Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)
in reply to a message by Casey
Augustus has finally graduated Gymnasium. I'm so proud of him. In Autumn he'll be attending the University of Heidelberg. He wants to study languages just like his Mutti. I was alittle nervous abour him going away, but it's not so far away. Thelonius is doing good at school, but he's excelling at history. He just loves it, his favouriote is the ancient history. But that's not the only news. I've been wanting more children, but I was so busy with Augustus & Thelonius that I've never managed to increase our family. I'm happy to announce that I've become a foster mother. I'm hoping to adopt, but I'm happy with this right now. Right now I'm the foster mother to twin 13 year old girls named Hermione Jill & Georgia Beth. I'm so use to boys, i hope I can remember what it was like to be a 13yo girl. They are very sweet girls who seem as attached to us as we are to them. They are completely identical, fortunately thier personalities are so different or I wouldn't be able to tell tham apart. They're small for their age w/ red hair and green eyes. Hermione is the more studious one. She gets along really well with Augustus when he comes for a visit, which is often. She has a bit of a cruch on him I think. Georgia is such a free-spirit, she prefers to be alone ot with Kitty & Wolf. At first I thought this was because she was scared of us, but she always seems so happy that I don't think that's so. I hpe you can come by & meet them soon
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Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)  ·  Casey  ·  12/5/2004, 9:02 PM
Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)  ·  Laura  ·  12/7/2004, 12:11 PM
Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)  ·  Elle  ·  12/6/2004, 8:39 PM
Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)  ·  Hannah  ·  12/6/2004, 2:46 PM
Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)  ·  Emily  ·  12/6/2004, 1:19 PM
Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)  ·  Chelsea  ·  12/6/2004, 6:42 AM
Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)  ·  gwenhwyfar1975  ·  12/6/2004, 10:00 AM