Zygmunt Zabel
3 Remy
go with DS/DD. sorry about the confusion.
!!!!!!!! Linus George Arthur Roscoe Howard Vaughn Victor Cecil
!!!!!!! Thelma Millie Edith Gertrude Janice Maude Lenore
??????? Eartha Nephele Fiammetta Aeronwy Leland Zephyr Ignatius Bolivar
``` Lily Nesrin Sakura
zz Zygmunt Zabel
3 Remy
No problem.
I just made me laugh.
LN: Sanbourne
DW: Jola Ayelet
DH: Sterling Kip
DD: Adela Jovita
DD: Indigo Dido
DS: Ariel Anders
DS/DD: Jasper Phoenix and Hazel Sorrel
(I liked your names too much to pass them up!)
Today is my BtN birthday!

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
I just made me laugh.
LN: Sanbourne
DW: Jola Ayelet
DH: Sterling Kip
DD: Adela Jovita
DD: Indigo Dido
DS: Ariel Anders
DS/DD: Jasper Phoenix and Hazel Sorrel
(I liked your names too much to pass them up!)

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
This message was edited 7/6/2005, 1:00 PM
DH: Gertrude Skyler Hawley-Smoot
DW: Frank Tyler Hawley-Smoot
DD: Daria Frances Hawley-Smoot
DD: Echo Calypso Hawley-Smoot
DS: Anton Alistair Hawley-Smoot
DD: Clover Dahlia Hawley-Smoot
"What are these parents thinking?...Let's name her Madison--she'll live in her own world: 16 square miles surrounded by reality." -- Susan Lampert Smith
DW: Frank Tyler Hawley-Smoot
DD: Daria Frances Hawley-Smoot
DD: Echo Calypso Hawley-Smoot
DS: Anton Alistair Hawley-Smoot
DD: Clover Dahlia Hawley-Smoot
...Faith and Scott Jolson...
...along with Bea, Nee & Mitch Jolson...
...would like to announce the arrival of...
...Starling Jasper Plumstone & River Basil Plumstone...
...born at 10:33pm (Starling) & 10:54pm (River) on the 17th July...
...weighing 5lbs 2oz (Starling) & 5lbs (River)....
DW: Quinn Azalea Fluke-Whittner
DH: Alexis Evan Fluke-Whittner
DS: Luke Casimir Ignatius Fluke-Whittner
DS: Misha Bridger Sterling Fluke-Wittner
DD/DD: Semele Octavia Eliabel Fluke-Whittner & Amity Gemma Ellery Fluke-Whittner
DS: Phoenix Moon Hyacinth
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site:
Pillar rocks!
Phoebe: I need your help.
Cole: You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
DW: Quinn Azalea Fluke-Whittner
DH: Alexis Evan Fluke-Whittner
DS: Luke Casimir Ignatius Fluke-Whittner
DS: Misha Bridger Sterling Fluke-Wittner
DD/DD: Semele Octavia Eliabel Fluke-Whittner & Amity Gemma Ellery Fluke-Whittner
DS: Phoenix Moon Hyacinth
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site:
Pillar rocks!
Phoebe: I need your help.
Cole: You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
DW: Angela Brandt
DH: Leonard Brandt
DS/DD: Francis Hugh Brandt / Adela Matrona Brandt
DS: Jonah Jeremiah Brandt
DS: Heath Mitchell Brandt
DD: Marguerite Leona Brandt
The Brandt's are pleased to announce the birth of their 5th child and second daughter, Marguerite Leona Brandt.
"Sookie: What kind of name is 'Igby'?
Igby: The kind of name that someone named 'Sookie' is in no position to question."
Igby Goes Down.
DW: Angela Brandt
DH: Leonard Brandt
DS/DD: Francis Hugh Brandt / Adela Matrona Brandt
DS: Jonah Jeremiah Brandt
DS: Heath Mitchell Brandt
DD: Marguerite Leona Brandt
The Brandt's are pleased to announce the birth of their 5th child and second daughter, Marguerite Leona Brandt.
"Sookie: What kind of name is 'Igby'?
Igby: The kind of name that someone named 'Sookie' is in no position to question."
Igby Goes Down.
This message was edited 7/5/2005, 11:54 PM
Proud parents Casey and Alex along with adoring siblings Laszlo, Echo and Miles are pleased to introduce their new beautiful baby girl, Lavender Primrose. Lavender was born on August 21 at 5:52pm in Santa Augusta Hospital. She weighs 11lb 2oz and is 23 inches long.
DW: Casey Chase
DH: Alex Chase
DS: Laszlo Benedict Chase
DD: Echo Juniper Chase
DS: Miles Anton Chase
DD: Lavender Primrose
DW: Casey Chase
DH: Alex Chase
DS: Laszlo Benedict Chase
DD: Echo Juniper Chase
DS: Miles Anton Chase
DD: Lavender Primrose
Sorry! It should say daughter! I will edit...
made you look
!!!!!!!! Linus George Arthur Roscoe Howard Vaughn Victor Cecil
!!!!!!! Thelma Millie Edith Gertrude Janice Maude Lenore
??????? Eartha Nephele Fiammetta Aeronwy Leland Zephyr Ignatius Bolivar
``` Lily Nesrin Sakura
zz Zygmunt Zabel
3 Remy
made you look
!!!!!!!! Linus George Arthur Roscoe Howard Vaughn Victor Cecil
!!!!!!! Thelma Millie Edith Gertrude Janice Maude Lenore
??????? Eartha Nephele Fiammetta Aeronwy Leland Zephyr Ignatius Bolivar
``` Lily Nesrin Sakura
zz Zygmunt Zabel
3 Remy