Making a Family - Step 7 (Last Step)
Flash forward to the future:At least your oldest child(ren) have graduated high school and moved out. Detail their lives (career, aspirations, family, etc). Just as everyone thought your child rearing days were coming to an end, either one of your children has asked you to help take care of their child(ren) while they work/go to school or you decide to become a foster parent.
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Home seems so quiet now that Ben has moved out. He just started at university in Leeds, reading English and then hopefully following in my footsteps to be a journalist. When he didn't get into Oxford he was a little disappointed, but I told him that it wasn't the end of the world even though I went through the same thing. Also it helped him move on from his ex-girlfriend after she messed him about so much. Now we only have our 'baby' Dylan left - I can't believe he's doing his GCSEs already! He's doing so well though, especially in maths and history, and he's been predicted a double A* in his science exams because he got full marks for his coursework.Oh and just when I thought my days as a mum were over, now I've got to play grandma! Maisie and her fiancé Jack just had a beautiful baby girl, Tessa Katherine. But because Maisie's got to go to bar school (the radiographer idea didn't last long, she's training to become a barrister now) she asked me to take care of Tess whilst she's studying. Somehow, cheesy as this sounds, I feel like I've come full circle. Just as I let one of my kids go, I have another one to start over with.Much love from a very happyLaura, Tom, Ben, Dylan, Maisie, Jack and Tessa
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Augustus has finally graduated Gymnasium. I'm so proud of him. In Autumn he'll be attending the University of Heidelberg. He wants to study languages just like his Mutti. I was alittle nervous abour him going away, but it's not so far away. Thelonius is doing good at school, but he's excelling at history. He just loves it, his favouriote is the ancient history. But that's not the only news. I've been wanting more children, but I was so busy with Augustus & Thelonius that I've never managed to increase our family. I'm happy to announce that I've become a foster mother. I'm hoping to adopt, but I'm happy with this right now. Right now I'm the foster mother to twin 13 year old girls named Hermione Jill & Georgia Beth. I'm so use to boys, i hope I can remember what it was like to be a 13yo girl. They are very sweet girls who seem as attached to us as we are to them. They are completely identical, fortunately thier personalities are so different or I wouldn't be able to tell tham apart. They're small for their age w/ red hair and green eyes. Hermione is the more studious one. She gets along really well with Augustus when he comes for a visit, which is often. She has a bit of a cruch on him I think. Georgia is such a free-spirit, she prefers to be alone ot with Kitty & Wolf. At first I thought this was because she was scared of us, but she always seems so happy that I don't think that's so. I hpe you can come by & meet them soon
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Dear friends and family,Jake, Amalia, Bella, and Gabe are all much older now. (33, 28, 28, and 24.) Jake has become a successful lawyer who specializes in murder cases. We hope this has nothing to do with his parent's deaths. Amalia is an aspiring astronomer. (We knew it!) As for Bella, she's an accomplished concert pianist. Gabe is currently in medical school, specializing in pediatrics. We could not be happier with our children. Yet just as we thought we were done with children, Jake's wife Valeria delivered a beautiful boy named Antonio Tyler. (Antonio after Valeria's great-uncle, and Tyler after Jake's father.) Although they are each taking a few months off of work, and Valeria has decided to work part-time, they have decided that we should each take a day to babysit for young Tony. So our child-rearing career will last a few more years...Love,
Hannah and Chris
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Emily and Kiran
Daphne, 30
Violet, 27My daughter Daphne is now a mother (and I a grandmother! to think! to the twins, Henry Roan and Sylvia Jane (2). She and her husband Simon (you remember Simon Vreeland? we went on vacation to Hawaii with his family when Daph was 14. They've been inseperable ever since) are both going back to work and asking me to take care of them after their 9 am - noon preschool. I am thrilled. Henry and Sylvia are just amazing children. Daphne is an art curator for the MoMa and Simon is a psychologist. Violet, my littlest one, is a supreme celloist for the orchestra in the London Ballet. She lives in London with her dancer husband, Soren, and their son Willem (1). Kiran and I visit Vi and Soren a few times a year to visit with our sweet Will. Nana Lida and Grampa George are still going strong. They moved into a retirement home when Violet graduated from high school. They stay part of the year in our vacation home in Hawaii. My parents are doing wonderfully also. They moved to Nova Scotia when Daphne turned 21, their lifelong dream. They also visit our Hawaiian home for a little sun and relaxation. Things are going great. I could not be happier.
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My goodness how time flies! Grace is 21 now and in her senior year of college. She and her boyfriend Joshua got engaged this summer and will be married next June after they graduate college. Grace will graduate with her bachelor's in accounting and will become a CPA, while Joshua is going to be a music teacher like his mom. Sara and I are thrilled that our children have fallen in love with each other. Wyatt and Piper are seniors in high school this year. They will be 18 on Christmas day. Wyatt is going to the same college that Grace is currently attending. Piper is going to beauty school. I always knew she would do that; she has such a talent at doing hair. J.J. and Pacey are 13 and in the 8th grade. Both boys play football and basketball. J.J. is in the school choir and president of middle school student council. Pacey is in the school band and plays in an intramural bowling league for middle school students. They have all grown up so fast, but we will soon be able to remember what having younger children is like. In January, we are becoming foster parents to a set of siblings. Jackson Rhett is only 8, but despite his family problems, he is extremely gifted and skipped ahead to the 4th grade. Maggie Colleen is 6 and in the 1st grade and Laurel Samantha is 2. We know that this will be a challenge, but it is one that we are looking forward to tackling.Love you all,
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My my since my last letter so much has happened withthe family.Benjamin Thomas and Johnathan Logan have graduated high school and are in their second years of college. Ben went to NYU, he has always wanted to see where he come from. He has majored in medicine and plans to be an Oncology specialist. Boy is he going to be busy. Ben comes home every 2months for a weekend and we go up there on the off month so it is not too bad. Johnathan went throught the Army for his college money and is attending Notre Dame and after he graduates he will serve 4yrs in the army and wants to wind up in the JAG unit. My how they do grow dont they!! Jon has a wonderful girlfriend who stays with us while he is away and they plan to mary after he graduates college. Ben is not dating right now he says he needs to focus on school.Hermione Prudence and Amelia June have graduated high school also and are making plans now to attend University of North Texas for different reasons though. Amelia has decided to be a teacher and she is majoring in Physics. Hermione is a music major and has accepted a offer from the Manhattan Orchrestra after completion of her college years. She also carrying another major in performing arts... she is going to be very busy young lady.Bryce Taylor well he surprised us all and graduated almost a full 2yrs early from high school and gave his live to Misistry of God. He plans on being in a Missions group so that led him to go to first Dallas Baptist University which he has 1 semester left there and then he plans to go to The Cove which is part of Billy Grahams organization and from there he will go abroad helping with Missions!!!!

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