Re: Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)
in reply to a message by Chelsea
My my since my last letter so much has happened withthe family.
Benjamin Thomas and Johnathan Logan have graduated high school and are in their second years of college. Ben went to NYU, he has always wanted to see where he come from. He has majored in medicine and plans to be an Oncology specialist. Boy is he going to be busy. Ben comes home every 2months for a weekend and we go up there on the off month so it is not too bad. Johnathan went throught the Army for his college money and is attending Notre Dame and after he graduates he will serve 4yrs in the army and wants to wind up in the JAG unit. My how they do grow dont they!! Jon has a wonderful girlfriend who stays with us while he is away and they plan to mary after he graduates college. Ben is not dating right now he says he needs to focus on school.
Hermione Prudence and Amelia June have graduated high school also and are making plans now to attend University of North Texas for different reasons though. Amelia has decided to be a teacher and she is majoring in Physics. Hermione is a music major and has accepted a offer from the Manhattan Orchrestra after completion of her college years. She also carrying another major in performing arts... she is going to be very busy young lady.
Bryce Taylor well he surprised us all and graduated almost a full 2yrs early from high school and gave his live to Misistry of God. He plans on being in a Missions group so that led him to go to first Dallas Baptist University which he has 1 semester left there and then he plans to go to The Cove which is part of Billy Grahams organization and from there he will go abroad helping with Missions!!!!
My twins Gwendolyn Mae and Garrett Matthew are in their snd year of high school and doing very well. Garrett is the Varsity football quarter back and is in all honor classes and is also in Drama Club. Gwen is putting her sights to research so she has loaded her class schedule with as much science and math as she can. She started a charter of S.A.D.D.(students against drinking and driving) and D.A.R.E. with the local authorities help. I could not be more proud of my family.
Our last one in the bunch Elizabeth Pearl well she is a freshman this year and scared to go to high school. She is not really into school all that much and still has proplems in the area of reading and so forth. We have had our hands full with her since her parents passed. We have decided to put her in a private school and asked the school to focus her on sports. She loves where she is and has taken a keen interest in the equestrian department. She has said she wants to be a horse trainer and vet.
Boy what a life and I would not change it for the world!!! hope to see you all at the family reunion in May.
love the Arthurs and Thurstins
Hermione, Amelia,Bryce, Benjamin, Johnathan, Elizabeth, Gwendolyn and Garrett and Mom and Dad
Benjamin Thomas and Johnathan Logan have graduated high school and are in their second years of college. Ben went to NYU, he has always wanted to see where he come from. He has majored in medicine and plans to be an Oncology specialist. Boy is he going to be busy. Ben comes home every 2months for a weekend and we go up there on the off month so it is not too bad. Johnathan went throught the Army for his college money and is attending Notre Dame and after he graduates he will serve 4yrs in the army and wants to wind up in the JAG unit. My how they do grow dont they!! Jon has a wonderful girlfriend who stays with us while he is away and they plan to mary after he graduates college. Ben is not dating right now he says he needs to focus on school.
Hermione Prudence and Amelia June have graduated high school also and are making plans now to attend University of North Texas for different reasons though. Amelia has decided to be a teacher and she is majoring in Physics. Hermione is a music major and has accepted a offer from the Manhattan Orchrestra after completion of her college years. She also carrying another major in performing arts... she is going to be very busy young lady.
Bryce Taylor well he surprised us all and graduated almost a full 2yrs early from high school and gave his live to Misistry of God. He plans on being in a Missions group so that led him to go to first Dallas Baptist University which he has 1 semester left there and then he plans to go to The Cove which is part of Billy Grahams organization and from there he will go abroad helping with Missions!!!!
My twins Gwendolyn Mae and Garrett Matthew are in their snd year of high school and doing very well. Garrett is the Varsity football quarter back and is in all honor classes and is also in Drama Club. Gwen is putting her sights to research so she has loaded her class schedule with as much science and math as she can. She started a charter of S.A.D.D.(students against drinking and driving) and D.A.R.E. with the local authorities help. I could not be more proud of my family.
Our last one in the bunch Elizabeth Pearl well she is a freshman this year and scared to go to high school. She is not really into school all that much and still has proplems in the area of reading and so forth. We have had our hands full with her since her parents passed. We have decided to put her in a private school and asked the school to focus her on sports. She loves where she is and has taken a keen interest in the equestrian department. She has said she wants to be a horse trainer and vet.
Boy what a life and I would not change it for the world!!! hope to see you all at the family reunion in May.
love the Arthurs and Thurstins
Hermione, Amelia,Bryce, Benjamin, Johnathan, Elizabeth, Gwendolyn and Garrett and Mom and Dad