Ones I like:
AugustusFelixOctavius (prefer
AuroraCassiaFlora -
LOVE this
LiviaLuciaMarianaOctaviaLaelia - it 'looks' quite pretty but I'm totally guessing on pronunciation: LAY-lee-ah or LALE-ee-ah
Ones I think could best work in the "real world" :b ....
Augustus - this might be kind of pushing it, though (I recently saw a baby boy in our hospital named
Augustus and there were a few snickers from my co-workers *rolls eyes*)
Felix - see
AntoniaAuroraCassiaFlaviaFloraLaviniaLiviaLuciaMarianaOctaviaPriscaVestaLaelia*Girls can 'get away with' so much more when it comes to unique and creative names :-/